© 1991 S. Karger AG. Basel 0028 2766/91 0581 -0075S2.75/0

Nephron 1991;58:75-84

Isolation and Characterization of Chicken Mesangial Cells1 Marc J. Sadovnica, Jessica Brand-Elnaggarb, W. Kline Boltonb a Division of Nephrology. Alleghany General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa, and l>Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Va., USA

Key Words. Mesangial cells • Cell culture, chicken • Non-mammalian, cell culture

Introduction Glomerulonephritis in man is associated with prolif­ eration of endogenous glomerular cells and an influx of exogenous inflammatory cells [1. 2]. The resultant histo­ logic lesions consist of variable degrees of glomerular tuft hypercellularity, at times associated with extracapillary proliferation. Anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) disease comprises 5% of all biopsies in patients with glomerulonephritis; however, approximately 25-30% of patients with a more malignant form of glo­ merulonephritis associated with rapidly progressive re­ nal failure (RPGN) have anti-GBM disease [1, 2]. An 1 This work was supported by USPHS grant DK 32530 from the NID D K .and NRSAgrant numbersT32 AM 07156-11 and5T32 HL 07284-10.

additional large subsegment of idiopathic RPGN con­ sists of those patients with minimal or no immune depos­ its, but with identical lesions by light microscopy [3]. Much evidence suggests a role for cell-mediated immu­ nity in many experimental models and in numerous types of glomerulonephritis in man [4, 5]. Unfortunately, few species lend themselves to the study of the role of cellmediated immunity in the pathogenesis of autoimmune glomerulonephritis. The model which most closely ap­ proximates anti-GBM human disease, Steblay nephritis, is induced by immunization of animals with heterologous GBM antigen [6], However, of mammalian species, only sheep and goats develop significant proliferative glomer­ ulonephritis, at times with crescents [6,7], GBM immuni­ zation of mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and monkeys results in either no detectable proliferation within glom­ eruli or variable proliferative changes (monkeys) [8-16].

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Abstract. Experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis (EAG) in chickens appears to be mediated by cellular immunity and is associated with mesangial proliferation. We have developed techniques for the culture of chicken mesangial cells to study factors in vitro which lead to this proliferation. Chicken glomeruli isolated by sieving collagenase-treated whole kidney homogenates were cultured in Waymouth’s medium MB 752/1 supplemented with 20%decomplemented fetal calf serum and 1unit/ml insulin. Propagated cells share the following characteristics with mammalian mesangial cells: stellate and spindle-shaped morphology with an extensive microfilamentous system by light and electron microscopy; resistance to aminonucleoside of puromvein: susceptibility to mitomycin C : growth in L-valine-free medium; absent staining for factor Vlll-related antigen, chicken Tcell and la antigen: positive staining for fibronectin, myosin, a-actinin and desmin, and angiotensin II binding and induction of contraction. Unlike cultured mammalian mesangial cells, chicken mesangial cells avidly phagocytize latex beads and display multilamelIar residual bodies on electron microscopy indicative of phagocytic activity. They differed from fibroblasts which were non-phagocytic, had different growth patterns, fluorescence staining and ultrastructural morphology. To our knowledge, this is the first description of the culture of chicken mesangial cells. This in vitro system should allow further studies of pathogenetic processes involved in the production of EAG with elucidation of mechanisms relevant to human disease.

Sadov n ie /Brand-El nuggar/Bolton

Thus, despite immunization with GBM antigen and the development of antibodies to basement membrane, most mammalian species do not develop a proliferative glo­ merulonephritis. It is therefore difficult to examine the role of cell-mediated immunity in the pathogenesis of autoimmune glomerulonephritis in the absence of a pro­ liferative model in mammals. For these reasons we ex­ plored the development of autoimmune glomerulone­ phritis in chickens. We have reported that experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis (EAG) can be induced in chickens by immunization with GBM antigen [17]. Normal chickens and birds made humorally incompetent through chemical bursectomy, then immunized with glomeruli, develop proliferative glomerulonephritis [18, 19]. Crescents are present in 3-28% of glomeruli depend­ ing on the strain and type of antigen utilized for immuni­ zation. EAG appears unrelated to the presence or ab­ sence of antibody bound in glomeruli and may be trans­ ferred to other chickens by mononuclear cells, but not by antibody [20]. Proliferation of mesangial cells is a major component of the hypercellularity in the glomerulone­ phritis in this model [19, 20], Since cell-mediated immu­ nity appears to be involved in the development of this mesangial hypercellularity in vivo, it would seem appro­ priate to examine the effect of various components of the cellular system in vitro with chicken mesangial cells. Although an extensive literature is available describing culture of mammalian mesangial cells, there is no infor­ mation available about culturing chicken mesangial cells. The purpose of the present report is to describe the methodology and techniques that we have developed to culture chicken mesangial cells and to characterize these cells in culture. Methods Glomerular Isolation Preparations of mammalian glomeruli predominantly free of tubular contamination and capsules may be obtained by passing cortical tissue through a series of graded metal sieves [21]. Several factors complicate the isolation of chicken glomeruli. The avian kidney lacks a well-demarcated cortex separating glomeruli from other renal tissue [20, 22]. Glomeruli are widely distributed in size with diameters ranging from 5 to 20 um (reptilian vs. mammalian), and small glomeruli are comparable in size to proximal tubules. Sieving of chicken kidney results in glomerular preparations heavily contaminated by tubules. In addition, this process fails to strip Bowman's capsule. Unencapsulated glomeruli are required for out­ growth in the chicken, as in other species [23]. To circumvent these difficulties, we explored a variety of techniques. The following procedure results in a preparation of unencapsulated glomeruli more than 80% free of tubular contamination.

Both kidneys are harvested aseptically from a single chicken, stripped of capsule and surrounding non-parenchymal tissue with forceps, then placed in a small tissue blender(Eberbach, Ann Arbor. Mich.) with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to a final volume of 20 ml. Homogenization is carried out in six 15-second bursts separated by 15-second intervals to prevent tissue from over­ heating. The resultant mixture is added to a solution of 80 mg type-1 collagenase (Sigma. St. Louis, Mo.) in 50 ml of PBS which has been sterilized by passage through a 0,2-gm filter. Digestion is allowed to proceed at room temperature for 15 min with vigorous stirring. The resultant slurry is poured on top of four stacked 3-inch metal sieves (Newark Wire Cloth Co., Newark, N.J.) of mesh (upper to lower) No. 25. No. 140, No. 200, and No. 400 (opening size 710,107.74, and 38 gm:. respectively) resting on a beaker to catch the filtrate. Tissue is pressed through the upper sieves using a 25-ml Erlenmeyer flask as a pestle and washing with cold PBS forced from a syringe. Tissue caught on the No. 400 mesh is washed off with 30-40 ml of ice-cold PBS into a beaker and centrifuged at 400 g for 10 min. The supernat­ ant is discarded. Pellets are resuspended in culture medium and pooled. The final preparation consists primarily of unencapsulated glomeruli. Glomerular purity was 85% as previously described [20]. Resuspended glomeruli are distributed among 75-cmJ culture flasks (Costar. Cambridge, Mass.) with 25 ml of medium and placed in a humidified incubator with 5% CO» at 30°C. Glomerular Culture Multiple sera (fetal calf, chicken, goat, lamb) and culture media (Waymouth's MB 752/1, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, minimum essential medium [MEM], RPMI 1640) were investigated. Outgrowth was most rapid with Waymouth’s medium MB 752/1 supplemented with 20% decomplemented fetal calf serum (FC'S), I unit/ml insulin, and antibiotics (standard medium): penicillin 100 units/ml, streptomycin 100 ug/ml, and amphotericin B 0.25 pg/ml (all media components :Gibco. Grand Island. N.Y.). Outgrowth and proliferation were favored by higher serum concentration. FCS proved better than goat serum and both were superior to lamb and chicken sera. Waymouth's medium provided a slight advantage over RPMI. Dulbecco's modified Eagle’s medium, and MEM resulted in poor mesangial cell outgrowth. Outgrowth was observed within 3 days. Neither attachment to substrate nor outgrowth was noted from encapsulated glomeruli or those with tubular or extraglomerular vascular fragments. Medium was changed twice weekly. Confluence of cells surrounding glomer­ uli was noted within 7-14 days. Cells were passaged once using trypsin/EDTA solution (Gibco) at room temperature. The cell su­ spension was then diluted with an equal volume of cold Way­ mouth's MB 752/1 with 20% decomplemented serum to stop enzy­ matic digestion. This mixture was filtered through a No. 500 sieve (pore size 25 pm) to remove glomerular fragments and centrifuged at 400 g for 15 min to pellet the cells. These were resuspended in culture medium and plated at one third preharvest surface density. Cultures have been maintained after successive passage periods up to 6 months. Electron Microscopy Cell cultures at least 3 weeks and two passages old were plated onto glass cover slips which were previously rinsed in 70% ethanol, flame dried, then placed in small Petri dishes (Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y.). After I week in culture, prewarmed 8% gluteraldehyde was added directly to the culture medium to yield a final

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concentration of 3%glutaraldehyde. The cells were fixed for 30 min at 24°C, rinsed twice in Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS; GIBCO), left for 15 min in 2% osmium tetroxide in HBSS at 24°C, rinsed with veronal buffer, left for 15 min in 3% uranyl acetate in veronal buffer, rinsed again with veronal buffer, then serially dehy­ drated through ethanol. After 2 min in 1:1 ethanol :propylene oxide, then 2 min in pure propylene oxide, the coverslip was left in 1:1 propylene oxide:Epon overnight. The coverslip was subsequently drained and covered with Epon-filled Beem capsules for polymeri­ zation. Immunofluorescence Cells were grown on glass coverslips as described above. After 2-7 days in culture, coverslips were fixed in cold acetone (4°C) for 15 min, washed in PBS for 5 min, incubated at room temperature for 45 min with specific primary antibody, rinsed in PBS for 15 min, then incubated for 30 min with fluorescein (FITC) labeled second anti­ body. After 15 min in PBS, coverslips were mounted on glass slides and examined for immunofluorescence. The following primary anti-sera and dilutions were utilized: (a) rabbit anti-human factor Vlll-related antigen (Dako, Santa Barbara, Calif.), 1/41; (b) goat anti-chicken fibronectin (Calbiochetn Biochemicals, San Diego, Calif.), 1/21; (c) rabbit anti-chicken gizzard a-actinin (Miles Scien­ tific, Naperville, 111.), 1/101; (d) rabbit anti-bovine uterus myosin (Miles Scientific), 1/101; (e) T3, a mouse monoclonal lgG t, antibody with affinity for chicken macrophages. T lymphocytes, and erythro­ cytes (kind gift of Dr. Albert Benedict, University of Hawaii. Honol­ ulu), 1/1, and (0 mouse IgM monoclonal antibody to chicken la antigen (kind gift of Dr. Chen Lo Chen, University of Alabama, Birmingham), undiluted, and mouse monoclonal anti-human desmin (Dakopatts. Denmark), 1/20. Second antibodies used were: (a) FITC-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG (Cooperbiomedical, Malvern, Pa.), 1/31: (b) FITC-labeled rabbit anti-goat IgG (Calbiochem Bio­ chemicals), 1/41, and (c) FITC-labeled goat anti-mouse immuno­ globulins (IgG. A, M; Cooperbiomedical), 1/11. Phagocytosis Latex beads (1.09 urn in diameter) in 10% aqueous suspension (Sigma) were added to cultured cells grown on glass coverslips at a concentration of 30 ul/10 ml culture medium. One hour later, coverslips were washed extensively with PBS, fixed 20 min in cold acetone (4°C), then mounted on glass slides. Cells were examined by phase contrast microscopy for phagocytosis. In some experi­ ments we examined the effects of fresh or heat in activated serum and cytochalasin B (Sigma) at I pg/ml. In others, Covasphere FX particles (Covalent Technology Corporation, Ann Arbor, Mich.) were used. They gave similar results to standard latex beads. Growth Chicken mesangial cells, between 1 and 2 months old, were harvested from tissue culture flasks and centrifuged as for passage, then resuspended in standard medium (20% FCS) with the concen­ tration adjusted to 1.5 x 10J cells/ml. Aliquots of 200 pi cell suspen­ sion were distributed in 96-well tissue culture trays (Costar) yielding 3,000 cells/well. Assays for tritiated thymidine uptake by cells exposed to growth factors and controls were run in triplicate. Twenty-four hours after cell plating, standard medium was aspi­ rated and replaced by test or control medium. Tritiated thymidine uptake for 3. 4, 5, and 6 days in experimental medium was deter­ mined by pulsing all wells 24 h prior to harvesting with 2 pCi of


tritiated thymidine (I mCi/ml, 6.7 C'i/mol; ICN Radiochemicals, Irvine, Calif.). Cells were harvested by aspirating medium, washing once with PBS, and adding 200 pi of trypsin/EDTA solution at room tempera­ ture (Gibco). The cells were observed under a microscope until they detached and rounded up. They were then collected onto glass filters (Titertek, available through Flow Laboratories. McLean, Va.) and washed using a cell harvester (Skatron, Sterling, Va.). Tritiated thymidine uptake was measured in cpm using a Beckman LS 230 liquid scintillation counter (Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, Ca­ lif.). In some experiments trypsinized cells were counted manually to confirm that tritiated thymidine uptake correlated with the in­ crease in cell number. Angiotensin II (All) Binding and Induction o f Contraction Second to fourth passage mesangial cells and chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF, see below) were washed with PBS and suspended in standard calcium-containing medium. Cells were incubated at 25°C for 30 min with ,:5I-A1I (2,200 Ci/mmol, NEN Research Products, Boston, Mass.). After washing, the cells were counted and background subtracted. All studies were performed in duplicate with I04 cells/tube. '-5I All was used in final concentrations of 10 7, 10 s, and 10“' M. An excess of unlabeled All (Sigma Chemical Company) w’as used to demonstrate displacement of the l25I-AII. For contraction studies, mesangial cells were rested in calciumand magnesium-free HBSS with 10% FCS. After overnight incuba­ tion in this medium, cells were incubated in H BSS with calcium and magnesium with All added to the final concentration of I nAito I pjV/ [24). Contraction of cells was examined both on standard plastic support and on fibronectin-coated plates. Fields of cells were isolated and photographed prior to addition of All and photo­ graphs then taken at 2- to 5-min intervals thereafter. Contraction studies were conducted at room temperature. Fibroblasts In order to compare chicken mesangial cells to chicken fibro­ blasts, we examined three different types of chicken fibroblasts. The first of these was derived from mincing chicken wattle and then culturing in the same medium used for glomeruli. The second type of chicken fibroblast was obtained commercially from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, Md.,and the third was primary CEF, a gift from Dr. Tom Parsons. The latter were prepared by isolating 9-day-old chick embryos, removing internal organs, limbs and head, then mincing, dispersing cells in trypsin and plating in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle's medium with 10% tryptose phos­ phate broth. These three widely divergent types of chick fibroblasts were chosen to compare to the glomerular outgrowths in terms of characterizing our cells as mesangial rather than fibroblastic. Mesangial cells and chicken fibroblasts were evaluated for their ability to grow in dialyzed medium supplemented with amino acids containing D- or /.-valine as described from mammalian fibroblasts (25). Morphology and growth characteristics of cells were evaluated and tritiated thymidine incorporation by the cells was quantitated. As a known control, 3T3 murine fibroblasts were grown under similar conditions and tritiated thymidine incorporation likewise evaluated. Statistical Analysis Data are presented as the m ean±SEM . Data were analyzed by Student’s t tests.

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Chicken Mesangial Cell Culture



Fig. !. a A large mammalian type chicken glomerulus attached to a plastic dish. Outgrowth of mesangial cells is apparent 3 days after attachment, x 320. b Two small reptilian-type chicken glomeruli have abundant growth of stellate and fusiform cells surrounding them 2 weeks after attachment, x 320.

Results Outgrowth from cultured chicken glomeruli (fig. 1) was noted by the 3rd day. Passaged cells formed conflu­ ent multilayered cultures without evidence of epithelial or endothelial cells which grow as monolayers of poly­ gonal cells [26, 27]. Chicken mesangial cells in culture appear to be a homogeneous cell type with a stellate or

fusiform shape. They grow in interwoven bundles and do not exhibit contact inhibition. Multilayered cells were present by the end of a month with formation of nodular mounds. Few or no cells grew from encapsulated glomer­ uli, and most of these glomeruli failed to attach. Chicken mesangial cells were sensitive to mitomycin C (Sigma) at 10 pg/ml with virtually complete detach­ ment of cells from substrate after 24 h. Adherence and

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Fig. 2. Electron micrograph of a chicken mesangial cell. Dense cyto­ plasmic microfilaments are abund­ antly present (M). These microfila­ ments demonstrate condensation toward the periphery of the cell and form an interlacing/interlocking network within the cellular cyto­ plasm. Multilamellar residual bod­ ies (arrows) are characteristically observed in chicken mesangial cells, x 5,000.

Fig. 3. Chicken mesangial cells demonstrating intense fibrillar immunofluorescence staining for fibronectin. x 320.

morphology were unaffected 96 h after the addition of aminonudeoside of puromycin (Sigma) to a final con­ centration of 100 ug/ml. On electron microscopy, chicken mesangial cells grew in multilayers as elongated cells with oval nuclei. They demonstrated a well-devel­ oped system of microfilaments apparent throughout the cytoplasm (fig. 2). These were most prominent peripher­ ally as parallel structures lying just below the cell mem­ brane. These cells contain moderate amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum and numerous lysosomes. In ad­ dition, multilamellar residual bodies suggesting phago­ cytic activity were observed in chicken mesangial cells. Immunofluorescent staining of chicken mesangial cells was negative for factor Vlll-related antigen, as op­ posed to the granular pattern evident along the vascula­ ture of chicken kidney control. An intense fibrillar pat­ tern of immunofluorescence was present for fibronectin (fig. 3), «-actinin, desmin. and myosin. Immunofluores­ cence with the monoclonal antibody T3, which labels chicken T cells and macrophages, and monoclonal anti­ body directed against chicken la antigen were negative. Chicken mesangial cells avidly phagocytized latex beads (fig. 4). After I h of incubation, essentially 100% of cells had phagocytosed some beads, and uptake was inhibited by cytochalasin B (Sigma) at 1ug/ml. Phagocy­ tosis occurred in standard and serum-free medium, and with both fresh and heated serum. Phagocytic mesangial cells did not demonstrate surface staining for la antigen. Growth curves obtained by plotting tritiated thymi­ dine uptake vs. the number of days in culture medium are shown in figure 5. Curves for Waymouth’s medium with


Fig. 4. Phase contrast micrograph of chicken mesangial cells demonstrating phagocytosis of l-|im latex beads. The mesangial cells are engorged with the uptaken beads and are clearly distin­ guishable from background which contains essentially no beads. Costaining for chicken la antigen on phagocytic cells was negative, x 320.

Fig. 5. Chicken mesangial cell growth curves obtained from 24-hour tritiated thymidine uptake versus days in medium (mean±SEM ).

20,10, 5, and 2.5% FCS do not overlap and show optimal resolution on days 5 and 6. CEF did not display any binding of l25I-AI I at any of the concentrations studied. Mesangial cells did demon­ strate binding of All at each concentration examined. The binding was specific as indicated by displacement of l25I-AII by excess cold All (fig. 6). All-induced contraction was evident by phase mi­ croscopy and consisted of a decrease in cell size, round­ ing up and retraction of cell extensions. Contracted cells

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Chicken Mesangial Cell Culture

Fig. 6. Angiotensin II-binding assay showing specific binding to chicken mesangial cells in culture. Increasing concentrations of l25I-labelled A ll was added to tubes containing 5 x l0 5 chicken mesangial cells in buffer (20 mMTRIS-HCl, 125 m M NaCI, 5 m,V MgCIi, 0.2% BSA) and ACTH 12 pg/ml. Nonspecific background has been subtracted and net counts are presented. Specific binding increased with increasing amounts of All and was specifically blocked by a 100-fold excessof non-labcled com petitor(■). Concen­ tration time points were performed in triplicate (mean±SEM ).


Sadovnic/Brand-Elnaggar Bolton

had condensation of cytoplasm associated with the shape change. All-induced contraction of 25-40% of cells grown on uncoated and fibronectin-coated plastic Petri dishes (fig. 7). Chicken mesangial cells were clearly distinguishable from fibroblasts (fig. 8). Fibroblasts grew much more rapidly to confluence, within 3-5 days, while mesangial cells required 7 14 days. At confluence fibroblasts exhi­ bited contact inhibition and detached from substrate within a few days. On the other hand, mesangial cells continued to grow without detachment after reaching confluence and developed multilayered protuberances. By immunofluorescence fibroblasts did not stain for desmin. In D-valine substituted medium, mouse 3T3 cells dislodged and failed to grow (269±64 vs. 23,816±5,124 cpm). Chicken fibroblasts did not detach, but grew less

Fig. 7.a Phase contrast photograph of chicken mesangial cell grown overnight in calcium/magnesium-free IIBSS and 10% FC'S. Five mesangial cells are illustrated, b The same field of mesangial cells with medium containing calcium and magnesium 15 min after addition of I pMangiotensin II. Two of the five cells (arrows) have undergone contraction associated with retraction of cytoplasmic processes and rounding up of the cells with an increase in the refractile properties of the contracting cells, x 160. Fig. 8. Phase photo micrograph illustrating the morphology of chick embryo fibroblasts in primary culture 5 days after plating. Growth and morphologic differences from mesangial cells at 3 days and 2 weeks (fig. I) are apparent, x 100.

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Chicken Mesangial Cell Culture

well (1,035 ±405 vs. 1,484 ±405 cpm). No decreased growth was seen in mesangial cells in D-valine vs. /^va­ line (2,954 ±739 vs. 822 ±739 cpm). By electron micro­ scopy, fibroblasts lacked a well-developed microfilamentous system and did not contain the multilamellar bodies characteristic of mesangial cells. Furthermore, chicken fibroblasts did not phagocytose latex beads while mesangial cells were quite phagocytic. Finally, All did not bind to fibroblasts or induce contraction as ob­ served with mesangial cells.

Discussion Mesangial cells of mammalian origin have been cul­ tured from many different species since 1970 [27-33]. To our knowledge the isolation, growth, and characteriza­ tion of avian mesangial cells has not previously been described. Not unexpectably, methodology and condi­ tions utilized for mammalian mesangial cell culture were generally applicable to the successful culture of chicken

Table 1. Characteristics shared by cultured chicken and mam­ malian mesangial culture Characteristic

Mammalian Chicken mesangial cell mesangial cell

Overlapping stellate, strap-like.and spindle-shaped cells by light microscopy Well-developed microfilamentous system ultrastructurally Resistant to aminonucleoside of puromycin to 100 pg/ml Sensitive to mitomycin C at 10 gg/ml Grow in D-valine-containig L-valine-free medium Immunofluorescence (IF) for factor Vlll-related antigen Intense IF for fibronectin, desmin Fibrillar IF for u-actinin, myosin Phagocytize polystyrene beads













yes yes yes, when opsonized no

yes yes yes

yes, but substrate dependent, percentage variable

yes, but substrate dependent: 30%

IF for macrophage and common leukocyte antigens Bind A I1and contract on exposure to All


mesangial cells. It was, however, necessary to make some alterations in the preparation of kidneys for the growth of mesangial cells from chicken glomeruli because of the unique anatomic structure of the avian kidney. Utiliza­ tion of a harsher isolation procedure with homogeniza­ tion and collagenase digestion resulted in our ability to grow mesangial cells. This probably contributed to the lack of contamination with other cells which were more susceptible to these harsher isolation procedures. Condi­ tions required for maintenance of cells in culture were similar to those in mammalian mesangial cells, including the requirement for higher concentrations of serum for optimal growth and the use of either Waymouth's or RPMI. Chicken mesangial cells share many characteristics with cultured mammalian mesangial cells (table 1). Cells grow in a random pattern with strap-like morphology in overlaping bundles and appear to be a homogeneous cell type. Like mammalian mesangial cells, chicken mesan­ gial cells maintained in culture for prolonged periods of time continue to grow by heaping up upon each other, forming ridges and hills and small protuberances of mul­ tilayered cells. Even though some primary and secondary cultures were allowed to grow for 10 weeks with resultant formtion of multilayers, we did not detect large 'hillocks’ as described by Sterzel et al. [34]. The chicken mesangial cells did not demonstrate contact inhibition of growth nor did they detach from plates as the density of the cells increased as seen with fibroblasts. The mesangial cells contained a well-developed microfilamentous system with multiple microfibrils running parallel to the cell surface and forming interlacing networks within the cell by electron microscopy. Intense fibrillar staining was seen with antisera to a-actinin and myosin as well as fibronectin. In addition, mesangial cells in cultures stained intensely for desmin as described by Yaoita et al. [35]. No staining was seen for factor VIII on any of the cells indicating that they were not endothelial in origin. Factor VIII staining was not observed in glomeruli of chicken kidney sections although endothelial structures did stain. Contamination with large cobblestone poly­ gonal cells characteristic of epithelial cells was not seen and only once when growing primary cells in 2% FCS did we detect cells of probable epithelial origin (fig. 9). Like mammalian mesangial cells, chicken mesangial cells were resistant to aminonucleoside of puromycin and sensitive to mitomycin C. Chicken mesangial cells were unexpectably avidly phagocytic for polystyrene particles. Both latex and Covaspheres were taken up by mesangial cells in culture.

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CEFdid not demonstrate any binding of AM inanyof the assays. Mesangial cells did bind l25I-AI I as described in rats and humans [39,40]. This binding was specific for All since excess unlabeled All displaced l25I-AII. Addi­ tion of All to chicken mesangial cells rested overnight in calcium/magnesium-free medium resulted in contrac­ tion of approximately 30% of cells observed by phase microscopy. Theses cells were grown on plastic or fibronectin. These percents are similar to those reported by others in mammalian mesangial cells in culture. Most investigators have reported approximately 20-40% con­ traction on plastic [39, 41-43]. Mesangial cells grown on substrates which allow less tight cell adherence demon­ Fig. 9. A colony of chicken renal epithelial cells surrounding a strate a higher percentage of contraction [32,44], Studies in cloned cells describe contraction of 100% of cells [24], reptilian type glomerulus. These very large flat polygonal cells grow in a monolayer. They were cultured using a FCS concentration of Thus, response to All in chicken mesangial cells appears 2.5% which does not favor mesangial cell growth, x 320. comparable to that of mammalian mesangial cells under similar conditions. Chicken mesangial cells in culture grew as a homo­ geneous cell type comparable to mesangial cells from mammalian species. Fibroblastic contamination in ro­ The degree of uptake of latex particles varied from cell to dents can be easily ascertained by substitution of D-\acell with some cells having only a half a dozen or so line for L-valine in culture medium. Rodent fibroblasts particles per cell while others were engorged. Uptake was lack D-amino acid oxidase [25], On exposure to £>-valinenot complement dependent since both fresh and heated substituted medium, rodent fibroblasts detach and fail to serum work equally well. Cells did not appear to be grow. The response of other mammalian fibroblasts is macrophages since so-staining of phagocytic cells for la less dramatic and detachment may not occur, however, antigen was negative. In addition, most cells took up some inhibition of cell growth despite lack of detachment some particles of latex. If there were contamination with is observed in human fibroblasts [25]. We examined the macrophages to account for the phagocytosis, these growth characteristics of chicken fibroblasts, chicken should be a small percentage of cells. Others have re­ mesangial cells, and 3T3 murine fibroblasts in D- and ported phagocytosis in mesangial cells. Baud et al. [36] L-valine-supplemented media. As previously described and Schlondorf et al. [37] described the requirement for for rodents, 3T3 cells detached and failed to grow in complement for optimal uptake of zymosan particles D-valine. Chicken mesangial cells grew equally well in Dalthough some phagocytosis was present even in the and L-valine-substituted medium. Chicken fibroblasts absence complement [38]. Uptake was time dependent, grown in D-valine did not detach from plates but did have with most mesangial cells demonstrating particles by 1 h some supression of growth. Although we did not stain for of incubation [38]. Complement was necessary for PGE2 D-amino acid oxidase, chicken fibroblasts may contain production. In rats the uptake of immune complexes or low levels of this enzyme and thus be less susceptible to serum-coated colloidal gold particles appears to be via £)-valine. Other characteristics of chicken mesangial cells coated pits with incorporation into vesicles and lyso- and fibroblasts, however, clearly distinguished these two somes and is complement dependent [38]. Phagocytosis types of cells. Mesangial cells grew for many weeks in chicken mesangial cells was completely inhibited by without passage resulting in multilayered heaped up cells cytochalasin B as described in rats [38]. The present which did not show contact inhibition and did not detach studies have not further investigated the kinetics or mech­ from plates. Chicken fibroblasts demonstrated contact anisms involved in the phagocytic event nor products inhibition and detached from plate 3-5 days after reach­ released during this process. Future studies will be re­ ing confluence. Secondly, the pattern of growth of quired to further characterize phagocytosis in chicken chicken fibroblasts was quite different from mesangial mesangial cells to compare this phenomenon to mam­ cells. Three to five days of growth resulted in confluence malian mesangial cells. of fibroblasts but nearly 2 weeks were required for mes-

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Chicken Mesangial Cell Culture


5 6










Acknowledgments The authors thank Ms. Joyce Henderson and Ms. Gwen Binz for their expert secretarial assistance in preparing the manuscript and Walter May for his technical assistance.

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Accepted: June 26,1990 W. Kline Bolton. MD Division of Nephrology Department of Internal Medicine Box 133 University of Virginia Health Sciences Center Charlottesville. VA 22908 (USA)

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Sadovnic/ Brand-Elnaggar/Bolton

Isolation and characterization of chicken mesangial cells.

Experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis (EAG) in chickens appears to be mediated by cellular immunity and is associated with mesangial proliferatio...
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