Comparison of Propofol and Propofol/Ketamine Anesthesia for Evaluation of Laryngeal Function in Healthy Dogs Kelci L. McKeirnan, DVM*y, Marjorie E. Gross, DVM, MS, DACVA, Mark Rochat, DVM, MS, DACVS, Mark Payton, PhD

ABSTRACT Thiopental is an excellent choice for evaluation of laryngeal function. Unfortunately, thiopental is no longer manufactured. In its absence, the ideal anesthetic protocol for laryngoscopy has not been determined. Propofol and propofol/ketamine were compared for the evaluation of laryngeal function in 48 healthy dogs. Laryngeal exposure was moderate to excellent in all dogs and not significantly different between protocols. Saturation of peripheral O2 (SPO2) readings were decreased in the propofol/ ketamine group, and deeper respirations were more likely to correlate with normal laryngeal function regardless of treatment group. Doxapram was administered to apneic patients to stimulate respiration and allow for evaluation of laryngeal function. No significant difference in frequency of doxapram administration between groups was noted. Doxapram resulted in higher respiratory scores and significantly increased the ability to determine normal laryngeal function. Ketamine did not allow for a reduction in propofol dose and caused increased respiratory depression, making ketamine a poor addition to propofol for laryngeal function examination. Regardless of the protocol used, laryngeal function should be determined in conjunction with the respiratory phase and depth of respirations. Patients with either absent or shallow respirations should receive doxapram for accurate evaluation of laryngeal function. (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2014; 50:19–26. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-5959)


Echolarynography and transnasal laryngoscopy have been

Laryngeal paralysis is a common acquired disease of older, large-

reported for laryngeal function evaluation; however, diagnosis of

breed dogs.1,2 Congenital and acquired forms can occur, with

laryngeal paralysis is most commonly made using direct oral


idiopathic acquired being the most common presentation.

laryngoscopy under a light plane of anesthesia.4 The ideal anes-

Arytenoid paralysis results in partial to complete loss of laryngeal

thetic protocol for accurate laryngeal examination results in

function, resulting in variable degrees of upper airway obstruc-

a light anesthetic plane with decreased jaw tone, intact laryngeal

tion. Affected dogs present with clinical signs ranging from mild

reflexes, and minimal respiratory depression. Doxapram has been

exercise intolerance to life-threatening respiratory distress. Dis-

added to variable anesthetic protocols to stimulate respirations in

ease severity is directly correlated with the degree of laryngeal

apneic patients and can increase intrinsic laryngeal motion, fa-

dysfunction, with clinical signs occurring most frequently with

cilitating laryngeal function examination in dogs.3

bilateral disease. Regardless of the underlying etiology, accurate

Thiopental, propofol, diazepam/ketamine, and gas anesthesia

observation of arytenoid function is critical to determine if la-

have all been used to provide anesthesia for laryngeal function

ryngeal paralysis is present.

examination.5–7 Thiopental has been found to be the best

From the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (K.M., M.G., M.R.) and Department of Statistics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (M.P.).

SPO2 saturation of peripheral O2

Correspondence: [email protected] (K.M.)

*K. McKeirnan’s updated credentials since article acceptance are DVM, MS, DACVS-SA. †

K. McKeirnan’s present affiliation is Animal Emergency and Specialty,

Kirkland, WA.

ª 2014 by American Animal Hospital Association



injectable anesthetic for evaluating laryngeal function.5,6 Unfor-

were administered IV for anesthetic induction until the mouth

tunately, thiopental is no longer commercially available. In the

could easily be opened for examination. Propofol was adminis-

absence of thiopental, the ideal anesthetic protocol for the eval-

tered slowly over 1 min to effect in both protocols. The amount of

uation of laryngeal function has yet to be determined. Studies

propofol required to achieve adequate anesthesia for laryngeal

evaluating propofol for laryngeal examination have revealed ad-

examination was recorded. The percent of the propofol dose

equate laryngeal exposure with weaker laryngeal motion com-

administered was calculated to normalize dose for body weight

pared with thiopental.


Unfortunately, significant respiratory

and allow dose comparisons between groups. Ketamine was given

depression often occurs with propofol, with apnea related to dose,

as a calculated bolus followed by propofol to effect. The anes-

speed of injection, and concurrent premedications, complicating

thesiologist administered all anesthetic agents with the exception

laryngeal evaluation.8 Ketamine has been shown to preserve the

of the intramuscular premedications, which were given by fourth

laryngeal reflex to a greater degree than thiopental in people, al-

year veterinary students under direct supervision. Laryngeal

though the anesthetic plane may be inadequate for veterinary

function observers were blinded to the administered protocol by


Ketamine, in conjunction with

giving an equal volume of normal saline in lieu of ketamine to

propofol, may hypothetically provide an additive effect on relax-

patients in the propofol only group. Following anesthetic induc-

ation and laryngeal exposure, while minimizing respiratory de-

tion, dogs were placed in sternal recumbency with the head ele-

pression. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of

vated to the level of normal carriage. Laryngeal assessment was

propofol to propofol/ketamine anesthesia on laryngeal visualiza-

performed as soon as the mouth could be opened, and the larynx

tion and function in healthy dogs. The study authors hypothesized

was visualized by the same two individuals in succession (K.M.,

that propofol/ketamine would provide an adequate plane of an-

M.R.). Laryngeal examination began within 30 min of premed-

esthesia with decreased respiratory depression for laryngeal ex-

ication. Interobserver experience (between a third year resident

amination in dogs.

and a board-certified surgeon with w 20 yr of experience) was

patients given previous studies.

normalized by alternating who first evaluated each patient. The

Materials and Methods

evaluations were defined as early if they were the first evaluator


and late if they were the second evaluator. All evaluations were

Twenty-four male and 24 female healthy dogs, ranging from ap-

completed within 4 min of induction. A similar protocol for la-

proximately 6 mo to 5 yr, presented from surrounding animal

ryngeal examination described by Gross et al. (2002) was used.5

shelters for elective sterilization were studied. Age was estimated

Breathing score was defined as the score of the breath when la-

based on physical appearance and dentition. Each dog received

ryngeal function determination was made and was assigned by the

a thorough physical examination prior to entering the study, and

laryngeal observers. Parameters were outlined as described in

dogs were excluded if evidence of respiratory, cardiovascular, or

Table 1. Swallowing and laryngospasm were graded together as

systemic disease was present. Dogs weighed 15–35 kg and were

either present or absent. Laryngeal function was characterized as

randomly assigned by lottery to one of two anesthetic protocols,

normal (arytenoid cartilages abduct during inspiration), weak

providing an even distribution of males and females in each

(arytenoid cartilages abduct but poorly), or abnormal (one or

group. All protocols were approved by the University Animal Care

more arytenoid cartilages do not abduct during inspiration). The

and Use Committee and permission was obtained from each

observer’s ability to assess the co-ordination between respirations

participating shelter.

and arytenoid abduction was facilitated by a technician verbalizing the onset of inspiration. Overall respiratory score was

Experimental Protocol

characterized by the anesthesiologist following drug adminis-

Each dog was anesthetized once for elective sterilization with one

tration using the scale described in Table 2 and was a determi-

of two randomly assigned anesthetic protocols (i.e., propofola,

nation of how well the dogs breathed during the entire laryngeal

propofol/ketamineb). Dogs were premedicated with butorphanolc



(0.5 mg/kg) and glycopyrrolate (0.01 mg/kg) injected intra-

Anesthetic monitoring, including heart rate, respiratory rate,

muscularly 20 min prior to anesthetic induction. An IV catheter

and saturation of peripheral O2 (SPO2) measured by pulse oxi-

was placed approximately 15 min after premedication followed by

metry were performed during anesthetic induction and laryngeal

5 min of flow-by O2 prior to anesthetic induction.

examination. If a patient failed to abduct the arytenoid cartilages,

Depending on the patient’s assigned protocol, either propofol

a cotton tipped applicator was used to gently stimulate respiration

(6 mg/kg) or ketamine (2 mg/kg) followed by propofol (2–4 mg/kg)

by direct application of pressure to one arytenoid. If the patient



50:1 Jan/Feb 2014

Evaluation of Laryngeal Function Using Various Anesthetics

calculated. If the categorical variables were nominal, Fisher exact


tests were conducted due to the small samples involved in the

Definitions of Laryngeal Examination Responses

creation of the tables. To assess the effect of treatment over time



Breathing score 0

No spontaneous respiration


Shallow respirations, slow respiratory rate, weak attempt


Moderate respirations, respiratory rate, and attempt

The relationship between individual respiratory variables was


Deep respirations, normal rate, strong attempt

evaluated with linear correlation coefficients. Statistical signifi-

on the respiratory data, repeated measures analyses of variance assuming an autoregressive period one covariance structure were used. The simple effects of treatment given time were computed.

cance was set at the 0.05 level.

Jaw tone score 0

No jaw tone, easy to open


Slight jaw tone, easy to open


2 3

Moderate jaw tone, some difficulty opening Excessive jaw tone, difficult to open

Forty-eight primarily mixed-breed dogs undergoing elective sterilization procedures were included in this study. The mean

Exposure score

body weight 6 standard deviation was 23.1 kg 6 5.1 kg in the


Mouth easily opened, arytenoid cartilages easily visible, no swallowing or tongue movement


Some jaw tone when opening mouth, good visibility, some swallowing or tongue movement

group and was not statistically different between groups.


Mouth difficult to open with poor visualization of the larynx due to swallowing or tongue movement

tered in the propofol and propofol/ketamine group were 64.2% 6

propofol group and 22.5 kg 6 5.8 kg in the propofol/ketamine The mean percentage of total calculated propofol adminis20.3% (3.8 mg/kg 6 1.2 mg/kg) and 60.1% 6 18.5% (2.4 mg/kg 6

became apneic (no spontaneous respirations $ 60 sec) and res-

0.7 mg/kg), respectively, and were not significantly different between the two groups (two tailed t test, P ¼ 0.464).

pirations could not be manually stimulated, a single dose of doxaprame (1 mg/kg IV) was administered and laryngeal function

The summary of the laryngeal examinations between the two observers were presented in Tables 3 and 4. The first evaluator’s

was subsequently evaluated. Doxapram administration, as well as whether it was administered early or late in the examination, was recorded. Following laryngeal examination, patients were intu-


bated and isoflurane in O2 administered in preparation for elec-

Summary of Early Subjective Scoring of Laryngeal Examinations Between Protocols

tive sterilization.


Statistical Analysis

Propofol (no. of dogs)

Propofol/ketamine (no. of dogs)

All statistical analyses were conducted with a commercial software

Breathing score* 0



systemf. The effect of treatment on the percentage of drug ad-




ministered was assessed with a t test. Any relationships of cate-




gorical variables were investigated with the use of contingency




tables. If the categorical variables were ordinal, g statistics were


TABLE 2 Overall Respiratory Function Evaluation Response

Propofol (no. of dogs)

Propofol/ketamine (no. of dogs)







Jaw tone scorey 0












Overall respiratory score* 0





















Exposure score

* 0 ¼ no spontaneous respirations; 1 ¼ shallow respirations, slow respiratory rate, weak attempt; 2 ¼ moderate respirations, respiratory rate, and attempt; 3 ¼ deep respirations, normal respiratory rate, strong attempt

* 0 ¼ no spontaneous respirations; 1 ¼ shallow respirations, slow respiratory rate, weak attempt; 2 ¼ moderate respirations, respiratory rate, and attempt; 3 ¼ deep respirations, normal respiratory rate, strong attempt y 0 ¼ absent; 1 ¼ slight; 2 ¼ moderate; 3 ¼ strong



propofol group and 16 breaths/min in the propofol/ketamine

TABLE 4 Summary of Late Subjective Scoring of Laryngeal Examinations Between Protocols Propofol (no. of dogs)


Propofol/ketamine (no. of dogs)

group; P ¼ 0.0518). Mean SPO2 values were significantly higher in the propofol group than the dogs receiving propofol/ketamine (94% in the propofol group and 87% in the propofol/ketamine group 1 min following drug administration; P ¼ 0.0008). The breathing score was significantly related to the potential

Breathing score* 0



for a patient to have a normal laryngeal function examination. The




breathing score and laryngeal function were taken from each

2 3

10 8

11 8

evaluator to give a total of 96 data points for analysis. A significant



laryngeal function when a higher breathing score (i.e., deeper



breath) was used to make that determination compared with lower




The two evaluators disagreed in the evaluation of laryngeal




2 3

5 0

1 0

function determination 58.3% of the time. When selecting the

Swallowing/laryngospasm Present Absent y

difference was found in the likelihood of a patient having normal

breathing scores (g statistic, 0.7610; P , 0.0001).

Jaw tone score

result (i.e., either early or late) with a higher breathing score, that value decreased to 20.8%, with 80% of the discrepancies existing

Exposure score Excellent



being between weak and normal laryngeal function determi-




nations. Weak laryngeal examinations were classified as normal for




statistical analysis because laryngeal abduction was present. Two

* 0 ¼ no spontaneous respirations; 1 ¼ shallow respirations, slow respiratory rate, weak attempt; 2 ¼ moderate respirations, respiratory rate, and attempt; 3 ¼ deep respirations, normal respiratory rate, strong attempt y 0 ¼ absent; 1 ¼ slight; 2 ¼ moderate; 3 ¼ strong

dogs were classified as abnormal by one evaluator and normal by the other despite equal breathing scores at the time of evaluation. One dog was determined to have an abnormal laryngeal evaluation by both evaluators due to failure of the right arytenoid to abduct.

results were designated as early and the second evaluator results as

Six dogs (12.5%) would have been classified as abnormal based on

late. No significant difference was identified in breathing scores in

examination and a low breathing score, but were evaluated as

regards to either treatment group or time of evaluation (g sta-

normal by the second observer based on a higher breathing score

tistic, 20.0309 and P ¼ 0.8955 for early evaluation; g statistic,

during their evaluation.

0.0265 and P ¼ 0.9112 for late evaluation). Evaluation of jaw tone

Doxapram was administered to 6 of 24 dogs in the propofol

score by the early evaluator was not significantly different between

group and 10 of 24 dogs in the propofol/ketamine group. The need

the two treatment groups (g statistic 20.2484; P ¼ 0.3351). A

for doxapram was not statistically different between the two groups

significant difference was noted when evaluating jaw tone score

(two sided t test, P ¼ 0.3587). Doxapram administration early

between the two groups late, with dogs in the propofol/ketamine

tended to result in higher breathing scores (g statistic 20.6279;

group having statistically significant lower jaw tone scores than

P ¼ 0.0373) and increased the likelihood of normal laryngeal

the propofol group (g statistic 20.5063; P¼0.0178). Laryngeal

function determination (g statistic 20.8125; P ¼ 0.0002).

exposure scores were not significantly different between either time of evaluation or treatment received, with all dogs having


moderate to excellent exposure. No significant difference was

Laryngeal paralysis is a commonly diagnosed acquired disease of

noted in the prevalence of swallowing/laryngospasm with regards

older, large-breed dogs.1,2 Diagnosis is most commonly based on

to treatment group or time of evaluation (Fisher exact test, P ¼

oral laryngoscopy under a light plane of anesthesia in combina-

0.3715 for early evaluation and P ¼ 0.7702 for late evaluation).

tion with historical and physical examination data. Ideal anes-

Overall respiratory scores between the two treatment groups

thetic protocols allow adequate depth of anesthesia for laryngeal

have been summarized in Table 2, with no significant difference

visualization (while protecting the examiner/equipment), cause

identified (g statistic, 20.3522; P ¼ 0.0759). Higher mean re-

minimal respiratory suppression, and maintain the laryngeal re-

spiratory rates were noted in the propofol group than the

flex. The laryngeal reflex is defined as adduction of the arytenoid

propofol/ketamine group, which were not statistically significant

cartilages following exhalation and stimulation of the epiglottis.5,10

at 1 min following drug administration (28 breaths/min in the

The reflex is a protective mechanism against aspiration. That



50:1 Jan/Feb 2014

Evaluation of Laryngeal Function Using Various Anesthetics

reflex, combined with the observer’s ability to safely and ade-

evaluated to determine whether ketamine resulted in propofol-

quately observe the reflex, is typically used as an end point for

sparing effects on the amount required to facilitate laryngeal ex-

determining whether an adequate depth of anesthesia has been

amination. Ketamine did not reduce the propofol requirement for

obtained, while maintaining laryngeal function. The patient is

laryngeal examination. That was similar to findings described by

considered too deep for accurate evaluation of laryngeal function

Mair et al. (2009) evaluating the propofol-sparing effects of ke-

once that reflex is lost, increasing the risk of falsely diagnosing

tamine in coinduction of anesthesia in dogs, where ketamine did

laryngeal paralysis.

not change the blood propofol targets required for endotracheal

Historically, thiopental has been the drug of choice for lar-


yngoscopy in most practices. Thiopental is an ultrashort-acting

Evaluation of laryngeal function requires adequate laryngeal

injectable barbiturate that has been used for anesthetic induc-

exposure, which has been a disadvantage of many anesthetic

tion in dogs. Thiopental was shown to have the least suppressive

protocols. In this study, no significant difference in the prevalence

effect on arytenoid motion prior to anesthetic recovery and

of either swallowing or laryngospasm was observed in either

allowed accurate determination of laryngeal function in dogs and

treatment group. Jaw tone score was significantly decreased during

people.6,11 Unfortunately, thiopental has become unavailable and

the late observer’s evaluation in patients who received ketamine.

the need for alternate protocols has arisen. Previous studies have

That was likely due to the continued action of the ketamine fol-

evaluated propofol, ketamine/diazepam, acepromazine/propofol,

lowing rapid redistribution of the propofol, which was in contrast

and gas anesthesia independently for laryngeal function exami-

to another study that found increased laryngospasm and jaw tone

nations with variable success.5–7 Ketamine/diazepam studies have

in patients receiving diazepam/ketamine.5 The additive effects of

resulted in decreased laryngeal exposure due to excessive jaw tone

the propofol may have resulted in enough sedation to overcome

as well as decreased arytenoid movement.2,5,6 Propofol has been

the poor muscle relaxation achieved with ketamine alone,

associated with apnea and weak arytenoid motion when used

resulting in better laryngeal exposure scores in the current study.

either alone or in combination with acepromazine.6

The study authors evaluated each patient at two separate time

Propofol is a highly lipid soluble alkylphenol derivative that

points to determine if the ability to evaluate the larynx changed

has been used for sedation, anesthetic induction, and maintenance

as the patients neared recovery compared with initial induction


of anesthesia. It provides a rapid and smooth induction of an-

(i.e., late versus early time points). No significant difference was

esthesia by enhancing the effects of g-aminobutyric acid.12–14

present in laryngeal exposure scores between the two time points

Although propofol provides excellent muscle relaxation, pro-

and no difference between treatment groups was noted, indicating

pofol can result in apnea and significant respiratory depression

that both anesthetic protocols provided prolonged and adequate

following bolus administration, making laryngeal examination

exposure for evaluation. Clinically, that translates to being able to


evaluate those patients through several respirations, with final

Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative that acts as a dissociative anesthetic through noncompetitive binding of the N-methyl-

evaluation made just prior to recovery if function is unclear. Overall respiratory scores during the examination were not

receptor causing depressed thalamocortical and limbic

statistically different between the two groups. Patients in the

system activity.12–14 A dose-related effect is seen on the respiratory

propofol/ketamine group had lower overall respiratory scores

system with minimal depression at lower dosages, although ad-

compared with the propofol only group, although that difference

ditive effects have been reported when ketamine is combined with

did not reach statistical significance. That is likely due to inade-



Although ketamine

quate patient numbers. Clinically, decreased respiratory rates

is more apt to maintain normal airway reflexes and respiratory

translated to statistically significant decreases in SPO2 readings in

drive, muscle relaxation is poor. In this study, the authors com-

dogs receiving propofol/ketamine. That was supported by previ-

other central nervous system depressants.

pared propofol to propofol/ketamine anesthesia with the hope

ous studies with variable ketamine doses (0.5–2 mg/kg) where

that the combination protocol would accentuate the favorable

increased respiratory depression was observed with propofol/

effects of both drugs (i.e., better muscle relaxation with the

ketamine compared with propofol alone.13–15 The true impact of

propofol and using ketamine to reduce the dose of propofol re-

the propofol/ketamine combination was difficult to ascertain in

quired for anesthesia, thereby causing less respiratory depression

those studies due to confounding factors such as premedication

and maintaining airway reflexes).

with acepromazine and morphine, acepromazine and meperidine,

The percentage of total calculated propofol administered was

and medetomidine, all of which have the potential for significant

not significantly different between the two groups. That was

additive respiratory suppression.13–15 In this study, the authors



elected to use butorphanol due to its very mild sedative and re-

Electromyography could have been considered for those dogs to

spiratory depressive effects. Given the finding of decreased SPO2

ensure normal arytenoid function; however, that is rarely available

readings in patients receiving propofol/ketamine despite the light

clinically and would have added to the invasiveness of this study.

premedication, it appears that ketamine may exacerbate the re-

Two dogs were classified as abnormal by one evaluator and

spiratory depressant effects of propofol in dogs. Although in-

normal by the other with equal breathing scores (scores of 1 and 2,

creased relaxation may occur with the propofol/ketamine

respectively). The true status of those dogs is unknown but believed

combination, respiratory depression limits its use in laryngeal

to be normal given the young age and abduction seen by one

function examination.

observer. That variability was likely due to the depth of breath in

In addition to adequate laryngeal exposure, inspiratory depth

the first dog (the breathing score was low) as well as effects of

and phase of respiration at laryngeal evaluation are important.

anesthesia and variable anesthetic depths at evaluations between

Paradoxical laryngeal motion with paralyzed arytenoid cartilages

the two observers. Observer experience level may also have played

being passively abducted upon exhalation can be mistaken for

a role, with the more experienced observer labeling both of those

normal arytenoid abduction if the phase of the respiratory cycle is

dogs as abnormal. Clinically, the findings would be taken in

not recognized. This was addressed in the current study by having

conjunction with historical and physical examination findings

an assistant verbally identify each inspiratory phase. Shallow

(normal in both dogs with no historical respiratory disease) when

inspirations can also make evaluation difficult with weak inspi-

determining therapeutic interventions required. One dog was

ration resulting in weak arytenoid abduction, and an increased

considered abnormal by both observers, with the right arytenoid

potential to falsely diagnose laryngeal paralysis. Final determina-

failing to abduct for either observer. That finding was believed to be

tion of laryngeal function should always be made during the

truly abnormal, giving either an incidence of 2% for laryngeal

deepest inspirations possible, as found in this study. Accordingly,

paralysis in this population or an incidence of 6% if the other two

because observing arytenoid function, depth, and timing of in-

dogs above were included, compared with a 25% prevalence of

spiration simultaneously is difficult, if not impossible, for a single

laryngeal paralysis in a group of dogs undergoing general anes-

observer, an assistant should be present to assist with those

thesia.16 While the number of affected dogs in the current study

determinations during laryngeal examination. Patients with

was much less than previously reported, direct comparisons are

a higher breathing score at final laryngeal function evaluation were

difficult as the population of dogs in the aforementioned study

significantly more likely to be considered normal. That conclusion

were significantly older than the study population included in this

was strengthened when looking at overall laryngeal function. The

study. An increased prevalence of laryngeal disease would be ex-

majority (58.3%) of the laryngeal function determinations between

pected in the older population.

the first and second observer were in overall disagreement. When

The lack of spontaneous respirations can be a tremendous

considering the breathing score during arytenoid evaluation, and

problem clinically in the diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis. Either

removing the patients with low scores (i.e., shallow breaths) at both

direct stimulation of the arytenoids or administration of a respi-

evaluation periods, only 20.8% of the patients had differences in

ratory stimulant have been proposed as corrective measures.3–7

their final function evaluation between the two observers, 80% of

Doxapram is a respiratory stimulant that acts through direct

which were between weak and normal determinations. The dif-

stimulation of the medullary respiratory centers as well as the

ference between weak and normal determinations of laryngeal

carotid body chemoreceptors.12,17 Its effects (increased respiratory

function between observers could have been because of the sub-

effort and intrinsic laryngeal motion) are transient, with the

jective nature of the assessment and was clinically unlikely to be

primary clinical application for doxapram being for patients at an

significant as most clinicians would classify those together as

excessively deep plane of anesthesia and for differentiating dogs

normal. The clinical significance of weak laryngeal abduction is

with normal laryngeal function.3,7 Doxapram was used in this

unknown and must be considered in light of clinical signs. Those

study as a rescue protocol for dogs that would not breathe

patients may either have early laryngeal dysfunction or weak ab-

spontaneously, even with direct stimulation of the arytenoids.

duction may be a product of the anesthetic protocol. While the true

One-third of the patients in this study required doxapram for

laryngeal function status in those dogs was unknown, given the

laryngeal function evaluation, with no difference between treat-

lack of respiratory signs and young age of the dogs evaluated in this

ment groups. Laryngeal examination would not have been pos-

study, weak arytenoid abduction in this population of dogs was

sible in those patients without doxapram. Doxapram resulted in

most likely a function of the anesthetic protocol, depth of in-

subjectively higher breathing scores for evaluation of laryngeal

spiration at evaluation, and subjectivity of the evaluator.

function and significantly increased the likelihood of a declaration



50:1 Jan/Feb 2014

Evaluation of Laryngeal Function Using Various Anesthetics

of normal laryngeal function. Doxapram is considered to be

a dose-sparing effect on propofol and resulted in increased re-

generally safe and was well tolerated in the young, healthy pop-

spiratory depression evidenced by reduced SPO2 values making

ulation of dogs included in this study, with no adverse effects

propofol/ketamine a poor choice for the evaluation of laryngeal

identified. Reported side effects include tachycardia, arrhythmias,

function in dogs. It is critical that the clinician evaluate laryngeal

muscle rigidity, seizures, hyperthermia, hypertension, and hyp-

function in conjunction with depth of inspiration to avoid a false

oxia.7 Given the low dose administered, the authors felt additive

diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis when drug-related apnea results in

cardiovascular or seizure activity was unlikely in patients receiving

poor arytenoid function. Doxapram can facilitate deeper inspi-

ketamine concurrently. Caution should be used in patients with

ration aiding proper laryngeal function examination and should

laryngeal paralysis as significant paradoxical movement and pos-

always be administered when arytenoid abduction is not observed

sible upper airway obstruction can result, necessitating rapid

under propofol anesthesia to eliminate the possibility of a false

endotracheal intubation.


positive diagnosis.

Limitations of this study included the lack of a control group, the inability to compare the study results to laryngoscopy using

The authors would like to thank Patti Anderson, Dr. Lesa Staubus,

thiopental, and the subjectivity of laryngeal assessment with dif-

Dr. Kimberly Carter, and the Junior Surgery technical staff for their

ferent breaths used for laryngeal evaluation by each observer. The

assistance with data collection. The authors would also like to ac-

lack of a control group (i.e., each dog receiving each treatment with

knowledge Dr. John Dodam for his assistance in study design.

an appropriate washout period) was addressed by having larger numbers of dogs in each treatment group and by evaluating a population expected to have normal laryngeal function. The study authors attempted to locate thiopental for comparison in this study without success because it is not currently manufactured. By using the same premedication and similar laryngeal assessment criteria as Gross et al. (2002), the authors felt that some com-

FOOTNOTES a PropoFlo; Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL b Ketathesia; Butler Animal Health Supply, Dublin, OH c Torbugesic; Fort Dodge, Fort Dodge, IA d Glycopyrrolate; Baxter Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL e Doxapram; Bedford Laboratories, Bedford, OH f SAS version 9.2; SAS Institute, Cary, NC

parisons could be made between the two studies.5 The subjectivity of the laryngeal assessment between observers was considered to be a minor concern in this study and similar to that which faces clinicians on a daily basis in the diagnosis of this disease. Although more objective criteria such as electromyography and rima glottis area measurements have been evaluated for the diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis, the diagnosis in the clinical arena remains primarily based on subjective laryngoscopic evaluation coupled with additional clinical and historical information.3,18 The study authors believe that this study closely mirrored the realities of clinical practice, which was the authors’ intent. Endoscopic videography would have enabled each observer to evaluate the same breath for laryngeal function examination and could have eliminated some of the effect of respiratory character on laryngeal function determination. Although that approach would have allowed more conclusions regarding the effects of interobserver experience on characterization of laryngeal function, the authors’ approach did demonstrate the critical nature of evaluating laryngeal function in conjunction with phase and depth of respiration.

Conclusion Propofol and propofol/ketamine provided adequate visualization of the larynx in all dogs. Propofol/ketamine failed to have

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ketamine anesthesia for evaluation of laryngeal function in healthy dogs.

Thiopental is an excellent choice for evaluation of laryngeal function. Unfortunately, thiopental is no longer manufactured. In its absence, the ideal...
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