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© 1976 Nature Publishing Group
© 1976 Nature Publishing Group
© 1976 Nature Publishing Group
© 1976 Nature Publishing Group
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Letter: Dantrolene sodium and "skinned" muscle fibres.
Rate of isometric tension development in relation to calcium binding of skinned muscle fibres.
Deterioration induced by physiological concentration of calcium ions in skinned muscle fibres.
pCa relationship in skinned crab muscle fibres of different types.
Sliding distance between actin and myosin filaments per ATP molecule hydrolysed in skinned muscle fibres.
Cross-bridge stiffness in Ca(2+)-activated skinned single muscle fibres.
Tension responses to joule temperature jump in skinned rabbit muscle fibres.
Ultrastructure of sarcoballs on the surface of skinned amphibian skeletal muscle fibres.
High protein mobility in skinned rabbit muscle fibres observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy.
Effects of sulphydryl modification on skinned rat skeletal muscle fibres using 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid).
Force-velocity relations and myosin heavy chain isoform compositions of skinned fibres from rat skeletal muscle.
Sarcomere length-tension relations of frog skinned muscle fibres during calcium activation at short lengths.
Discrepancies between Skinned Single Muscle Fibres and Whole Thigh Muscle Function Characteristics in Young and Elderly Human Subjects.
Localization and elasticity of connectin (titin) filaments in skinned frog muscle fibres subjected to partial depolymerization of thick filaments.
Rapid activation by photolysis of nitr-5 in skinned fibres of the striated adductor muscle from the scallop.
Characterization of radial force and radial stiffness in Ca(2+)-activated skinned fibres of the rabbit psoas muscle.
Influence of pH and temperature on force development and shortening velocity in skinned muscle fibres from fish.
Calcium release in skinned muscle fibres of the toad by transverse tubule depolarization or by direct stimulation.
Effects of tension and stiffness due to reduced pH in mammalian fast- and slow-twitch skinned skeletal muscle fibres.
Contribution of damped passive recoil to the measured shortening velocity of skinned rabbit and sheep muscle fibres.
Mechanical properties of skinned rabbit psoas and soleus muscle fibres during lengthening: effects of phosphate and Ca2+.
Physiological properties of skinned fibres from normal and dystrophic (Duchenne) human muscle activated by Ca2+ and Sr2+.
Fast gating kinetics of the slow Ca2+ current in cut skeletal muscle fibres of the frog.
Effects of 2,3-butanedione monoxime on the crossbridge kinetics in frog single muscle fibres.
Kinetics of reaction in calcium-activated skinned muscle fibres.
© 1976 Nature Publishing Group © 1976 Nature Publishing Group © 1976 Nature Publishing Group © 1976 Nature Publishing Group...
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Recommend Documents
Letter: Dantrolene sodium and "skinned" muscle fibres.
Rate of isometric tension development in relation to calcium binding of skinned muscle fibres.
Deterioration induced by physiological concentration of calcium ions in skinned muscle fibres.
pCa relationship in skinned crab muscle fibres of different types.
Sliding distance between actin and myosin filaments per ATP molecule hydrolysed in skinned muscle fibres.
Cross-bridge stiffness in Ca(2+)-activated skinned single muscle fibres.
Tension responses to joule temperature jump in skinned rabbit muscle fibres.
Ultrastructure of sarcoballs on the surface of skinned amphibian skeletal muscle fibres.
High protein mobility in skinned rabbit muscle fibres observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy.
Effects of sulphydryl modification on skinned rat skeletal muscle fibres using 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid).
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