Kacena, personal communication, InterScience Institute, Los Angeles). The generation of ischemic pain is a complex and, as yet, unclear phenomenon that may involve different metabolites15 or mechanical stimuli, or both.’ Our data suggest that activation of myocardial nociceptive receptors, either directly by bradykinin or indirectly through arachidonic acid metabolites, is an unlikely mechanism of angioplasty-induced ischemic pain in human subjects.

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Lack of Relation of Coronary Sinus Oxygen Content to Extent of Coronary Artery Disease or Left Ventricular Dysfunction James D. Boehrer,


Richard A. Lange,


John E. Willard, MD, and L. David Hillis,

recent study suggests that the prognosis of patients

A with congestive heart failure is related to the oxygen content of coronary sinus blood: the lower the oxygen content at rest, the worse the outlook.’ Although it is hypothesized that the oxygen content of coronary sinus blood decreases as coronary artery disease worsens, no previous study has assessed the relation, if any, between the oxygen content of coronary sinus blood at rest and the extent of (1) atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, or (2) left ventricular systolic dysfunction. This study was performed for this purpose. We reviewed the results of all cardiac catheterizations at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas from July 1978 to May 1992, and identified the patients in whom the coronary sinus was cannulated and a blood sample obtainedfor measurement of oxygen saturation. In each subject, the catheter’s location was confirmedfluoroscopically with an injection of contrast material. Oxygen saturation was measured with a reJzectance oximeter (American Optical), and the oxygen content (in ml/liter) was calculated by multiplying the saturation, the hemoglobin (g/d& the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin (ml/g) and 10 (dllliter). The oxygen saturation of systemic arterial blood was measured in most patients, and the transcardiac oxygen content difference was quantitated. In each subject, single plane (30” right anterior oblique) left ventriculography was performed, from From the Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Division), the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Parkland Memorial Hospital, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235.


which ejection fraction was calculated, in accordance with previously described techniques.2 The presence and severity of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease were assessed by selective coronary arteriography. A coronary artery was said to be diseased if its luminal diameter was narrowed 170%. A blood sample was obtainedfrom the coronary sinus for measurement of oxygen saturation in 254 patients (163 men and 91 women, aged 51 f 11 [mean f SD] years). Of these, 241 underwent catheterization for the evaluation of chest pain: 8 to assess the cause of congestive heart failure, and 5 for the evaluation of valvular disease. Systemic arterial oxygen saturation was measured in 213, allowing a calculation of the transcardiac oxygen content difference. The oxygen content of coronary sinus blood was similar among patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries, 59 f 20 ml/liter, n = 68; 1 -vessel coronary artery disease, 68 f 18 ml/liter, n = 71; 2-vessel disease, 63 f 14 ml/liter, n = 49; 3-vessel disease, 66 f I9 ml/liter, n = 60; and left main disease, 63 f 12 ml/liter, n = 6 (p = not significant [NS]) (Figure 1, top panel). The transcardiac oxygen content difference was similar among the 5 groups (no coronary artery disease, 104 f 17 ml/liter, n = 59; 1 -vessel disease, 108 f 18 ml/liter, n = 56; 2-vessel disease, 109 f 18 ml/liter, n = 40; 3vessel disease, 107 f 21 ml/liter, n = 52; left main disease, 97 f 15 ml/liter, n = 6) (p = NS) (Figure 1, bottom panel). There was no relation between left ventricular ejection fraction and (I) the oxygen content of coronary sinus blood (r = 0.04, p = NS) (Figure 2, top panel), or (2) the transcardiac oxygen content difference (r = 0.09, p = NS) (Figure 2, bottom panel). BRIEF REPORTS


Of the 254 subjects, 63 had a left ventricular ejection fraction

Lack of relation of coronary sinus oxygen content to extent of coronary artery disease or left ventricular dysfunction.

Kacena, personal communication, InterScience Institute, Los Angeles). The generation of ischemic pain is a complex and, as yet, unclear phenomenon tha...
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