Pediatr Cardiol 11:61-68, 1990

Pediatric Cardiology 9 Springer-VerlagNew York Inc. 1990

Original Articles Left Ventricular Contractile State After Surgical Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot: Risk Factors for Late Left Ventricular Dysfunction Gerd Hausdorf, 1 Claus Hinrichs, I Christoph A. Nienaber, 2 Claudia Schark, ~ and Ernst W. Keck I Departments of ~Pediatric Cardiology and 2Cardiology, University Hospital Hamburg, Hamburg, FRG

SUMMARY. The purpose of this study was to analyze potential "risk-factors" for late left ventricular dysfunction after surgical correction of Fallot's tetralogy (FT). As the ejection-phase indices cannot distinguish abnormalities of contractility from altered loading conditions, the slope values of the end-systolic pressure-length and stress-shortening relationships were analyzed by increasing afterload. Thirty-two patients were studied after surgical correction of Wl" in infancy. The age at investigation was 19.2 _+ 5.6 years, total correction had been performed at the age of 7.7 -+ 3.3 years. In 20 patients a one-stage operation was performed, and in 12 patients a two-stage correction. The control group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers, aged 1830 years. The following potential risk factors for left ventricular dysfunction were evaluated: one-stage vs. two-stage correction, age at total correction, preoperative systemic oxygen saturation, preoperative hematocrit, occurrence of hypoxic spells, preoperative ratio of left-to-right ventricular peak systolic pressure, and preoperative ratio of left-to-right ventricular end-diastolic volume. In most patients the baseline data for end-systolic wall stress lay outside the normal range, indicating abnormal loading conditions. Thus, analysis of load-independent indices of the contractile state seems to be mandatory in these patients. Our data show that the severity of preoperative hypoxemia is an important risk factor for late dysfunction of the left ventricle (p < 0.01). Additionally, the relation of left and right ventricular peak systolic pressures and enddiastolic volumes were related to the contractile state (p < 0.01). No influence of preoperative hypoxic spells, the need for a palliative aortopulmonary shunt, or the age at surgical correction on the postoperative contractile state was demonstrated. The latter may have been due to the fact that none of the patients were operated on within the first 2 years of life. KEY WORDS: Cardiac surgery - - Contractile state - - Echocardiography - - Hypoxemia - Tetralogy of Fallot

Cardiac performance is of increasing importance for the adolescent and adult with surgically corrected congenital heart disease because life-expectancy will have been prolonged. Tetralogy of Fallot (FT) is characterized predominantly by abnormalities of the right heart [16]. However, left ventricular size is often reduced due to diminished pulmonary blood flow [20]. This "hypoplasia" of the left ventricle could be of major importance for the long-term prognosis and quality of life after surgical correction of FT [5, 15, 28]. Additionally, the degree of Address offprint requests to: Dr. Gerd Hausdorf, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Abteilung Angeborene Herzfehler, Augustenburger Platz 1, D-1000 Berlin 65, FRG.

preoperative hypoxemia, an increased preoperative hematocrit, and the age at surgical correction could be potential "risk factors" for late left ventricular dysfunction [5, 10, 28]. The purpose of this study was to analyze potential risk factors for late left ventricular dysfunction after surgical correction of FT. Assessment of left ventricular performance is still a subject of controversy. Usually, ejection-phase indices--ejection fraction, fractional shortening or mean fiber shortening velocity--are used for evaluating left ventricular systolic performance. As these indices cannot distinguish abnormalities of contractility from altered loading conditions, their application in patients with altered loading conditions could well be


inadequate [6, 4, 38]. The relationship between endsystolic pressure and dimension has gained increased acceptance as a load-independent parameter of the contractile state [3, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36]. However, the relationship between end-systolic wall stress and fractional shortening or mean fiber shortening velocity proved to be even more sensitive to changes of the contractile state than the endsystolic pressure-dimension (Pes-Des) relationship, reflecting the dependence of the ejection-phase indices on the loading conditions [4, 6].

Pediatric Cardiology Vol. 11, No. 2, 1990

Study Protocol All examinations were performed at rest in the semisupine position. The patients relaxed for at least 10 min prior to the examination. Atropine (0.01 mg/kg) was administered intravenously prior to the examination to reduce reflex cardiac slowing [3, 4, 6, 17]. After baseline recordings the blood pressure was slowly increased by the infusion of angiotensin II (0.5-3.5 p~g/min). Systolic blood pressure was increased for 30 mmHg above baseline values. During the elevation of blood pressure several simultaneous recordings of the M-mode echocardiogram, carotid pulse tracing, and arterial blood pressure were performed. Informed consent was obtained from all patients or their parents.

Patients and Methods

Patients Thirty-two patients were studied after surgical correction of FT in infancy. The age at investigation was 19.2 -+ 5.6 years, total correction having been performed at the age of 7.7 + 3.3 years. In 20 patients a one-stage operation was performed (group 1), in 12 patients a two-stage correction was performed (group 2).

Control Group The control group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers, aged 18-30 years [17]. None had a history of cardiovascular disease. Physical examination, electrocardiography, M-mode, and two-dimensional echocardiography revealed no abnormalities.

Measurements and Calculation For all measurements three consecutive cardiac cycles were evaluated and the mean taken for further calculations. Data points were excluded when the heart rate varied by more than 10 beats/min from baseline values [3, 4, 6, 17]. The end-diastolic internal LV dimension (Ded) was measured at the beginning of the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram, while the end-systolic LV dimension (De0 and posterior wall thickness (PW~0 were measured at end-ejection as assessed from the time-corrected carotid pulse tracings. Fractional shortening (FS) was calculated as: Ded -- Des FS = - - . Oed


End-systolic meridional wall stress (o'es) was calculated according to Brodie et al. [8]:

Echocardiograms These were recorded with a Picker 80C Echoview ultrasound imaging device using a 3.5 MHz and 2.25 MHz transducer. The M-mode echocardiograms were recorded from the tip of the mitral valve leaflets in standard position with a paper speed of 100 mm/s [34]. The transducer was held in position for all measurements. All echocardiograms were recorded by one echocardiographer to eliminate interobserver variability. Simultaneously with the M-mode echocardiogram, a carotid pulse tracing was recorded, which was corrected for pulse transmission delay by aligning it to the aortic valve echocardiogram. To evaluate the geometry of the left ventricular short axis, cross-sectional echocardiograms of the left ventricular short axis were performed.

Measurement of End-Systolic Pressure The systolic and diastolic blood pressure was measured by a Dinamap 845 vital Signs Monitor (Criticon Inc.). This device has been shown to estimate central aortic pressure accurately over a wide range of pressures, independent of cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance, heart rate, and body surface area [2]. The end-systolic pressure ( P J was determined by the method of Stefadouros et al. [35], using linear interpolation of the height of the dicrotic notch of the indirect carotid pulse tracing [2, 35].

o'es = 1.35.

PW~s 9 Des (g/cm z) 4 9 PWes 9 (1 + PWes/D~)

The slopes of the relationships between end-systolic pressure and dimension (Pes-De~ relationship), and end-systolic stress and fractional shortening (o'es-FS relationship) were calculated a c cording to the following equations: Pes-Des relationship: o-e~-FS relationship:

Pes = al " Des + b FS = a 2- O-es+ FS0

Preoperative Parameters To analyze potential preoperative risk factors for late left ventricular performance, the following parameters were evaluated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

One-stage vs. two-stage correction. Age at surgical correction. Preoperative systemic oxygen saturation. Preoperative hematocrit. Occurrence of hypoxic spells. Left ventricular peak systolic pressure in percent of the right ventricular peak systolic pressure. 7. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume in percent of the right ventricular end-diastolic volume.

G. Hausdorf et al.: Contractile State After Correction of Fallot's Tetralogy


Table 1. Preoperative parameters: influence of one- and two-stage operation

n Age(years) Age at OP Time since OP (years) pLV/pRV (%) O2-Sat (%) Hct (%) LV/RVEDV (%)

All patients

Group 1

Group 2

30 19 7.7 11.8 102 83.5 46 88

12 22 9.4 12.0 99 83.6 47 92

18 18 6.9 11.8 104 83.6 46 87

-+ 5.4 _+ 3.2 -+ 3.6 -+ 13.7 -+ 9.7 -+ 10.7 +- 28

-+ 6.1 -+ 2.9 a -+ 4.2 -+ 7.7 -+ 5.9 -+ 6.6 +- 38

-+ 4.9 -+ 3.1 -+ 3.4 -+ 15.0 -+ 11.0 -+ 12.5 -+ 22

pLV/RV%, left ventricular peak systolic pressure in percent of right ventricular peak systolic pressure; OrSat, systemic oxygen saturation; Hct, hematocrit; LV/RVEDV, left ventricular end-diastolic volume in percent of the right ventricular end-diastolic volume; OP, operation. Only the age at surgical correction differed significantly between patients with one- and two-stage operation (p < 0.05). ~p < 0.05.

Assessment of Right and Left Ventricular Volumes For volume determinations no extra-beats or postextrasystolic beats were analyzed; because of this, the preoperative anglograms of five patients had to be excluded from the study. The end-diastolic conteur of the right and left ventricular angiograms were manually digitized using a Cardio 200 (Kontron Image Analysis) computer. The left ventricular end-diastolic volume was calculated by the area-length method [13], using the regression equation according to Graham et al. [11] for correction of the measured volumes. The right ventricular end-diastolic volume was calculated by Simpson's rule using the regression equation according to Graham et al. [14] for correction of the measured volumes. No estimation of absolute end-diastolic volumes was performed due to inadequate calibrations of some of the angiograms. As the loading conditions at the time of cardiac catheterization were unknown and can assumed to have altered [20], the right and left ventricular ejection fractions were not analyzed.

systemic oxygen saturations did not differ before total correction in both groups (Table 1). The preoperative patient data are given in Table 1. There was no difference of the age at investigation between both groups, while the age at operation was significantly lower in group 1 (p < 0.05). In two patients the echocardiograms were technically inadequate, so that these patients were excluded from further analysis. Flat septal movement was observed in 12 patients. In one patient septal movement was paradoxical: ejection-phase indices were not calculated in this patient. Cross-sectional echocardiography revealed a circular shape of the left ventricular short axis in all patients studied. In 14 patients hypoxic spells had been observed before surgical correction; in five of these a twostage correction was performed. The preoperative parameters for patients with and without hypoxic spells are given in Table 2.

Statistics Linear regression analysis was performed according to Pearson. When indicated, partial regression analysis was performed. Differences between group means were analyzed by an unpaired t test. A value o f p < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant.


In 20 patients (group 1) a one-stage operation had been performed, and in 12 patients a two-stage operation was performed (group 2). The aortopulmonary shunt resulted in a significant increase of systemic oxygen saturation from 63 -+ 18.5% to 83.6 -+ 11.0% in group 2 patients (p < 0.01). Thus,

Parameters of the Contractile State The individual data for end-systolic stress and fractional shortening at baseline conditions are shown in Fig. 1. Although the mean value for both parameters did not differ significantly from the mean value in the control group (Table 3), the standard deviation was much higher in the patient group. Thus, most of the data points are outside of the normal range (Fig. 1), indicating abnormal loading conditions. The mean values for the slopes of the end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship and relationship between end-systolic stress and fractional


Pediatric Cardiology Vol. 11, No. 2, 1990

Table 2. Preoperative parameters: influence of hypoxic spells on late systolic function

n Age(years) Age at OP (years) Time since OP (years) p L V / p R V (%) O2-Sat (%) Hct (%) L V / R V E D V (%)

All patients

H y p o x i c spells

No hypoxic spells

30 19 7.7 11.8 102 83.5 46 88

14 17 6.2 11.2 103 80.8 48 88

16 21 8.7 12.2 101 85.5 45 89

• 5.4 • 3.2 + 3.6 • 13.7 • 9.7 _+ 10.7 • 28

• 4.0 • 3.0 _+ 3.3 • 11.9 • 8.1 • 11.7 • 31

• • -+ • -+ • •

5.6 3.0 3.9 15.2 10.4 10.1 26

See Table 1 for abbreviations. N o significant differences due to preoperative hypoxic spells were observed.

Table 3. P a r a m e t e r s of the contractile state late after surgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot (FT)

FSbaseline(%) O'baseline(g cm -2) Pes-Des (cm m m H g -1) ~res-FS (cm 2 g ])

All patients

Group 1

31.1 51.8 46.2 -0.272

30.0 50.1 43.4 -0.267

-+ • _+ •

6.9 19.6 16.2 0.112

Group 2

+• • -+

5.6 11.8 13.5 0.090

31.6 52.9 47.0 -0.273

+ • -+ -+

Control group 7.8 22.9 17.5 0.127

34.1 46.8 54.1 -0.249

-+ -+ • •

1.9 5.9 18.4 0.060

FSbaseline, fractional shortening at baseline conditions; O'base~,e,end-systolic wall stress at baseline conditions; Pes-Des, slope value of the end-systolic p r e s s u r e - d i m e n s i o n relationship; o'e~-FS, slope value of the relationship b e t w e e n end-systolic stress and fractional shortening.

The slope values were slightly reduced in patients with preoperative hypoxic spells, but no significant differences of the contractile state indices could be shown with regard to the preoperative occurrence of hypoxic spells (Table 4).



Regression Analysis of Preoperative "Risk Factors"




The linear regression coefficients for the relationships of potential risk factors and the parameters of left ventricular performance are given in Table 5A, while table 5B gives the relationships between the potential risk factors.





IOO g/cm


Fig. 1. T h e individual points for end-systolic wall stress and fractional shortening at baseline conditions (patient group) are illustrated together with the m e a n s and 95% confidence limits of these indices in the control group.

shortening are given in Table 3. Although the slope values were slightly reduced in the patient groups, no significant differences were observed in comparison with the control group.

Analysis of Partial Regressions Because of the significant correlations between some of the potential risk factors, partial regressions were calculated as shown in Table 6. Analysis of partial regressions showed the slope value of the end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship to be significantly dependent on the preoperative systemic oxygen saturation and the preoperative left ventricular peak systolic pressure as a percentage of the right ventricular peak systolic pressure (Table 6, Fig. 2A). The slope value of the relationship

G. Hausdorf et al.: Contractile State After Correction of Fallot's Tetralogy


Table 4. Indices of the contractile state for patients with and without preoperative bypoxic spells

Pc~-D~ (cm mmHg ~) o-~-FS (cm 2 g 1)

All patients

Hypoxic spells

No hypoxic spells

46.2 + 16.2 -0.272 -+ 0.112

44.1 _+ 14.5 -0.298 -+- 0.122

47.8 - 17.3 -0.256 -+ 0.101

See Table 3 for abbreviations.

Table 5, A. Correlations between potential "risk factors" and parameters of left ventricular performance

Pes-Des Age Age at OP Time pL/RV% O2-Sat Hct L/RVEDV




0.4126 ~ 0.3736 ~ 0,3079 -0.1541 -0.3611 0.1171 0.2338

-0.2407 -0.2922 -0.1126 0.4063 ~ 0.3386 -0.0513 0.0348

0.2412 0.1365 0,2218 -0.3155 -0.3140 -0.0247 -0.1514

-0.1110 0.0624 -0.2492 =0.2863 0.5389 b -0.1541 0.2616

B. Correlations between the potential "risk factors"

Age at OP Time pL/RV% O:-Sat Hct L/RVEDV


Age at OP

Time since OP




0.7474 ~ 0.790F 0.0909 -0.0929 -0.1336 -0.2040

0.195 0.2468 0.0340 -0.087 0.0041

0.2468 -0.1641 -0.1152 -0.2801

0.0187 -0.1391 0.0753

-0.5413 b 0.4599"


See Tables 1 and 3 for abbreviations. Time, time since OP. a p < 0.05; bp < 0.01; ~p < 0.001.

Table 6, Analysis of partial regressions



Excluded influence

Partial correlation coefficient (r)

Pcs-Des Pes-Des P~s-D,~ Pe~-Des o'es-FS o'e~-FS Cres-FS O'e~-FS (re~-FS o-~s-FS cr~s-FS o'e~-FS

O2-Sat pL/RV% L/RVEDV L/RVEDV Age at OP O2-Sat pL/RV% L/RVDEV O2-Sat pL/RV% L/RVEDV O2-Sat

pL/RV% O2-Sat O2-Sat pL/RV% Age Age Age Age pL/RV% O2-Sat O2-Sat L/RVEDV

0.568 b 0.559 b 0.018 0.075 0.108 -0.312 - 0.211 0.357 - 0.3682 -0.158 0.483 b -0.543 b

See table 5 for abbreviations. p < 0.05; b p < 0.01

between end-systolic stress and fractional shortening was significantly related to the preoperative systemic oxygen saturation and the preoperative left ventricular end-diastolic volume as a percentage of the end-diastolic right ventricular volume (Table 6, Fig. 2B).

Discussion After surgical correction of FT, the anatomy is reconstructed; however, cardiac problems are still evident. In a variable n u m b e r of patients, residual right ventricular outflow tract obstruction occurs


P e d i a t r i c C a r d i o l o g y V o l . 11, N o . 2, 1990

o , - FS

P~- D,,

o 6O

oo9 99


Fig. 2. A "Risk factors"for late left ventricular


dysfunction after surgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot (F73. The correlations between the preoperative oxygen-saturation and the slope value of the end-systolic pressure-length relationship (Pe~-Dc0 (partial regression: r = 0.568, p < 0.01), and the correlation between the preoperative ratio of the left and right ventricular peak pressure (pLV/RV%) (regression: r = 0.559, p < 0.01) are shown. Significant intercorrelations between the risk factors (Table 5B) afforded the calculation of partial regressions.



60 02-





2 --

80 Saturation

P~- D





0 60


p LV/RV~




B Risk fuctor.~ for tute l~I/'t ventricuhu" ~Iv.~[~tnction ctjter surgical correction o[ FT. The correlations between the preoperative oxygen-saturation and the end-systolic stress-shortening (cr~,-FS) relationships (partial regression: r - 0.543, p < 0.01), and the correlation between the ratio of the left and right ventricular end-diastolic volume (LV/RVEDVC~) and the end-systolic stress-shortening relationship (partial regression: r = 0.483, p < 0.01: r - 0.559. p < 0.01) are shown. Significant correlations between the risk factors (Table 5B) made it necessary to calculate partial regressions.



[12, 21, 22, 31]. After right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction with a transannular patch, pulmonary regurgitation is regularly observed [22, 23, 31]. In a small number of patients, a residual ventricular septal defect is found [1, 9, 12, 31]. Rhythm disturbances and impaired left ventricular function seem to be of increasing importance for the long-term prognosis and quality of life in this condition [5, 10, 12, 28-30]. Previous studies of left ventricular performance after surgical correction of FT gave conflicting results. Jarmakani et al. [20] reported reduced left ventricular ejection fractions before and after surgical correction. While most workers [18, 19, 37] reported an impaired increase of cardiac output with exercise testing, others [7, 30] reported a normal response to exercise and normal resting ejection fractions. As the ejection-phase indices cannot distinguish abnormalities of contractility from altered loading conditions, their application to patients with altered loading conditions seems to be inadequate. In most of our patients, afterload was abnormal in terms of end-systolic wall stress (Fig. 1). For this reason the end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship was evaluated as a load-independent parameter of the contractile state [3, 25, 26, 32, 36] and, additionally, the relationship between end-systolic wall stress and fractional shortening. The latter proved to be even more sensitive to changes in the contractile

state than the end-systolic pressure-dimension relationship [4, 6]. However, the end-systolic stressshortening relationship is influenced by preload changes, although it incorporates afterload [17]. Our data strongly indicate that the severity of preoperative hypoxemia is an important risk factor for late left ventricular dysfunction (Fig. 2, Table 6). In contrast to De Lorgeril et al. [10], preoperative hypoxic spells were not shown to have a significant influence on the contractile state late after surgical correction of FT (Table 4). Also, the need for a palliative aortopulmonary shunt before total correction was not a significant risk factor. There were no differences in the preoperative hemodynamic parameters between patients with one-stage and twostage correction (Table 3), despite a younger age at total correction. These patients had been operated upon during a period when total correction was delayed, whenever possible. Group-2 patients had been judged to need earlier definitive correction, although hemodynamic data do not support this decision retrospectively. In addition to the degree of preoperative hypoxemia, the relation of left and right ventricular peak systolic pressures and end-diastolic volumes were related to the contractile state (Table 6, Fig. 2). Both parameters reflect preoperative pulmonary perfusion that is related to the development of the left ventricle in this condition [20, 24, 27]. It would seem from the studies of Borow et al.

G. Hausdorf et al.: Contractile State After Correction of Fallot's Tetralogy


l r--i

L_q I-! S

10 y e a r s

Fig. 3. The relative frequencies of the age at operation are illustrated in percent. None of the patients had been operated on below the age of 2 years.

[5] and James et al. [19] that postoperative left ventricular performance is clearly related to age at operation when surgical correction is performed within the first 2 years of life. This could not be shown in the current study, probably because we did not include any patients with early definitive correction (within the first 2 years of life). Figure 3 shows the distribution of frequencies for the parameter "age at operation." There are two maxima, one at the age of 5 years, and another one at 10 years.

Conclusion Left ventricular systolic function late after surgical correction of FT is significantly dependent on the degree of preoperative hypoxemia and thus on preoperative pulmonary perfusion. Although the importance of early correction within the first 2 years of life was not studied, early definitive correction seems to improve left ventricular function significantly. This may be due to reduced hypoxic alteration of the left ventricular myocardium.

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Left ventricular contractile state after surgical correction of tetralogy of Fallot: risk factors for late left ventricular dysfunction.

The purpose of this study was to analyze potential "risk-factors" for late left ventricular dysfunction after surgical correction of Fallot's tetralog...
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