44 One of W. S. Craig’s regrets
that it
proved impossible
to concentrate the work into one or even two units.
Notes and News
enjoyed most of all the construction of, and 18 years’ work in, the special-care baby ward which opened in the Leeds Maternity Hospital in 1952. Besides teaching generations of medical students and caring for children beyond counting, he published during his 22 years in Leeds more than seventy papers, of which at the very least twelve can be considered as outstanding. His second book, Care of the Newly Born Infant, was first published in 1955, and was specifically written for both nurses and doctors. This invaluable and splendidly illustrated book has now gone into its 5th edition, the last one in the good hands of Dr A. J. Keay and Dr D. M. Morgan. For the early editions, it was characteristic of him to insist that members of his department who had made relatively minor contributions should be listed as collaborators on the title page, and that profits from the sale of the book should go to these contributors, though he would take none for himself. His third book was a labour of love, an account of the life of John Thomson, one of the first British pædiatricians. W. S. Craig was intensely loyal to his junior staff, especially behind their backs. He was not slow to chastise, but was generous with praise. He rejoiced in sharp observation and loved to see young doctors learning clinical sense and judgment. The child and his mother came first, and the consultation was inviolate; etiquette mattered; administrators could wait. As for laboratory tests and powerful drugs, they were exceedingly valuable, but clinical judgment mattered more. . What a prodigious capacity for work he had! He did not seem to want to go on holiday, and was not very enthusiastic when others did. His ward-rounds were hard on lunch-lovers, and stomachs could rumble. He liked to be called out at night-or pretended he did-and seemed to enjoy the agonising problems of the very ill newborn baby. He enjoyed teaching, and with the students he loved to encourage and probe and castigate and preach the virtues of the family doctor. He felt personally responsible for the training of the house-physician, and checked that the work was done. The Lord protect you (for no-one else could) if your notes were not written up by morning. An odd point to the young was that this man, who could at times be stern on his home ground, was charming and full of talk and cheerfulness at gatherings away. In one sentence, I would say that W. S. Craig was not a forgettable man; and that he put children and their mothers above all.
M. F. G. B.
representations from the professions, the of Department Health and Social Security and the Welsh Office have agreed that there should be a final central review of the personal status of senior hospital medical officers and senior hospital dental officers who were not eligible for the 1972/73 review. Those eligible will be S.H.M.o.s and S.H.D.O.S who were under the age of 65 and in N.H.S. employment at Jan. 1, 1975, and who were not eligible for the 1972/73 review which related to S.H.M.O.S and S.H.D.O.S occupying posts graded as consultant and receiving a special allowance. Those eligible will be invited to apply for review to the Department of Health or to the Welsh Office. Applications will be considered by a central review panel, the members of which will be entirely professional. The panel will consist of 2 representatives of the Department of Health, 2 of the Joint Consultants Committee, 1 outside assessor (normally from the appropriate Royal College or Faculty), and 1 representative from the appropriate regional health authority or area health authority (teaching), or area health authority in Wales. Any practitioner who considers himself eligible for this review, and who does not shortly receive an application form, should apply for one to his employing authority; forms should be returned by Aug. 15. The decisions of the review panel will be final-there will be no right of appeal, and no further reviews will be arranged in the future. FOLLOWING
IN 1972 three adults out of every ten interviewed in the General Household Survey for that year1 admitted taking an analgesic in the seven days before interview. About 80%of this consumption was self-prescribed, and hardly any of the analgesics containing phenacetin were prescribed by a doctor. The rates per 1000 persons were as follows:
Of those taking aspirin preparations 34-7% had taken tablets at least three times, and 33.3 % took five or more tablets. The survey also revealed that 63% of males and 41 % of females over the age of sixteen were smokers.
P. A., M.B.Brist , M R.C.PATH : consultant microbiologist, Basingstoke and North Hants health dtstrtct, Hampshire A.H.A. (teaching. •CURREY, JACQUELINE, M.B.Lond., M.R.C.P.: consultant physician m rheumatology and rehabilitation, Hem and Esstz Hospital and Hertford County Hospital. DATHAN, J. R. E., M.D.Lond., M.R.C.P.: consultant physician, Southampton and South West Hanta health district, Hampshire A.H.A. (teaching,. DuTHtE, J. S., CH.M.Aberd., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E.: consultant general surgeon, Oldham A.H.A., North Western R.H.A. D.C.H. : consultant pædiatrician, Portsmouth and South East Hanu health district, Hampshire
HALLETI, R. J., B.M.Oxon., M.tLC.F, teaching). JONES, D. L., M.B.Manc., A.H.A.
consultant urologist, Trafford A.H.A. (teaching), North Western R.H A. MAMLS, FRANCES, M., M.B., B.tC.Lond., D.P.M.: consultant psychiatrist, the London Hospital, City and East London A.H-A- (teaching). MOSELEY, 1. F., M.B., B.sc..Lond., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.R., D.M.R.D.: consultant radiologist, National Hospitals for Nervous Diseases, London. WALDRAM, R. P. L., M.D.Cantab., M.R.C.P.: consultant physician, Basingitoke and North Hann health district, Hampshire A.H.A(teaching). and Mtnchetter
The 250th anniversary of the founding of the University of Edinburgh’s Faculty of Medicine is to be commemorated next year in the week of June 24-30. Edinburgh graduates who may wish to attend (with or without relatives or friends) can obtain further information and preliminary registration forms from the Secretariat, 250th Anniversary Celebrations, University Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG. A lecture by Dr P. J. Scheuer on the evolution of hepatitis will be given at 2 P.M. on Wednesday, July 9, at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 OHS. A Moynihan lecture on oncology and surgery will be given by Sir Michael Woodruff, P.R.s., at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, July 9, at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN. 1. The General Household
Survey 1972. H.M. Stationery Office. E5.