Current Eye Research

SHORT COMMUNICATION Volume 11 number 7 1992, 71 1-715

Localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) messenger RNA (mRNA) in amacrine cells of rat retina Shonosuke Okamoto, Hitoshi Okamura', Hirofumi Terubayashi, Yoshio Akagi, Hiroshi Okamoto2 and Yasuhiko Ibata'

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Departments of Ophthalmology and 'Anatomy, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto 602 and 2Department of Biochemistry, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai 980, Miyagi, Japan

ABSTRACT We detected vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) messenger RNA (mRNA) i n t h e r a t retina using an i n s i t u hybridization technique and a 35S-labelled cDNA probe. VIP mRNA was present i n t h e cells of t h e inner nuclear layer (INL). The VIP mRNApositive cells showed a d i s t r i b u t i o n smilar t o that of t h e VIP-like immunoreactive amacrine cells. This observation suggests t h a t VIP mRNA undergoes transcription i n t h e V I P-immunoreactive amacri ne cells.

o f t h e r a t using an i n s i t u hybridization technique, and compared t h e f i n d i n g w i t h those determined b y immunocytochemistry o f VIP. Eight male Wistar r a t s (180-200 g) were housed under a daily l i g h t - d a r k cycle (12 hours l i g h t - 12 hours d a r k ) and given free access t o food and water. A f t e r inducing deep anesthesia w i t h sodium

The retina, an integral p a r t of t h e central

pentobarbital, t h e animals were sacrifaced at 12.00

nervous system, i s r i c h i n several kinds of

h - 14.00 h and perfused w i t h ice-cold 0.1 M

neuropeptides. Irnmunocytochemical analyses have

phosphate b u f f e r saline (pH 7.5), followed b y

shown the localization o f a v a r i e t y o f neuropeptides

perfusion w i t h 4 % paraformaldehyde i n 0.1 M

i n t h e amacrine cell of t h e r e t i n a (1-3). However

phosphate b u f f e r (PB) (pH 7.5). The eyes were

t h e i r functions as neurotransmitters or

immediatl y removed and t h e anterior segments were

neuromodulators have not been described.

resected. A l l procedure on animals were carried o u t

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a 28-amino acid

in accordance with t h e Guiding Principles i n t h e

peptide t h a t was f i r s t isolated from the porcine

Care and use o f Animals (DHEW Publication, NIH

duodenum b y Said and Mutt in 1970 (4), i s widely


d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e central and peripheral nervous

For i n s i t u hybridization study, t h e retina was

systems (5). Considering t h e organs involved i n

carefully removed whole from t h e choroidal

vision, immunocytochemical studies f o r VIP had

membrane and was immersed i n 4 % para-

been reported in t h e visual cortex, t h e superior

formaldehyde in 0.1 M PB (pH 7.5) f o r 3 hours. Each

colliculus (6), hypothalamus as well as r e t i n a of t h e

, g/ml proteinase K r e t i n a was deproteinated i n 1.O u

r a t (7,8). Recently, t h e cDNA coding sequence of VIP

(Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO.) f o r 30 min and

has been clarified i n r a t s and humans (9) and an i n

was then delipidated in a graded alcohol series.

s i t u hybridization technique showed t h e

After prehybridization f o r 2 hours, t h e whole

localization of VIP mRNA i n t h e central and

retinas were incubated i n a hybridization solution

peripheral nervous systems. We attempted t o

consisting of formamide (50 % vol/vol), dextran

examine t h e localization of VIP mRNA i n t h e retina

sulfate (10 % vol/voi), 3 x standard saline c i t r a t e

Received on September 9, 1991; accepted on June 22, 1992

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Current Eye Research

Figure 1 VIP mRNA positive grains are seen i n the cell on t h e vitreous side of the inner nucleus layer (INL) (A). Labelled cells are spase in both t h e central and peripheral regions of t h e retina. Populations of positive cells are similar i n those regions. No positive grains are observed on t h e sections t h a t

are incubated with a pBR322 cDNA probe as a control (B). Bar = 50 prn. GCL: ganglion cell layer, IPL: inner plexiform layer, INL: inner nuclear layer, OPL: o u t e r plexiform layer, ONL: outer nuclear layer.

(SSC; 0.15 M NaCI, 0.015 M trisodium citrate), 1 x

pBR322 DNA was nick- translated and used as

Denhart's solution, 100 p g/ml yeast t-RNA, 100 p

described for t h e VIP probe. After

g/ml salmon sperm DNA, 10 mM DTT, 1.0 rnM EDTA,

posthybridization i n 0.5 x SSC f o r 2 hours, whole

and 8.7 x l o 5 dprn/ml of denatured nick-translated

retinas were dehydrated in a graded alcohol series

VIP cDNA probe at 42 "C for 20 hours. The

and then embedded in methacrylate (JB-4

prehybridization and hybridization conditions were

Embedding K i t , Polyscience, Inc. Warrington, PA).

previously described ( 1 0 , l l ) . The constriction and

Serni-thin sections ( 2-5 p m) were made on a

characterization of t h e cloning method have also

microtome and then mounted on gelatin-coated

been described (9). The cDNA containing

slides. The slides were dipped i n NTBP (Eastman

approximately 700 base pairs of t h e entire coding

Kodak Co., Rochester, NY) nuclear t r a c k emulsion

sequence f o r r a t VIP was labelled b y

(dilution, 1:l distilled water) and exposed f o r 2-4

nick-translation w i t h [35S]dATP (Amersham UK.)

weeks. The emulsion-coated slides were developed

and used as the hybridization probe. As a control,

with Kodak D19 and fixed. The tissue sections were

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Current Eye Research and treated w i t h anti-VIP antisera (dilution 1 :5000) for 7 days. After being reacted w i t h anti-rabbit IgG (dilution 1:200) f o r 2 h, they were allowed t o react w i t h PAP solution (dilution 1:200) f o r 90 min and final Iy exposed t o 3,3'-diaminobenzidine substrate solution containing HzOz.A l l sera were diluted w i t h 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.5) containing 0.3% T r i t o n X-100. The Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by QUT Queensland University of Tech on 11/23/14 For personal use only.

characterization o f VIP antisera has been described elsewhere (12). Control sections were treated w i t h t h e anti-VIP serum absorbed w i t h synthetic VIP (0.1 - 1.0 p g/rnl). No immunoreactive substances

were detected in t h e control sections. Visible well-concentrated grains which were considered t o be VIP mRNA-positive grains, were localized on t h e cells in vitreous side o f t h e i n n e r nuclear layer (Figs. l A , 2A). The positive cells were morphologically similar t o t h e s u r r o u n d i n g nonpositive cells i n t h e inner layer. No concentration o f t h e g r a i n s could be found in t h e intermediate and o u t e r sides of t h e inner nuclear Figure 2 Dark field autoradiograph showing a VIP mRNA positive cell i n the inner nuclear layer (A). A VIP-like immunoreactivity cell i s also located i n t h e inner side of that layer. VIP-like immunoreactive processes are present i n t h e inner plexiform layer (6). Bar = 50 y m.

layer as well as i n t h e other layers o f t h e retina. The number o f labelled VIP mRNA cells was small, being only a few cells per cross section. The population of labelled VIP mRNA cells was similar in

GCL: ganglion cell layer, IPL: inner plexiform

t h e central and peripheral regions o f t h e retina.

layer, INL: i n n e r nuclear layer, OPL: outer plexiform layer, ONL: outer nuclear layer.

When hybridization was carried o u t w i t h a pBR322 cDNA probe as a control, No concentration o f t h e labelled grains on t h e cell was present (Fig.1 B). I n

then counterstained with toluidine blue and

t h e immunocytochemical studies, VIP

observed b y both b r i g h t - and dark-field l i g h t

irnmunoreactive cells were also found i n t h e

m icroscop y .

innermost side o f t h e inner nuclear layer where t h e

F o r immunoc ytoc hemical s t u d y , t h e eyecups

labelled VIP mRNA cells were d i s t r i b u t e d (Fig. 28).

dissected from t h e anterior segment were fixed with

These f i n d i n g suggest t h a t t h e labelled VIP mRNA

t h e same fixative containing 0.2 % picric acid f o r 6

cells are likely t o be amacrine cells t h a t synthesize

hours and were cryoprotected w i t h 20 % sucrose i n


0.1 M PB. Frozen sections (30 y m t h i c k ) were made

The investigation o f VIP mRNA expression i n t h e

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Current Eye Research CNS b y i n s i t u hybridization technique has


reported previously (1 3-15) b u t there are no

Shonosuke Okamoto, M.D.

r e p o r t s o f t h e detection of VIP mRNA i n t h e r a t

Department o f Ophthalmology, Kyoto Prefectural

retina. I n the present study, we f i r s t detected VIP

U n i v e r s i t y o f Medicine, Kyoto 602, Japan.

mRNA positive cells. Since VIP immunoreactivity and

VIP mRNA levels were low compared with those o f VIP synthesizing cells i n t h e brain. We assume t h a t

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t h e VIP-containing cells i n t h e retina have low mRNA level and synthesize only a small amount of VIP. I n t h e CNS, t h e highest concentration of VIP i s found i n the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) o f t h e hypothalamus. The VIP-containing neurons i n t h e SCN showed an increased immunoreactivity

following enucleation of the eye (16). Although t h e role o f retinal VIP is unknown, a recent investigation demonstrated an increased VIP immunoreactivity i n t h e retina o f t h e primate myopic eye (17). Another study showed that VIP induced increase i n intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP i n cultured glial cells o f t h e r a t r e t i n a (18). These observations suggest that VIP may play a role i n regulation o f ocular morphogenesis between t h e amacrine and glial cells of t h e dynamic changes i n VIP processing i s required. The i n s i t u hybridization technique can make an important contribution t o revealing the function of retinal VIP.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Dr. Noboru Yanaihara f o r a k i n d g i f t o f t h e antiserum t o VIP (R.502). This work was supported i n p a r t b y a g r a n t (60480105, 01480112) from t h e Ministry o f Education, Science and Culture, Japan.


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Localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) messenger RNA (mRNA) in amacrine cells of rat retina.

We detected vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) messenger RNA (mRNA) in the rat retina using an in situ hybridization technique and a 35S-labelled cDN...
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