Low frequency locally resonant metamaterials containing composite inclusions Guy Bonneta) and Vincent Monchiet Universit e Paris-Est, Laboratoire Mod elisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle, Unit e Mixte de Recherche 8208, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 5 Boulevard Descartes, 77454 Marne la Vall ee Cedex, France

(Received 19 June 2014; revised 20 April 2015; accepted 29 April 2015) One main feature of metamaterials is the occurrence of a negative dynamic mass density that is produced when an inner local resonance is present. The inner resonance can be obtained in composite materials containing composite inclusions. For suitable ratios of the physical properties of the constituting materials, the composite inclusions act as spring-mass systems. The scaling of physical properties leading to such an inner resonance and the associated effective dynamic properties of materials containing composite inclusions are briefly recalled. The resonance frequencies and dynamic mass densities are obtained in a closed form for materials containing cylindrical composite fibers or spherical composite inclusions, after solving the related boundary value elasticity probC 2015 Acoustical Society of America. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4921273] lems. V [GH]

Pages: 3263–3271


A significant amount of research has been devoted recently to metamaterials, first in the field of electromagnetism and more recently in the field of acoustics. This field of research can be traced back to Veselago’s 1968 paper1 on electromagnetism, as explained in Shamonina and Solymar.2 For acoustic materials, an experimental evidence for acoustic band gaps in two-dimensional composites with fibers was obtained by Vasseur et al.3 From a fundamental point of view, it appears that interesting properties of acoustic metamaterials come from resonance, either due to the collective behaviour of inclusions or to the presence of local resonators.4,5 This last case corresponds to the occurrence of inner resonance. Numerous papers in this field were published that either study the properties of metamaterials from a theoretical approach6–10 or experimentally display the properties of such materials.11–15 An important aspect of these works is that the dynamic behaviour exhibits an “effective dynamic mass density,” that becomes negative at certain frequencies, as predicted or observed by several authors.11,14,16–19 In the following, this study will be restricted to elastic composites made of composite inclusions. Even so, the amount of literature devoted to this field is impressive. A first method for studying this problem consists of providing the elastodynamic solution for waves propagating through a periodic composite by decomposition into Bloch waves.20–23 However, the solutions depend essentially on the ratios of physical properties of the components of the composite (elastic parameters and mass densities). Therefore, strong physical insight can be gained using an asymptotic series expansion of the dynamic solution for different assumptions on the ratios between physical parameters: elastic coefficients and mass densities. First results using such a method showing the occurrence of bandgaps in elastic composites were obtained in early works,16,17 but with the development a)

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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (6), June 2015

of the ideas on metamaterials, new results have been obtained more recently with the use of asymptotic expansions in dynamic elasticity.24–28 More specifically, Auriault and Boutin27 have recently extended the method of asymptotic expansion to materials containing composite inclusions. They have shown that, under suitable assumptions, these composite inclusions act as inner resonators, leading to relatively lower values of frequencies characterizing the inner resonance. These results are the basis of the present paper. It is worthwhile noting that, compared with results coming from other publications in this field, an important aspect does appear in the papers written by Auriault and co-workers that are at the basis of our work:16,17,27 it is indeed shown in these papers that the use of different scalings of physical properties lead to different macroscopic behaviours. As a consequence, it is of prime importance to characterize the scaling properties leading to a specific dynamic behaviour. In Sec. II, the results of the asymptotic expansion method in the case of materials containing composite inclusions are briefly recalled to explicitly point out the set of physical parameters leading to inner resonance, the composite inclusions acting as “spring-mass resonators.” In Sec. III, the inner motion of composite inclusions made of cylindrical fibers is studied; the eigenfrequencies and dynamic mass densities of these resonators are obtained in a closed form. The case of spherical composite inclusions is studied in Sec. IV and the full solution of the local elasticity problem is developed in this case, again providing frequencies that are characteristic of the occurrence of negative mass densities.


Let us consider a composite material made of a matrix containing composite inclusions. These composite inclusions contain an inner inclusion (3) located inside a coating (2) and surrounded by the matrix (1) as shown in Fig. 1.


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behaviour of the composite. In the following, only one case will be considered, that leads to a dynamic behaviour characterized by spring-mass resonance. It corresponds to these orders of magnitude of the scaling ratios að2Þ ¼ O ð 2 Þ; að1Þ að2Þ ¼ O ð p Þ; að3Þ FIG. 1. (Color online) A composite inclusion within the matrix.

This composite material is defined by the geometry of the periodic cells containing the composite inclusions and by the physical properties of the constituent materials. All constituents are assumed elastic and isotropic. They are characterized by their mass densities qðsÞ , their volume concentrations cðsÞ , and their Lame elastic parameters kðsÞ ; lðsÞ . s corresponds to the matrix (1), the coating (2), or the inner inclusion (3). In a recent paper, Auriault and Boutin27 have shown that, for chosen scaling parameters, a material containing composite inclusions can display a negative mass density due to the resonance of the composite inclusions acting as spring-mass resonators. In the first step, we define these scaling parameters. Next, we present the order of magnitude of the scaling parameters leading to inner resonance of springmass type and the dynamic mass density deduced from this kind of behaviour. A. Scaling parameters

A first parameter is the scaling ratio that is defined by l ¼ ; L where l is the size of the periodic cell and L is the order of magnitude of the wavelength within the matrix in a chosen frequency range. The case of interest is when the size of the periodic cell is small compared with L and   1. Other scaling parameters contain the various physical parameters that characterize the constituents of the composite: (1) The ratios between the different mass densities of the constituents qðiÞ =qðjÞ : (2) The ratios between the orders of magnitude of the elastic coefficients of the different constituents. The order of magnitude of the elasticity coefficients of a given material will be defined by the value of aðsÞ ¼ kðsÞ þ 2lðsÞ (that is, a norm of the elasticity tensor). The scaling ratios related to elastic coefficients will be defined by ðkðiÞ þ 2lðiÞ Þ=ðkðjÞ þ 2lðjÞ Þ ¼ aðiÞ =aðjÞ . B. Scaling assumptions leading to a spring-mass behaviour

Using asymptotic expansion along the scaling parameter , Auriault and Boutin4 studied the effect of different values of the previously defined scaling ratios on the overall 3264

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p  1;

for the elastic parameters, and qð2Þ ¼ O ð q Þ; qð1Þ

q  1;

qð3Þ ¼ Oð1Þ; qð1Þ for the mass densities. It can be noticed that the scaling ratio for elastic parameters corresponds to a coating that is very soft compared with the matrix and the inner inclusion. C. Spring-mass behaviour

Under the previously defined conditions, the composite has an effective behaviour for harmonic time excitation at radial frequency x that is characterized by the dynamic equation   ðeff Þ @ aijkl kl ðeff Þ þ x2 qij uj ¼ 0; (1) @xj ðeff Þ

where aijkl are the “effective” elastic coefficients of the composite, kl are the components of the strain tensor, uj are ðeff Þ the components of the displacement, and qij are the components of a frequency-dependent dynamic density. With a periodic array of composite inclusions, the effective elastic behaviour is not isotropic, contrarily to the behaviour of the constituents. Due to the scaling assumptions, the coating is very soft compared with the matrix. As a consequence, the ðeff Þ effective elastic coefficients aijkl can be computed as for a matrix that contains voids in place of composite inclusions. ðeff Þ Concerning the components qij of the mass density, they must be considered as the ones of a tensor of second rank. In the following, it will be assumed that the composite inclusions have three orthogonal symmetry planes. In this case, the dynamic mass density is diagonal for a coordinate system whose axes are parallel to the symmetry planes, with ðeff Þ


ðxÞ ¼ hqi þ cð3Þ qð3Þ


x2 ;  x2

where Einstein’s convention summation must not be applied ðeff Þ to the repeated index i in qii , hqi being the volume average of the density within the periodic cell and xi the resonance frequency of the composite inclusion given by x2i ¼

Ki : m ð 3Þ

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mð3Þ is the mass of the inner inclusion and the stiffness Ki is obtained by computing the reaction Fi coming from the inner inclusion when this inner inclusion is subjected to a uniform displacement wi along axis i, the displacement over the outer boundary of the composite inclusion being null, with Fi ¼ Ki wi : Due to the scaling and symmetry assumptions, it can be noticed that the inner inclusion behaves as a rigid solid compared with the coating and is subjected to a uniform translation. Under dynamic solicitations, there is a dynamic displacement ð3Þ of the matrix and wi is the relative displacement wi ¼ ui ð1Þ ui of the inner inclusion with respect to the matrix. It is worthwhile mentioning that the behaviour that is so described corresponds to a low frequency range. At higher frequencies, a more complicated dynamics involving the resonance of the coating itself must be taken into account and the previously defined dynamic mass density is no more appropriate. The objective of the paper is to compute the values of

uð3Þ ¼

K uð1Þ ¼ K  m ð 3Þ x 2

1 x2 1 2 xr

uð1Þ ;


pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where xr ¼ K=mð3Þ is the resonance frequency of the harmonic oscillator. When a dynamic force F is applied to a unit cell, one obtains F ¼ x2 ðmð1Þ uð1Þ þ mð3Þ uð3Þ Þ:


Using the relationship between uð3Þ and uð1Þ and denoting the total mass within the period by mt , mt ¼ mð1Þ þ mð3Þ , one obtains F ¼ x2 uð1Þ mðeff Þ ;


where mðeff Þ ¼ mt þ mð3Þ

x2 : x2r  x2


ðeff Þ

Ki and qii for two kinds of composite inclusions. These values are obtained by solving different boundary value elasticity problems in domain (2) corresponding to the coating.

D. A physical approach to the dynamic density for an array of harmonic oscillators

The physics leading to the previous expression of the dynamic density can be recovered by studying the behaviour of composite inclusions as harmonic oscillators contained within holes inside a very stiff matrix, as proposed by Milton and Willis5 and as shown in Fig. 2. This set is assumed to move with a displacement u along x1 . Let us consider the displacement uð3Þ of the mass of such an harmonic oscillator having a mass mð3Þ that is connected by a massless spring of stiffness K to the matrix moving with the displacement component uð1Þ . The mass of the matrix contained within a given unit cell is equal to mð1Þ . The dynamic equation of the inner mass for a motion at radial frequency x is given by Kðuð3Þ  uð1Þ Þ ¼ mð3Þ x2 uð3Þ : It leads to


Dividing this mass by the volume of the periodic cell leads to the expression of the dynamic mass density obtained previously. However, it is worthwhile mentioning that the result of homogenization contains in addition the scaling ratios leading to this kind of spring-mass system in 3D configurations and the boundary value problems to solve in order to obtain the stiffness coefficients.


Let us consider the case of a three-phase system containing composite fibers inside a matrix (Fig. 3). As explained in Sec. II C, the inner inclusion (radius b) located within the overall fiber (radius a) acts as a rigid body and the resonance frequency does not involve the properties of the matrix nor the elasticity of the inner inclusion. The dynamic mass density is obtained from a dynamic problem related to a given overall displacement of the matrix. This one can be parallel to the direction of the fibers (i.e., longitudinal) or perpendicular to the direction of the fibers (i.e., transversal). Let us consider as the first step the case of longitudinal motion.

FIG. 2. A periodic array of harmonic oscillators.

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xrð3Þ ¼

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi l x d ð 3Þ ; ð 3 q Þ a2


where the non-dimensional frequency xdð3Þ is a function of the ratio a ¼ b=a between inner and outer radii of the composite fiber sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 : (13) x d ð 3Þ ¼ lnðaÞa2 FIG. 3. (Color online) A composite comprising a matrix containing a periodic array of composite fibers made of a soft coating (radius a) surrounding a stiff inner fiber (radius b).

A. Longitudinal motion

When the inertial forces due to the acceleration of the matrix are parallel to the direction of the fibers, the fibers move also parallelly to the same direction. The stiffness of the composite inclusion can be obtained by studying the inner fiber subjected to a displacement W3 along the direction of the composite fiber, the matrix being fixed. It can be shown that the displacement within the coating is antiplane with respect to the plane x1 ; x2 perpendicular to the fibers. The relative displacement w inside the coating is oriented along x3 . Its component w3 along this direction has a circular symmetry and is solution of @ 2 w3 @ 2 w3 þ ¼ 0: @x21 @x22 The solution of this boundary problem is   r ln a w 3 ¼ W3   b ln a



leading to the shear strain s along the inner fiber s ¼ lW3

1  : b b ln a


Integrating over the surface of the inner cylinder and dividing by the displacement W3 of the inner fiber leads to the stiffness by unit length of fiber 1 K3 ¼ 2pl   : a ln b


pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The eigenfrequency xrð3Þ ¼ K3 =mð3Þ , where mð3Þ is the mass of inner fiber by unit length, is finally vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u l 1 u xrð3Þ ¼ u2 ð3Þ   : (11) a 2 t q b ln b This can be written as 3266

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This function presents only one minimum when apffiffiisffi between 0 and 1. This minimum is attained for amin ¼ 1= e. For this value pof ffiffiffi a, the non-dimensional frequency is equal to xdð3Þmin ¼ 2 e. This shows that, for a given outer radius of the composite fiber, a minimum is attained for this particular (named hereafter “optimal”) geometry of the composite fiber. B. Transversal motion

Due to the circular geometry of the section, the stiffness corresponding to the transversal motion does not depend on the direction of this motion in plane x1 x2 . Therefore, there is only one resonance frequency that is the same for all transversal motions. The stiffness is obtained by enforcing a given transversal displacement W1 of the inner inclusion, the external boundary of the coating being fixed. The reaction given by the coating makes it possible to obtain the eigenfrequency of the system. The solution of such a problem rests on the complex variable solutions described in Muskhelishvili’s classical book for systems with circular boundaries.29 The application of this kind of solution to the case corresponding exactly to the previously described boundary value problem has been given by Gross.30 The components in cylindrical coordinates of the stress tensor produced by a given displacement W1 of the inner cylinder are   A B2 rrr ¼ ð3 þ vÞ þ 2A2 r þ 2 3 cos h ¼ Br cos h; r r   A B2 rhh ¼ ð1  vÞ þ 6A2 r  2 3 cos h; r r   A B2 rrh ¼ ð1  vÞ þ 2A2 r þ 2 3 sin h ¼ Bt sin h; (14) r r where r is the radial coordinate, h is the polar angle from x1 axis, v is a function of the Poisson’s ratio  by v ¼ 3  4, and the other constants are given by W1 vlða2 þ b2 Þ   ; a 2 2 2 2 2 ð Þ ð Þ v a þ b ln  a b b A ; A2 ¼ vða2 þ b2 Þ


B2 ¼ 

Aa2 b2 : a2 þ b2


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The integration of the traction vector applied to the inner inclusion over the surface of the inner inclusion produces the linear density of force F applied to the inner inclusion F ¼ pbðBr  Bi Þ:


Then, the stiffness is given by K1 ¼ F=W1 ¼ pbðBr  Bt Þ=W1 . Replacing Br and Bt by their values leads to K1 ¼ l

2pvða2 þ 1Þð1 þ vÞ : a2  1  v2 ða2 þ 1ÞlnðaÞ


This stiffness depends only on the elastic coefficients and on the geometry of the composite inclusion through the ratio a ¼ b=a. Finally, the resonance frequency xrð1Þ for a displacement in plane x1 x2 is given by x r ð 1Þ ¼

l qð3Þ a2


xdð1Þ ðv; nÞ


with ( x d ð 1Þ ¼

2vða2 þ 1Þð1 þ vÞ

2 a  1  v2 ða2 þ 1ÞlnðaÞ a2

)1=2 :


The non-dimensional frequency xdð1Þ is only a function of the ratio a and of the Poisson’s ratio (through v). Studying the non-dimensional frequency for different geometries, when a is varying from 0 to 1, allows us again to show that xdð1Þ has always only one minimum xdð1Þmin ðvÞ. This minimum is attained for a ¼ amin ðvÞ. It corresponds to an optimal geometry (i.e., the one giving the minimal eigenfrequency). The variation of amin as a function of the Poisson’s ratio is given in Fig. 4. It can be seen that amin decreases with Poisson’s ratio from amin ¼ 0:5 for  ¼ 0 to amin ¼ 0:3 for  ¼ 0:5. Then, Fig. 5 presents the values of the non-dimensional resonance frequency xd ¼ xdð1Þmin for the optimal geometry as a function of the Poisson’s ratio. It can be seen that the non-dimensional frequency increases from xd ¼ 4 for  ¼ 0 to xd ¼ 11 at  ¼ 0:5. These results make it possible to find easily the optimal geometry and the resonance frequency for given properties of the soft coating and of the inner inclusion.

FIG. 4. (Color online) Ratio of the radii of the internal and external cylinders at the minimum value of the resonance frequency as a function of the Poisson’s ratio for a material containing composite fibers. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 6, June 2015

FIG. 5. (Color online) Optimal non-dimensional resonance radial frequency as a function of the Poisson’s ratio for a material containing composite fibers.

As an example of application, let us now consider the case of a material containing composite cylindrical fibers made of a polyurethane foam (E ¼ 0.5 MPa,  ¼ 0.3) containing steel wires [qð3Þ ¼ 7800 kg/m3]. Figure 6 shows the resonance frequency (Hz) as a function of the outer radius of the composite fiber. The resonance frequency lies between 4 kHz and 4 MHz for an external radius taken between 1 mm and 1 lm. From the previous results, it comes that the dynamic mass density is given by the second rank tensor whose nonðeff Þ ðeff Þ ðeff Þ ðeff Þ null components are q11 ¼ q22 ; q33 6¼ q1 . In this case, the dynamic density cannot be represented by a scalar but has a symmetry corresponding to the geometry of the composite fiber. IV. RESONANCE OF THE SPRING-MASS SYSTEM MADE OF COMPOSITE SPHERES

Let us now consider the case of inclusions made of composite spheres characterized by the internal radius b and the external radius a, with notations similar to the ones of previous section for the properties of the coating and of the inner inclusion. As shown before, the stiffness of the composite inclusion is found by applying a uniform displacement on the inner inclusion, for a null displacement over the external surface of the coating. The solutions of elasticity theory for solids subjected to boundary conditions over spherical surfaces can be found in classical textbooks. Such solutions can be expressed using either Papkovich–Neuber solution31 or Love’s scalar potentials.32 One difficulty when using these solutions is to take into account the boundary conditions and

FIG. 6. (Color online) Resonance frequency as a function of the external radius (m) of the composite fibers for a material containing composite inclusions made of a polyurethane coating containing steel cylindrical wires.

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an interesting method to write easily these boundary conditions has been introduced by Rahman and Michelitsch.31 Using it, these authors found a few solutions for the full sphere or for spherical cavities within an infinite medium. This solution is adapted in the following to the case of a spherical layer subjected to boundary displacements on each spherical boundary. A. The Love potentials

The solution to the problem of displacement given on spheres is obtained in spherical coordinates R; h; u related to Cartesian coordinates x1 ; x2 ; x3 of the position vector R defined by x1 ¼ R cos h sin u;

½R2 $wn  Mn Rwn þ $/n þ $  Rvn ;



where wn ; /n ; vn are “solid” spherical harmonics and R is the vector position. Mn are functions of n and  given by Mn ¼ 2

2n þ ð1  2 Þð3n þ 1Þ : 2 ðn þ 3Þ þ ð1  2 Þðn þ 5Þ


B. Boundary conditions

The hard point when using Love’s solution is that the boundary conditions are given using the components of the surface displacement, but the displacement itself is expressed in terms of potentials. A simplifying method has been proposed by Rahman and Michelitsch,33 based on results coming from Happel and Brenner.34 These authors have shown that three scalar functions of the displacement along the surface can be computed when knowing only the surface displacement. Indeed, they have shown the following identities at the surface of a sphere of radius a:


where $s  u and $s  u denote the tangential divergence and curl along the surface.35 The terms on the right contain only surface derivatives of the surface displacement. If this surface displacement is known, these surface derivatives can be computed from the surface displacement using only derivatives with respect to the angular variables h; u as shown by the following relationships: 3268

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  1 @ @ ½$s  u ¼ 2 ð uh R sin uÞ  ð Ruu Þ : R sin u @u @h


On the other hand, the left terms of Eq. (22) can be computed using the harmonic potentials. If one calls fðnÞ the contribution of the potentials of order n to f , one obtains the following expressions in terms of harmonic potentials: 1 An ¼ uRðnÞ ¼ eR  uðnÞ ¼ ðn  Mn ÞRwn þ n /n ; R nðn  1Þ/n ; R

Cn ¼ R  $  uðnÞ ¼ nðn þ 1Þvn :


(26) (27)

As defined before, wn ; /n ; vn are solid spherical harmonics of order n. As such, they are given by rn Ymn ðh; uÞ, where Ymn are “surface” spherical harmonics (more precisely, these functions are surface eigenfunctions for spherical boundaries coming from the separation of variables applied to Laplace equation in spherical coordinates). These surface harmonics are given by m Ymn ¼ cosðmhÞPm n ðcos uÞ or Ymn ¼ sinðmhÞPn ðcos uÞ, where 36 m Pn are the Legendre functions. For the problem under consideration, the internal sphere is subjected to a uniform displacement along axis x3 . Then, the displacement field does not depend on h, leading to m ¼ 0. Therefore, the only surface spherical harmonics in the expansion are Ymn ¼ P0n ðcos uÞ:


These surface spherical harmonics are not independent and comply with Ymn ¼ Ym;n1 . The surface spherical harmonics with a positive value of n constitute a complete orthogonal basis of functions defined on the surface of the sphere. Finally, the right terms of Eq. (22), that are known if the surface displacement is known on the sphere of radius a, can be expanded along the orthogonal basis of surface spherical harmonics as eR  u ¼

½eR  uR¼a ¼ eR  uða; h; uÞ; ½R  $uR  R$  uR¼a ¼ R$s  uða; h; uÞ; ½R  $  uR¼a ¼ R  $s  uða; h; uÞ;




It was shown in the classical Love’s book32 that a fully general displacement field that is solution of the isotropic elasticity problem is given by 1 X

uR 1 @uu uu 1 @uh þ þ cot u þ R R @u R R sin u @h

Bn ¼ R  $uRðnÞ  R$  uðnÞ ¼ Rwn ½nðn  1Þ þ 2Mn 

x2 ¼ R sin h sin u; x3 ¼ R cos u:

$s  u ¼ 2

1 X Ua; n ðh; uÞ; n¼0 1 X

R$s  u ¼

Va; n ðh; uÞ;


R  $s  u ¼

1 X

Wa; n ðh; uÞ;



where Ua; n ; Va; n ; Wa; n are surface harmonics that are the projections of the given surface displacement on the basis of surface harmonics of nth order, with a similar relationship for R ¼ b. G. Bonnet and V. Monchiet: Metamaterials with composite inclusions

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Using these surface harmonics, the boundary conditions can be written as An ðaÞ þ An1 ðaÞ ¼ Ua; n ; Bn ðaÞ þ Bn1 ðaÞ ¼ Va; n ; Cn ðaÞ þ Cn1 ðaÞ ¼ Wa; n


with similar relationships at the surface of the sphere of radius b. Let us now consider the displacement U ¼ Ue3 of the inner sphere of radius b. One has eR  U ¼ Ur ¼ U cos u ¼ UP01 :


This problem corresponds to n ¼ 1 and the boundary conditions coming from all surface terms lead to Ua; 1 ¼ 0; Ub; 1 ¼ U cos u, all terms in V and W being null. In absence of coupling between vn and other potentials, this leads to vn ¼ 0; 8n. Setting these boundary conditions makes it possible to find the displacement and stress fields inside the coating. Computing the tractions along the boundary of the coating and integrating these tractions leads to the resultant F applied to the coating for a given displacement U of the inner inclusion. The algebra describing these operations is reported in the Appendix. C. Eigenfrequency of the composite inclusion

Finally, the radial frequency at resonance xr is given for a mass mð3Þ of the inner inclusion by F Umð3Þ l 36 ¼ ð3Þ 2 ð2  3 Þð1   Þ q a H 1 þ a þ a2 þ a3 þ a4 l ¼ ð3Þ 2 x2d  2 a q a

x2r ¼


 H ¼ ð1  aÞ  2ð3  2Þð6  5Þð1 þ a4 Þ   35 2 ða þ a 3 Þ þ 36 þ 54  2  þ 3ð12 2 þ 18  5Þa2 :



This expression again displays a non-dimensional frequency xd depending only on the geometry and on the Poisson’s ratio. As for cylindrical fibers, studying for  fixed

FIG. 7. (Color online) Ratio of the radii of the spherical composite inclusion for the minimum of resonance frequency as a function of Poisson’s ratio. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 137, No. 6, June 2015

FIG. 8. (Color online) Minimum of the non-dimensional radial frequency at resonance of a spherical composite inclusion as a function of Poisson’s ratio.

the variation of x2d as a function of a shows that x2d has only one minimum and that an optimal resonance frequency does appear for this minimum when a ¼ amin . Figure 7 shows the variation of amin as a function of the Poisson’s ratio. Once again, the curve displays a decrease of amin when the Poisson’s ratio increases. Finally Fig. 8 displays the optimal value of nondimensional frequency as a function of the Poisson’s ratio , showing again that xd increases with . As an example of application, let us now consider the case of a material containing composite spherical inclusions of the same materials as for the material containing composite fibers in Sec. III B. Figure 9 displays the variation of resonance frequency for optimal geometries as a function of the external radius of composite inclusions, showing that the resonance frequency lies between 5 kHz and 5 MHz for an external diameter of composite inclusion varying between 1 mm and 1 lm. Finally, Fig. 10 displays the ratio between dynamic mass density and static mass density for the previously defined composite material containing equal parts (in volume) of matrix and (composite) inclusions. Within the composite inclusions, the ratio of inner inclusion and coating are those coming from the optimal ratio such as defined before. The choice of the window hides the fact that the dynamic mass density tends towards the static mass density at low frequencies. It can be seen that the window corresponding to a negative value of the mass density extends between 4.7 and 5.3 kHz. The minimal frequency value of the window corresponds practically to the resonance frequency. The maximal value of the window corresponds to the frequency such as the negative part of the dynamic mass density equilibrates the static mass density. Obviously, if the minimal frequency value depends only on the resonance frequency, the maximal

FIG. 9. (Color online) Resonance frequency (Hz) of a material with given physical properties containing spherical inclusions as a function of the outer diameter.

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FIG. 10. (Color online) Relative dynamic mass density qðeff Þ =qðstatÞ as a function of frequency (kHz). Right: zoomed in to show the range where qef f is negative, denoted by thick vertical bars.

value of the window (and its width) depends also on the ratio between the dynamic and static parts of the mass density: it increases with the proportion of composite inclusions. V. CONCLUSION

In this paper, the basic results obtained from the homogenization theory using asymptotic expansions have been summarized for composite elastic metamaterials with composite inclusions displaying inner resonance. These results show that the dynamic behaviour of the composite displays a frequency-dependent and tensorial mass density. This mass density can be computed knowing the resonance frequencies of the inclusions for the condition of null displacement at the surface of the composite inclusion. This greatly simplifies the computation of the dynamic mass density. In addition, it shows that all resonators are independent. This corresponds to the idea of inner resonance. The resonance frequencies of these resonators have been computed successfully in the case of cylindrical or spherical composite inclusions. They have been obtained in the form of simple analytical expressions and the results show that these resonance frequencies are minimal for a specific, optimal, geometry of the composite inclusion. These results lead to closed form expressions of the resonance frequencies and of the dynamic mass density corresponding to cylindrical and spherical composite inclusions acting as spring-mass resonators. APPENDIX: DETAIL OF THE COMPUTATION OF THE STIFFNESS OF SPHERICAL COMPOSITE INCLUSIONS

From Eqs. (25), (26), (30) and the first two equations of Eq. (31), the displacement conditions on the boundaries of the coating lead to the following system of equations for the unknown values of potentials /1 ; w1 ; /2 ; w2 on the boundaries: 1 2 L1 aw1 ðaÞ þ /1 ðaÞ  N1 aw2 ðaÞ  /2 ðaÞ ¼ 0; a a /2 ðaÞ 2M1 aw1 ðaÞ þ aQ1 w2 ðaÞ þ 6 ¼ 0; a 1 2 L1 bw1 ðbÞ þ /1 ðbÞ  N1 bw2 ðbÞ  /2 ðbÞ ¼ U cos u; b b /2 ðbÞ ¼ 0; (A1) 2M1 bw1 ðbÞ þ bQ1 w2 ðbÞ þ 6 b 3270

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where L1 ¼ 1  M1 ; N1 ¼ 2 þ M2 ; Q1 ¼ 6 þ 2M2 : However, the values of potentials at a and b are not independent: due to the radial dependence of spherical harmonics, only four values of boundary potentials are independent. The system is rewritten using the values of all potentials at R ¼ a. Finally, the solution of the linear system gives w1 ðaÞ; /1 ðaÞ; x2 ðaÞ; /2 ðaÞ, leading to the potentials given by w1 ¼ A1 R cos u; /1 ¼ B1 R cos u; cos u w2 ¼ A2 2 ; R cos u /2 ¼ B2 2 ; R


where 1 3aS1 ða þ 1Þ U; DL1 a2 T1 a2 ðS1  3Þð1  a3 Þ  3ðS1 þ T1 Þð1  a2 Þ U; B1 ¼ a D ð1  a Þ 3aaT1 ð1 þ a þ a2 þ a3 þ a4 Þ U; A2 ¼ DN1 a3 T1 S1 a3 ð1 þ a þ a2 Þ B2 ¼ U; (A3) 2D A1 ¼

with D ¼ ð1  aÞ½T1 ð3  S1 Þð1 þ a4 Þ þ ð3S1  2T1 S1 þ 3T1 Þða þ a3 Þ þ 3ðT1  T1 S1  2S1 Þa2 


and where a is the ratio of radii b=a. S1 ; T1 are functions of Poisson’s ratio through M1 ; M2 given by 2M1 ; 1  M1 6 þ 2M2 : S1 ¼ 2 þ M2

T1 ¼


The general expression for the traction vector f around the sphere of radius R as a function of the potentials is given33 by G. Bonnet and V. Monchiet: Metamaterials with composite inclusions

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f X ¼ cn wn eR þ bn R$wn l n þ


2ðn  1Þ $/n þ ðn  1Þ$vn  eR ; R


where cn ; bn are bn ¼ 2n  Mn ; cn ¼ 2n  ð2 þ nÞMn þ

2 ð2n  Mn ðn þ 3ÞÞ: 1  2 (A7)

Accounting for the potentials appearing in this particular case of boundary condition, only the potentials for n ¼ 1; n ¼ 2 appear in the solution. From another hand, the resultant of the tractions over the boundary of the coating is oriented along x3 direction and only the projection f3 of the traction vector along x3 contributes to the resultant, with f3 ¼ ðc1 w1 þ c2 w2 Þcos u þ Rðb1 $w1 þ b2 $w2 Þ  e3 l 6  $/2  e3 : (A8) R The resultant is finally given by ðp ð p ð 2p 2 2 F¼ f3 R sin udhdu ¼ 2pR f3 sin udu: 0



(A9) The integration over the inner spherical boundary leads to F 2UR1 c2 ð1 þ a þ a2 þ a3 þ a4 Þ; ¼ aaDN1 2pb2 l


which gives the stiffness of the composite inclusion. 1

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Low frequency locally resonant metamaterials containing composite inclusions.

One main feature of metamaterials is the occurrence of a negative dynamic mass density that is produced when an inner local resonance is present. The ...
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