ANNUAL REVIEWS Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 1991. 45:509-38


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MECHANISMS OF NATURAL Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 1991.45:509-538. Downloaded from Access provided by University of York on 02/06/15. For personal use only.

RESISTANCE TO HUMAN PATHOGENIC FUNGI Juneann W. Murphy Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Oklahoma Health Sci­

ences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190 KEY WORDS:

mycoses, resistance to mycotic agents, NK cells against fungi, PMN against fungi, monocytes/macrophages against fungi, host defenses

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................





General Information Regarding Fungi and Fungal Diseases .......................... Host Factors That Affect Mycotic Diseases ................................ . . ..............


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CELLULAR RESISTANCE MECHANISMS ....................... .......................... Phagocytic Cells-Professional ............................................................... Phagocytic Cells-Nonprofessional ........................................................... Nonphagocytic Natural Effector Cells ..... . . .... ..... .................................. ..... Interactions of Natural Effector Cells ........................................................








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INTRODUCTION Effective host defense against mycotic disease-caus ing agents depends upon a combination of multiple mechanisms that include both natural and immune defensive measures. The array of host resistance mechanisms that participate

in clearing the infection vary from one mycotic disease to another; therefore , 509


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one cannot make sweeping assertions concerning host defenses against my­ cotic diseases . In fact, generalized statements frequently convey mistaken impressions, so this review, under each resistance mechanism, provides specific examples of mycotic diseases that are influenced by that specific mechanism. Although this review focuses primarily on natural or innate defensive measures that prevent establishment of a fungal infection or elimi­ nate the organisms once they have colonized or infected the tissues, the reader should keep in mind that immune or acquired defenses are important and at times essential in preventing a fatal outcome of the mycotic disease. Natural or innate defenses are defined as those resistance mechanisms that do not require induction and do not display specificity. They include (a) physical barriers such as the skin and mucous membranes; (b) chemical barriers such as the secretions, serum factors , and chemical components found in certain tissues; and (c) the natural effector (phagocytic and nonphagocytic) cells. The natural resistance mechanisms may be governed by the genetic characteristics of the individual , by hormonal factors , and by the general health and immune status of the host. Natural or innate host defenses are important contributors to effective host resistance against all fungal agents , and in some cases, natural defenses are essential , but frequently not sufficient, for complete protection against fungal disease . The antifungal activities of natural defenses, especially the activities of the natural effector cells, can be augmented by immune mechanisms making the natural defenses essential players in the immune component of host defense. HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS IN FUNGAL DISEASES Typically , the factors that affect host-parasite interactions in any infection can be subdivided into two major categories . One is comprised of those features of the organism that allow it to enter the host tissues and cause disease, and the other category contains the features of the host that either limit the infectious agent or allow the infectious agent to remain and multiply in the host. Such features that favor the organism include a lack of infiltrating host cells that can kill the organism and the provision in specific tissues of essential nutrients or growth factors for the organism. In mycotic diseases, as with diseases caused by other types of agents, the outcome of the disease is based on the relative effectiveness of the fungal and host factors in play during the disease process .

General Information Regarding Fungi and Fungal Diseases Mycotic disease-causing agents are complex eukaryotic organisms that do not segregate into any one taxonomic group but rather are scattered broadly



through the kingdom Mycota (93). The majority of fungal species that cause disease in humans are saprophytic organisms, and only those that can adapt to the temperature of the human body and survive in the environment provided by living tissue are threatening pathogens to the human host


(118). Candida

the organism that causes the most frequently encountered mycotic

disease (candidiasis) in humans is one of the few fungi found in the normal flora of humans. The saprophytic mycotic agents that cause disease in humans occasionally

cause problems in "normal"

individuals; however,


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saprophytic mycotic agents are opportunistic and cause infection only when the host is compromised in some way. The dimorphic fungi, such as

Histo­ plasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Para­ coccidioides brasiliensis, and Sporothrix schenckii, which have a normal habitat in soil or are associated with vegetation, are good examples of organisms that have adapted to survive in the human host. These latter organisms grow well in the saprophytic form at 25°C, but by changing form can also exist effectively in living tissue at 37°C. The ability of the dimorphic organisms to transform into a parasitic stage allows the dimorphic organisms to produce the most serious systemic mycotic diseases in humans. In contrast, dermatophytes, the fungi that cause less serious infections of the skin, hair, and nails, are filamentous at both 25°C and 37°C. In fact, the optimal temperature for growth of most dermatophytes is 25°C, and typically, the dermatophytes colonize only the outer dead layers of the skin, hair, and nails where the temperature may be slightly below body temperature. The limited ability of the dermatophytes to cause disease in viable tissues may, in part, result from their inability to adapt by converting to alternative growth forms. Many of the fungi gain entrance into the human host by taking advantage of weaknesses in or damage to the outer protective surfaces of the body, such as the skin or mucous membranes, whereas other mycotic agents enter the body by being inhaled into the lung alveoli. Superficial fungal infections and dermatophytoses are examples of diseases that are acquired because of altera­ tions in the normal skin secretions, flora, or integrity. Mucocutaneous or cutaneous infections such as those caused by

C. albicans,

an endogenous

organism, occur when natural host defenses, normal flora, or host physiology are disrupted. Subcutaneous mycotic diseases, such as chromomycosis, mycetoma, and sporotrichosis, are acquired by traumatic implantation of saprophytic mycotic organisms into the tissue, while the most serious system­ ic mycotic diseases (histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, pa­ racoccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis) are acquired through inhalation of the infectious fungal particles. The array and effectiveness of the natural defenses at the entry site of the fungus are extremely important in determining whether the organism is restricted to that tissue or whether the fungus disseminates to other areas of the body. Since natural host resistance mech-

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anisms vary among different tissues, the route of entry of the mycotic agent will bias the array of natural defenses that confront the entering fungus. Generally, the regional host defenses can limit the fungal infections to superficial, cutaneous, or subcutaneous tissues. The main exceptions to this rule occur with the fungi that enter through the respiratory route. Fungi are not usually invasive organisms (118), although some produce enzymes that may enhance their ability to cause disease. For example, dermatophytes produce keratinases that allow them to penetrate the stratum corneum (129). C. albicans and C. immitis produce proteinases that may enhance their virulence (81, 147). Characteristically, fungi cause disease by taking advantage of weaknesses in the host's repertoire of defensive mech­ anisms or they evade or overwhelm host defenses. Although some pathogenic fungi can cause serious disease in apparently normal individuals, and thus are considered primary pathogens, most mycotic agents that infect humans are opportunistic pathogens because they only infect individuals who are im­ munologically compromised or debilitated by other conditions. Natural host resistance mechanisms contribute significantly in protecting against the op­ portunistic fungi, and though important, natural defenses play a lesser role in protection against the primary fungal pathogens. The natural resistance mech­ anisms form the host's first-line defenses, and under conditions of normal exposure to a fungal pathogen, these defenses generally can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the population of infectious particles. If, on the other hand, the natural defenses fail to clear the organism by the time the immune responses against the etiological agent become active, then the second-line defenses, the immune mechanisms, begin to function in limiting dissemination of the infectious agent or in completely eliminating it. Fre­ quently, the combined host defenses are sufficient to contain the disease in the tissue that originally encountered the organism. However, if first- and second­ line defenses fail or if the host is initially exposed to a large number of infective particles of a pathogenic fungus that overwhelms the host's natural defenses before the immune responses develop sufficiently to aid in protec­ tion, the organisms can become disseminated and cause progressive disease. In some instances, a minimal number of infectious particles can initiate progressive disease, if the pathogenic fungus has acquired ways of evading the natural host defensive mechanisms. Should the defensive repertoire of the host have generalized serious weaknesses, the host may succumb to the systemic infection even when the disease is being treated aggressively with antifungal drugs. This latter fact suggests that researchers should consider developing the means by which the host's natural and immune defenses can be reconstituted or augmented because such replacement or augmenting therapies may hold the most promise for successful treatment of the life­ threatening fungal diseases.

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The morphological characteristics and size o f fungi present a challenge to host defensive mechanisms. Fungi can be unicellular or multicellular organ­ isms ( 1 1 8). The multicellular or filamentous forms often produce spores that are very resistant to adverse environmental conditions and thus may not be damaged by some of the basic host defenses. Fungal cells are large in comparison to bacterial cells; therefore, the fungi are not as readily eliminated from host tissues by phagocytic cells as bacteria are. The large size of fungi contributes to the fact that the phagocytic cells have frequently been observed to kill fungal organisms through extracellular mechanisms (34, 12 1 ). In addition to having a size and shape that makes phagocytosis difficult, fungal cells are protected by relatively thick cell walls made of chitin with polymers of (l- or f3-glucan, mannan, galactose, and/or galactosamine (118). Some of the fungi have coverings over the cell wall, and those outer layers protect the organism from some of the natural host defenses. For example, C. neofor­ mans blastoconidia have a large capsule comprised of high-molecular-weight polysaccharides that resist phagocytosis (76, 97), and C. albicans blastoconi­ dia and hyphae have a mucous cell wall coat that may affect adherence to host cells and phagocytosis of the fungus by host cells (48).

Host Factors That Affect Mycotic Diseases The genet­ ic characteristics of the host clearly impact on the host's natural and immune resistance status and thus influence susceptibility to fungal diseases. The specific defects in host natural and immune resistance mechanisms that are genetically acquired are discussed later in relation to the specific resistance mechanism affected. In some cases however, susceptibility to fungal in­ fections cannot be attributed to a specific defect in natural or immune mech­ anisms of resistance or to factors other than the genetic background of the host. These as yet undefined genetic factors that predispose individuals to fungal infections may modify, either directly or indirectly, the natural de­ fenses of the host. However, further investigations are necessary to acquire sufficient information to completely understand the genetic implications in fungal diseases. Coccidioidomycosis is probably the best example of a fungal disease in which the propensity for dissemination is influenced by the ancestry of the host (24, 43, 107, 108), yet the specific genetic factor responsible for the susceptibility to progressive disease has not been elucidated. Several epidemiological studies have shown that Filipinos and blacks are 5-20 times more likely to develop disseminated coccidioidomycosis than are Caucasians (43, 1 07, 1 08). The factors that potentially could account for the increased incidence of disseminated coccidioidomycosis in the dark-skinned races have not b een thoroughly examined; however, some observations impact this probGENETIC PREDISPOSITION OF THE HOST TO FUNGAL DISEASES

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lem. It does not seem likely that the groups who are most susceptible to disseminated coccidioidomycosis are predisposed to the progressive disease because they are incapable of developing cell-mediated immunity to coccidi­ oidal antigens , since anti-Coccidioides T-cell responses of blacks and Filipi­ nos after immunization with a killed-spherule vaccine are similar to the responses of immunized Caucasians (24) . On the other hand, features of specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen phenotypes and blood groups may influence susceptibility to disseminated coccidioidomy­ cosis. This idea has been proposed because the HLA-A9 antigen and blood group B have been associated with the increased incidence of disseminated coccidioidomycosis and are found in increased frequencies in Filipinos and blacks as compared to Caucasians (24) . Additional information on the influence of genetic factors on susceptibility or resistance to systemic fungal diseases emerged from studies with inbred mice (Table 1 ). Although mouse strains differ with respect to their sus­ ceptibility and resistance to the various fungi, those differences do not appear to be controlled by the MHC ( 1 6, 25, 69, 70, 92, 1 16, 1 17). In murine coccidioidomycosis , resistance is the dominant phenotype and is determined by a gene designated as CmS (70). The exact role of CmS gene expression in resistance to coccidioidomycosis is not known; however, it does not appear to control the ability of the animals to mount a cell-mediated immune response as detected by the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (25). The effects of the emS gene are most notable by day 10 of an infection (24, 25, 70) , so the gene probably does not influence natural cellular resistance mechanisms. In the murine model of cryptococcosis, resistance has been associated with the ability of the mouse strain to produce the complement component C5 ( 1 1 6, 1 1 7). Specific host resistance factors have not been identified with the other mycotic diseases. Clearly, sufficient attention has not been given to genetic control of resistance mechanisms in mycotic diseases . The limited Table 1

Susceptibility and resistance of different mouse strains to various mycotic agents Mouse strain H-2 (KAED) BALB/c







or C57BUIO

Mycotic agent





C. immitis






25, 69, 70

H. capsulatum







P. brasiliensis















1, 53,92

C. neoformans SIR

C. albicans












data not available.



preliminary data suggest that gaining a better understanding o f the genetic contributions to host resistance and susceptibility may be essential for the development of effective protective measures against mycotic agents. HORMONAL FACTORS INFLUENCING SUSCEPTIBILITY TO MYCOTIC DIS­

,At the present time, some data suggest hormonal factors in the host influence the establishment or progression of disease in at least three mycotic infections. For instance, the incidence of coccidioidomycosis in endemic areas is higher in pregnant females than in the population as a whole (52). Although this higher frequency of coccidioidomycosis during pregnancy may be due in part to the general immunosuppression associated with pregnancy (27), the growth of the organism is probably enhanced in the changed hormonal environment of the host. The latter concept is supported by the findings of Drutz and collaborators (35, 1 1 2 , 1 1 3), who showed that the tissue p hase (spherules/endospores) of C. immitis is stimulated to mature in vitro in the presence of progesterone and 17-f3-estradiol at concentrations found in sera during the advanced stages of pregnancy. Another dimorphic fungus affected by mammalian steroid hormones is P. brasiliensis. With this fungus, transition from the mycelial or saprophytic form to the yeast or parasitic form is inhibited by 1 7-f3-estradiol (1 1 5). The inhibition of mycelium-to-yeast conversion in the lungs by estrogen may account for the less frequent occurrence of paracoccidioidomycosis in females than in males (1 1 5). The third mycotic disease seemingly influenced by hormones is vaginal candidiasis, which occurs most often during pregnancy and in the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (65, 68, 1 27). Hormones can affect numerous mechanisms that influence the course of vaginal candidiasis. For example, estrogen can alter the vaginal epithelium, leukocyte influx, and other vaginal environmental factors, such as pH and glycogen content, which may affect adherence, proliferation, and/or differentiation of the blastoconidia (68, 1 27 ). Estrogen may directly interact with the organism by binding to hormone receptors in C. albicans, in tum affecting yeast-to-mycelium conversion, which is important in the establishment of infection (68, 127). Sex hormones also can affect the immune potential of the host (8). With the rat model, Kinsman & Collard (68) showed that at the end of the menstrual cycle when the level of serum progesterone is markedly elevated and the level of estradiol is decreasing, the lymphocyte proliferation response to C. albicans is low in comparison to the response at other times during the cycle, and serum obtained during this stage is more stimulatory in germination of C. albicans yeast cells than is serum taken at other times during the cycle. Their data support the concept that several mechanisms involved in the disease process may be affected by the hormonal state of the host. Although the information

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available on hormonal factors that influence mycotic diseases is minimal, the

data are sufficient to suggest that these factors should be considered more frequently.


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As mentioned earlier, the skin and mucous membranes serve as excellent physical barriers against fungi; however, the exact mechanisms by which these tissues prevent establishment of fungal diseases have not been eluci­ dated. The secretions associated with skin and mucous membranes most likely contribute to the barrier protection against mycotic agents . The pro­ tective nature of the skin and mucous membranes is evident by the fact that the organisms that cause subcutaneous mycotic disease do not establish an infection unless they are implanted into the deeper tissues by introduction with intravascular devises or through trauma to the skin or mucous mem­ branes . Furthermore, even after the mycotic infection is initiated, the chemi­ cal and cellular defenses of the host play an important role in preventing the spread of the fungus to other tissues . In the case of the systemic mycotic pathogens, which typically enter the host through the respiratory tract, the action of mucous and cilia in the respiratory tract prevent or limit the numbers of infective particles that gain

entrance to the alveolar spaces. If they do not get into the lungs, the systemic mycotic pathogens are usually less of a threat to the host; therefore, the host's physical and mechanical barriers are clearly essential first-line protective defenses. If the entering organism evades the physical and mechanical barri­ ers, then it is subjected to the chemical and cellular defenses of the tissues. Examples of chemical defenses are substances in human saliva and serum that

inhibit the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans (3, 4, 60, 62). Although the factors in serum that prevent cryptococci from replicating have not been specifically defined, they clearly are not components of complement or an immunoglobulin (3, 60) . Other mycotic pathogens such as


C. albicans and H.

reportedly are limited i n their ability t o mUltiply i n vitro i n the

presence of serum (14, 17, 71, 130, 145). Iron-binding proteins in serum such

as transferrin inhibit replication of these iron-dependent mycotic agents (145). The sequestering of iron by transferrin in vivo may prevent extracellular m ultiplication of iron-dependent fungal pathogens. Chemical mechanisms certainly have the potential to limit the number of the infecting mycotic agent; however, certain pathogenic fungi have developed means of escaping from such defenses. For instance, H.

capsulatum avoids the inhibitory threat of serum by entering phagocytic cells where the microenvironment is generally more favorable for growth.



Physical, mechanical, and chemical defenses of the host are definitely important in protection against fungi; however, our current understanding of the nature and mechanisms of these defenses is sketchy. Additional research is certainly warranted.

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CELLULAR RESISTANCE MECHANISMS When mycotic agents evade the physical, mechanical, and chemical barriers and gain entrance into the tissues, then the cellular defenses become involved. Two main groups of cells have the potential to interact with the entering organism. One group is comprised of the phagocytic cells, both professional, i.e. polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL), monocytes, and macrophages, and nonprofessional, such as endothelial cells. The other major group of effector cells is composed of nonphagocytic cells such as natural killer (NK) cells ( 1 34) , natural cytotoxic (NC) cells (82), and possibly MHC-nonre­ stricted cytotoxic T-cells ( 1 32). As a general rule, effective cellular resistance cannot be attributed to any one of these host cell types alone, but rather the natural effector cells function together in a coordinated fashion to restrict fungal targets. An equation to express natural cellular defenses against mycotic agents would be extremely complex with many variables. Furthermore, the equation would be different for each fungal pathogen. Investigators studying the fungal diseases have found that the elimination of a single natural effector cell population in an infected animal model does not result in a dramatic change in fungal cell numbers in the tissues, just as one might expect with multiple-variable systems. Similarly, single effector cell populations do not sterilize cultures of fungal organisms in vitro. Because of the complexities of the organisms, the defenses, and the interactions of the effector and target cells, gaining an understanding of the role(s) of the various effector cell types in the elimina­ tion of fungal targets has been difficult. Which host effector cell type(s) is the first to contact the organism once it enters the host depends somewhat on the site of entry. Thus, the differences in natural cellular defenses in different regions of the body may influence the establishment and progression of fungal disease. Other important factors in orchestrating the natural cellular defenses are the type(s), numbers, and sequence of effector cells stimulated to enter the infected tissue. The infecting fungus controls, to some extent, the influx of natural effector cells into the region. Fungi or their products can be directly chemotactic to host effector cells, or the organism may fix complement by the alternative pathway; resulting in production of complement byproducts such as C5a that are chemotactic to natural effector cells. Fungi can also trigger an influx of effector cells by inducing changes in the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, thereby controlling the types and numbers of infiltrating cells.



Since most fungal diseases do not display an acute onset, the initial stages of fungal infections in humans often go unobserved. As a result, investigators have rarely studied the natural effector cell functions during infections in humans. Our current understanding of natural effector cell function against mycotic agents is based predominantly on results from in vitro studies with human and animal cells and on data from in vivo experiments in animal

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Phagocytic Cells-Professional Professional phagocytic cells contribute in a very active way to natural cellular resistance against most mycotic diseases; however, their contributions vary with the fungal agent. Although the professional phagocytes may kill fungal cells intracellularly, they can also kill fungal target cells ex­ tracellularly. In fact, extracellular killing of fungi is more pronounced than intracellular killing because the large size of many of the fungal elements precludes engulfment by the phagocytes. Both intracellular and extracellular killing generally require that the phagocytic cells bind to the target cell, in this case the fungal cell. Binding of effector and target cells can be mediated through one or more of several different receptor-ligand interactions that are determined by the surface characteristics of the cells involved. Therefore, the binding interactions will depend on the stage of the fungus, whether or not the fungus is opsonized, the opsonizing substance, and the receptor expression on the effector cell. The signal resulting from binding of the target cell to the effector cell depends on the specific receptor-ligand interactions occurring and possibly the extent of those interactions. The signal transmitted to the effector cell could result in several outcomes. One would be phagocytosis followed by the associated cascade of events leading to killing of the target cell. Another might be exocytosis of granules or other cellular components that have killing or inhibitory powers extracellularly. And still another could be cytokine production by the phagocytic cell. One might imagine PMNL also playing a more passive role in target-cell killing by releasing cytoplasmic and granule components, not as a result of signaling, but of death and lysis of the phagocytic cells. The released PMNL components could be lethal to the fungal cells in the immediate area. In support of this possibility, Sohnle and coinvestigators have shown that lysed PMNL can suppress directed growth of

C. albicans

pseudohyphae and proliferation of

C. albicans

yeast cells (94,


PMNL clearly play a significant

role in host defense against

spp. and systemic


C. albicans



(20, 23 , 39, 84).

5 19

Persons with chronic granulomatous disease,

neutropenic patients, and individuals who have myeloperoxidase deficiencies

(hereditary or acquired) are extremely suscpetible to infection with either of these two opportunistic mycotic agents (20, 23 , 39, 84). PMNL also contrib- . ute to protection against other mycotic agents; however, their role is less critical because in the absence of PMNL other natural effector cells can assume PMNL functions ( 98). As a general rule, however, PMNL are the

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most effective killers of mycotic agents when compared to other natural

effector cells ( 95 , 98 , 1 35). For specific information on the relative effective­ ness of PMNL in killing the various forms of the different pathogenic fungi, the reader is referred to recent reviews ( 12 , 98). Typically PMNL are not the first natural effector cells to engage the infecting fungal agent because they are not normally present in high numbers in

tissues. The PMNL must be stimulated to penetrate the infected tissues.

Most mycotic agents are not invasive; therefore host-cell injury is not respon­

sible for the influx of PMNL unless the fungus has been traumatically introduced into the tissue. Instead, PMNL are attracted to the site of the introduced fungus by chemotactic substances produced by the fungus or by generation of chemotactic complement products resulting from the fungus fixing complement through the alternative pathway. C. albicans, B. dermati­ tidis, and Rhizopus oryzae produce chemotactic factors, and several pathogenic fungi including C. albicans, C. neoformans, C. immitis, H. capsulatum, and P. brasiliensis reportedly fix complement by the alternative pathway ( 1 5 , 1 9 , 26, 29, 30, 47 , 1 14, 1 3 3 , 1 3 8 , 1 4 1 ) . Other mechanisms may potentiate the influx of PMNL into the infected tissues. Although the following scenario has not been completely documented in a fungal infection at the present time, it is a possible means by which mycotic agents could stimulate an influx of PMNL into the tissue. For example, upon entering the tissue, a fungus could stimulate local macrophages or other cells to produce cytokines. [In fact, spherules of C. immitis do trigger macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) ( 1 23).] Certain cytokines, including interleukin-l and TNFa, can stimulate expression of adhesion molecules such as GMP-140, ELAM-l, and ICAM-1 on the vascular endothelium ( 1 1 1). The increased density of these adhesion molecules on the endothelial cells en­

PMNL to the endothelial cells, which is prerequisite to PMNL into the tissues (7 , 50, 1 25). Based on the limited information available in the case of coccidioidomycosis, this scenario would not be expected to occur until the C. immitis arthroconidia, which are the infective particles, have converted to spherules. However like spherules, the

hances the binding of the entrance of


arthroconidia may be able to induce adhesion molecule-stimulating cytokines that aid in getting neutrophils to the site of infection. Such a mechanism as this, in conjunction with the chemotactic substances in C.

immitis cells,


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account for the observations of heavy infiltrates of PMNL in C. immitis­ infected tissues (6 1 ) . Once at the site of the infection, the PMNL must be signaled to kill the fungal target. Signaling is usually accomplished through fungal-cell binding to surface receptors on the PMNL. Although PMNL receptors are relatively well defined, studies on PMNL receptor-fungal target interactions are minim­ al. Schnur & Newman ( 1 22) recently reported that C D 1 8 (�-chain of the CR3 receptor, LFA-l , and pI50,95) is the ligand on human neutrophils responsible for binding unopsonized H. capsulatum yeast cells. Binding through C D 1 8 stimulates the PMNL to phagocytize the H . capsulatum blastoconidia (122). By opsonizing H. capsulatum yeast cells with heat-labile and heat-stable serum components, binding and phagocytosis by PMNL was greatly aug­ mented ( 1 22) . PMNL receptor-fungal cell ligand interactions in the absence of serum opsonins have not been completely defined for other fungi. However, in the presence of fresh serum, the deposition of C3bi and C3d on the surface of cryptococci through the alternative complement pathway enhances binding and phagocytosis of cryptococci by neutrophils (77, 80). In fact, opsonization with C3 fragments is essential for phagocytosis of encapsulated cryptococci (77, 80). These findings indicate that CR3s (receptor for C3bi) on PMNL are important for phagocytosis of C. neoformans. This concept is supported by the finding that up-regulation of CR3 expression on PMNL markedly in­ creases phagocytosis of serum-opsonized cryptococcal yeast cells (79). Viability of the cryptococcal cells was not presented in this report (79); therefore, the influence of increased CR3 expression on killing of cryptococci is unknown at this time. The signaling pathways in PMNL that are initiated by fungal attachment and result in the respiratory burst and release of cytotoxic components are complex and have been investigated in some detail by Diamond and col­ laborators (73, 74, 9 1 , 146) with C. albicans hyphae, the predominate form found in tissues of infected individuals. The findings of these investigators were recently reviewed (28 , 99), so only conclusions from their studies are discussed here. They found that serum-opsonized hyphae and unopsonized hyphae binding to PMNL signal through two separate pathways that lead to the respiratory burst (73, 74 , 9 1 , 1 46) . Furthermore, the two pathways have different requirements for completion; therefore, opsonized and unopsonized C. albicans hyphae are likely to have different fates in tissue depending upon the microenvironmental conditions ( 1 46) . This example depicts a signaling event that results in exocytosis of PMNL granules and therefore may be different from the sequence of events involved in phagocytosis and in­ tracellular killing or fungistatic effects that occur with some of the smaller fungal forms. As more fungal cell-natural effector cell interactions are stud-

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ied in detail , we should find that the form and/or surface characteristics of the organism and the maturation or activation state of the effector cells along with the factors in the microenvironment are critical in determining the signaling pathway, and the signaling pathwity followed in the effector cell will make the difference in whether or not the fungal cell survives. The mechanism(s) by which the PMNL kill the fungal targets can be divided into two broad categories. One consists of the oxygen-dependent mechanisms and the other of the oxygen-independent mechanisms. Products of the oxygen-dependent system with the potential to kill fungi are hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anions, singlet oxygen, hydroxyl radicals, hypochlorous acid, and chloramines (41 , 1 1 9, 1 36) . After stimulation of PMNL from normal individuals, NADPH oxidase is activated, resulting in production of superoxide anions that can be fungicidal . The effectiveness of superoxide anions is limited because superoxide anions rapidly combine with hydrogen to form H202, another toxic molecule. Normal PMNL also have myeloperox­ idase (MPO) in their azurophilic granules, and upon stimulation, the PMNL degranulate and release MPO. MPO catalyzes reactions involving H202 and halide ions, resulting in toxic products such as hypochlorous acid and chlora­ mines. Components of the PMNL that are fungicidal or fungistatic and do not depend on oxygen are lysozyme, lactoferrin, serine proteases, and defensins (41 , 86), Oxidative mechanisms tend to contribute more to protection against fungi than nonoxidative mechanisms ( 1 20) , as evidenced by the increased incidence of C. albicans and Aspergillus spp. infections in individuals with deficiencies in PMNL oxidative mechanisms (20, 23 , 3 9 , 84) . Another finding that supports the idea that oxidative products are valuable assets in antifungal host defense is that neutrophils and monocytes that contain myeloperoxidase are more effective in killing fungal targets than are mac­ rophages that lack the myeloperoxidase component of the oxygen-dependent killing system (22, 1 37) . Although not as important as oxidative products, the components that do not depend on oxygen to kill microbes impact on the overall reduction in numbers of certain mycotic agents such as C. neoformans (46). Mycotic disease-causing agents vary greatly in their susceptibility to com­ ponents of both the oxygen-dependent and the oxygen-independent defenses of the PMNL ( 1 20). Thus, the effectiveness of PMNL in eliminating the fungal agent depends on which agent and infecting form is involved ( 98), PMNL killing of fungal cells has been reported to be as high as 80% and as low as 0%, but most results fall in the range of 30--60% (98). The effective­ ness of PMNL killing of mycotic agents can be modified by a wide array of factors. For instance, certain characteristics of the fungi may block PMNL activity . The fungal agent may have a surface that is not conducive to PMNL recognition. The capsule of C. neoformans is an example. Highly encapsu-



lated cryptococci are not phagocytized by PMNL, presumably because the capsule prevents binding of the cryptococcal cell to receptors on PMNL

C. immitis


spherules have an extracellular fibrillar coating that does not

permit PMNL attachment (44). Another way fungi avoid damage by PMNL is to produce substances that inhibit PMNL function. Smail et al that that

(124) reported C. albicans hyphae produce a Candida hyphal inhibitory product (CHIP) selectively inhibits PMNL degranulation. C. albicans isolates that are

capable of producing CHIP in vivo might restrict PMNL-mediated killing of

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Candida spp. (124).

The effectiveness in killing of

C. albicans yeast cells by C. albicans

PMNL can also be suppressed by a different mechanism. When

blastoconidia are phagocytized by PMNL, the blastoconidia are contained in either sealed or unsealed phagolysosomes


The organisms in unsealed

phagolysosomes are not killed as readily as the organisms in the sealed vacuoles


The inefficiency in closing of the phagolysosomes is most

likely responsible for the relatively low percent killing

(30-50%) reported for C. albicans yeast cells (18). H. capsulatum yeast cells affect PMNL function in yet another way (122). Upon phagocytosis of serum-opsonized H. capsulatum yeast cells, PMNL apparently undergo an oxidative burst response as measured by intracellular reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium, reduction of cytochrome

c in the presence

of cytochalasin D, oxygen consumption, chemiluminescence, and H202 pro­ duction; however, the PMNL do not release superoxide anion to the exterior of the cell


Because the PMNL that have phagocytized

H. capsulatum

can be subsequently triggered with stimuli such as opsonized zymosan and PMA (phorbol myristate acetate) to produce superoxide anion, the lack of superoxide anion production after ingestion of H.

capsulatum probably cannot

be attributed to inhibition of the superoxide-generating system or to scaveng­ ing of superoxide by the phagocytized yeast cells


Rather, superoxide

anion seems to be entrapped in the PMNL after phagocytosis of opsonized H.


yeast cells


These few examples indicate the complexity

and diversity of the interactions of fungi with PMNL. Much remains to be done in this area to complete our understanding of PMNL-fungus interactions. ALVEOLAR


Alveolar macrophages are the first natural

effector cells to encounter the infectious particles or forms of the mycotic agents that enter through the respiratory route. Therefore, the fungistatic and fungicidal capabilities of these macrophages can be important in determining whether or not the fungal agent establishes an infection. The alveolar mac­ rophages phagocytize fungi such as Aspergillus conidia (138), H.

capsulatum (104), C. immitis arthroconidia and endospores (5), C. neoformans (10, 88, 143), C. albicans yeast (109), P. brasiliensis yeast (13), and B. dermatitidis yeast (11).

microconidia and yeast

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After phagocytosis, alveolar macrophages display differences in their capacity to kill various mycotic agents. This variation is best illustrated by examining how alveolar macrophages deal with several different fungi. Alveolar macrophages are fairly efficient in preventing the establishment of the relatively rare disease, pulmonary aspergillosis. The infectious particles of Aspergillus spp. , conidia, once in the lungs are phagocytized by the alveolar macrophages and are either killed or prevented from germinating ( 1 38). Since the conidia must germinate, to form hyphae, for the disease to be established, the alveolar macrophages rank high on the list of natural cellular defenses effective against Aspergillus spp. The action of the alveolar macrophages may account, in part, for pulmonary aspergillosis occurring so rarely in normal hosts ( 1 38). Furthermore , the effectiveness of natural host defenses most likely accounts for aspergillosis being classified as an opportunistic disease. Another disease frequently categorized as an opportunistic infection is cryptococcosis (118). Alveolar macrophages, the first natural effector cells encountered by cryptococci as they enter the lungs, are fairly efficient at limiting the growth of C. neoformans both intracellularly and extracellularly ( 1 0 , 8 8 , 1 43). Different strains of C. neoformans appear to have different levels of susceptibility to killing by alveolar macrophages, and opsonization with normal serum enhances killing (10, 88, 143). One hypothesis on how alveolar macrophages interact with C. neoformans stems from the studies of Levitz & DiBenedetto (88), who showed that murine bronchoalveolar mac­ rophages (BAM) phagocytize serum-opsonized, acapsular strains of C. neoformans better than they phagocytize serum-opsonized, encapsulated iso­ lates (88) . However, BAM did not kill serum-opsonized, acapsular strains as well as they killed serum-opsonized, encapsulated isolates (88). Because of their small size, weakly encapsulated C. neoformans yeast are most likely the forms that reach the alveolar spaces and therefore are considered to be the infectious particles ( 97). After being in tissue for a time, the weakly encapsu­ lated yeast become more encapsulated. Under these conditions, the alveolar macrophages would be expected to phagocytize the weakly encapsulated forms but would not restrict their growth. The weakly encapsulated C. neoformans cells that escaped phagocytosis would develop a larger capsule, become opsonized, and be phagocytized through binding to receptors that signal production of fungicidal components. In support of this scenario, Levitz & DiBenedetto (88) showed that BAM which had had CRl (receptor for C3b, C4b, and C3bi) modulated off were no longer able to phagocytize the encapsulated isolate but could still phagocytize the acapsular isolate (88) . Removal of CR3 (receptor for C3bi) or FcRII (receptor for IgG\ and IgG2b immune complexes) did not alter phagocytosis of either isolate. Thus, CRI rather than CR3 may be the receptor for the opsonized, encapsulated crypto­ cocci, and binding to CRI signals the release of fungicidal components by the

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BAM (88). The authors indicated other plausible explanations for the data (88), so further investigations are necessary to fully understand the complex interactions between alveolar macrophages and serum-opsonized, encapsu­ lated C. neoformans cells. In contrast to the opportunistic fungi, the infective particles of C. immitis, the arthroconidia, although phagocytized by alveolar macrophages, are not killed. This pathogenic fungus may remain viable because of the inability of the phagosomes containing the arthroconidia to fuse with the lysosomes (5). Within the alveolar macrophage, the arthroconidia can convert to spherules that are relatively resistant to killing and develop into large structures contain­ ing numerous endospores (5). In a C. immitis infection, the second phase of natural effector cells entering the lungs are PMNL that have weak killing power against C. immitis arthroconidia and spherules (34). Therefore, it is not surprising that pulmonary coccidioidomycosis occurs frequently in endemic areas (24). With a mouse model, coccidioidomycosis can be established with as few as 7 arthroconidia (75), confirming that the natural effector mech­ anisms against this mycotic agent are not very competent. Another example of the very limited capability of the alveolar macrophages to prevent establish­ ment of a fungal infection is seen with H. capsulatum (67). Microconidia of H. capsulatum are the infectious particles, and they are phagocytized by normal nonactivated alveolar macrophages but are not killed by them. Within the alveolar macrophages, H. capsulatum microconidia convert to yeast cells that replicate inside the effector cells ( 1 2) . The mechanisms by which the H. capsulatum microconidia and yeast cells avoid death in the alveolar mac­ rophages are yet to be elucidated. Alveolar macrophages are important in natural host defense against some of the fungi that enter through the lungs . The ability of the natural effector cells in the lungs to eliminate a given fungal agent correlates with infectivity of the organism and appears to make the difference in whether the fungal agent is classified as an opportunistic organism or a primary pathogen.

The antifungal effects of monocytes and macrophages have been studied in vitro and in vivo and were recently reviewed for the dimorphic fungi (12). Solid conclusions as to the effective­


ness of these phagocytic cells in natural resistance against fungi are difficult to

make because the results from one laboratory often do not corroborate results from another. The reasons for the varying results and thus the confusion on the roles of monocytes and macrophages in natural resistance against fungi are numerous . Researchers have studied monocytes, monocyte-derived mac­ rophages, peritoneal macrophages, splenic macrophages, and alveolar mac­ rophages from several animal species, maki ng comparisons in activities difficult even when the same fungal target was used. The microenvironment

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in which the macrophages are found can modulate their activities; resident macrophages usually perform differently from induced macrophages, and these factors contribute to the disorder. Since fungal targets are complex and may be in different stages when studied, the fungus presents another set of variables in the experiments. The species of fungus, the fungal structure being studied, and the opsonized state of the fungus can alter the results obtained in experiments on antifungal activities of monocytes and macrophages. Not only do the experimental conditions and the effector-to-target ratios vary greatly from one laboratory to another, but the possible contamination of reagents with endotoxin , which, can influence the activity of the effector cell pop­ ulations, may produce different results in each study . In spite of all the variables, one consistent pattern has emerged: monocytes and macrophages from naive animals have limited abilities to kill systemic mycotic agents when compared with the antifungal activities of monocytes and macrophages acti­ vated with cytokines ( 1 2) . Like the PMNL, monocytes and macrophages must bind to their target before phagocytizing and attempting to kill the target intracellularly, or before exocytosis of cytotoxic components that kill the target extracellularly. Mono­ , cyte- and macrophage-receptor interactions with several fungi have been defined, and the receptor(s) engaged on the effector cells varies with the organism. In the case of H. capsu[atum, the family of adhesion receptors that have C D 1 8 f3-chains (LFA-I, CR3 , and p 1 50 , 95) serve as the attachment site for unopsonized H. capsu[atum yeast and microconidia on human alveolar and monocyte-derived macrophages (104) . In contrast, the binding sites on human monocytes for unopsonized C. albicans yeast cells are the f3-glucan receptors (63). Aspergillus fumigatus conidia attach to the mannosyl-fucosyl receptors on murine alveolar macrophages (66) . The cell walls of fungi are composed of chitin with (\'- and f3-glucan, mannan, galactose, and/or galac­ tosamine ( 1 1 8) , and the saccharide-containing molecules could serve as receptors to which lectin-like molecules on the effector cells bind. The fungal organisms could also have lectin-like surface components that would be recognized by effector cell receptors. Because both of these possibilities could occur, it is not surprising that the fungi bind readily to natural effector cells and signal the effector cells via different pathways . Monocytes and macrophages differ with respect to their available anti­ microbial mechanisms (4 1 , 98) . Monocytes from normal human subjects can generate oxidative products in a manner similar to that described for PMNL (41 , 8 3 , 98). Hence, monocytes can generate superoxide anions and HzOz, and they have an intact myeloperoxidase-HzOz-halide system that .can gener­ ate additional active oxygen-dependent products (41 , 83, 85, 98). Monocytes also have other active molecular species independent of oxygen, such as lysozyme and cationic proteins (85). Cathepsin G is missing, however, in the

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monocytes (85). As might be expected, monocytes are similar to PMNL in their abilities to kill fungal agents ( 98). Macrophages, on the other hand, are not generally as effective in damaging fungi as monocytes or PMNL ( 98). Although normal macrophages can kill microbes through the oxygen­ dependent NADPH oxidase pathway, they lack the myeloperoxidase com­ ponent of the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial system. The absence of myeloperoxidase may, in part, be responsible for the reduced ability of unstimulated macrophages to kill fungal cells (41 , 85, 98) . Other possible macrophage mechanisms of antifungal activity have been described using in vitro models; however, the relevance of these mechanisms in vivo will require additional investigation. Levitz & Diamond (87) have described one such fungicidal system. It is comprised of ferrous ions, H202, and iodide and is active in vitro against C. albicans blastoconidia and spores of A. jumigatus and R. oryzae (87) . Granger et al (5 1 ) reported another possible mechanism by which activated murine peritoneal macrophages may exert fungistatic effects on C. neojormans. The anticryptococcal effects they (5 1 ) studied were mediated through a deimination pathway that requires metabolism of L­ arginine by macrophages to produce nitrite and citrulline. Much work remains to be done with each of the mycotic agents to establish which of the professional phagocytes contribute to clearance of the organism and what mechanism(s) each cell uses to facilitate the clearance. Furthermore, studies on the influence of one effector cell population on another effector cell population will be necessary to gain a satisfactory understanding of natural host defensive measures.

Phagocytic Cells-Nonprofessional Only a few investigations have been performed on the role of nonprofessional phagocytic cells in mycotic diseases (36, 37, 49). Frequently, to gain entrance into tissues, the infecting fungus must adhere to vascular endothelial cells and penetrate them. C. albicans is a fungus that adheres to and is internalized by vascular endothelial cells (72) . In the absence of PMNL, C. albicans yeast cells germinate to hyphae, which eventually disrupt endothelial-cell monolay­ ers (36). When PMNL are present in the cocultures of endothelial-cell monolayers and C. albicans, the PMNL attach to and spread over the C. albicans hyphal surfaces and eventually kill the C. albicans (36). C. albicans may stimulate modulation of endothelial-cell surface receptors, which in tum may influence the interactions of host cells with each other or with the fungal agent. H. capsulatum is another organism that reportedly interacts with nonprofessional phagocytes (9, 37 , 49, 1 3 l). H. capsulatum yeast cells are phagocytized by human umbilical vein and murine lung endothelial cells as well as by hamster tracheal epithelial cells (9, 37 , 49, 1 3 1) . Iri two studies, the endothelial cells reduced the population of H. capsulatum yeast cells

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during the first 2-6 h in culture, but by 24 h, the numbers of H. capsulatum cells in the cocultures were equal to or greater than the original number of H. capsulatum cells (9, 1 3 1 ) . Another study showed that strains of H. capsula­ tum with cell walls void of a-(1 ,3)-glucan but not isolates containing a-(1 ,3)­ glucan were ingested by cultured respiratory epithelial cells and multiplied within the host cells (37). Exactly how these phenomena relate to the fungal disease and the host defenses is not understood at this time . Studies on nonprofessional phagocytes in regard to fungal disease have only recently begun. This is, however, a fascinating area of research, and future studies on nonprofessional phagocytes and fungi are expected to make significant contri­ butions to our overall understanding of the pathobiology of fungal diseases.

Nonphagocytic Natural Effector Cells Three types of cells fall into the category of nonphagocytic natural effector and MHC­ nonrestricted cytotoxic T-cells (82, 1 32, 1 34). These three types of cells have several characteristics in common. All can recognize and damage multiple types of target cells. Their activities are not restricted by MHC antigens , and they inflict damage on the target cell by first binding to the target cell and then either secreting or exocytosing toxic compounds . Although experimental evidence is fairly strong that NK cells can damage certain fungi (6, 21 , 64, 96, 1 0 1 , 1 10) , one can only speculate on the abilities of the other two nonphagocytic cell types to damage fungal targets and thus contribute to natural resistance. cells. They are natural killer cells , natural cytotoxic cells,

NK cells are a population of CDr , CD 16 + , + + CD56 , and asialo-GM\ large granular lymphocytes (LGL) that kill their targets directly by exocytosis of granules that contain cytotoxic components such as perforin (cytolysin) and serine proteases (granzyme A) , by secreting other toxic substances such as TNFa, or by triggering DNA fragmentation in the target cell (106, 1 34). NK cells are best known for their ability to kill tumor or virus-infected cells; however, they also have the ability to damage targets other than tissue cells (membrane-bound eukaryotic cells) (6, 2 1 , 64, 96, 1 0 1 , 1 10, 1 34). NK cells reportedly have inhibitory effects on several mycotic agents including C. neoformans, P. brasiliensis, C. immitis, H. capsulatum, and C. albicans hyphae (6, 21 , 64, 96, 1 0 1 , 1 10) . NK cell­ fungal cell interactions have been studied in some detail using C. neoformans and C. albicans yeast cells as targets, and two patterns of NK cell-mediated antifungal activity have emerged. One is direct killing of target cells by NK cells (54-59, 90, 96, 1 00-1 03). The second is a NK cell-mediated indirect effect on fungal targets (3 1-33, 1 3 9) . The latter mechanism involves fungal targets binding to NK cells and thereby simulating the NK cells to produce NATURAL KILLER CELLS

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lymphokines such as TNF, IFNI', and/or granulocyte-macrophage colony­ stimulating factor (GM-CSF) (3 1 , 33, 1 48). The lymphokines in tum up­ regulate the fungicidal activity of other natural effector cells such as PMNL, monocytes or macrophages (32, 1 3 9). Direct killing of a fungal target by NK cells has been studied most extensively .with C. neoformans yeast cells, so the discussion here centers around that, model . In vitro, murine, rat, and human NK cells bind to and kill cryptococcal cells (56, 59, 96, 100-- 103; J . W. Murphy , unpublished data) . Recently, Miller et al (96) reported that human NK cells mixed with C. neoformans at effector-to-target (E:T) ratios of 500 : 1 and 100 : 1 did not inhibit the growth of cryptococci unless anticryptococcal antibody was in­ cluded in the in vitro assay. In contrast, human NK cells bound to and significantly inhibited the growth of C. neoformans when an E:T ratio of 2 : 1 was used (Figure 1 ) (J . W . Murphy, unpublished data). Although the data are limited, they indicate that human NK cells can kill C. neoformans target cells providing the correct signal(s) is giv.en to the effector cells.

Figure 1

Scanning (A. B) and transmission (C.



D) electron micr9graphs of human NK cells c., neoformans cells are on the

bound to C. neo ormlns cells. The NK.cells are on the left and

right in each panel. Note the microvilli ofthe NK,cells making contact with the cryptococcal cells and penetrating the capsule of.the yeast cells, (e. D).:'Bars in panels'A and C panels B and D


0 . 1 jJ-m.


1 .0 jJ-m and in

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5 29

Murine NK cell-C. neoformans interactions have been assessed in some detail , and the main findings are briefly reviewed here. With murine NK cells , binding and growth-inhibitory activity against C. neoformans do not depend on the presence of serum or on the size or serospecificity of the cryptococcal capsule (98 , 1 0 l ) . As in most natural effector cell interactions with their targets, binding of NK cells to cryptococcal cells is a prerequisite to killing of the cryptococcal cells (54, 56, 5 8 , 59) . NK cells associate with C. neoformans cells through many microvilli, which contrasts to the broad membrane-membrane contact made by NK cells interacting with a standard tumor cell target such as YAC- 1 ( 1 00). Binding 6t\ NK cells to C. neoformans is Mg2+ dependent and not affected by temperatores below 37°C providing the time allowed for binding is not less than 2 . 5 h (56). Maximum conjugate formation between NK cells and C. neoformans is reached after 2 h when the cells are incubated at 37°C. The earliest that killing of the cryptococcal cells can be detected is 6 h after mixing the effector and target cells ( 1 00) . Actin filaments of the NK-cell cytoskeletal network must be intact for the NK cells to bind to cryptococci , and it appears that disulfide bonding plays a role in NK cell-C. neoformans interactions ( 1 00) . Binding of NK cells to cryptococcal cells signals the NK cells to rearrange their cytoplasmic organelles (54). For example, after binding to C. neofor­ mans, the nucleus of the NK cell moves away from the attachment site of the cryptococcal cell, and the Golgi apparatus and microtubule-organizing center of the NK cell can be seen in the cytoplasm adjacent to the site of binding of the cryptococcal cell (54). Focusing of the NK-cell cytoplasmic organelles toward the bound cryptococcal target depends on assembly of NK-cell micro­ tubules and occurs only when Ca2+ is present (54). Reorientation of the Golgi apparatus and the microtubule-organizing center into the NK cell cytoplasm adjacent to the bound target cell is an important prerequisite for the secretion of toxic products into the region of the cryptococcal target (54). When granule exocytosis and secretion are blocked in the NK cells with the drug monensin, NK cells do not kill C. neoformans, demonstrating that movement of Golgi­ derived vesicles to the cell membrane is necessary for NK cell-mediated damage to cryptococci (58). Granules from NK cells and cytolysin isolated from the granules inhibit the growth of C. neoformans (58). Taken together, these findings indicate that NK cells mediate their lethal effect on C. neofor­ mans by exocytosis of cytolysin-containing granules into the region of the attached cryptococcal cell, and the granule contents then damage the crypto­ coccal cell (58). NK-cell cytoplasmic fractions other than the granules have also been found to inhibit the growth of cryptococci; therefore , there may be cytoplasmic components in addition to the granules that can damage C. neoformans (58). Anticryptococcal activities of human and mouse NK cells are significantly augmented in the presence of anticryptococcal antibody, suggesting that in

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immune animals antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) may be another way in which NK cells participate in host defense against fungal targets (96, 103) . ADCC in cryptococcosis may be minimal, however, because anticryptococcal antibodies are not usually present (97) . Murine NK cells not only limit the growth of C. neoformans in vitro , they also function in vivo (55, 57, 90) . Hidore & Murphy (55) have shown that beige (bg/bg) mice that have reduced NK-cell activity and abnormally large granules in their PMNL do not clear C. neoformans from their tissues as effectively as do their heterozygote (bg/ +) littermates . The reduced clearance of C. neoformans from tissues of bg/bg mice was shown to result from the NK-cell defect rather than abnormalities in the other natural effector cells because PMNL from beige mice inhibited the growth of C. neoformans in vitro better than did PMNL from the bg/+ mice, and splenic macrophages from bg/bg and bg/ + mice were equivalent in their ability to kill cryptococci in vitro (55) . When C. neoformans was injected into the peritoneal cavity of bg/bg and bg/ + mice, the influxes of PMNL and macrophages were similar in the two groups of animals; demonstrating that the natural effector cells of the bglbg mice did not have reduced chemotactic abilities in response to C. neoformans as compared to bg/ + mice (55). Findings with the beige mouse model demonstrated that NK cells were effective in inhibiting cryptococci in vivo, and those findings have been confirmed in two additional mouse models (57, 90) . The combined studies make clear that NK cells contribute to early clearance of C. neoformans cells from the lungs of infected mice; however, the anticryptococcal activity of NK cells, at least in nonimmune mice, is not sufficient for sustained clearance of the organsims (55 , 57, 90) . Djeu and coworkers (3 1-33, 1 39) have described an indirect role for NK cells in augmenting protection against the fungal target C. albicans. These investigators showed that human NK cells stimulated with C. albi­ cans produce lymphokines that can activate PMNL and monocytes to more aggressively kill C. albicans (3 1-33, 1 39) . Considering that NK cells can produce several different lymphokines, i.e. TNFa, GM-CSF, IFNy, provided the cells are given an appropriate signal , an indirect role of NK cells in resistance against other fungal agents seems very feasible and should be evaluated. OTHER NATURAL EFFECTOR CELLS NC and MHC-nonrestricted T-cells can inhibit or even kill fungal targets; however, studies on the interactions of these cells with fungal targets are just beginning, so little more than pre­ liminary data are available at this time. In fact, there are no reports on NC cell effectiveness against fungal targets, although TNFa and other lymphokines produced by NC cells could directly affect fungal targets or could modulate natural antifungal host defenses. This may be a fertile area of research to


53 1

explore. The concept that MHC-nonrestricted T-cells can inhibit the growth of fungi or kill them is justified on the basis that T-cells from immunized mice have been shown to inhibit the growth of C. neoformans (45). Furthermore, recent preliminary data indicate that human T-cells can bind to C. neoformans targets (J . W . Murphy, unpublished data) . Also, purified populations of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes inhibit the growth of C. neoformans in vitro (1 . W. Murphy, unpublished data) .

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Interactions of Natural Effector Cells Natural effector cells can produce many cytokines when appropriately stimu­ lated, and the binding of fungi to the effector cells may provide the signal(s) necessary for cytokine production. If one links these ideas to the facts that IFNy activates macrophages to aggressively kill fungal targets (2 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 42, 89, 105 , 1 40, 1 45) and that TNFa and GM-CSF boost the antifungal activity of PMNL, monocytes, and macrophages (2, 3 1-33 , 38, 40, 89, 1 26, 1 39), then one can reasonably predict that effector cells can stimulate one another via cytokines to have increased antifungal activity . Only a few examples of such interactions have been experimentally validated, and most are discussed earlier in this review. The interactions of natural effector cells could also negatively affect host resistance. For example, Wei et al ( 1 42) recently reported that interleukin-2-activated NK (LAK) cells suppress human mono­ cyte activity against C. albicans. Currently, it is not clear how these in vitro phenonena translate to the in vivo situation, but elucidating the in vivo interactions of natural effector cells is a challenging problem for the future. SUMMARY Natural host-resistance mechanisms are essential first-line defenses against most mycotic agents; however, these defenses are often not sufficient for complete protection. The host relies on the immune responses to provide the additional antifungal activity necessary for maximum protection. In systemic mycotic diseases, the immune system must be functional to prevent the host from succumbing to the disease. Natural resistance mechanisms act together in a coordinated manner early in the disease process to either kill or prevent the fungal agent from proliferating and gaining entrance to other tissues. The early defensive measures of the natural effector mechanisms are usually sufficiently effective to provide time for the generally more effective immune defenses to develop. Together, the natural defenses and the immune defenses regulate each other through cytokine networks , and generally these systems provide the host with adequate protection against threatening mycotic agents .



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Mechanisms of natural resistance to human pathogenic fungi.

Natural host-resistance mechanisms are essential first-line defenses against most mycotic agents; however, these defenses are often not sufficient for...
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