Methods for Delivery of Genes to Hepatocytes In Vivo Using Recombinant Adenovirus Vectors Darlene Barrand

Mark A. Kay

1. Introduction

7.7. The Liver as a Target Organ In many ways, the liver represents an ideal target organ for gene delivery. Anatomically, the sheer bulk cofits tissue mass and its dual blood supply are advantageous for intravascular injection of virus into either portal or systemic circulation. The portal vem provides a direct iv route mto the liver. It also theoretically provides an indirect route by oral administration since the portal system drains the gut. The liver is the site of production of a large number of protems functionmg in a wide variety of physiologic functions including metabolism, coagulation, cholesterol packaging, detoxijication, and other enzymatic activities. Hepatic deficiencies result in human diseasesthat are potentially correctable by mtroduction of the cDNA or gene expressing the missing protein. Examples of these diseases include inborn errors of metabolism, such as tyrosmemia (type l), phenylketonuria, ormthine transcarbamylase deficiency, and alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency. Other hepatic protein deficiencies include lipoprotein receptor deficiencies that result in considerable cardiovascular mortality. In theory, exogenous proteins can be produced since hepatocytes are well equipped for secretion into plasma. Erythropoietin is one example of a protein that may be heterotopically produced in the liver with potential benefit to thousands with anemia secondary to chronic renal failure.

1.2. Gene Transfer info Hepafocytes A number of different vectors and procedures have been developed for hepatic gene transfer. Both ex vivo and in vivo methods have been used. These From* Methods II) IMolecular MedIcme, G8n8 Therapy Protocok Edited by P Ftobbms Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



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approaches have been reviewed (1,2). The widely used retroviral vectors require dividing hepatocytes for gene transfer, resulting in low transduction rates (l-2%), but long-term gene expression. 1.3. Advantages of Adenoviral Vectors for ffepatocyte Transduction Adenovnuses are linear, double-stranded DNA viruses that are unencapsulated and rcosahedral. They are pathogenic in humans but mfection generally results in a mild upper respiratory disease. Most adults have been exposed to a type of adenovirus. Of the more than 43 serotypes identified m humans, serotypes 2 and 5 are the most widely used as vectors. None have been associated with malignancy in humans and their safety has been demonstrated by use of live viral vaccines in the 1970s (3,4). In addition to its safety, adenovmrus(Ad) is an attractive vector from the viewpoint of the molecular biologist. The Ad life cycle has been extensively studied and its genome mapped (3). The Ad genome is divided mto early (El-E4) and late (Ll-L5) transcription regions. The virus can be rendered replication defective by deleting the E 1 region. After El deletion, the virus can still be grown and manipulated in vitro m a permissive cell lme, such as 293, Ad 5-transformed human embryonic kidney cells that supply El m tvuns. Additional deletions in the E3 region can be utilized to accommodate a fairly large amount of foreign DNA, up to 8.5 kb (3,5,6). Advanced generation vectors deleted for various portions of the viral genome are being developed by a number of different laboratories. Adenovirus is easily concentrated and purified to titers in the range of 1O11-1O12viral plaque formmg units (PFU)/mL. The adenovirus exhibits a natural tropism for the respiratory tract but is also capable of transducing many other tissues, including the liver. A major advantage of using adenovirus is the ability to transduce nondividmg cells in direct contrast to retroviruses. Efficient transduction of hepatocytes has been demonstrated both in culture and in mouse models. Approximately 95-100% of hepatocytes can be transduced m vivo by injecting 1 x 1O’Oviral PFU systemically (7). Recombinant adenovirus has been used for hepatic gene transfer to express therapeutic gene products in mice (8-IO), rats (1 I), rabbits (12)) and dogs (‘I 3). 1.4. Disadvantages of Adenovirai Vectors Despite the advantage of high levels of transgene protein production, the expression is transient, disappearmg over a period of weeks to months. The mechanism for shutdown is related to cell-mediated immunity against infected cells (14). Furthermore, secondary transduction of heptaocytes using adenoviral vectors has been unsuccessful, likely owing to the generation of neutralizing antibodies after the first infusion (9,1.5).


Delivery to Hepa tocytes


In this chapter, we describe the details of intraportal and systemic IV methods of delivering adenoviral vectors in a mouse model. The principles are the same in other animal models as briefly described at the end.

2. Materials 1. Dialysis Buffer: 10 mMTris HCl pH 8.0, 1 mJ4 MgCl,, 10% glycerol 2. Human 293 cells grown in HgDMEM with 10% fetal calf serum, and 1 n&I glutamine, pemcillm/streptomycin is optional. 3. Mace. 12-30 g. 4. Ear tags or ear punch device for animal ldentificatron. 5. Avertm (tribromoethanol). Stock Solution. MIX 25 g of 2,2,2-trrbromoethanol m 25 mL tert-Amy1 alcohol. Store at room temperature Protect from light. Keeps for 2 mo. Working solution: MIX 1.2 mL stock solution m 98.8 mL PBS (12 mg/mL). Store at 4°C in foil wrapped bottle. Keeps 2-3 wk 6. Buprenorphine 7. Mouse restraining device 8. For portal vein injection: cork board; cotton tipped swabs.Surgical instruments: iris scissors, Adson forceps with teeth, nontoothed forceps, needle holder, 3-O Vlcryl or silk suture on a tapered needle, Gelfoam (absorbable gelatin sponge, Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI) in 0.5 x 0 5-cm squares. Warming lights (40-watt incandescent desk lamp), tuberculm or insulin syringes with 27- or 30-gage needles, and microcentrifuge.

3. Methods Instructions for preparation of the adenovirus for infusion into mice will be detailed. These techniques may be modified for use m other large and small animal models. General instruction in the care and handling of rodents is available in ref. 16. Mice should be housed in accordance with standards of the institutional animal care board. Decontaminate equipment with 5% SDS or bleach prior to autoclaving. The viral stock can be diluted in PBS or basal media without serum. Generally, we dilute virus to 0.1 mL per injection dose. Methods for both intraportal and iv injection via lateral tail veins will be described. Generally, most of the virus is taken up by the liver by either injection method (17). We inject about 1 x lOI* PFU per animal to achieve close to 100% hepatocyte gene transduction. After portal vein infusion, up to 50 copies of adenoviral genomes are present per diploid host DNA (7,171. Lesser amounts of adenovirus can be infused for lower rates of gene transfer (7,17). Portal vein injection requires a laparotomy. Both techniques are performed with a general anesthetic. We suggest intraperitoneal Avertin (tribromoethanol). Tail vein injections can be performed without an anesthetic when one becomes facile with the technique.

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208 3.1. Adenovirus


1. The methods used are modified from Graham and Prevec (4). 2 Grow a human cell line such as 293 to 70% confluence. Remove media from cells. 3. Add the thawed adenovirus at a multrplicrty of infection (MOI) of 10 viral. Incubate at room temperature for 1 h, occasionally swirling the plate 4. Replace with 10 mL fresh media per IO-cm dish Incubate until full cytopathtc effect is noted, usually 36-48 h later 5. Harvest cells by prpetmg media until they lift off the plate and centrifuge gently to pellet cells. Add small volume of PBS. Total volume about 36 mL/125-lo-cm dish or 50-15-cm dish 6. Lyse cells. Thaw cells/PBS at 37’C. Repeat freeze and thaw two more times 7. Spin out cellular debris on a table-top centrifuge before layering lysate on step gradient. 8. Step gradient: Form gradient by carefully layering CsCl solutions of the followmg densities in an ultraclear SW 40 Ti tube: 6 mL cell layer, 3 mL I .25 g/cm3, 3 mL 1 35 g/cm3, 0.5 mL 1.5 g/cm3. Spm for 1 h at 35,000 rpm, 12”C, acceleration profile 1, deceleration profile 1. 9 Adenovnus will appear as a bluish-white band at the Interface between the 1.25 and 1.35 g/cm3 layers. Collect vtrus. Spin vtrus m a second contmuous 1 35 g/mL CsCl gradient. Spin in an SW 40 Tt rotor at 35,000 rpm for 16 h. Remove adenovirus (blue white band). 10. Dialyze virus overnight (50,000 mol wt cutoff) in dialysis buffer. 11. Quantitate Ad viral DNA at OD,,,,, 25-pLahquotin475pLofO l%SDS, lOmA Tris. One OD unit equals about lo’* particles/ml. Generally, the particle titer is 20-IOO-fold higher than the number of plaque-formmg units. Plaque titer can be performed as described in ref. 4. 12. Store in aliquots at -80°C

3.2. Preparation For survival experiments, mark the animal in some manner. will be removed with normal groommg m 2-3 d. For long-term numbered ear clips work well. Patterns of triangular and circular can also be used, but the pattern must be clearly identifiable and odically for distortron from chewing or healing over.

3.3. Anesthetic

Tail marking experiments, ear punches checked pert-


1. Grasp the mouse tall at the base with the dominant hand. Allow the mouse to catch an edge of the cage with his forefeet Firmly grasp posterior aspect of neck and shoulders with the nondominant hand to prevent head mob&y and bttmg. Cradle the animal in the palm and turn abdominal side forward. Turn the ammal head down to displace abdominal viscera from the lower abdomen. Inject 0.51.O mL Avertin in the right lower quadrant (0.5 mL for a small 1O-20 g mouse and 0.8-I .O mL for larger mice). This dose provides approx 30 min of anesthesia of suitable depth for laparotomy.

Adenoviral Delivery to Heparocytes


2. Gage the depth of anesthesia by first observing for motion and breathing. The ammal should be motronless except for steady respiratory effort, Second, test the response to pain by pinch or pin prick to the web space of the foot. If withdrawal of the limb 1snoted, an abdominal incision will not be tolerated and 25% of the dose should be repeated. If no respirations are noted and the eyes are white and glassy, the mouse is overanesthetized.

3.3. Laparotomy

(for Portal Vein Injection)

1. Place the mouse supine on a cork surgical board or other flat surface. Secure extremities with tape or pins m the web spaces of feet. 2. Shave the abdomen in the midline using a small electric shaver or with light scraping using a scalpel. Swab with skm antiseptic. 3. Make a vertical midline incision using iris scissors. Tent up the skm of the abdominal wall fascia by grasping just lateral to midline with an Adson-toothed forceps to prevent injury to bowel. 4. With two fingers, gently rotate the intestines m the right lower quadrant to the Ieft exposing the superior mesenteric vein. (The portal vein is formed by the confluence of splenic and superior mesenteric veins.) The bowels will stay in this position if covered by a moistened gauze. 5. Retract the liver lobes cephalad with a cotton tipped swab. The supertor mesenteric and portal veins should be clearly visible. Confirm the identity of the portal vein by tracing its entry into the hepatic hilum. 6. Retract the small bowel mesentery inferolaterally with the nondominant hand to hold the portal vem taunt. 7. Inject the viral preparation in the portal vein (as close to the confluence of splemc and superior mesenteric vems as possible) with the dommant hand. The total volume of the mfusate should not exceed 0.5 mL (we generally use 0.1 mL) and should be room temperature. 8. Withdraw the needle carefully and place a small piece of Gelfoam over the puncture site. Gelfuam, combined with gentle digital pressure, should result m hemostasis in 3-5 min. Too much pressure will cut off portal flow and will injure the liver if held for long periods of time. 9. Lift the Gelfoam off slowly with a forceps to check hemostasis. If the Gelfoam does not peel easily, add a drop or two of saline to soak it off. If still bleeding, reapply Gelfoam and pressure. If hemostasis is satisfactory but bleedmg recurs after several attempts to remove the Gelfoam, it can be left in place; there is, however, an increased risk of infection. 10. Replace the intestines and liver lobes to their anatomic positions. 11, Close the skin and abdominal wall en bloc with a continuous suture of 3-O silk or Vicryl. Warm saline placed in the peritoneal cavity prior to closure will help prevent dehydration. 12. Recover the animal under warming lights and examine every 15-20 min until ambulating. Provide free access to food and water. When fully recovered, animals can be observed grooming, ambulating, and feeding. If the animal exhibrts signs of pain, i.e., listlessness, administer butrenorphine 2.0 mg/kg SCevery 12 h.

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3.4. Tail Vein Injection 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Anesthetize mice as described. Place prone on a flat surface. Warm mouse tails under a lamp to induce vasodilation. Lay the tail flat on the table and stroke with the thumb for further venodilatton Identify the paired lateral tail veins on both sides of midline of the dorsum of the tail. They are dark blue structures that may be better appreciated in lower levels of light and by rotating the tail from side to side. Steady the tat1 proximally with the index finger and distally with the thumb (nondominant hand). With the dominant hand, insert the needle into the vein at a 45” angle from the horizontal plane of the table. (A slight bend in the needle ts sometimes helpful, but take care not to lacerate the vein.) Start at the mtdportton of the tall so that one may move more proximally if the first attempt fails. Inject with slow gentle pressure. If the needle is correctly positioned in the lumen of the vein, the injection will go in easily. If any force 1srequired, the needle has become displaced and the injection will be SCtf one is able to inject at all. (With too much force, the syringe will pop off, splashing vn-us in your face.) Occasionally one may observe a successful mlectton flowing downstream by noting the color change from the dilute infusate. Withdraw the needle and apply firm digital pressure until hemostasis is assured. Recover the mice as described in Section 3.3., step 12. No postoperative analgesics should be required.

3.5. Large Animal Models For larger animals, the scale-up in concentratton of virus is roughly proportional to their size. For transduction of rat hepatocytes, we infuse 1 x 10” PFU in 100 g animals. In dogs weighing 12-l 7 kg, we have perfused the portal vein with about 1.5 x 10” PFU/kg and have obtained more than 1 adenovu-us

genome/copy per diplord copy of host DNA (13). Kozarsky and Wilson used 1.5 x 1013vtral particles (about 1.5 x 10” PFU) in 2-4 kg rabbits to achieve approx 100% hepatocyte transduction and 4 x 1Or2particles to achieve 5075% transduction (22). 4. Notes Most of the adenovirus is taken up by the liver by the injection routes described; however, a significant amount is taken up to lesser degrees by other tissues. (See Kay et al. [13], Smith et al. [9], and Vrancken-Peeters et al. [I 71 for tissue distribution.) The relative distribution of adenovirus is the same if the virus is administered by peripheral or portal vem infusion. More recently, a method of transducing hepatocytes by infusion via the biliary tract has been described in the rat (18) and mouse (14). The method leads to similar hepatocyte transduction. Additionally, biliary epithelial cells are transduced at greater

Adenoviral Delivery to Hepatocytes frequencies than by the vascular infusion methods. The persistence expression varies among different mouse strains (15).

211 of gene

5. Summary Adenoviral vectors provide an efficient vehicle for hepatic gene delivery. Their use has been complicated by the immunologic response directed against transduced hepatocytes and the inability to retransduce cells because of humoral immunity. It is of interest that between different inbred mouse strains there can be a wide variation in the persistence of gene expression (IS). There is cautious optimism that less antigemc vectors (2%21), possibly in combination with immunomodulatory agents (22), may allow for improved adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in animals and ultimately in humans.

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Methods for delivery of genes to hepatocytes in vivo using recombinant adenovirus vectors.

In many ways, the liver represents an ideal target organ for gene delivery. Anatomically, the sheer bulk cof its tissue mass and its dual blood supply...
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