Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B

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Microbial degradation of propoxur in turfgrass soil L.‐T. Ou , P. Nkedi‐Kizza , J.L. Cisar & G.H. Snyder To cite this article: L.‐T. Ou , P. Nkedi‐Kizza , J.L. Cisar & G.H. Snyder (1992) Microbial degradation of propoxur in turfgrass soil, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 27:5, 545-564 To link to this article:

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Date: 07 November 2015, At: 12:16

J. ENVIRON. SCI. HEALTH, B27(5), 545-564 (1992)

Downloaded by [University of Florida] at 12:16 07 November 2015

MICROBIAL DEGRADATION OF PROPOXUR IN TURFGRASS SOIL Key Words: Propoxur, baygon, i n s e c t i c i d e , t u r f g r a s s , s o i l , biodegradation, m i n e r a l i z a t i o n , metabolites, microorganisms L.-T. Ou1, P. Nkedi-Kizza1, J.L. Cisar 2 and G.H. Snyder3 1Soil 2

Science Department, University of Gainesville, Florida, 32611, U.S.A.


Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314

3Everglades Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Belle Glade, Florida 33430



degradation r a t e s

was conducted in turfgrass

t o determine t h e soil

over a 12-month

period a f t e r a s i n g l e f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n of propoxur and to



from t h e s o i l

capable of

degrading t h e i n s e c t i c i d e . Soil samples were c o l l e c t e d from a t u r f g r a s s experimental s i t e near Fort Lauderdale, FL one week before t h e f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n of propoxur, and over a 12-month period a f t e r t h e f i e l d


Mineralization r a t e s i n surface (0 - 15 cm depth) and subsurface (15 - 30 cm depth) s o i l samples

545 Copyright© 1992 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.





before t h e f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n were low. M i n e r a l i z a t i o n i n surface

and subsurface

samples c o l l e c t e d

1, 6 and 8

months a f t e r t h e f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n was much higher t h a n f o r corresponding samples c o l l e c t e d before

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a p p l i c a t i o n . Mineralization collected

t h ef i e l d

i n t h e subsurface


12 months a f t e r t h e f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n had

r e v e r t e d back t o t h e s i m i l a r r a t e f o r t h e corresponding sample c o l l e c t e d

before f i e l d application.


values (t 1/2 ) f o r propoxur showed s i m i l a r trends t o t h e r e s u l t s of mineralization.

After a s i n g l e a p p l i c a t i o n of

propoxur, degradation i n t u r f g r a s s s o i l was enhanced. Such enhancement l a s t e d

l e s s than 12 months f o r t h e

subsurface, but more than 12 months f o r the surface. A s t r a i n of Arthrobacter sp. capable of degrading propoxur was

i s o l a t e d from t h e s o i l . INTRODUCTION The

i n s e c t i c i d e propoxur [2-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl

methylcarbamate] i s used f o r s t r u c t u r a l pest


including t u r f , domestic p e t s , ornamental, and mosquito c o n t r o l . Although t h i s chemical has been'used since 1959 (Thomson, 1985), l i t t l e i s known regarding i t s f a t e i n s o i l s , including those used for t u r f g r a s s . As a c l a s s of carbamate pesticide, i t i s anticipated that i t s primary route of degradation in soils is by hydrolysis (Kazano et al.,



et a l . , 1982; Venkateswarlu


Sethunathan, 1978). The hydrolysis product for propoxur would be 2-isopropoxyphenol (2-IPP).



A number of carbamate p e s t i c i d e s have been r e p o r t e d t o have enhanced d e g r a d a t i o n i n s o i l s a f t e r one o r more f i e l d a p p l i c a t i o n s (Racke and Coats, 1990). These i n c l u d e t h e h e r b i c i d e s EPTC ( s - e t h y l dipropylthiocarbamate) (Bean

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e t a l . , 1988a; Obrigawitch e t a l . , 1982) and b u t y l a t e ( s e t h y l d i i s o b u t y l t h i o c a r b a m a t e ) (Bean e t a l . , 1988a), and the insecticides carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7benzofuranyl-N-methylcarbamate)

(Felsot et a l . ,


Suett, 1986) and carbaryl (1-naphthyl methylcarbamate) (Rajagopal et a l . , 1986). However, whether previous exposure to propoxur for turfgrass soils or other soils can cause subsequent enhanced degradation of propoxur needs to be demonstrated. The frequent irrigation and fertilization practices used for turfgrass are conducive to

high microbial activity.

Therefore, propoxur in

turfgrass may be degraded rapidly and enhanced may occur after 'priming'. Bean et al. (1988b) reported that the duration for enhanced degradation of EPTC in Crete s i l t y clay loam from Nebraska after a single field application of the herbicide was about 30 months. Ou (1991) found that the duration for enhanced degradation of the thiophosphorus nematicide fenamiphos in Ellzey fine sand from Florida was between 3 and 4 years after a single field application to an experimental site cropped to potatoes. The objectives of this study were to determine degradation




and parent

chemical disappearance rates, in turfgrass soil collected



before and during a 12-months period a f t e r a s i n g l e f i e l d application to a turfgrass site, and to isolate and characterize microorganisms capable of degrading propoxur from turfgrass soil.

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Soils Soil





a siliceous,

hyperthermic Mollic Psammaqvent, 0 - 1 5 and 15 - 30 cm depth) were collected from a turfgrass experimental s i t e near



FL. Although




established in 1969, prior t o this study i t had never been treated with propoxur or with any other carbamate pesticides

such as carbofuran, carbaryl, EPTC,


Propoxur was applied t o the s i t e in late February, 1989, at a rate of 12.2 kg/ha. Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) f e r t i l i z e r s in the forms of (NH4)2SO4 and KC1 were applied monthly and bimonthly, respectively, a t the rate of 100 kg






collected 1 week prior t o the field application, and 1, 6, 8 and 12 months after the field

application of

propoxur. Soil samples were stored in the dark a t 4 °C, and were used within 60 days. Key soil properties are shown in Table 1. The two soil horizons from which soil samples were collected were visually different with the top

horizon being black due t o i t s high organic matter

content and the subsurface horizon being a leached white sand. In addition, s o i l samples ( 0 - 1 5 and 15 - 30 cm



depth) from a nearby n o n t u r f g r a s s s i t e t h a t had never been exposed t o any p e s t i c i d e s ( i n c l u d i n g propoxur) o r f e r t i l i z e r s were also included in the study. Chemicals

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activity 1.395 GBq and radiopurity >99%) and analytical grade

propoxur were provided




MO) .

by Mobay Chemical Co.




(2-IPP) and catechol were purchased


Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, WI). Uniformly ringlabeled uC-2-IPP was prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of 14

C-propoxur. A 15 mL glass vial containing 185 kBq ofI4C-

propoxur and 2.5 mL of 0.1 mol/L NaOH was placed in a waterbath

a t 60




solution was

subsequently neutralized with 2.5 mL of 0.1 mol/L HCl. Degradation Studies For determination of mineralization rates of l4Cpropoxur in turfgrass s o i l , 100 g of soil were placed in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask which contained 0.01 g of propoxur and 18.5 kBq of 14c-propoxur. After mixing, each flask was weighed and then closed tightly with a rubber stopper under which a stainless steel vial was hung from a stainless steel wire. Each vial contained 0.5 mL of 8 mol/L KOH for trapping 14CO2. At predetermined intervals, vials

in the flasks

containing fresh KOH.

were replaced with w

new vials

c-activity in the KOH traps was

determined by liquid s c i n t i l l a t i o n counting. At the same



time, weights of t h e f l a s k s were checked, and s t e r i l e water was added t o compensate f o r any intervening water l o s s . Upon completion of t h e incubation period (42 t o 70 days), 10 g of s o i l were removed from each f l a s k and

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placed i n a 50 mL g l a s s c u l t u r e tube with t e f l o n - l i n e d cap for solvent extraction. For determination of metabolites in soil, 200 g of soil were placed in a 1 L glass bottle which contained 2 mg of analytical grade propoxur. Each bottle was weighed and then closed tightly with a screw cap. The bottles were incubated in the dark at 25 °C. At predetermined intervals, 10 g of each treated soil were removed and placed in a 50 mL glass culture tube as described above. Soil samples (10 g) in culture tubes were extracted with 30 mL of an equal volume of organic solvent mixture, benzene, acetone and methanol, in a reciprocal shaker for 2 hours. The extracts were vacuum-filtered through Whatman no. 42 f i l t e r paper and the extracted soils were washed twice with 5 mL of the organic mixture, followed by vacuum f i l t r a t i o n . The extracts were concentrated under a gentle stream of nitrogen gas to 1 mL. Propoxur and i t s metabolites in those concentrated extracts were determined by a high performance liquid Chromatographie (HPLC) method using a Spectra Physics HPLC system (San Jose, CA) equipped with an UV detector. The wavelength of the detector was set a t 220 nm. A Nova-Pak reversed-phase column (Haters, Milford, MA) was used with mobile phase



of 50% methanol and 50% water a t a c o n s t a n t flow r a t e of 1 mL/minute. R e t e n t i o n times f o r propoxur, 2-IPP and c a t e c h o l were 3.9, 5.4 and 2.1 minutes, r e s p e c t i v e l y . 14

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C-activity remaining i n t h e e x t r a c t e d s o i l samples,

C-fenamiphos was used, was combusted

t o14CO2 i n a

sample o x i d i z e r d e s c r i b e d p r e v i o u s l y by Ou e t a l . (1982) . I s o l a t i o n of Propoxur-Deqradincr Microorganisms B a t c h - c u l t u r e enrichment t e c h n i q u e s were employed t o i s o l a t e microorganisms capable of degrading propoxur from t h e t u r f g r a s s s o i l . S o i l samples ( 0 - 1 5 and 15 - 30 cm depth) collected

6 months after the field


were treated i n i t i a l l y with analytical grade propoxur a t a rate of 10 Mg/g. At 14-day intervals, propoxur was applied at increasingly higher rates each time, and a f t e r 3 successive applications the final application rate was 50 ftg/g. Ten g of soil from each sample were transferred to a s t e r i l e 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml· of basal mineral medium and 200 ßq/tiL of analytical grade propoxur. All flasks were incubated in a rotary shaker a t 25 °C. After a series of l-to-10 dilutions a t 7-day intervals, turbidity was developed in the propoxur-basal mineral medium. Pure bacterial cultures were isolated by streaking

a small amount of the culture medium t o a

propoxur-basal mineral agar plate. Bacterial


were characterized by conventional morphological and biochemical


The basal


medium was

composed of K2HPO4, 4.8 g; KH2PO4, 1.2 g; NH4NO3, 1.0 g;



MgSO4.4H2O, 0.25 g; Ca(NO3)2.4H2O, 0.04 g; Fe2(SO4)2, 0.001 g; and deionized H2O, 1 L. 14

C-propoxur and l4C-2-IPP were used t o determine t h e

capacity of the bacterial isolates t o mineralize the two

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C-propoxur (3.7 kBq) and nonlabeled propoxur

(200 /ig/mL), or I4C-2-IPP (2.5 kBg) and nonlabeled 2-IPP (200 /ig/mL), were added to a sterile 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask which contained 50 mL of basal mineral medium and ' 1 mL of 2-day old bacterial culture. A 0.5 mL of the culture







scintillation counting.



removed by



Each flask was then


tightly with a rubber stopper, under which was suspended a stainless steel vial containing 0.5 mL of 8 mol/L KOH as described above. The flasks were incubated in a rotary shaker a t 25 °C. At adequate intervals the vials were replaced with new vials containing fresh KOH. 14C-activity in the traps was quantified by liquid scintillation counting.




employed for

determination of metabolite formation in the culture fluid. In this case, only nonlabeled compounds were used and hence KOH traps were not employed. The HPLC method described above was used to determine metabolites in the culture fluid. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Although

the soil



from t h e

experimental s i t e before and a f t e r f i e l d application of








biological properties (Table l ) , a single application of propoxur stimulated

degradative activity of propoxur-

degrading microorganisms. Prior to the field application

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of propoxur, propoxur was mineralized slowly in both horizons (Fig. 1), with only 10.8 and 4.7% of the applied 14







being mineralized



samples, days


incubation. More propoxur was mineralized in the surface samples than in the subsurface sample. Mineralization of propoxur in soil samples collected 1 month after the field

application was much higher than for samples

collected before the field application. During the f i r s t 3 days of incubation,

10.6 and 11.2% of applied



propoxur in surface and subsurface samples, respectively, were mineralized. Unlike the samples collected before the field



horizon samples were now



the two

similar. Mineralization


propoxur in soil samples collected 6 and 8 months after the field application was

even more rapid

than for

samples collected 1 month after field the application. In contrast to the samples collected before the field application, for soil samples collected 6 and 8 months after

the field

application, more propoxur was


mineralized by the subsurface samples than that by the surface

samples. Twelve months following the field

application, the degradation pattern reverted back to



Table 1 Key s o i l properties of Ssoil samples collected from the turfgrass

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experimental s i t e near Fort Lauderdale, FL

Soil depth (cm)


Water content (g/kg)

Organic C (g/kg)

Size Distribution Sand


Bacteria Fungi (cfu/kgxio9) (cfu/kgxicf)


1 week before field application 0 - 1 5 6.7



97 '

15 - 30 6.2








Microbial degradation of propoxur in turfgrass soil.

This study was conducted to determine the degradation rates in turfgrass soil over a 12-month period after a single field application of propoxur and ...
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