LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mitotic Spindle Failure in Human Cancer

Partial s p i n d l e failure resulting in m u l t i p o l a r mitoses is a well k n o w n feature of neoplastic cells. It is seen, for instance, in both the preinvasive and invasive stages of carcinoma of the cervix uteri [1]. Complete s p i n d l e failure with no polar m o v e m e n t of the separating chromatids seems to be a less well recognized p h e n o m e n o n ; our observations, however, suggest that it occurs quite frequently in at least some forms of neoplastic disease. Thus, we observed metaphases in w h i c h the c h r o m a t i d s had c o m p l e t e l y separated in three s e m i n o m a s of the testis, studied directly or after culture for 24 hours. In one of these, a large number of m e t a p h a s e s were present in the c h r o m o s o m e preparations; in 31 of 308 (10.1%), the c h r o m a t i d s had c o m p l e t e l y separated and could no longer be paired with one another, while in a further eight (2.6%), the c h r o m a t i d s of some c h r o m o s o m e s had separated but others r e m a i n e d in apposition. A n e x a m p l e from a s e m i n o m a is s h o w n in Figure 1. We have occasionally seen the same p h e n o m e n o n in carcinomas at various sites. It appears, however, to be a fairly regular occurrence in samples of bone marrow, peripheral blood, or l y m p h node tissue from patients with myeloproliferative or l y m p h o p r o l i f e r a t i v e disorders. Thus, we have seen it in ten patients who had the following diagnoses: chronic m y e l o m o n o c y t i c leukemia, acute myeloid l e u k e m i a (three cases), myeloproliferative disorder (two cases), suspected myeloproliferative disorder (two cases), myelofibrosis, and p o l y m o r p h o u s T-cell non-Hodgkins l y m p h o m a . Our findings suggest that m e t a p h a s e s in w h i c h the chromatids have c o m p l e t e l y separated are quite frequent in s e m i n o m a s and some other forms of neoplastic disease, e.g., of the h e m a t o p o i e t i c system. It appears that this phen o m e n o n has hitherto received little attention. The number of c h r o m a t i d s in a m e t a p h a s e spread will, of course, usually be about twice, or a higher m u l t i p l e of, the basic chromosome n u m b e r of the neoplastic clone. Where the chromatids have c o m p l e t e l y separated, the metaphase may be passed over because it is mistakenly considered to be a p o l y p l o i d variant. Also, little notice may be taken of it because, as we have found, the c h r o m a t i d s tend to be rather contracted and, in b a n d e d preparations, to shout little band-

ing. However, careful attention to the m o r p h o l o g y of the chromatids and c o m p a r i s o n with the c h r o m o s o m e s of any metaphases that show separation of some but not all the c h r o m a t i d s (as in Fig 1) s h o u l d leave no doubt as to their true identity. The p h e n o m e n o n of s p i n d l e failure resulting in "c-mitoses," w h i c h follows the a p p l i c a t i o n of s p i n d l e poisons such as colchicine, has long been studied. Levan, in 1954 [2], observed that every c h r o m o s o m e modification i n d u c e d by colchicine could also be found in untreated tumors, only more rarely. {We do not c o n s i d e r that the c o l c e m i d used in the pretreatment of our chromosomes, only 0.2 /xg/ml for 30 to 45 minutes, has any bearing on our findings). Complete s p i n d l e failure may be of interest for at least two reasons. First, although the fate of the cells showing this p h e n o m e n o n is u n k n o w n , it seems likely that a common sequela is the p r o d u c t i o n of a viable cell with a doubled c o m p l e m e n t of chromosomes. Second, although we cannot rule out the possibility that some of the m e t a p h a s e s with separated c h r o m a t i d s we have observed in bone marrow samples from patients with leukemias or p r e l e u k e m i a s are nonneoplastic, e.g., megakaryocytes, this p h e n o m e n o n , if its association with n e o p l a s i a is confirmed by further studies, may prove to be a useful marker for neoplasia. We thank David Smith for photographic services. Supported by a grant from the Association for International Cancer Research. NIELS B. ATKIN MARION C. BAKER

Department of Cancer Research Mount Vernon Hospital Northwood, M i d d l e s e x HA6 2RN, U.K.


1. Moricard R, Cartier R (1959): Chromosomal and cytoplasmic cytopathology of intraepithelial squamous-cell epithelioma of the cervix uteri. In: Cancer of the cervix. Diagnosis of early forms, GEW Wolstenholme and M O'Connor, Eds. Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 3. J & A Churchill Ltd, London, pp. 28-43. 2. Levan A (1954): Colchicine-induced c-mitosis in two mouse ascites tumours. Hereditas 40:1-64.

106 Cancer Genet Cytogenet 62:106 107 (1992) 0165-4608/92/$05.00

~ 1992 Elsevier Science Publishing Co.. Inc. 655 A v e n u e of the Americas, New York, NY 10010

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Figure 1 (A) Metaphase from semmoma showing 194 completely separated chromatids The modal chromosome numbm was 95. Unbanded: Giemsa stain. (B) Part of regular metaphase from the same slide preparation as (A), for comparison.


Mitotic spindle failure in human cancer.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mitotic Spindle Failure in Human Cancer Partial s p i n d l e failure resulting in m u l t i p o l a r mitoses is a well k n o...
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