48, 438-446


Myosin Accumulation BARBARA Departments

in Mononucleated Cultures



One of the unique characteristics of the skeletal muscle cell is its multinuclearity. Evidence is now conclusive that this morphological feature arises developmentally from the cytoplasmic fusion of mononucleated cells termed myoblasts (see reviews of Konigsberg, 1963; Holtzer, 1970; Fischman, 1972). In regions of presumptive muscle within the embryo, the appearance of multinucleated cells (myotubes) has served as a useful sign of muscle differentiation, for the bulk of myofibrillar protein synthesis and assembly generally occurs after myotube formation. In recent years, improved methods have been developed for synchronizing and/or arresting myogenic cell fusion in monolayer culture (Paterson and Strohman, 1972; O’Neill and Stockdale, 1972; Doering and Fischman, 1974). With both rat and chicken material a temporal correlation has been demonstrated between the onset of cell fusion and the increased synthesis and accumulation of certain marker proteins, such as myosin, actin, creatine kinase (Coleman and Coleman, 1968; Shainberg et al., 1971; Morris and Cole, 1972; Turner et al., 1974). Furthermore, when fusion has been arrested by Ca*+-depletion, one can prevent the increased biosynthetic rates of these proteins, yet release this inhibition by readdi438 Inc. reserved.



The biosynthesis and accumulation of the myosin heavy examined in embryonic chick skeletal muscle cultures under cell fusion. When compared with primary chick fibroblasts, significantly more MHC, even while mononucleated. Electron cultures revealed the presence of myosinlike thick filaments that cell fusion is not a urereauisite for mvosin accumulation _ embryonic chick muscle differentiation,

0 1976 by Academic Press, of reproduction in any form



of Biology and Anatomy and The Committee on Developmental The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Accepted

Copyright All rights

Cells of Chick

chain (MHC) peptide has been conditions of normal or arrested the myogenic cells accumulated microscopy of the fusion-blocked in the myoblasts. It is concluded or myofilament assembly during

tion of Ca*+ to the cultures (Shainberg et al., 1971; Paterson and Strohman, 1972; Turner et al., 1974). Based on these in uiuo and in vitro studies, the concept has arisen that cell fusion not only precedes muscle differentiation but may in fact trigger gene expression. However, the fusion event cannot be considered the differentiative trigger in all muscle systems for, as Holtzer has emphasized, chick somitic musculature assumes a cross-striated contractile state while the cells are mononucleated (Holtzer et al., 1957; Pryzbylski and Blumberg, 1966; Holtzer, 1970) and under certain conditions one can observe myofibrillogenesis in mononucleated cells of primary monolayer cultures of both chick and rat muscle (Okazaki and Holtzer, 1965; Coleman and Coleman, 1968; Fambrough and Rash, 1971; Dienstman, 1974; Moss and Strohman, 1976). Perhaps myoblast fusion is only one early and easily recognized phenotypic manifestation of muscle differentiation, rather than a triggering event for subsequent myogenesis. As part of a larger study of the relationship of mitochondrial differentiation to myofibrillogenesis (Vertel, 1974; Vertel and Fischman, in preparation) we have examined the biosynthesis and accumulation of MHC in chick muscle and fibroblast cul-





tures. Our findings demonstrate that, on a per cell or per unit protein basis, there is a differential accumulation of MHC in control and fusion-blocked myogenic cultures, but not in fibroblast cultures. These results indicate that fusion is not an obligatory prerequisite for the initiation of synthesis or accumulation of myosin during muscle differentiation. MATERIALS


Tissue culture. Cell cultures were prepared from the thigh muscle of 12-day-old White Leghorn chicken embryos by methods standard in this laboratory (Shimada et al ., 19671,at a density of 1 x lo6 tells/60mm Falcon tissue culture dish coated with 1% gelatin. The culture medium consisted of 83% Eagle’s Basal Medium, 10% horse serum, 5Yc embryo extract, 1% L-glutamine, and 1% penicillin-streptomycin. All medium components, with the exception of embryo extract, were purchased from Grand Island Biological Company. Solutions were equilibrated in 95% air, 5% CO,. Fibroblast cultures were prepared from cells isolated from the hindlimb perimuscular connective tissue of 1Zday chicken embryos. Trypsin dissociation and cell culture conditions were identical to those employed for muscle. Fusion of myogenic cells was blocked reversibly by varying the levels of extracellular calcium using modifications of the Chelex method described by Ozawa (1972) and by Paterson and Prives (1973). Identical results have been obtained using ethylene glycol-bis(amino ethyl ether)-l\r,N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) to lower the levels of extracellular Ca2+ (Paterson and Strohman, 1972). During the course of these experiments, culture medium was changed at 24 and 72 hr postplating (p.p.). Protein determination. Protein concentration of whole cell homogenates were determined by the Lowry method (Lowry et






al., 1951) using bovine serum albumin as a standard. Electron microscopy. Cultures were fixed in situ in one half strength Karnovsky’s fixative (Karnovsky, 19651,postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, stained in block with 0.5% uranyl acetate, and embedded by the method of Brinkley et al. (1967). Cell counts and fusion index. The scoring of myogenic cell fusion was performed on glutaraldehyde-fixed cultures stained with Giemsa-Toluidine Blue, by standard procedures (O’Neill and Stockdale, 1972; Doering and Fischman, 1974). A minimum of 1000 nuclei from randomly selected fields were counted for each determination. Myosin synthesis and accumulation. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) synthesis was measured by a modification of the method of Paterson and Strohman (1972) (see legend to Table 1). Coomassie Blue stained SDS-polyacrylamide gels, prepared from the myosin-containing high salt extract, were assayed for myosin content by quantitative scanning densitometry at 550 nm. The amount of protein in the 200,000 dband was established by a method similar to the one described by Bullard et al. (1973) and by Morimoto and Harrington (1974). Total protein synthesis. Protein synthesis was measured by the method described by Skosey et al. (1972). RESULTS

As noted by Coleman and Coleman (19681, the rise in myosin content per culture follows soon after, and correlates with, the formation of myotubes in vitro (Figs. 1A and lC, Tables 1 and 2). Under our usual conditions (Fig. lA, Table 2, Experiment l), 75% of the myogenic nuclei are incorporated into syncytia by 48 hr p.p., and a twentyfold increase over the 24hr value of MHC per culture can be detected by 72 hr p.p. In one experiment (Fig. lC, Table 2, Experiment 2) in which fusion occurred at an unusually slow rate,






Time (hr)









A B C Total pro- Acid ppt cpm Acid ppt tein per per culture cpm per culture total pro(cpm)” tein b-4


D WIyupr (Pkd


E WIIu;~ (cpml”


Experiment 24 48 72

24 38 48 68 89

F MHC per total protein X 10-z



Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked Reversal*

145 145 335 299 520 426 510

8,400 7,300 18,500 16,500 33,000 18,500 28,000 Experiment 2





55 55 63 43 55

2.45 1.35 7.6 3.1 4.3

Control Fusion-blocked Control Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked Reversal Control Fusion-blocked Reversal

112 98 202 271 213 367 300 338 655 353 480

3,400 3,400 10,800 15,400 15,600 32,000 18,600 33,000 56,000 28,000 47,000

30 34 53 57 73 87 62 97 89 86 98

72 60 330 205 609 185 280

0.28 0.28 0.73 0.45 1.5 0.73 0.83

44 0.26 0.36 0.31 2.7 1.4 2.1 9.6 3.6 5.7

120 128

0.13 0.13



234 121 137 673 106 315

0.74 0.47 0.58 1.5 1.0


’ Cultures were pulse labeled for 2 hr with 12.5 &i/plate of [4,5-H311eucine (Schwarz-Mann; 30-50 Ci/mmole) in 3 ml complete medium to determine acid precipitable cpm, and MHC cpm. Incorporation into MHC was determined as described by Paterson and Strohman (1972) without the addition of carrier MHC. * Reversal of the fusion block was accomplished by a switch to control complete medium at 55 hr p.p.

there was a parallel lag in the accumulation of MHC, although a thirtyfold increase did occur by 90 hr p.p. The increase in MHC per unit total protein in these two sets of experiments (Fig. 2) appeared to correlate with the kinetics of cell fusion. The incorporation of i3H11eu into the MHC rose markedly after cell fusion (Table l), and in Experiment 2, in which myotube formation occurred more slowly, there was a parallel lag in apparent MHC synthesis. These experiments confirmed the observations of Paterson and Strohman (1972) and again suggested a potential coupling of cell fusion to myosin synthesis. To examine this relationship further, myosin synthesis and accumulation were

examined in fusion-blocked cultures under conditions in which greater than 90% of the cells were mononucleated for at least 72 hr p.p. Within 7 hr after restoring normal extracellular Caz+ concentrations, 7075% of the myoblast nuclei had become incorporated into myotubes. Total cell protein, nuclear number, and MHC increased in the fusion-blocked cultures, but to a lesser extent than in control cultures (Fig. 1). Both in the low-calcium and control proportionally more muscle cultures, myosin accumulated than total cell protein; hence, the increase in fractional percent of total protein present as MHC, even under conditions of fusion arrest (Fig. 2, Table 1). The growth curves (expressed as num-



Myosr in Accumulation


ber of nuclei per plate) for Experiments 1 and 2 are presented in graphic (Fig. 1) and tabular (Table 2) form. Up to 48 hr p-p., the cell doubling was similar in control and low Ca2+ cultures. Later in culture, however, there appeared to be a slower rate of increase in cell numbers in the low Ca2+ cultures (see also Shainberg, 1969; Paterson and Strohman, 1972). In fact,





some myoblasts may have been lost (Table 2). This apparent cessation of myoblast replication in low Ca2+ medium suggests a correlation between mitotic inhibition and gene expression in the myogenic cell population. Fibroblasts continued to divide in low Ca’+ medium, albeit at a slower rate than in control medium (Table 2, Experiment 1; see also Balk, 1971). The atypi-


soot I 400I c zoo-










20 OF





FIG. 1. The increase in number of nuclei, total protein, and myosin content in control and fusion-blocked myogenic cultures and in tibroblast cultures. (A) Typical control myogenic cultures, Expt 1. At 48 hr, 73% of the myogenic nuclei were contained in myotubes. (B) Companion fusion-blocked myogenic cultures, Expt 1. (C) Control myogenic cultures with slow rate of myotube formation, Expt 2. At 48 hr, 27% of the myogenic nuclei were contained in myotubes. (D) Companion fusion-blocked myogenic cultures, Expt 2. (E) Fibroblast cultures. (F) Fibroblast cultures grown in low calcium medium.





Time (hours)





Total 9% mb



% fib

Experiment 24 48 72

Control Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked

77 22 77 4 52

4 60 4 54 5

21 18 19 42 43 Experiment

24 38 48 68 89

Control Control Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked Control Fusion-blocked

” mb, myoblast;


66 57 53 67 14 64 10 49 myotube;

7 12 21 7 47 9 60 18

27 31 26 27 39 27 30 33



cell population B mt







per plate x 10-G



I-$!;p ogenic nuclei per plate X 10-G

pln& in syncytia per P1$=TdX

1 95 27 94 6 90

5 73 6 94 10

1.2 2.35 2.35 3.8 2.5

0.95 1.9 1.95 2.15 1.4

0.05 1.4 0.08 1.95 0.135

10 18 28 9 77 12 86 27

0.89 1.0 1.8 1.75 2.5 2.1 2.8 1.6

0.67 0.69 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.1

0.064 0.12 0.38 0.11 1.2 0.18 1.7 0.28

2 90 82 72 91 23 88 14 73

fib, fibroblast.

tally slow rate of cell replication observed in Experiment 2 under both low Ca2+ and control conditions (Figs. 1C and lD, Table 2) is unexplained. It might be suggested that all of the MHC accumulation in the low Ca2+ cultures occurred within the relatively few myotubes of such cultures. If all of the myosin is ascribed to such cells and expressed as picograms of MHC per syncytial nucleus (Table 31, then there would have to be substantially more MHC per myotube of low Caz+ cultures than in controls. Morphological analysis of such cultures does not support such a contention; rather, the myotubes in the low Ca2+ cultures contain fewer myofibrils and appear more attenuated than myotubes of comparable age in control cultures. These observations strongly suggest that cells in addition to the myotubes are accumulating myosin in the fusion-blocked cultures. Since myosin has been isolated and puritied from fibroblast cell cultures (Adelstein et al., 19721, and since fibroblasts represent a significant fraction of the total cell

population in muscle cultures (Table 21, MHC accumulation was measured in primary fibroblast cultures derived from the chick perimuscular connective tissue (Figs. 1E and 1F). Although MHC content per culture did increase with time, there was no preferential accumulation of this protein, for the amount of MHC per unit total cell protein remained constant for 96 hr of culture (Fig. 2). Finally, mononucleated cells of fusionarrested cultures contained 150 A diameter thick filaments in association with 50 A thin filaments, and many large polysomes were observed (Fig. 3). Rather diffuse electron-dense material could be seen in association with the myofilament bundles, but myofibril formation was much less extensive than in corresponding myotubes of control cultures. DISCUSSION

In confirmation of prior work (Coleman and Coleman, 1968; Paterson and Strohman, 19721, this study has demonstrated that in primary cultures of chick limb mus-




I 40

i 20









I 60

FIG. 2. Myosin accumulation in control, fusionblocked, and Ca*+-reversed myogenic cultures and fibroblast cultures. (A) Percent myosin per unit total protein. (B) Myosin content per culture. Reversal of fusion-blocked cultures was accomplished by the addition of control complete medium at 55 hr p.p. Typical control myogenic cultures;Expt 1(0-O); companion fusion-blocked myogenic cultures, Expt 1 (0-O); slowly fused control myogenic cultures, Expt 2 (0-O); companion fusion-blocked myogenic cultures, Expt 2 (W-W; Ca*+-reversed myogenic cultures, Expt 2 (A----A); fibroblast cultures (A----A).

cle there is an increased incorporation of 13Hlleu into the MHC, a rise in the relative concentration of MHC and an absolute accumulation of this protein, all of which normally accompany myotube formation


in Muscle



and subsequent myofibrillogenesis. Thus, under normal culture conditions there occurs a temporal sequence in which DNA synthesis and mitosis decline, cell fusion becomes prominent and then MHC synthesis and accumulation increase dramatically. Of importance in this manuscript, and in the accompanying report by Moss and Strohman (19761, is the observation that the rise in MHC accumulation can occur under conditions in which the myogenic cells are fusion-blocked by depletion of extracellular Caz+. Evidence has been presented that this increase in MHC content cannot be attributed to the fibroblast cell population or the relatively few multinucleated cells that are usually seen in fusion-arrested cultures. By thin-section electron microscopy, thick (150 A diameter) filaments, and nascent myofibrils have been demonstrated in the long, spindle-shaped myoblasts of Ca*+-depleted cultures. We have the impression that increasing numbers of such thick filaments appear upon accumulation of MHC, suggesting that the form of MHC that is appearing in vitro is composed primarily of the muscle specific protein. As seen in Table 1, and in confirmation of Paterson and Strohman (19721, i3Hlleu incorporation into MHC during a 2-hr pulse, is inhibited by approximately 40% in Ca2+-depleted cultures by 68 hr p.p. The accumulation of MHC in these same culTABLE MYOSIN





48 68 89


1.75 3.9 Experiment 0.95 2.25 5.6 ~~-.-.-...-~_


Fusion-blocked myosinlsyncytial nucleus (pg)

Control myosin/syncytial nucleus (pg) Experiment

48 72


16.9 23.0 2 2.8 7.8 12.9








FIG. 3. (A) Electron micrograph of a fusion-blocked mononucleated myoblast, 90 hr p.p. Note the numerous large polysomes (p), thin-filament skeins (fs), and thick filaments (t). x 20,000. (B) Higher magnification micrograph of selected area, demonstrating thick, 150 A filaments (t) in parallel array. x 40,000. Bar, 1 pm.

tures is depressed by 50-60%, suggesting that the labeling experiments provide a reasonably good index of MHC biosynthetic rates and that increasing levels of MHC content during these culture periods probably reflect variations in synthetic rate rather than alterations in protein degradation. However, firm conclusions will have to await a more complete analysis of amino acid uptake, precursor-product pool relationships, and a more precise estimate of MHC turnover in these cultures. The data presented in this report are compatible with the observations of Emerson and Beckner (19751, who have shown that myosin can be detected within mononucleated quail muscle cells, provided such cells are inactive in DNA synthesis. Their conclusion that gene expression may

be triggered by a repression in DNA synthesis rather than the initiation of cell fusion is consistent with our observation that myoblasts in Ca*+-depleted cultures are mitotically inhibited. The presence of myosin and thick filaments in mononucleated muscle cells in vitro has been noted by other investigators (Coleman and Coleman, 1968; Fambrough and Bash, 1971), and Dienstman (1974) has recently observed that the number of such myosin-containing, mononucleated cells increases with prolonged culture under fusion-blocked conditions. The precise number of myoblasts that accumulate MHC during the short-term culture periods of our experiment cannot be stated at this time; additional histochemical studies will be necessary to settle that question. How-



hfyosi in Accumulation

ever, the observations of Moss and Stroh(1976) in the accompanying report suggest that most, if not all, mononucleated muscle cells are in fact capable of accumulating sufficient myosin to be detected by immunofluorescence. Finally, there is increasing evidence to suggest that other enzymatic transitions can occur in muscle cultures independently of cell fusion. The isozymic conversions of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and aldolase are not tightly coupled to cell fusion (Turner et al., 19741, and increased levels of CPK have been reported in a nonfusing muscle cell line (Tarakis et al., 1974). In addition, the appearance of the acetylcholine receptor sites and increased levels of acetylcholinesterase occur in vitro with or without myogenic cell fusion (Paterson and Prives, 1973). In light of the preceding evidence, we would suggest that muscle cell fusion be considered one of the many morphological manifestations of muscle differentiation, rather than a regulatory event which triggers that process.


During the course of these investigations we became aware of complementary studies (Moss and Strohman, 1976) on secondary cultures of fusionblocked chick muscle in which MHC accumulation was demonstrated in mononucleated myogenic cells. Both laboratories have exchanged data and agreed upon coordinate publication of the two manuscripts. This work was supported by an N.D.E.A. Title IV fellowship, the Public Health Service Traineeship 5TOI-HD 00174-07, USPHS (HLI-13505-051, USPHS contract 43 (NHLI-6813341, and the University of Chicago Cancer Research Grant No. 1 PO1 CA 14599-02. REFERENCES ADELSTEIN, R. S., CONTI, M. A., JOHNSON, G. S., PASTAN, I., and POLLARD, T. D. (1972). Isolation and characterization of myosin from cloned mouse fibroblasts. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 69, 36933697. BALK, S. D. (1971). Calcium as a regulator of the proliferation of normal but not transformed, chicken fibroblasts in a plasma containing medium. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 271-275. BRINKLEY, B. R., MURPHY, P., and RICHARDSON, C. L. (1967). Procedure for embedding in situ selected cells cultured in uitro. J. Cell Biol. 35, 279-283. BULLARD, B., and REDDY, M. K. (1973). How many





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Myosin accumulation in mononucleated cells of chick muscle cultures.

DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 48, 438-446 (1976) Myosin Accumulation BARBARA Departments in Mononucleated Cultures September INTRODUCTION One of the u...
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