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in Neurobiology



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A. Simone

of Minnesota,

with inflammation,

of hyperalgesia


of sensitization knowledge

of the

are reviewed.

1992, 2:479-483




of pain and


Under normal conditions, adequate stimuli for evoking a sensation of pain are those that are intense, potentially damaging, and which lead to activation of nociceptors and associated central neurons (for a review, see [l]). Under certain pathological conditions, however, pain can be triggered by stimuli normally perceived as innocuous. This altered sensory state of increased sensitivity to pain is termed hyperalgesia, and is characterized by a lowered pain threshold, increased pain to normally painful stimuli, and often, spontaneous pain. It can occur within injured tissue (primary hyperalgesia) and also in surrounding uninjured tissue (secondary hyperalgesia). The neurophysiological correlate of hyperalgesia is sensitization of peripheral nociceptors or central pain-encoding neurons, and is characterized by a decrease in response threshold, enhanced responses to suprathreshold stimuli, and often, spontaneous activity. There are many different circumstances that can lead to hyperalgesia, including inflammation, tissue injury and a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is not surprising that the underlying mechanisms leading to peripheral or central neuronal sensitization and hyperalgesia are heterogeneous and complex. A great deal of pain research has recently focused on hyperalgesia for several reasons. First, hyperalgesia can be so severe that gentle pressure or light touch evokes a painful sensation. Second, hyperalgesia can be chronic, sometimes lasting for years. Third, hyperalgesia is often difficult to manage clinically. The reason for this is that the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are not known. In recent years, however, significant contributions have been made with regard to the neural mechanisms that contribute to hyperalgesia. These include investigations into different types of nociceptors and the biochemical mechanisms by which nociceptors become sensitized, the role of peripheral neuropeptides in hyperalgesia, the contribution of peripheral and central mechanisms in secondary hyperalgesia, and the mechanisms underlying sensitization or hyperexcitability of central neurons. This review will discuss recent studies of these issues.




The most commonly studied nociceptors are those excited by mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli (e.g: polymodal). It appears, however, that nociceptors sensitive primarily to noxious chemical stimuli also exist. These chemical nociceptors, or ‘chemonociceptors’, which are normally silent and unresponsive to mechanical and thermal stimuli, may be activated by chemical stimuli and/or develop responsiveness to mechanical or thermal stimuli following chemical stimulation or during inflammation [ 2-51. In the rat sural nerve, it has been shown that nearly 50 % of C-fibers and over 20 % of A&fibers are unresponsive to noxious mechamcal or thermal stimuli [6**]. When noxious stimuli are applied repeatedly, which often produces oedema, a proportion of previously unresponsive units develop sensitivity to mechanical and/or thermal stimuli. Meyer and Campbell [7] have used an electrical search technique to locate receptive fields of mechanically insensitive cutaneous alferents in monkeys. They have shown that a portion of these allerents are chemosensitive, and that some become responsive to mechanical stimuli af ter injection of inflammatory mediators into their receptive field [8-l. These newly discovered nociceptors may be involved in mediating pain and hyperalgesia during inflammation and other painful syndromes.


and sensitization

of nociceptors

It is well known that prostaglandins and other inllammatory mediators contribute to hyperalgesia during inflam mation. Although prostaglandins themselves do not produce pain, they produce hyperalgesia [3-131 and sensitization of nociceptors to both mechanical stimulation and algesic substances such as bradykinin [ 141. Close arterial injection of prostaglandin I, (PG12) and the PGI, analogue, cicaprost, in rats causes activation and sensitization

Abbreviations APED-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate;






Ltd ISSN 0959-4388

I,; STT-spinothalamic






of articular mechanonociceptors, while prostaglandin Ez exhibits only weak effects in exciting nociceptors [15*]. It has been concluded that PGI, is the major prostanoid mediator for inducing resting discharge and sensitization of articular nociceptors. Further, there is evidence that sensitization of nociceptors and hyperalgesia produced by inflammatory mediators involves the CAMP second messenger system [ 161, Taiwo and Levine [17-l reported that in rats, intradermal injection of forskolin, which activates adenylyl cyclase, lowers the threshold for the flexion reflex evoked by mechanical stimulation. The duration of this hyperalgesic response is prolonged by phosphodiesterase inhibitors, Furthermore, hyperalgesia induced by forskolin or by prostaglandins is antagonized by inhibitors of CAMP, but not protein kinase C. These results demonstrate that CAMP plays a key role in the sensitization of nociceptors during inflammation.


and neuropeptides

Neuropeptides may also contribute to sensitization of nociceptors. It has been shown that subcutaneous injection of neurokinin A, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide into the rat paw, lowers paw withdrawal latencies to noxious mechanical stimulation [ 18*]. Dose-response studies have revealed that neurokinin A and substance P are most effective. Additional studies are needed to determine the mechanism by which these peptides produce hyperalgesia, and whether they can have a direct effect on the excitability of nociceptors.

There is also evidence for an interaction between pain associated with the sympathetic nervous system and cytokines [22*], Intraplantar injection of interleuking in rats produces decreased withdrawal latencies to pressure applied to the paw, and this is attenuated by P-adrenergic receptor antagonists and by guanethidine. Much more research is needed to determine the interactions between cytokines, the excitability of nociceptors, the sympathetic nervous system, and pain.

Spinal neural



of pain and

hyperalgesia It has now been established that, in addition to sensitization of nociceptors, tissue injury and inflammation also result in hyperexcitability (i.e. sensitization) of neurons located in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. It is believed that sensitization of spinal neurons, characterized by increases in receptive field areas and in responses to peripheral stimulation [ 23-261, mediates hyperalgesia. Al though sensitization of nociceptors may contribute to enhanced responses of central cells, a role for central mechanisms has also been proposed [27.28]. Recent studies of the biochemical and physiological changes that occur in spinal cord neurons during pain and hyperalgesia are described below.


The mechanisms by which chronic pain (e.g: causalgia) develops after peripheral nerve injury are unknown, al though the sympathetic nenous system has been implicated. Partial nerve injury in rats, caused by unilateral ligation of about half of the sciatic nerve, produces sensory disorders characterized by abnormally enhanced withdrawal responses to innocuous and noxious stimulation of the partially dealferented skin [ 191. Such behaviors are suggestive of hyperalgesia. These sensory disorders are abolished or diminished by chemical sympathectomy using guanethidine [20*]. Thus, this type of injury provides a model for studying ‘sympathetic maintained pain’. Sato and Per1 [al**] produced a partial injury to the great auricular nerve in rabbits and then exam ined electrophysiological responses of single cutaneous C-fiber polymodal nociceptors within the injured nerve to sympathetic stimulation, and to close arterial injection of norepinephrine. They found that after injury, but not before, a portion of C-nociceptors were excited by both sympathetic stimulation and norepinephrine. These responses were blocked by cr2-adrenergic receptor antagonists. This study provides important information regarding the possible underlying pathophysiology of sympathetic maintained pain. Recordings from C-nociceptors in human patients with neuropathic pain are needed to determine whether similar mechanisms account for certain types of neuropathic pain syndromes.



Although primary hyperalgesia is believed to result from sensitization of nociceptors, the neural mechanisms underlying secondary hyperalgesia are less well understood, and both peripheral and central mechanisms have been proposed. Lewis [ 291 was the first to perform quantitative detailed studies of secondary hyperalgesia and postulated that the spread of hyperalgesia away from an injury was mediated by peripheral neural mechanisms. In later studies, Hardy and co-workers [30] proposed that secondary hyperalgesia was mediated by central mechanisms, probably located in the spinal cord. In psychophysical studies of cutaneous secondary hyperalgesia produced by a heat injury, hyperalgesia to both heat and mechanical stimuli occurred within the injured area, while only mechanical hyperalgesia developed in skin surrounding the injury [31]. This suggests that primary and secondary hyperalgesia are mediated by separate mechanisms. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that mechanical hyperalgesia is mediated by large myelinated alferents, which normally evoke a sensation of touch [32], suggesting central mechanisms. IaMotte and colleagues [33] studied secondary hyperalgesia produced by intradermal injection of 100 ug capsaicin. When injected into human skin, capsaicin evoked burning pain, hyperalgesia to heat in a small area surrounding the injection [33], and a large surrounding area of mechanical hyperalgesia (secondary hyperalgesia) [ 341. A recent series of psychophysical experiments have concluded that secondary hyperalgesia after caps&in injection is neurogenic, in that it is due to neural activity and


not to diffusion of capsaicin or endogenous algesic substances, and the neurons responsible for mediating secondary hyperalgesia reside in the central nervous system [35**]. This has been confirmed by electrophysiological studies of primary aiferent nociceptors and dorsal horn neurons in anesthetized monkeys. Injection of capsaicin either inside or outside the receptive fields of A- and C-fiber nociceptors failed to enhance their responses to mechanical stimuli [36=*]. Interestingly, recordings were made from afferents of chemical nociceptors excited by the capsaicin injection. Although the role of these allerents in pain sensation is not known, it has been hypothesized that they contribute to sensitization of spinal neurons [35**]. Separate studies have found that spinothalamic tract (SIT) neurons are not only excited by capsaicin injected into their receptive field, but also have enhanced responses to mechanical and heat stimuli [37**]. In addition, the spatial relation between sensitization to mechanical and heat stimuli matched the spatial relation between mechanical and heat hyperalgesia observed in humans - enhanced responses to mechanical stimuli occurred within a large area of the receptive field, while the increased responses to heat were restricted to a small area around the capsaicin injection site. Furthermore, responses of SIT neurons evoked by electrical stimulation of a cut dorsal rootlet were enhanced after capsaicin injection. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SIT neurons contribute to the pain and hyperalgesia produced by capsaicin, and support the notion that secondary hyperalgesia results, at least in part, from central hyperexcitability. Recent studies of the mechanisms by which spinal neurons become hyperexcitable are described below.


of dorsal

horn neurons

It has been proposed that proto-oncogenes, such as c-f&-, can regulate the expression of specific target genes that induce long-term alterations in cell function [38,39]. Nociceptive stimulation and inflammation have been shown to increase neuronal expression of Fos-related proteins in the spinal cord dorsal horn [40]. Preprodynorphin mRNA, which codes for the biosynthesis of the opioid peptide dynorphin, also increases in the spinal cord during inflammation [41,42] and following nerve injury [43*]. Moreover, dynorphin mRNA and Fos-related pro teins are colocalized in rat dorsal horn neurons following peripheral inflammation [440*]. This suggests that one possible function of Fos-related proteins might be to regulate dynorphin gene expression in the spinal cord. One role of spinal dynorphin during inflammation may be to modulate the excitability of dorsal horn neurons [45**]. Approximately one-third of rat dorsal horn neurons exhibit expansion of their receptive fields after application of dynorphin or another x-opioid receptor agonist (U-50, 488H) to the spinal cord. In addition, low doses of U-50, 488H facilitate responses to mechanical and heat stimuli. These results suggest that dynorphin may contribute to hyperalgesia during inflammation by enhancing the excitability of spinal neurons.


of hyperalgesia


There is evidence from behavioral studies that neurokinins, such as substance P, and excitatory amino acids may also contribute to hyperalgesia, as intrathecal administration of these substances [ 46,471 induces nociceptive behavior. Intrathecal administration of an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist or a neurokinin receptor antagonist decreases nociceptive behavior in a model of tonic pain (subcutaneous injection of formalin) [48-l. These results suggest that both excitatory amino acids and neurokinins are involved in the spinal processing of prolonged pain and hyperalgesia, such as that associated with inllammation. In addition, there is evidence that excitatory amino acids enhance the excitability of dorsal horn neurons. Dougherty and Willis [49**] have shown that responses of primate spinothalamic tract neurons, evoked by innocuous mechanical stimulation of the skin, are enhanced by microiontophoretic application of t-glutamate and NMDA. Schaible et al [50**] have demonstrated that the NMDA antagonists ketamine and D-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP5) reduce the hyperexcitability (spontaneous activity and responses to mechanical stimulation) of cat spinal neurons evoked by acute arthritis in the knee joint. These studies provide important insight into the spinal mechanisms and possible pathophysiology underlying pain and mechanical hyperalgesia associated with inflammation and other chronic painful syndromes.

Conclusion A wide variety of approaches, from behavioral to molecular biological, are being used to increase our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the sensation of pain and hyperalgesia. In particular, significant advances are being made in our understanding of how excitability of peripheral and central pain-signalling neurons can change, and thereby result in abnormal painful sensations by normally innocuous stimuli. It is clear that tissue injury and inflammation not only produce sensitization of peripheral nociceptors, but also enhance the excitability of spinal neurons. It is this increased excitability that most likely contributes to hyperalgesia. Continued research using a variety of behavioral models and experimental techniques will provide an understanding of the circumstances leading to chronic painful syndromes and the underlying pathophysiology.


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of hyperalgesia


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SCHAIBLEH-G, GRUBB BD, NEIJGERAUERV, OPPMANNM: The Effects of NMDA Antagonists on Neuronal Activity in Cat Spinal Cord Evoked by Acute Inflammation in the Knee Joint. Eur J Neurosci 1991, 3:981-991. In this study, the effects of NMDA antagonists on discharges of cat spinal neurons, rendered hyperexcitable by acute arthritis of the knee joint, were examined. Intravenous administration of ketamine, and ions tophoretic application of ketamine or AP5, decreased spontaneous activity and responses evoked by mechanical stimulation of the inflamed joint. These results further demonstrate a role for NMDA receptors in the hyperexcitability of spinal neurons. 50. ..

DA Simone, DqJdrtIIIetIt of Psychiatry, Division of Neuroscience Research, University of Minnesota, 420 Delaware Street S.E., Box 392 UMHC, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA.


Neural mechanisms of hyperalgesia.

Hyperalgesia, or enhanced sensitivity to pain, is a symptom often associated with inflammation, nerve injury and various diseases. Although hyperalges...
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