Brief Papers New Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Network Proposal for Quadratic Optimization With General Linear Constraints María José Pérez-Ilzarbe

Abstract— In this brief, the quadratic problem with general linear constraints is reformulated using the Wolfe dual theory, and a very simple discrete-time recurrent neural network is proved to be able to solve it. Conditions that guarantee global convergence of this network to the constrained minimum are developed. The computational complexity of the method is analyzed, and experimental work is presented that shows its high efficiency. Index Terms— Discrete time, global convergence, hybrid constraints, neural networks, quadratic optimization.

I. I NTRODUCTION The problem of quadratic optimization with general linear constraints [1] can be stated as 1 min E x = x T M x + p T x 2 s.t. h down ≤ H T x ≤ h up down < x ≤ up and Bx = b


where M is a symmetric matrix. The use of neural networks is a very interesting approach to solve this problem in real time. This is because neural algorithms are specifically designed to be easily implemented in hardware, and they are directly amenable for parallel realization. The first neural network published for quadratic optimization is [2], and since then many others have been proposed. Most of them are continuous-time dynamical systems [3]–[9]. Among them, methods [7] and [8] seem to be the most efficient: they can deal with (2) with a complete set of linear constraints and have less computational complexity than the others, as has been shown in [8]. There are much fewer discrete proposals, probably because their stability is generally more difficult to assure. However, the discrete-time models are preferable to continuous-time models for computer implementations, and are particularly advantageous in realtime applications. We can find in the literature some discretetime neural models to solve problem (2) [10]–[14] and for use in related applications such as identification and control [15], [16] or image restoration [17]. Manuscript received January 12, 2012; revised July 4, 2012; accepted September 26, 2012. Date of publication December 11, 2012; date of current version January 11, 2013. The author is with the Departamento de Automática y Computación, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona 31006, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNNLS.2012.2223484

The first discrete-time neural network for quadratic optimization was published in [10]. This is a simple model especially appropriate for hardware implementation [11], but it is able to solve the quadratic problem subject only to bound constraints. In [12], a model was developed that was able to solve general nonlinear optimization problems (in particular quadratic) subject to equality and bound constraints. After that, a discrete-time model based on the continuous one proposed in [8] was published in [13]. This last can deal with a complete set of linear constraints (bound, inequality, and equality). And the most recent discrete-time proposal, to our knowledge, has been published in [14]. This last can perform quadratic optimization with only inequality constraints, including bound constraints as a particular case, provided that matrix H T is full row-rank. This implies that the number of such constraints is not higher than the number of optimization variables. As was pointed out in [4], in this situation the set of inequality constraints can be transformed onto a set of bound ones by making a transformation of variables, and then the discretetime networks published in [10] and [12] are also able to solve the corresponding optimization problem. This brief focuses on quadratic problems with a higher number of constraints than the number of variables, in which the discrete-time networks [10], [12], [14] are not applicable. In [18], it is shown how, with a particular formulation of the Wolfe dual theory, the quadratic problem subject to general linear constraints can be transformed into another quadratic problem only subject to lower-bound constraints, which is obviously much easier to solve. In particular, it can be solved by using a network similar to the one presented in [10], and can be implemented in hardware using the fieldprogrammable gate array [11]. Here, we propose the model, develop its equilibrium and convergence conditions, study its computational complexity, and illustrate its efficiency with several examples. We also make comparisons with the network presented in [13]. II. W OLFE D UAL OF THE Q UADRATIC P ROBLEM In [18], we can find a particularly simple Wolfe dual formulation for the following quadratic problem: 1 T y Gy + g T y s.t. A T y ≤ a (2) 2 where y ∈ R n , G is a symmetric and positive definite n × n matrix, A is an n × m matrix, g ∈ R n , and a ∈ R m . Observe that E y is strictly convex and, as the constraint region is a convex set, the constrained minimum is unique [1]. To put (2) in the form (3), it is necessary to eliminate the equality constraints, and the procedure proposed in [8] has been followed: matrix B is partitioned in two parts B = (B I , B I I ) in such a way that Bx = B I x I + B I I x I I , where B I min E y =

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is a nonsingular r × r matrix, r being the number of equality constraints, and x T = (x IT , x ITI ) where x IT = (x 1 ,…, xr ), y T = x ITI = (xr+1 ,…, x n ). Observe that n = n  − r . Then, x and y are related by x = Qy + q   −1   BI b −B I−1 B I I , and (2) can be and q = where Q = O I transformed into 1 min E y = y T Gy + g T y 2 s.t. rdown < R T y ≤ rup , down I I < y ≤ up I I (3) where G = Q T M Q; g = Q T (Mq + p)     HT Q h down − H T q T R = ; rdown = −B I−1 B I I down I − B I−1 b   h up − H T q rup = up I − B I−1 b and down I , up I , down I I , up I I contain the upper and lower bound values corresponding to x I and x I I . Finally, it is trivial to write (4) as (3) by putting A = (R, I, –R, – I), I being the T T , upT , −r T identity n ×n matrix, and a T = (rup down , −down I I ). II The Wolfe dual formulation of the primal problem (3) can be expressed [18] as L(y, ν) = y T Gy/2 + g T y + ν T (Ay – a) subject to Gy + g+ Aν = 0 and ν ≥ 0, where ν are the Lagrange multipliers associated to each constraint in (3). Using the constraints of the dual to eliminate y from the objective function [18], we obtain min E =

1 T ν W ν + d T ν + ct 2

s.t. ν ≥ 0


where W = A T G −1 A, d = AT G −1 g +a, and ct = –gT G −1 g/2 is constant and can be removed from (5). Observe that (5) is again a problem quadratic in the variables ν, but subject only to the lower bounds ν ≥ 0. Once the dual solution ν ∗ has been found, the solution y ∗ of the primal problem can be obtained [18] by solving the constraint equations y ∗ = −G −1 (Aν ∗ + g). It is clear that this formulation can be applied only if matrix G is nonsingular. So, the method proposed in this brief is applicable to problems that can be expressed in the form (3) with G being a positive definite matrix, i.e., quadratic problems strictly convex in the subspace defined by the equality constraints. This is obviously the case if M in (2) is positive definite. In addition, G can be positive definite when matrix M is singular and/or indefinite. Finally, it must be pointed out that the model developed in [13] has a broader range of applicability than (5), since the former is valid for G positive semidefinite. However, the case of G > 0 is interesting and has numerous applications in many areas of science and engineering, such as signal processing, communications, and control. For these applications, the neural method proposed here is a good choice since, as will be seen, it has a lower complexity than the one proposed in [13], and presents quicker convergence in all examples tested. An example of application of predictive control in which always M > 0 is presented in Section V.


III. N EURAL N ETWORK M ODEL FOR W OLFE D UAL AND C ONVERGENCE C ONDITIONS The neural network proposed in [10] applied to solve the dual problem (5) can be written as ν(k + 1) = f (o(k + 1)) = f (ν(k) + (k)) with (k) = −C(W ν(k) + d)


where the matrix C is diagonal, ci j = ci δ i j , and function f implements the lower bounds in (5), i.e., f (oi ) = oi if oi ≥ 0, f (oi ) = 0 if oi < 0. In [10], this kind of neural model was studied, its ability for solving bound constrained quadratic problems with positive definite matrix was proved, and neuron updating rules guaranteeing net convergence were developed. In [19], alternative updating rules were proposed for the same network. So, if W is positive definite, the results obtained in [10] and [19] can be directly applied. Observe, however, that although G is positive definite, W can be only positive semidefinite. Actually, Wu = 0 when Au = 0 and, in general, Au = 0 can occur for nonnull u vectors. In the following, the analysis made in [10] is extended to cover this case. A. Network Equilibrium State A quadratic problem having W positive semidefinite with only lower bounds constraints can, in general, not have solution, since function (5) can be unbounded in the constraints region. However, this cannot be the case when (5) is the Wolfe dual of a solvable primal problem. Function E in (5) has a minimum finite value which, in fact, coincides [18] with the minimum value of the primal function E y in (3): i.e., E y (y ∗ ) = E(ν ∗ ). Then the network equilibrium analysis made in [10] applies, and the necessary and sufficient condition for the equilibrium point of (6) to coincide with the unique solution of (5) is ci > 0 for all i . B. Global Convergence Neuron Updating Rules The proof of global convergence involves demonstrating that E defined in (5) is a Lyapunov function for the dynamical system (6). As proved above, E has a lower bound. Then, for E to be a Lyapunov function, we must prove that it decreases along any trajectory governed by (6). The E change per iteration E(k + 1) = E(ν(k+1)) –E(ν(k)) can be expressed as 1 E(k + 1) = ∇ E T (k) (k) + T (k)W  (k) 2 = [I ] + [I I ]


where ∇ E(k) = W ν(k) + d,  (k) = ν(k+ 1) – ν(k), and the fact that W is symmetric has been used. The nature of constraints in (5) assures that sign(i ) = sign(i ) and, with ci > 0, sign(  i ) = −sign(∇ E i ), so the first term in (7) is [I ] = − i |(∇ E)i ||i | ≤ 0. Then, to obtain a negative E value it is sufficient to have |[II]| 2 < |[I ]|. In addition, we know that 0 ≤ [I I ] ≤ W    /2. Finally, note that | | ≤ |i | = ci |(∇ E)i |, so taking ci = c for all i , we have  i 2   =  | |2 ≤ c  |(∇ E)i || |. Thus, a sufficient i i i i



condition to assure |[II]| < |[I ]|, i.e., to assure global convergence of (6), is ci = c



c < 2/ W 


and from (9), using any matrix norm definition, different rules can be obtained. In particular, using the spectral norm || ||2 , we have the following rule. Rule 1: ci = c

∀i with 0 < c < 2/ W 2 = 2/λmax

where λmax is the maximum eigenvalue of W . It was shown in [19] that Rule 1 assures exponential convergence of the neural network proposed in [10], which is formally identical to (6), for the case of positive definite matrix. Here, it has been demonstrated that it guarantees global convergence when W is positive semidefinite. On the other hand, in [4] and [10] the usefulness of applying a preconditioning technique was shown, developed in [20] for linear systems, to improve the convergence speed of nonlinear dynamical systems of the form of (6). It consists of working in a transformed space ν  = P −1 ν, P being a diagonal √ preconditioner with pii = 1/ wii . With it, problem (5) is equivalent to minimizing E  = ν T W  ν  /2 + d T ν  subject to ν  ≥ 0, where W  = PWP and d  = Pd. It is interesting to understand what we are doing on the primal space when preconditioning is made on the dual space. Using the primal– dual relationships, we see that conditioning is equivalent to reformulating the restrictions in (3) as AT y ≤ a  , where AT = PAT and a  = Pa. Note that, as long as P is a diagonal matrix with positive elements, this reformulation does not change the optimization problem. On the other hand, it is easy to prove the following: ν  (k + 1) = f  (ν  (k)) − C  (W  ν  (k) + d  ) ⇔ 

⇔ ν(k + 1) = f (ν(k)) − P C (W ν(k) + d) 2


Rule 3:

    |wi j | . ci = c /wii with 0 < c < 2/ W  ∞ = 2/ max j


Rule 4:

    ci = c /wii with 0 < c < 2/W  F = 2/ wi2j . i


The use of the matrix trace as the maximum eigenvalue upper bound was proposed in [19]. Taking into account that wii = 1 for all i , we have Trace(W  ) = n, leading to the rule 0 < c < 2/Trace(W  ) = 2/n. Using the fact that W  is positive semidefinite, it is easy to prove that |wi j | ≤ 1 for all i = j . So Rule 3 is always less restrictive than the one obtained using the matrix trace, and this last one is discarded. On the other hand, this is identical to the global convergence updating rule obtained in [10]: 0 < c < 2/(n|w |max ) = 2/n. IV. R EDUCED D IMENSION F ORMULATION The least complex models previously proposed to solve quadratic problem (4) ([7]–[9] and [13]) work in a space of dimension n + m, whereas in model (6), in the case of a problem with a complete set of constraints, vector ν is of dimension 2(n + m). This seems to be a disadvantage of the network presented here. It will be shown in this section that (6) can be easily reformulated to work in a space of reduced dimension n + m. Taking into account that W = A T G −1 A, with A = (A+ , −A+ ) and A+ = (R, I ), it is natural to split vector ν in two pieces: ν +T = (ν 1 , . . . ,ν n+m ) and ν −T (νn+m+1 , . . . , ν2n+2m ). Then we have (W ν)T = ((W + (ν + − ν − ))T , −(W + (ν + − ν − ))T ), where W + = A+T G −1 A+ . With this, (6) can be rewritten as ν + (k + 1) = f (o+ (k + 1)) = f (ν + (k) − ε(k) − C + d + ) ν − (k + 1) = f (o− (k + 1)) = f (ν − (k) + ε(k) − C + d − ) (10) with ε(k) = C + W + (ν + (k) − ν − (k))

i.e., applying (6) in the ν  space with matrix C  is equivalent to applying (6) directly in the ν space with matrix C = P 2 C  . We remark that P 2 is the inverse of the diagonal of the Hessian. So (10), and the updating rules that will be developed below, makes use of second-order information. From (10), imposing convergence condition (9) we have   (9) ci = c /wii with c < 2/ W  .

where d +T = (d1 , . . . , dn+m ), d −T = (dn+m+1 , . . . , d2n+2m ), and matrix C + has ci+ = ci for i = 1:n + m. Note that, with any of the rules 1 to 4, we have ci+n+m = ci for i = 1:n + m. Direct implementation of (6) and the reduced dimension implementation (12) are illustrated in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively, where z −1 represents a unit delay.

From (11), using the spectral matrix norm we obtain the following rule. Rule 2:   ci = c /wii with 0 < c < 2/ W   = 2/λ

In this section, the model proposed here will be compared with the one developed in [13] in terms of simplicity, computational complexity, and parallelization amenability. The method in [13] to solve problem (4) is





where max is the maximum eigenvalue of = PWP. Note that all matrix norm definitions fulfill || ||2 ≤ || ||, so Rules 1 and 2 are the least restrictive that can be obtained from conditions (9) and (11), respectively. Other norm definitions, although give more restrictive rules, can have the advantage of lower calculation complexity. From (11), using the infinity norm || ||∞ and the Frobenious norm || || F , we obtain the following rules.


ˆ u(k + 1) = s( Nˆ z(k) − Gz(k) − g) ˆ − Nˆ z(k) T ˆ u(k + 1) z(k + 1) = z(k) + h( Nˆ + G)


where z T = (y, η)T , η are the m Lagrange multipliers associated with the inequality constraints in (4), s implements the bounds [down I I , up I I ] × [rdown , rup ], h is a positive constant, and       I O G −R g ˆ ˆ G= ; N= ; gˆ = . O I 0 RT O




Fig. 2.

Trajectories of dual variables ν i for Example 1.

Fig. 3.

Trajectories of dual variables ν i for Example 2.

(b) Fig. 1. (a) Full dimension and (b) reduced dimension network implementation.

First, (12) has less connecting weights and a simpler structure than model (13), thus being more appropriate for hardware implementation. In particular, the proposed network has one layer, whereas (13) is a two-layer network. So, (12) has better characteristics for parallelization. This model entails, at each iteration, only one matrix vector multiplication in dimension n + m: ε+ = C + W + (ν + −ν + ). This can be computed by n + m processing units working in parallel and making each one n + m multiplications. In comparison, model (13) entails, at each iteration, two serial steps: a first one for calculating u(k +1) from z(k) and a second one for calculating z(k + 1) from u(k + 1). Each step can be computed with units working in parallel, each one making n + m multiplications. So, in parallel implementations, one iteration of (13) needs roughly twice the computing time needed by one iteration of (12). The arguments of the above paragraph prove that model (12) is computationally advantageous compared with (13) even in the case of a problem with a complete set of linear constraints. The advantage of (12) increases as bound constraints are relaxed. Then, the dimension of vectors ν + and ν − is n b + m, where n b < n is the number of bound constrained variables, and to implement (12), each processing unit must compute n b + m multiplications. On the contrary, each processing unit in (13) must compute n + m multiplications, independently of the value of n b . Finally, experimental work presented in next section shows that the proposed network has higher convergence speed than (13).

VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS In the following, several examples are tested to illustrate the performance of the neural model proposed. The figures correspond to results obtained with initial point ν(0) = 0 and using Rule 2 with the maximum allowed value of c . At the end of this section, comparisons among different neuron updating rules are presented.

A. Example 1 The first example in [5] is (2) with 

     21 −30 −5/12 −5/2 1 0 M= ; p= ; H= 12 −30 1 −1 0 −1 T = (−35/12, −35/2, −5, −5). downT = (0, 0); h down

Vectors and matrixes in (3) for this example are G = M, T , −downT ), and A = (−H ,−I ), G g = p, a T = (−h down being positive definite since M is. And, from here, W and d in (5) are obtained, and neural model (6) is used. In Fig. 2, the trajectories of the dual variables ν i are shown. As can be seen, in less than 20 iterations the neural network converges to the dual solution ν ∗T = (0, 6, 0, 9, 0, 0), corresponding to the primal one x ∗T = y ∗T = (5, 5).

B. Example 2 The third example in [5] is (2) with ⎛

2 ⎜ 0 M =⎜ ⎝ −1 0

0 1 0 0

−1 0 2 1

⎞ 0 0⎟ ⎟; 1⎠ 1

⎞ ⎛ −1 1 3 ⎜ −3 ⎟ ⎜2 1 ⎟ ⎜ p=⎜ ⎝ 1 ⎠; H = ⎝ 1 2 −1 1 −1

downT = (0,0,0,0);

⎞ 0 −1 ⎟ ⎟ −4 ⎠ 0

T h up = (5, 4, −1.5).

For this example, we have G = M, g = p, a T = T ,−downT ), and A = (H ,−I ). In Fig. 3, we can see (h up the trajectories of the variables. They converge in about 60 iterations to the dual solution ν ∗T (0.4545, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.7272, 0), corresponding to the primal one x ∗T = (0.2727, 2.0909, 0.0000, 0.5455).


Fig. 4.


Trajectories of dual variables ν i for Example 3. Fig. 5. (a) Samples of optimal unconstrained (*) and constrained (o) control signal. (b) Samples of predicted (o) and desired (*) system output.

C. Example 3 The second example in [8] is (2) with ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ 1 4 3 −4 −2 4 ⎜ 0 ⎜ 3 2 8 −8 5 ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ T ⎜ ⎟ M =⎜ ⎜ −4 8 10 6 −2 ⎟; B = ⎜ 3 ⎝ −1 ⎝ −2 −8 6 0 −1 ⎠ −2 4 5 −2 −1 −4

⎞ 0 1 ⎟ ⎟ −3 ⎟ ⎟ 2 ⎠ −2

necessary. In this brief, the impulse response is used

y((k + nr )T ) =


ti u((k + nr − i )T )



p T = (3, 0, 2, 6, 0); b T = (6, 0); downT = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); where ti are the samples of the system impulse response. With all that, the cost function J can be written in the form (2) with upT = (10, 10, 10, 10, 10). x i = u((k + i – 1)T ) for i = 1 to N, M = T T T where T is Using (3) to eliminate the equality constraints, a problem of an N × N matrix whose r th row is Tr = (tnr+r−1 , tnr+r−2 ,…, t nr ,0, 0,…, 0), and p = −T T yd , where yd is a vector whose the form of (4) is obtained with ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ i th component is ydi = yd ((k + nr + i − 1)T ). In J , there 82 −29 −3 −49 also appears a term that depends on the control signal samples G = ⎝ −29 28 −33 ⎠; g = ⎝ −15 ⎠ at instants before kT, so it does not depend on the optimization −3 −33 80 114 variables and can be removed. The restrictions most usually       −3 1 2 −6 4 imposed are bound constraints to limit the values of the control T R = ; rdown = ; rup = . 3 −2 2 0 10 signal u(kT ), and inequality constraints to limit the values of the control signal variations u(kT ) = u(kT ) – u((k– 1)T ). An important point is, that although M is indefinite, G is In this context, the following optimization problem has been positive definite and the network proposed here can be used. In generated. Fig. 4, the obtained ν i trajectories are shown. They converge 1) Minimize J for k = 0 and prediction horizon N = 8, i.e., in about 30 iterations to the dual solution ν ∗T = (0, 0, 0, 0, ∗T obtain the optimal values of u(0),…,u(7T ). Sampling 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50.148), corresponding to the primal one y = period T = 0.25. (1.242, 1.822, 0.000), and to the original problem solution ∗T 2) Linear prediction with the discrete model obtained by x = (4.096, 0.082, 1.242, 1.822, 0.000). discretizing with T = 0.25, the continuous transfer function F(s) = 0.3/((0.4s + 1)(0.7s + 1)). The impulse D. Example 4 response samples are: {tnr , tnr+1 , ..} = {0.0243, 0.0476, 0.0497, 0.0435, 0.0351, 0.0271, 0.0203, 0.0149, 0.0108, As fourth example, an application to model predictive 0.0078, …,}. control (MPC) has been chosen. The basic idea of MPC is to 3) Null initial conditions and desired output given by the calculate the values of the control signal that minimize a cost response to a unit step of a first-order linear system with function which penalizes noncompliance with control objecgain K = 1 and time constant τ = 0.5. tives. For example, for a single-input/single-output system, and 4) Restrictions –10 ≤ u(kT ) ≤ 10, –6 ≤ u(kT ) ≤ 6 for if the goal is simply to match the output and a desired output, k = 1:7, and –6 ≤ u(0) ≤ 6. the cost function J to be minimized is In Fig. 5(a), we can see the samples of both the optimal J (u(kT ), . . . , u((k + N − 1)T )) control signal without restrictions (which gives J = 0) and the nr+N−1 1  optimal one with restrictions. This last sequence is the solution = (y ((k + l)T ) − yd ((k + l)T ))2 of the posed problem: x ∗ = (u ∗ (0),…u ∗(7T )) = (6, 9.198, 2 l=nr 3.198, 0.006, 6.006, 1.62, 4.563, 2.461) and gives J = 0.0388. where u(kT ), yd (kT ), and y(kT ) denote the values of the In Fig. 5(b), we can see the corresponding samples of the control signal, the desired output, and the predicted system predicted system output and the desired system output. The output at instant kT, respectively, T being the sampling period. proposed network takes less than 600 iterations to reach the The system delay is denoted by nr, and the prediction horizon optimal solution. In Fig. 6, the evolution of ||x ∗ − x|| is is N. To predict the system output, a model of the system is shown.


Fig. 6.

Evolution of ||x − x∗ || for Example 4. TABLE I AVERAGE N UMBER OF I TERATIONS TO C ONVERGE Model/Rule (6)/Rule 1 (6)/Rule 2 (6)/Rule 4 (13)

P1 22 13 14 293

P2 477 140 152 194

P3 81 35 38 43199

P4 4995 1002 1082 804387


published. Several neuron updating rules are developed that guarantee network global convergence to the constrained minimum for this general case. The most efficient updating rules are those that use Hessian information in addition to gradient. The model presented has a very simple structure, low computational complexity, and good characteristics for parallelization. In addition, compared with a recently published discrete-time model [13], it exhibits higher convergence speed in all problems tested. In particular, for the example corresponding to an MPC application, the superiority of the proposed method is clear. The model in [13], however, is more powerful than the one presented here in the sense that it has a broader range of applications, since it can be used to solve problems only convex (not strictly convex). In this respect, future work should include the extension of the model presented here in order to cover the nonstrictly-convex case and to develop better updating rules for the model proposed in [13] in order to improve its convergence rate. R EFERENCES

E. Comparison In Table I, we can see the average number of iterations needed by networks (6) and (13) to converge to the optimal solution for all examples tested (named P1 to P4). The convergence criterion is ||x* − x||

New discrete-time recurrent neural network proposal for quadratic optimization with general linear constraints.

In this brief, the quadratic problem with general linear constraints is reformulated using the Wolfe dual theory, and a very simple discrete-time recu...
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