Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 7 (2017) 58–61
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Review Article
Newer proposed classification of periimplant defects: A critical update Deepak Passia , Mahinder Singhb,* , Shubha Ranjan Duttac , Sarang Sharmad, Mansi Atrie , Jyoti Ahlawatf , Abhinav Jaing a
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, [14_TD$IF]ESIC Dental College and Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Uttaranchal Dental and Medical Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India c Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, M. B. Kedia Dental College, Chhapkaiya, Birgunj-2, Nepal d Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, E.S.I.C. Dental College and Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India e Department of Public Health Dentistry, E.S.I.C. Dental College and Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India f Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Maulana Azad Institutes of Dental Sciences, New Delhi, India g Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Uttaranchal Dental & Medical Research Institute, Dehradun, India b
Article history: Received 23 September 2016 Accepted 17 January 2017 Available online 7 February 2017 Keywords: Peri-implantitis Pocket depth APF (Apically positioned flap) GBR Guided bone regeneration ABWG- Autogenous bone wedge grafting
The term peri-implantitis is used to describe a destructive inflammatory process affecting the soft and hard tissues around osseo integrated implants, leads to the formation of a peri-implant pocket and loss of supporting bone. Predisposing factors are Poor Plaque Control, inflammation, infection, Smoking, Diabetes and Occlusal Overload. It is diagnosed on the basis of clinical and radiographic interpretation and still no definite criteria have been proposed for the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis. However treatment can be both conservative and surgical. The cumulative interceptive supportive therapy protocol serves as good guide for the treatment of the periimplantitis. There is lack of a standard classification system to differentiate the various degrees of peri-implantitis, which produces dilemma in evaluating the stages clinical and radiological status, treatment and its outcome. Many classification has been proposed in medical literature with their pros and cons but still there is lack of standard classification system of implant defects and definite treatment protocol according to the same. The classification should be easy to use, clearly understandable and help in communication by clinicians of different speciality. This review aimed to introduce a classification system based on added clinical, and detailed radiological parameters with prognosis and staged treatment algorithms. © 2017
1. Introduction The dental implants are the one of the greatest revolution in the restoration of the patient’s function, esthetics and long-term survival for partially/fully edentulous conditions in dentistry. Inspite of their high predictibilty and success rates, biological complications do occurs. The term peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis which affects the dental implants are analogous to the terms gingivitis and periodontitis which affects the periodontium of natural teeth. Peri-implant mucositis is a disease in
* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (D. Passi),
[email protected] (M. Singh),
[email protected] (S.R. Dutta),
[email protected] (S. Sharma),
[email protected] (M. Atri),
[email protected] (J. Ahlawat),
[email protected] (A. Jain). 0976-5662/© 2017
which the presence of inflammation of soft tissues surrounding a dental implant, without the signs of supporting bone loss following initial bone remodeling during healing where as Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory phenomenon, including soft tissue inflammation and progressive loss of supporting bone around an implant. These definitions are worldwide accepted, but still there is dilemma regarding diagnostic criteria. The diagnosis can be made simultaneously clinically and radiologically. The signs and symptom of peri-implantitis includes typical saucer shaped destruction of the crestal bone vertically as radiologic finding and osseointegration of the apical part of the fixture. Formation of a peri-implant pocket. Bleeding with or without suppuration on gentle probing (4 mm and Bleeding on probing and/or suppuration, with no signs of loss of supporting bone following initial bone remodeling during healing
Stage B
D. Passi et al. / Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 7 (2017) 58–61 Probing Depth
Bone loss (%) Mobility Proposed Treatment & Prognosis of implant lenght
2–3 mm
No No treatment. mobility Oral hygienic instructions Prognosis is good
4–6 mm
25–50% Vertical
Grade 1
STAGE Staging
Stage I
Bleeding on probing and/or suppuration and bone loss3 mm beyond biological bone remodeling Bleeding on probing and/or suppuration and bone loss >3 mm and 2 mm
Pocket depth (PD) 50% of the implant length fron implant apex. It is a good classification of retrograde implantitis. None of the classifications described have mentioned any point about this. Passi D (2016): Newer Proposed Classification BMP classification of Implant Defects
>50% Vertical
Grade 2 vertical defect 2– 4 mm-GBR,ABWG Horizontal Defect > half of implant height – GBR and Augmentation. Combination Defect: Implant removal. Questionable Prognosis
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
vertical defect 8 mm
> 50%
Grade 3
Implant removal Poor prognosis
APF- Apically positioned flap, GBR- Guided bone regeneration, ABWG- Autogenous bone wedge grafting. This classification uses menomics B (Bleeding,Bone loss), M (Mobility), P (Probing depth,Proposed treatment and Prognosis). Hence the name BMP classification of implant defects is given. This classification describes clinical parameters and soft tissue conditions like bleeding on probing, extent of probing depth and mobility of implant .It includes radiographic parameters like Bone loss (in percentage) of implant length and type/orientation of implant defect. It also includes stage wise management of defect and its prognosis. The main limitation of the classification that it lacks to include any etiological factors like bacterial or trauma and is bit complex and lenghty to read. Also this classification doesnot includes any relations of implant to adjacent natural teeth. 3. Conclusion The proposed classification allows both clinical and radiographic interpretation of implant defects and can serves as easy, reproducible and good guideline for treatment planning and prognosis. Conflict of interest None Declared. Source of support Nil.
D. Passi et al. / Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 7 (2017) 58–61
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