





3, 1992












Keith E. Isenberg*$&

Puran S. Bora*‘r,







Xia Zhou*, Xiaolin Wut,

Blake W. Moore* and Louis G. Lange*? * Department

of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, 4940 Children’s Place, St. Louis, MO 63110

i- Department

of Cardiology Research and *Department

Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, 216 S. Kingshighway, Received

May 1,

of Psychiatry,

St. Louis, MO 63110


SUMMARY: Alcohol metabolism in the human brain has been characterized as essentially nonoxidative in nature, with the esterification of ethanol with fatty acids via fatty acid ethyl ester synthase. This pathway of ethanol metabolism is related to end organ damage in the brain but the neural cell type expressing FAEES has not been identified. In this study human and rodent neuroblastoma and glioma cell lines are assayed for fatty acid ethyl ester synthase activity. Cells with neuronal properties demonstrated higher activity than glioma cell lines. We confirmed the presence of the mRNA for one type of synthase, fatty acid ethyl ester synthase-III in three neuronal cell lines - NlEllS cells, PC12 cells, and SK-NMC cells. These results support the hypothesis that FAEES activity is expressed chiefly in cells with neuronal properties and suggest that non-oxidative ethanol metabolism is Press,II potentially related to the toxic effect of ethanol on the human brain. 0 1992Academic

The mechanisms by which ethanol and its metabolites induce end-organ toxicity are frequently unclear.

Oxidative metabolism of ethanol to its toxic metabolite


via the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is a well described pathway in organs such as the liver. Alcohol dehydrogenases can be divided into at least three classes (1). Human class I isoenzymes metabolize ethanol at pharmacological concentrations but have not been identified in the brain. Only one class of ADH isoenzyme has been demonstrated in human brain, the class III ADH (2) but this isoenzyme oxidizes ethanol very poorly and is detected $To whom reprint requests should be addressed. Abbreviations: FAEE, Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester; FAEES, Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester Synthase. 0006-291X/92 Copyright Ail rights


0 1992 by Academic Press, Inc. of reproduction in any form reserved.




185, No. 3, 1992



only when pentanol or aliphatic alcohols of longer chain length are used to measure activity. Thus the minimal ability of the brain to oxidatively metabolize ethanol (2) implies that other metabolic pathways may underlie the toxic effects of ethanol on the brain. An important

nonoxidative pathway involves the synthesis of fatty acid ethyl esters

(FAEE) from fatty acids and ethanol. The reaction, catalyzed by the enzyme fatty acid ethyl ester synthase (FAEES),

is detectable in many tissues susceptible to ethanol toxicity

including human brain (3-13). The activity is concentrated in gray matter (5,14) suggesting the localization of activity in neurons.

Elevated levels of activity are seen in the brains of

alcoholics compared with nonalcoholic controls (5) correlating FAEES with ethanol toxicity. The present study investigates the role of FAEE in ethanol-induced demonstrates a neural cell model that appears appropriate



for such studies by reporting

FAEES activity for a variety of neural cells. Selected cell lines were used for the expression of FAEES-III




Cell culture: C, rat glioma cells (clone C,,, originally from S.E. Pfeiffer, University of Connecticut), PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells (provided by J.H. Steinbach, Department of Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine), and NlE115 mouse neuroblastoma cells (provided by Dr. Stan Misler, Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO) are seeded onto 100 mM tissue culture plates (Falcon) at a density of lo6 cells/plate and grown in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles Medium (Gibco) supplemented with L-glutamine (2mM), penicillin (100 units/ml), streptomycin (lOOug/ml) and fetal calf serum (10%) until the cells are confluent (7 to 10 days). SK-N-MC, a human neuroblastoma cell line (ATCC), SK-NSH, a human neuroblastoma cell line (ATCC), U-87MG, a human glioma cell line (ATCC) and U-373 MG, a human glioma cell line (ATCC) are plated in the same manner, but grown in Minimal Essential Medium (Gibco) supplemented with L-glutamine (2mM), penicillin (100 units/ml), streptomycin (100 &ml) and fetal calf serum (10%). Media is changed every two to three days. Cell viability is determined by trypan blue exclusion, cell counts determined by a hemocytometer based method, and protein concentrations determined spectrophotometrically (15). Cells are grown to confluence for assay. Enzvme Assavs: cell and tissue homogenates are mixed with [14C] oleate in a 65 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 for 45 min. at 37°C. The reactions are terminated by the addition of 2 ml cold acetone containing a known amount of ethyl rH] oleate as a yield marker and ethyl oleate as a carrier. Reaction products are separated by chromatography on silica plates in a petroleum ether/diethyl ether/acetic acid (75/5/l) solvent and visualized by iodine vapor and scraped off for liquid scintillation counting. Counts for [‘“Cl are adjusted according to yield as determined by recovery of rH] counts and, after subtracting the buffer blank, results are expressed as nmoles of FAEE formed/ml/hr (8). Quantification of protein concentration permitted conversion to nmoles FAEE formed/mg protein/ hr. Statistical analysis was performed with GB Stat (Version 2.0, Dynamic Microsystems). FAEES-III Northern Blot Analysis (16): cellular RNA is prepared from cells by the acid-phenol method; poly A+ RNA is separated from total cellular RNA by affinity chromatography on an oligo dT column. RNA is electrophoretically fractionated on a 1% 939











agarose 2.2M formaldehyde gel and transferred to nitrocellulose by the capillary method. FAEES-III cDNA (14) is labelled with t3*P] dCTP by “random priming” (Boerhinger Mannheim) and hybridization performed at 60°C. Post hybridization washes in 1 x SSC, 0.1% SDS at 60°C removed nonspecific reaction products. FAEES-III mRNA is visualized by exposure of the filter to x-ray film (Kodak XAR) and enhancing screen for up to 3 days.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We sought to clarify the role of ethanol metabolites in neural toxicity by studying FAEES in cultured neural cells. The cultured human neuroblastoma and SK-N-SH

cells, a mouse



cell lines, SK-N-MC

cell line NlE115

cells and a rat

cell line PC 12 cells have more FAEES activity (Table 1) than rat C,

glioma cells, human US7 MG and U373 MG glioma cells. These results support the conclusion that neuronal cells express significantly more FAEES activity than other neural cell types.

The relatively greater abundance of FAEES activity in gray matter (which





Cell Lines



FAEES Activity (nmole/mg proteirdhr) -c S.D

Glial cell lines C, cells

2.5 f 0.7 3.8 2 0.2 0.8 k 0.1

U87 MG U373 MG

Neuroblastoma cell lines SK-N-MC SK-N-SH NlE115

8.8 rt 5.0 9.4 5 7.9 131 + 21.9

Pheochromocvtoma cell line PC 12 FAEES

105 -c 57.7 activity

is concentrated

in cells



properties. Clonal cell lines with glial properties (rat C6 cells, human U87 MG cells, and human U373 MG cells) and neuronal properties (human SK-N-MC cells, human SK-N-SH cells, mouse NlE115 cells, and rat PC 12 cells) were grown to confluence and assayed for FAEES activity. Enzyme activity is expressed in nanomoles of product formed per milligram of protein per hour; FAEES activity is the mean k the standard deviation. PC 12 cells express substantial amounts of FAEES activity, and C6 cells express little FAEES activity. 940



185, No. 3, 1992

28s 18s











Fig.. Cells with neuronal properties express FAEES-III mRNA and a cell line with glial properties does not. Polyadenylated RNA (panel A) or total RNA (panel B) was prepared from PC 12 cells, NlE115 cells, C6 cells, SK-N-SH cells and SK-N-MC cells, electrophoretically separated under denaturing conditions and transferred to nitrocellulose. The Northern blots were probed with a radioactive probe for FAEES-III; the blot was exposed to film after washes removed nonspecific probe binding. The migration of markers is indicated on the side of the panels. The FAEES-III probe detected the same 0.7 kb RNA species in both experiments, the expected size. FAEES-III mRNA appears particularly abundant in PC 12 cells.

contains an abundance of neuronal cell bodies) compared with white matter (composed

chiefly of myelinated processes) previously reported (5) agrees with this conclusion. Northern blots of poly A+ RNA and total RNA reveal abundant expression of the 0.7 kb FAEES-III FAEES-III

mRNA in PC12 cells, NlE115 cells and SK-N-MC

cells (Fig. 1). No

mRNA is detectable in C, cells, supporting the activity data. The PC12 cells

have significant amounts of FAEES activity and also express the 0.7 kb mRNA.


isoforms of FAEES (designated I, II, and III) have been reported (9). The absence of FAEES-III

mRNA in SK-N-SH cells suggests that either FAEES-II, FAEES-I, or both may

be responsible for the observed FAEES activity.


are currently

being cloned in our laboratory and will be used as probes to pinpoint the presence of these isoforms. Ethanol is a common cause of dementia (17) and is felt to have a toxic effect independent of alcoholism associated malnutrition

(such as Wernicke-Korsakoff


Imaging studies suggest acute and chronic effects of ethanol; abstinent chronic alcoholics 941











may have diminished cerebral glucose metabolism, reflecting diminished neuronal activity and neuronal loss (18). Q uantitative neuropathological

studies of alcoholics (19) suggest

selective loss of neurons as well as shrinkage. Studying the mechanism of ethanol toxicity in the human brain is complicated by the relative inaccessibility of the brain. The cortex and cerebellar vermis are most susceptible to the effects of ethanol on neurons (18, 19) suggesting regional specificity of ethanol toxicity.


the toxic effects of ethanol on the brain is difficult in the intact

animal due to the toxic effects of ethanol on other organs as well as the systemic distribution

of toxic metabolites from organs like the liver. The cell lines employed in this

study are well characterized

and considered useful for neurotoxicology

studies (20).

Cultured neural cell lines are an excellent model system for studying the effects of ethanol and its metabolites. Confirmation

that neurons are able to nonoxidatively metabolize ethanol supports

the hypothesis that FAEES contributes to the central nervous system toxicity of ethanol observed in humans. mitochondrial



of the nonoxidative


function and induce damage to the brain (21). Moreover,

can impair FAEE inhibit

cholesterol esterification (22) potentially disrupting myelin metabolism and hence impairing nerve conduction.

Studies assessing the genetic linkage of the FAEES pathway to end

organ susceptibility to ethanol toxicity seem warranted.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by grants from NIH/NIAAA

(AA07569 to Blake W.

Moore; AA06989 to Louis G. Lange; AA08247 to Louis G. Lange); an American Heart Grant In Aid # 890891 (Louis G. Lange); and a grant from the Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation

(Louis G. Lange).


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Nonoxidative ethanol metabolism: expression of fatty acid ethyl ester synthase-III in cultured neural cells.

Alcohol metabolism in the human brain has been characterized as essentially nonoxidative in nature, with the esterification of ethanol with fatty acid...
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