Nonprofit MO60ical resource centers The Irate of progrcss and cspmslm of national and intcrnationrl gcnomc that the uumbcr of projects IIIC:UX new resource centers being cstabii&cd is gowing coustantiy. in ad&ion, for any mdividuai center, the resourccF held, scope of scrviccs otfercd and gGdcIines/costs for access to rcsourceT may c Ixmgc. of forthcoming While notice resources has bcc!l provided. whcrc known. it should bc borne in mind that the listing of rcsourcc centers, existing or pianncd, is by no means corngrchcnsivc. While some rcsourcc c::nccrs have been set up rcccntiy, either ‘11s a result ofthe HGP Initiative or due to m:ior expansion in a particular area of research, many narionai biological rcsourcc‘ ccntcrs (e.g. ATCC), which incorporatc mate&i from maw cqanismr, hnw been cstabiished id, a longtime. This artitc!c is krcforc &Tided into sections describing the nxajor centers which exist in the ‘XA, Europe and Japan and a scparate w&on dcrcribing it~tcmationai or~~nnisnl-specific resource nrhvorks.

As in ocher wcas of biomcdicai rcscarch, investigators in the intcrnational Human Gc110mc Project (HGI’) frcqucntiy rci;: on ccntralizcd sources of biological material (e.g. cioncs, ccii lines and DNA) for their nlapping :md sequencing activities. For nominal fees or free-of-chx~, these nonprofit organizations oticr reliable, \vcil-ch:Iractcrizcd material. thus fitcilitating cc3rnparisoir ot. dat,l otl the s6mc matcriai from different laboratories. individual laborator-its arc thus slw-:d costly and timcconsuming prcp~ntion, , USA), the Mcdic.d Coricil institute for ikscnrch (NJ. USA), and the Jackson Laboratory (ME, USA). Thcsc centers arc under contract to various US fcdcral agcncics to providc rcsourcrs to or sc’rvc as rcposii\7ricx fGr i:iC rcaedi.Cii corl~r~luitiry.

a. ATCC ATCC:, ;I priwc, nonprofit org,miz:ltion. maintains the luost existing divcrsc coiicction of n&xoorgmismrs ana ccl1 lint% i~lcluc!ing bdctcrirl, ikngi. protozca, viruses, nlctazoan ccl1 iincc and DNA rccombmants. it maintains and distribute5 matcl la1 to the ~oternation.;i rcscarch community: e 13630 bactctiri strains; * 33780 strainr oftiiamcncous fimgi and ycxsts:

* 13X.5 :,i>;n,ai and plant 1 iruscs: * over 30110 human and other animal ccii cultures. ATCC rcccntly rddcd a coiicction ofrecombinant DNA probes, clones and iibrrrics: -500 new probes and 5-10 new librarics will be added .b r,;$e!lr.~ .!I connnuni~. All samp!cs arc distributed free-of-charge on the undcrstanding that they arc to bc used :Sr acadcniic rcscxch purposc5 and that the Stock Center is acknowlcdgcd in any publications which have used Inatwi‘ll from the Ccntcr.

.4 nMqui.c Stock Ccntcr (Nottinghrn~ Univcnity. funded by Nottinghanl Univcrsi~, AFRC. and EC BRIDGE progranww) o&n I30 lines ofhonnonc, tlowcring, biochcrnical and f&iii niutants (ironi Koomccf, Wagcningcn! .4lS collrction of 4000 lines (tionl Kranz. Franktiurt) will bc arailablc SOOIL.Seed stocks also .tvailablc. ICollt.lct: Mary Anderson ix %r, Mul!i+n, Nottingham .4ntbi&@ Stock Ccntre, School of Uiologicai Scicnccs, Univwity of Nottingh.:m, Univctsity Park. Nottinghani NG? 21~1~. UK; Tel: 14/602-741216, Fax: .+.I/ 602-121270, e-nrail: pbzt~dh~!,~otti~~g~~atn. ccc.vax orpbzwlh@vas.]

Europe European DNA Rcsourcc Ccntcr (at K&l. tin&d by EC BRIDGE) now has available scvcral DNA libraries and Ar&itl~/ab stocks. IContact: JcfT lhn~!. Mas Dclbruk Laboratoriuni, Carl van Lmnr Wcg IO, D-5000. Kijh 311, FRG; Trl: 49/Z:! l-5062-630; Fax: #/X2:


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8 UK Human Genome Mapping Project resource centre Funded by the Medical Research Council, the Resource Centrc acts as a wtional rcpositoy, and dictributiou and rcfcrcnw ccntrc for huntan and n1ousc cDNA libraries, DNA probes, conlputing facilido and associated databases. A nutnbcr of csiE.WUSTL~EnU.~ DatitLases The C. ele~err

Nonprofit biological resource centers.

Nonprofit MO60ical resource centers The Irate of progrcss and cspmslm of national and intcrnationrl gcnomc that the uumbcr of projects IIIC:UX new res...
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