NSQXXX10.1177/0894318414546418Nursing Science QuarterlyPilkington
Leading-Following Perspectives
Nursing Theory Still Vital to Leadership in Nursing
Nursing Science Quarterly 2014, Vol. 27(4) 329 © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0894318414546418 nsq.sagepub.com
F. Beryl Pilkington, RN; PhD1 Keywords clinical leadership, interdisciplinary leadership, interpersonal nursing, nursing education, nursing theory The guest author in this issue, Dr. Patricia Donohue-Porter, has held leadership roles in clinical practice and nursing education over the years. Currently Director of the PhD Program in Nursing at Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, Dr. Donohue-Porter’s teaching and research interests include, among other things, nursing philosophy, theory, and scholarship and higher education; nursing theory application; leadership; and the role of courage in patients experiencing complications of diabetes and the role of nurses in courage development. In column that follows, she shows how the nursing theories that she has used and taught for years have been foundational to her experience and essence as a nurse. For her, the voices and vision of nurse theorists are a source of creativity and innovation that can inspire, energize, and build a sense of confidence that comes from being “firmly, intellectually, and enthusiastically grounded in one’s
disciplinary knowledge” (Donohue-Porter, 2014, p. 331). Dr. Donohue-Porter is herself an exemplar of just such a nurse leader. She provides numerous examples, some drawn from her own experience of how nursing theory can inform and enhance four different aspects of leadership: clinical, interdisciplinary, nursing education, and interpersonal nursing.
Associate Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada
Contributing Editor: F. Beryl Pilkington, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, York University, HNES 345, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3. Email:
[email protected] A Special Thank You F. Beryl Pilkington, RN; PhD The Editorial Board of Nursing Science Quarterly offers a special thanks to Beryl Pilkington for her insightful contributions as Contributing Editor of the Theoretical Concerns Column and the Leading-Following Perspectives Column. Her service over the years to the journal is very much appreciated, and we wish her much success as she moves on to other challenging endeavors.
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