Oligomerization of Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
Christina Kuhn* and Wolfgang Meyerhof{ *
Axxam SpA, Bresso (Milan), Italy Department of Molecular Genetics, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke, Nuthetal, Germany
CHAPTER OUTLINE Introduction and Rationale....................................................................................... 230 13.1 Materials........................................................................................................232 13.2 Methods .........................................................................................................233 13.2.1 Generation of Expression Constructs ............................................ 233 13.2.2 Expression Analysis of Receptor Constructs .................................. 234 13.2.3 Coimmunoprecipitation ............................................................... 235 13.2.4 Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer................................ 237 13.3 Discussion......................................................................................................240 Summary ................................................................................................................ 241 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................... 241 References ............................................................................................................. 241
Abstract The superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediates numerous physiological processes, including neurotransmission, cell differentiation and metabolism, and sensory perception. In recent years, it became evident that these receptors might function not only as monomeric receptors but also as homo- or heteromeric receptor complexes. The family of TAS1R taste receptors are prominent examples of GPCR dimerization as they act as obligate functional heteromers: TAS1R1 and TAS1R3 combine to form an umami taste receptor, while the combination of TAS1R2 and TAS1R3 is a sweet taste receptor. So far, TAS2Rs, a second family of 25 taste receptors in humans that mediates responses to bitter compounds, have been shown to function on their own, but if they do so as receptor monomers or as homomeric receptors still remains unknown. Using two different experimental approaches, we have recently shown that TAS2Rs can indeed form Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 117 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN 0091-679X
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
both homomeric and heteromeric receptor complexes. The employed techniques, coimmunoprecipitations and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), are based on different principles and complement each other well and therefore provided compelling evidences for TAS2R oligomerization. Furthermore, we have adapted the protocols to include a number of controls and for higher throughput to accommodate the investigation of a large number of receptors and receptor combinations. Here, we present the protocols in detail.
INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE Our sense of taste serves us in our daily lives to advise us on which foods are safe and worth consuming and turns eating into pleasure. On the molecular level, the different taste modalities—sweet, umami, bitter, salty, and sour—are detected by different taste receptors expressed on the tongue, ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. Taste receptors of the TAS1R (also referred to as T1R) family, mediating sweet and umami taste, and those of the TAS2R (or T2R) family, mediating bitter taste, belong to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) (Yarmolinsky, Zuker, & Ryba, 2009). Both families are unrelated, however; the 25 members of the human TAS2R family have short N-termini and are distantly related to opsins, whereas the three different TAS1Rs are class C GPCRs, have long N-termini, and are related to metabotropic glutamate and GABAB receptors. While it was initially common belief that class A (rhodopsin-like) and class B (secretin receptor family) GPCRs act as singular units, over the past 10–15 years, many reports demonstrated that GPCRs might not (only) function as monomeric receptors but that they can also assemble with one another and form receptor dimers or even higher-order oligomers with potentially dramatic and important implications (see, e.g., George, O’Dowd, & Lee, 2002). However, many of these discoveries were made in in vitro systems and the functional and physiological significance of these findings remained debated. But at least for some receptors, a functional significance and/or relevance in vivo is evident. Recently, in vivo functional dimerization could be demonstrated for the luteinizing hormone receptor. Mice with either a bindingdeficient mutant receptor or a signaling-deficient mutant receptor have only small gonads and are sterile. In contrast, when mice are heterozygous for both mutants, receptor dimerization will lead to receptor complementation and the phenotype of the mice is rescued; they have normal-sized gonads and are fertile (Rivero-Mu¨ller et al., 2009). Many studies have also established that for class C GPCRs, homo- or heterooligomerization is indispensable for receptor function (Pin, Galvez, & Prezeau, 2003). For example, GABAB receptors are formed by GABAB R1 and GABAB R2 class C GPCRs. The assembly of both receptor subunits was shown to take place in neurons in vivo and is essential for the targeting of the dimeric GABAB receptors to the plasma membrane and for ligand binding and signaling (Jones et al., 1998,
Introduction and Rationale
Kaupmann et al., 1998). Other class C GPCRs, for example, the metabotropic glutamate receptors and the calcium-sensing receptor, function as homomers. Indeed, the receptors of the TAS1R family are prime examples for GPCR dimerization. Expression analysis of the receptors in taste buds gave early hints about their possible structure and function: TAS1R3 is coexpressed with either TAS1R1 or TAS1R2, but neither receptor seems to be expressed alone at significant levels (Nelson et al., 2001). Functional analysis of the receptors in heterologous expression systems then showed that the combination of TAS1R3 with TAS1R1 is an umami taste receptor, detecting L-glutamate (human receptors) or a variety of L-amino acids (mouse receptors), while TAS1R2/TAS1R3 serves as a general sweet taste receptor and is activated not only by natural sugars but also by artificial sweeteners and sweet-tasting D-amino acids and proteins (Li et al., 2002, Nelson et al., 2001, 2002). Studies using knockout mice subsequently confirmed these results in vivo; both respective subunits of the sweet and umami taste receptor are necessary for functional detection of the molecules and the behavioral attraction of the animals towards sweet and umami tastants (Zhao et al., 2003). Furthermore, actual active dimerization of the receptors could be shown—at least in vitro—using two different techniques: coimmunoprecipitation (CoIP) and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) (Jiang et al., 2004; Nelson et al., 2002). All of these findings taken together make a very strong case for TAS1Rs as obligate heteromeric receptors, and TAS1R3 remains until now the only known GPCR that was shown to be an essential partner in functionally distinct receptors with essentially nonoverlapping ligand profiles. Mammals have another family of taste receptors, the TAS2Rs, with 25 members in humans (Shi, Zhang, Yang, & Zhang, 2003). Many evidences obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies showed that these receptors are bitter taste receptors that detect potentially toxic substances and induce aversive behaviors towards them (see, e.g., Behrens, Reichling, Batram, Brockhoff, & Meyerhof, 2009; Yarmolinsky et al., 2009). Indeed, most of the receptors of this family have been deorphanized by now. While some receptors seem to be specialized receptors detecting only few substances, many of them show a broad ligand spectrum, a characteristic that might explain how thousands of bitter-tasting substances can be detected with a rather small set of receptors (Meyerhof et al., 2010). The question if also these receptors form protein assemblies remained, however. To answer this question, we investigated TAS2R oligomerization with two different experimental approaches and found that TAS2Rs can indeed form receptor–receptor complexes (Kuhn, Bufe, Batram, & Meyerhof, 2010). Oligomerization seemed to be a general feature of these receptors as we found that 90% of all possible binary receptor combinations showed positive results. In this chapter, we present the experimental protocols for analysis of oligomerization of TAS1Rs and TAS2Rs in greater detail compared to what we reported in our previously published study (Kuhn et al., 2010). As the number of receptors to be investigated is large (there are 25 different TAS2Rs and 325 different possibilities for combinations of two receptors!), we want to put special emphasis on the adaption of the used methods for higher throughput.
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
13.1 MATERIALS INSTRUMENTS Ultracentrifuge Luminescent image analyzer Luminescence plate reader (with emission filters 370–450 and 500–530 nm), we used a FLUOstar OPTIMA (BMG Labtech) Fluorescence plate reader (with excitation at 488 nm and emission at 515 nm), we used a FLIPR (Molecular Devices) VECTORS Mammalian expression vector, for example, pcDNA3 (Invitrogen), pcDNA5/ FRT/TO (Invitrogen), and pEAK10 (Edge Biosystems) BRET vector, pGFP2-MCS-Rluc(h) (PerkinElmer) CELL LINES HEK293T cells (we used a modified cell line stably expressing the Ga protein chimera Ga16gust44) CELL CULTURE DISHES AND PLATES 10 cm cell culture dishes, coated with poly-D-lysine 96-Well plates, white, clear-bottomed (Greiner Bio-One); coated with poly-D-lysine 96-Well plates, black, clear-bottomed (Greiner Bio-One); coated with poly-D-lysine BUFFERS AND SOLUTIONS PBS (140 mM NaCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 2.7 mM KCl, and 1.76 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.4) C1 buffer (130 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 10 mM HEPES, 2 mM CaCl2, and 1 mM glucose, pH 7.4) CoIP buffer (120 mM NaCl; 50 mM Tris, pH 8.0; 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0; 0.5% (v/v) IGEPAL; 1 mM PMSF; 2 mg/ml leupeptin; 2 mg/ml pepstatin A; and 10 mg/ ml aprotinin) 2 Laemmli buffer (125 mM Tris, pH 6.8; 4% (w/v) SDS; 20% (v/v) glycerol; and 0.04% (w/v) bromophenol blue) without DTT or mercaptoethanol! TBS (10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, and 150 mM NaCl) TBST (10 mM Tris, pH 8.0; 150 mM NaCl; and 0.2% (v/v) Tween) ANTIBODIES Rabbit anti-FLAG® antibody (Sigma-Aldrich, catalog #F7425) Rabbit anti-GFP antibody (Abcam, catalog #ab6556) Donkey anti-rabbit IgG, coupled to horseradish peroxidase (Amersham/GE Healthcare) EZviewTM Red anti-FLAG® M2 affinity gel (Sigma-Aldrich, catalog #F2426)
13.2 Methods
OTHER REAGENTS Transfection reagent, for example, Lipofectamine® 2000 (Invitrogen) BRET coelenterazine substrate DeepBlueC (PerkinElmer) Amersham ECL Western blotting detection reagent (GE Healthcare)
13.2 METHODS 13.2.1 Generation of expression constructs Functional expression of TAS2R receptors in mammalian cell lines requires that the receptors carry an additional sequence at their N-terminus (e.g., the 45 N-terminal amino acids of the rat somatostatin receptor 3, “rsstr3”), which facilitates export of the protein to the plasma membrane (Bufe, Hofmann, Krautwurst, Raguse, & Wolfgang Meyerhof, 2002). TAS1Rs on the other hand do not need any N-terminal modification to support their expression. For CoIP experiments, it is necessary to further include a FLAG-tag at the C-terminus of the receptors, while BRET experiments require constructs encoding for receptor–GFP2 and receptor–Renilla reniformis luciferase (Rluc) fusion proteins. For easy and fast generation of the receptor constructs, we suggest to first build a cloning cassette in a modular way (Fig. 13.1) in a mammalian expression vector (such as pcDNA5/FRT). Then, the following approach can be followed: First, GFP2 and Rluc sequences are amplified from the BRET vector by PCR; the oligonucleotides should additionally contain the sequences of the restriction enzymes 3 and 4, thereby adding
FIGURE 13.1 Modular cloning cassette for taste receptor expression constructs. A cloning cassette for TAS2Rs is generated in a mammalian expression vector, for example, pcDNA5/FRT. Sites for different restriction enzymes (RE) separate the modules from each other and enable easy subcloning of the different parts. rsstr3: sequence of the first 45 amino acids of the rat somatostatin receptor 3, used as N-terminal tag for TAS2Rs to enable functional plasma membrane expression of the receptors; TAS2R: TAS2R coding sequence without stop codon; FLAG: sequence of the FLAG-tag; GFP2: sequence of a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP), used for BRET and CoIP experiments; Rluc: sequence of the luciferase of Renilla reniformis, used for BRET experiments. TAS1R sequences can be cloned into the same cassette using RE1 and RE3, replacing the combined sequences of rsstr3-TAS2R.
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
these sequences to the 50 and 30 ends of the GFP2 and Rluc sequences, respectively. Next, these fragments are individually cloned into one cassette at the 30 end of one receptor sequence; the correct sequence and the maintenance of the open reading frame should be confirmed. Because of its small size, the FLAG-tag can be added to the receptor sequence directly by PCR, bypassing this first cloning step. Subsequently, using restriction enzymes 2 and 3, the receptor sequence in the constructs in the preceding text can be replaced with the sequences of all other receptors. Alternatively, restriction enzyme 1 in combination with restriction enzyme 3 can be used to replace the complete sequence of sst-TAS2R with that of another sst-TAS2R sequence or with the sequences of TAS1R2 and TAS1R3, respectively.
13.2.2 Expression analysis of receptor constructs The finished receptor constructs should be analyzed for their expression—good expression levels are needed for both the CoIP and BRET experiments. Receptor– Rluc protein expression can be easily quantified via luminescence activity of the luciferase moiety; receptor–GFP2 proteins can by quantified by GFP2 fluorescence. The constructs are transiently transfected into the desired mammalian cell line (e.g., HEK293T cells) in 96-well plate format. Cells are seeded at 10% confluence in white, clear-bottomed, poly-D-lysine-coated 96-well plates (for luminescence detection) or black, clear-bottomed, poly-D-lysine-coated 96-well plates (for fluorescence detection) and transfected 48 h later using a lipofection reagent according to the manufacturer’s recommendation; the confluence of the cells should be 50% before transfection. For replicate measurements, cells of three wells should be transfected with the same receptor construct. It is also advantageous for the analysis to include mock-transfected cells as negative control and cells transfected with the BRET vector (expressing a direct fusion protein of GFP2-Rluc) as a positive control. The following day, cells are washed twice with C1 buffer using an automated cell washer leaving a volume of 50 ml on the cells. Washing the cells manually bears the risk of cells detaching from the bottom of the plate. GFP2 fluorescence can immediately be detected in a fluorescence plate reader (such as FLIPR) using excitation at 488 nm (a suboptimal but satisfactory excitation wavelength; the ideal excitation wavelength would be at 395 nm) and emission detection at 515 nm. For measuring luciferase activity, the bottom of the plates is covered with white tape before the last wash. The plates are then read in a luminometer (such as FLUOstar OPTIMA). In this protocol, 20 ml of 17.5 mM DeepBlueC in C1 buffer (5 mM final concentration) is added to one well, and light emission is detected at 370–450 nm before the instrument moves on to the next well. For both fluorescence and luminescence measurements, the obtained values for the receptor constructs will be much lower compared to the BRET vector, which is to be expected as the receptor fusion proteins are integral membrane proteins, whereas the GFP2–Rluc fusion protein is a cytosolic protein and can therefore reach much higher expression levels. It is difficult to suggest a general cutoff for unacceptably
13.2 Methods
low expression, but we found that receptor constructs showing expression levels below 35% of the mean expression level will not be suitable for performing CoIP and BRET experiments.
13.2.3 Coimmunoprecipitation In a first experimental approach to investigate receptor complexes, CoIP experiments are performed (Fig. 13.2). Two different receptors (or the same receptor with two different tags or marker protein moieties) are coexpressed. Then, immunoprecipitation of one receptor is performed using a specific antibody against this receptor or its tag. Subsequently, the precipitates are analyzed by Western blots for the presence of the originally immunoprecipitated receptor and for the presence of the other receptor. This type of approach had already been performed for in vitro analysis of TAS1Rs (Nelson et al., 2002). In these experiments, the authors used one tagged receptor (with HA-tag) and one unmodified receptor as a receptor-specific antibody
FIGURE 13.2 Detection of physical interactions between taste receptors by coimmunoprecipitation (CoIP). (A) Receptors with a C-terminal FLAG-tag or fusion with GFP2, respectively, are coexpressed in a mammalian cell line, for example, HEK293T cells. Cells are then lysed; membrane proteins are solubilized and subjected to an immunoprecipitation with anti-FLAG affinity beads. These immunoprecipitates are then separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed for the presence of the different receptors by Western blots using anti-FLAG and anti-GFP antisera. (B) Sample Western blots of a CoIP experiment with TAS2R44 and TAS2R5. The receptor–GFP2 protein can only be immunoprecipitated when coexpressed with a FLAG-tagged receptor, which shows physical interactions between the two analyzed receptors. 1, immunoprecipitation (IP) with lysates from cells expressing only TAS2R44-FLAG; 2, IP with lysates from cells expressing TAS2R5-GFP2; 3, IP with cells coexpressing of TAS2R44FLAG and TAS2R5-GFP2; 4, mixed lysates of cells expressing either TAS2R44-FLAG or TAS2R5-GFP2. IP always with anti-FLAG; upper blot: anti-FLAG, lower blot: anti-GFP.
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
had been generated for this receptor. For almost all TAS2Rs, however, commercial receptor-specific antibodies are either not available or are not working reliably (Behrens et al., 2012). Therefore, differently tagged or marked receptors will have to be used. We recommend the usage of FLAG-tagged receptors and receptor–GFP2 fusion proteins, respectively. To perform the CoIP experiments, cells are seeded at 20% confluence in 10 cm cell culture dishes coated with poly-D-lysine. The next day, cells are transfected with DNA for the receptor combination to be analyzed (one receptor-FLAG, one receptor–GFP2 construct) in a 1:1 ratio or with either single receptor construct (performed in duplicate) using a lipofection reagent according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. One set of the cells transfected with only one receptor construct serves as control for several purposes: by analyzing the cell lysate, expression of the construct can be confirmed. Second, by using the cell lysates for the immunoprecipitation procedure, one can show that the procedure was performed successfully and with specificity, that is, that only the FLAG-tagged receptor can be pulled down but not the GFP2-marked receptor expressed on its own. Third, both parts together also help to confirm the specificity of the antibodies used. The second set of cells transfected with a single receptor construct will be mixed later during the cell lysis procedure. This will serve as control to verify that the observed protein–protein interactions did not arise artificially during the purification process but were already present inside the cells. The following day, cells are prepared for the lysis procedure by putting the cell culture dishes on ice. Cells are washed twice with 10 ml cold PBS before adding 1 ml of ice-cold CoIP buffer; incubate for 5–10 min on ice. Cells and cell remnants should detach easily and be transferred to a glass homogenizer; move the pestle up and down several times to fully lyse the cells and solubilize the membrane proteins. At this step, one set of lysates of cells transfected with a single receptor can be mixed to control for occurrence of protein–protein interactions inside the cells vs. during the procedure. To ensure that all remaining cell debris and membrane fragments are removed from the solubilized proteins, ultracentrifugation at 100,000g and 4 C should be performed for 90 min. In the meantime, the anti-FLAG-agarose beads used for immunoprecipitation of FLAG-tagged proteins can be prepared. Be careful to always keep them at 4 C or on ice! Resuspend the anti-FLAG affinity gel well by pipetting up and down with a yellow pipette tip whose tip has been cut off and take out the appropriate amount (use 20 ml of agarose bead suspension per sample, which equals 10 ml of packed gel). Add ice-cold CoIP buffer (volume ¼ 20 volume of packed gel), mix gently, and centrifuge for 30 s at 8200g, 4 C. Remove the liquid without disturbing the gel pellet and repeat this washing step twice more. After the final washing step, add an appropriate amount of ice-cold CoIP buffer and aliquot the washed anti-FLAG affinity gel on ice into new 1.5 ml tubes. After the ultracentrifugation is finished, take the supernatant of the cell lysates and put them on ice. Transfer 20 ml of the lysates to new tubes and freeze these samples; they will later be separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blots and serve as controls for expression and antibody specificity (see the preceding text).
13.2 Methods
Add the rest of the supernatants to separate aliquots of the prepared anti-FLAG affinity gel. If necessary, add some more CoIP buffer for a total volume of 1 ml and incubate with gentle shaking at 4 C overnight. The next day, wash the anti-FLAG affinity gel at least 3 (ideally 6) with 300 ml CoIP buffer each. After the final washing step, remove all liquid carefully without disturbing the gel pellet; add 20 ml of 2 Laemmli buffer, mix gently, heat to 95 C for 5 min, and briefly spin it down. Take all of the supernatant carefully without transferring any of the gel; add DTT to a final concentration of 200 mM to all samples. The samples, together with the cell lysates kept at 20 C, can now be analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. Blots are blocked in 5% dried milk/TBST and then incubated with the primary antibodies (anti-FLAG 1:4000 and anti-GFP 1:1000, respectively) in blocking solution with gentle shaking at 4 C overnight. The following day, blots are washed 3 with TBST and then incubated with secondary antibody (anti-rabbit HRP 1:5000) for 1 h at room temperature. The blots are washed 3 with TBST and 2 with TBS before adding ECL substrate according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Blots can be developed and bands visualized by standard X-ray film exposure or using a luminescent image analyzer (such as LAS-1000 and with the following settings: exposure time from 30 s to 30 min, aperture 0.85, and integration of 2 2 pixels). The expected protein sizes of TAS2Rs are 40 kDa for FLAG-tagged receptors and 67 kDa for receptor–GFP2 fusion proteins. However, multiple bands can often be observed, most likely due to differently glycosylated receptor proteins (Reichling, Meyerhof, & Behrens, 2008). The expected protein sizes of TAS1Rs are 90 kDa for FLAG-tagged receptors and 120 kDa for receptor–GFP2 fusion proteins. However, the actual observed protein sizes can be greater as protein glycosylation has also been observed for TAS1Rs (Max et al., 2001). FLAG-tagged receptors and receptor–GFP2 fusion proteins should be detectable in all lysates of cells expressing the respective receptor constructs. In immunoprecipitates of cells expressing only one receptor or the mix control, however, only FLAG-tagged receptors should be stained, a result that demonstrates the specificity of the antibodies and the suitability of the protocol. On the other hand, a positive CoIP result is obtained if receptor–GFP2 fusion proteins can be detected in immunoprecipitates of cells coexpressing this receptor construct together with a FLAG-tagged receptor, a result that is indicative of an assembly of the two respective receptor proteins through protein–protein interactions.
13.2.4 Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer In the second experimental approach to investigate receptor oligomerization, BRET experiments are carried out (Fig. 13.3). We used the BRET2 technology (PerkinElmer) with the luciferase of Renilla reniformis (Rluc) as BRET donor and a modification of the green fluorescent protein (GFP2) as BRET acceptor. Both proteins are fused to the C-terminus of the TAS1R and TAS2R receptor proteins.
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
FIGURE 13.3 Analysis of TAS2R homo- and hetero-oligomerization by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). (A) Two receptors bearing C-terminal GFP2 and Rluc moieties, respectively, are coexpressed in a mammalian cell line, for example, HEK293T cells. Administration of the coelenterazine DeepBlueC will lead to light emission from the luciferase at 370–450 nm. If the GFP2 is brought into close proximity by protein–protein interactions of the respective receptors, it can be excited and light emission at 500–530 nm can be detected. (B) Graph showing BRET results obtained with TAS2R10-Rluc and all other TAS2R-GFP2. The sweet taste receptor heteromer (TAS1R2-Rluc þ TAS1R3-GFP2) serves as a positive control, TAS2R10-Rluc alone as a negative control (dashed line). Almost all combinations show BRET ratios (light emission at 500–530 nm over light emission at 370–450 nm) higher than the negative control, which is indicative of receptor oligomerization. Only TAS2R10-Rluc with TAS2R4-GFP2 and TAS2R45-GFP2, respectively, have lower values. Data represent means and standard deviation from two experiments carried out in duplicate.
When both BRET donor and acceptor molecules are brought in close proximity to each other through protein–protein interactions of the receptors, an energy transfer from the luciferase to the GFP2 can occur, resulting in detectable fluorescence of GFP2 (Fig. 13.3). BRET has been successfully employed for the analysis of dimerization of several GPCRs including TAS1Rs (Jiang et al., 2004). But while the reading was in general being performed in 96-well plates and luminescent plate readers, the cells had been grown and transfected in larger cell culture dishes and only then had the cells been transferred to 96-well plates for BRET assay reading. We have adapted the procedure for higher throughput by directly growing the cells in 96-well plates and performing the BRET assay in the same 96-well plate. Therefore, modified HEK293T cells are seeded at 10% confluence in white, clear-bottomed, poly-D-lysine-coated 96-well plates. After 48 h, at 50% confluence, cells are transfected with the plasmids encoding for the BRET fusion proteins (one receptor–Rluc and one receptor–GFP2 construct) using a lipofection reagent according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Cotransfection of two plasmids
13.2 Methods
by lipofection works equally well as transfection with calcium phosphate but is easier to perform for many samples. The ratio of the plasmid DNAs should be three parts receptor–GFP2 and one part receptor–Rluc; this ratio has been optimized to yield high BRET values (due to higher saturation of the BRET donors with BRET acceptors) while still resulting in high enough absolute light emission values to produce reliable and reproducible results. For replicate measurements, cells in 2–3 wells should be transfected with the same receptor combination. An equal number of wells with mock-transfected cells should be included as blanks. Also, cells transfected with only the receptor–Rluc construct alone should be included as negative control; cells transfected with the BRET vector serve as a positive control. The next day, cells are washed twice with C1 buffer using an automated cell washer leaving a volume of 50 ml on the cells after the last wash. Also, before the last wash, the bottom of the plates is covered with white tape to improve luminescence detection. The plates are then read in a luminometer, which is able to perform a simultaneous reading with two different channels (e.g., FLUOstar OPTIMA). For reading the BRET assay, 20 ml of 17.5 mM DeepBlueC in C1 buffer (5 mM final concentration) is added to one well and light emission is detected simultaneously at 370– 450 and 500–530 nm, respectively, for 4–12 s before the instrument moves on to the next well. To analyze the data, the BRET ratio is calculated as light emission at 500–530 nm (minus the light emission at 500–530 nm of mock-transfected cells) over light emission at 370–450 nm (minus the light emission at 370–450 nm of mocktransfected cells). The negative control of the receptor–Rluc transfected alone is expected to give a BRET ratio of 0.05, which is due to some residual light emission of the coelenterazine substrate at 500–530 nm. The positive control, cells expressing the direct fusion protein of GFP2-Rluc, will yield a very high BRET ratio, approaching a value of 1. This is due to very high expression levels of this cytosolic protein and, secondly, as a direct fusion protein, it provides all BRET acceptor moieties with a BRET donor partner, leading to saturation and maximum BRET values. BRET ratios of the receptor combinations will be much lower; they are expected to be in the range of 0.05 to 0.4. Only values significantly higher than the values from the respective receptor–Rluc alone are considered positive signals, that is, they stem from receptors in close proximity to each other and are indicative of receptor–receptor interactions. We further recommend to always analyzing both possible receptor combinations, for example, TAS2R16-GFP2 with TAS2R44-Rluc and TAS2R16-Rluc with TAS2R44-GFP2. The results may vary from each other. Possible explanations might be differences in expression levels between the receptors; a higher BRET ratio will be obtained when the receptor expressed at a higher level is fused to the BRET acceptor. Alternatively or additionally, the BRET donor and acceptor protein moieties might be folded differently under the respective receptors, bringing them closer together or further apart in the different combinations. For these reasons, we generally assumed that two receptors can interact with each other when at least one of the two combinations yielded a positive BRET signal.
CHAPTER 13 Sweet and Bitter Taste Receptors
13.3 DISCUSSION With CoIP and BRET experiments, we and others could show oligomerization of both families of taste receptors, TAS1Rs and TAS2Rs (Jiang et al., 2004, Kuhn et al., 2010, Nelson et al., 2002). The demonstration of receptor complexes could therefore be made with two different and independent techniques; both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. CoIP is an often-used biochemical technique and can be used for analysis of protein–protein interactions in vitro and in vivo. When differently tagged or marked receptors are used in vitro, homo-oligomerization can be investigated and heterooligomerization. However, the use of detergents to lyse cells and solubilize membrane proteins could lead to artificial aggregation of proteins during the process; one point of critique is that one cannot be sure that the protein complexes occurred already in the cells under physiological conditions (Jordan & Devi, 1999, Milligan & Bouvier, 2005). Another critical point is that one has to ensure that all membrane proteins have been fully solubilized and that no intact membrane patches are still present in the preparation as this might lead to false-positive results (Milligan & Bouvier, 2005). To address these points, we used only a mild detergent, incorporated an ultracentrifugation step into our protocol, and included a control with mixed lysates of cells expressing only one receptor. As a result, this procedure is rather long and requires a lot of hands-on time, which makes the protocol only suitable for a small number of samples. BRET on the other hand is a newer biophysical technique and is adaptable for higher throughput, as shown in this protocol. The BRET method requires the generation of special receptor fusion proteins and can therefore only be employed for in vitro studies. Homo- and hetero-oligomerization can be investigated. One definite advantage over CoIP experiments is that the analysis is performed in living cells and under physiological conditions (Pfleger & Eidne, 2005). A point of critique is, however, that BRET experiments do not show, like CoIP analysis, for example, direct protein–protein interactions but only demonstrate close proximity of the investigated receptor proteins. Both methods together can overcome most of the limitations of the single methods and together provide compelling evidence for oligomerization, like here for TAS1R and TAS2R taste receptors. It is therefore advised to use both methods for oligomerization studies. If only one method can be used, it would be best to consider using CoIPs for investigating only few samples; no special equipment is needed. For many samples, however, it might be better to use BRET. BRET requires a luminometer with dual-emission detection and special filter sets and a coelenterazine as substrate. But it has the advantages of being suitable for a higher throughput and of analyzing proteins in cells under physiological conditions. CoIPs could, for example, also be used for studies of taste receptor oligomerization in vivo. Recently, TAS2R receptor-specific antibodies became commercially available and have already been successfully used to stain receptor proteins in taste tissue (Behrens et al., 2012). These antibodies could theoretically also be used for
TAS2R CoIP studies in vivo. However, the availability of adequate amounts of tissue still provides a challenge. BRET experiments on the other hand could be useful to analyze many different receptor variants or mutants for their ability to form oligomers, for example, regarding the functionality of the heteromeric sweet taste receptor or, for example, regarding the identification of the domain(s) involved in and necessary for oligomerization of TAS1Rs and TAS2Rs, respectively.
SUMMARY We have here provided a detailed protocol for the investigation of the oligomerization of both TAS1R and TAS2R taste receptor families. Starting with the easy and straightforward generation of receptor constructs needed for the following methods, we also provide a protocol for quick analysis of expression of these constructs in mammalian cell lines. We have then detailed CoIP experiments for the biochemical analysis of protein–protein interactions, incorporating important controls into our protocol. Further, we have also explained the use of BRET for the investigation of receptor oligomerization in living cells and for a high throughput. The protocols provided here should also be easily transferable to studies on oligomerization of other receptors, for example, other rhodopsin-like GPCRs or other class C GPCRs.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Me 1024/2-1, 2-2).
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