ht. J. Devl. Neuroscience, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 5540, 1984.

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of Cell Biology,


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of Chemical 5 September







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Abstract-The developmental pattern of glutamine synthetase (GS) in rat brain has been studied with respect to that of the cells involved in the synthesis of the enzyme. GS activity is very low until day 13 after birth, rises sharply between days 13 and 15, and slowly thereafter. In contrast, more than half of the total number of protoplasmic astrocytes-the cells involved in synthesis of GS-are formed by day 12, following which the rate of proliferation declines considerably. GS is precociously inducible by cortisol in purified protoplasmic astrocytes, in organ cultures of o-13 day rat brain and in the brains of cortisoladministered 12 day rats. These results and the temporal coincidence of the period of increase of GS with the onset of the function of adrenal cortex suggest that GS activity in the developing rat brain is under steroidal control. Key words: Glutamine





Glutamine synthetase (GS) is one of the key enzymes of brain because of its involvement in the synthesis of nucleic acids and mucopolysaccharides and in the metabolism of neurotransmitters.28 In the neural retina of the embryonic chick, the enzyme is inducible by adrenocorticosteroids.‘0,‘4,22 Although cortisol is known to induce the synthesis of many enzymes in the rat liver and kidney5 it did not accelerate the development of GS in liver or retina of fetal or neonatal rats7 However, in rat hypothalamus, development of GS activity appears to be sensitive to cortisol.27 Immunohistochemical studies of Norenberg & Martinez16 revealed that in the rat brain, GS has an exclusive glial localization and the enzyme is predominantly in the astrocytes of the gray matter. l5 Since the bulk of the glial cells in the gray matter is represented by protoplasmic astrocytes,12 we monitored the ontogeny of GS and that of the protoplasmic astrocytes to determine if the developmental profile of GS activity in rat brain is temporally coincident with the appearance and proliferation of the protoplasmic astrocytes or is regulated by endogenous adrenal corticosteroids. MATERIALS


Trypsinization of brain tissue from Wistar albino rats of indicated ages was carried out according to the procedure of Norton & Poduslo17 except that incubation with trypsin was performed for 10 min instead of 60-90 min. This resulted in the selective dissociation of cells of the cortex region containing the gray matter (see Results) representing primarily protoplasmic astrocytes and neurons. Initial fractionation of these two types of cells was carried out by differential centrifugation in ficoll.’ The enriched neuronal and the astrocyte (glial) fractions obtained from the above step, referred to as N and G fractions, were further purified by centrifugation over 40% stock isotonic perco11gradients (density range 0.960-l. 150 gm/ml), prepared according to Pharmacia Fine Chemical Bulletin. Protoplasmic astrocytes were collected from density range 0.980-0.998 gm/ml with a particle purity of 9598% and the neurons from 1.026 to 1.150 gm/ml with a purity of 92-96%. For a comparative study, oligodendrocytes were purified according to the procedure of Fewster et al. * from white matter of rat brain with a particle purity of more than 80%. Neurons were distinguished from the protoplasmic astrocytes by their relatively large cell body and axons, sensitivity to 1% methylene blue stain23 and by the presence of marker enzyme B-galactosidase.25 Protoplasmic astrocytes were characterized by their thick wavy processes around the cell body’ in contrast to the thin filamentous fibres of the fibrous astrocytes, by their sensitivity to 1% cresyl violet*” and also by the presence of marker enzyme, glutamine synthetase.16 Purified preparations of protoplasmic astrocytes and oligodendrocytes were further identified by immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against astrocyte specific glutamine synthetaset6 and oligodendrocyte specific galactocerebroside,21 respectively (Fig. 1). Neither antisera gave a positive test with the purified neuronal preparation. Samples for indirect immunofluorescence assays were prepared as described by Treska et al. 26 55


n. Chatterjee and P. K. Sarkar

Cell counts were performed at a magnification of x 400 from fields of at least 2000 cells after staining with cresyl violet which stained the neurons lightly and the astrocytes deeply. Unidentified objects in the fields (ranging from 5 to 8% in all the cases) were disregarded. Intact brains of f&20-day-old rats, freed from blood vessels and meninges, were cultured in 10 ml of medium (99% Tyrode balanced salt solution and 1% penicillin streptomycin mixture) using 25 ml Erlenmeyer flasks after gassing with 95% air-5% carbon dioxide. The wet weight of these tissues ranged from 0.2 to 0.6 gm and in all cases more than 95% of the cells remained viable after culture as determined by Trypan blue exclusion test. ’ ’ GS was assayed as described before”.‘4 and protein was estimated according to Lowry et ul. ‘.’GS specific activity is expressed as pmol of y-glutamyl hydroxamate formed per hour per mg protein.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2a shows the types of cells obtained by 10 min trypsinization of 55-day-old rat brain. In contrast to 60-90 min trypsinization commonly used for tissue disruption,‘.” the 10 mitt treatment selectively dissociates the external gray matter containing primarily the protoplasmic astrocytes (65%) with about 25% neurons and few (5%) broken or unidentified cells. Note that in this preparation, cells of the white matter-the fibrous astrocytes or the oligodendrocytes-are absent or rarely present. Phase contrast microphotographs of the protoplasmic astrocytes and the neuronal perikarya purified by the procedure outlined in Methods are shown in Figs 2b and 2c, respectively. In view of the reports of Norenberg & Martinez ” that GS in rat brain is localized exclusively in the astrocytes and the enzyme is highly enriched in cells of the cortex region,” we examined by direct biochemical assay the relative distribution of GS in gray and white matter of adult rat brain, separated by selective dissection of the tissue. In four independent assays, GS activity of the gray matter was 4.8 2 0.3 (mean + SD.) units/mg protein and that of the white matter was 0.75 t 0.1 (mean +: S.D.) units/mg protein. These results show that over 80% of the GS is localized in the gray matter implying that the protoplasmic astrocytes are the predominant source of this enzyme. The developmental profile of GS in the purified protoplasmic astrocytes as well as in the total cell suspension is shown in Fig. 3. In both cases, the enzyme activity remains very low until day 13 when it increases sharply and after day 20 the activity increases relatively slowly until adult level is

20 Age




Fig. 3. Developmental pattern of GS activity in the total brain cell suspension (o-o) and in purified protoplasmic astrocytes (o-----e). The initial five points represent data for 1, 5, IO. t3 and 15 day rat brain. respectively.

reached. The major increase in the level of GS occurs between days 13 and 15. In contrast to this characteristic pattern of increase in GS activity with age, the developmental profile of the neurons and the protoplasmic astrocytes (Fig. 4) show little or no change in the number of neurons after birth but the number of protoplasmic astrocytes showed marked increase in the first 12 postnatal days following which the rate of proliferation declined considerably. These results are consistent with the reports that while the multiplication of rat brain neurons is almost complete at birth,’ the glial ceils, 80% of which are formed by day 12, continue to proliferate until adulthood.*” Figures 3



Fig. 1. Identification of protoplasmic astrocytes and oligodendrocytes by immunofluorescence staining. (a) Represents protoplasmic astrocytes stained with anti GS serum (x200); (b) represents oligodendrocytes stained with anti galactocerebroside serum (x200).

210 1

2(b) Fig. 2. Phase contrast photomicrographs of (a) adult rat brain cells derived after 10 min trypsinization of the tissue (x 150), (b) purified protoplasmic astrocytes (x300), (c) purified neuronal perikaryon (x 300).



Ontogeny of glutamine synthetase in rat brain

1.6 0 Z 0.8 a”

20 Age




Fig. 4. Age-dependent alterations in the number of protoplasmic astrocytes (o-o), neurons and in the ratio (n-n) of these cells in the developing rat brain.


and 4 indicate that there is no correlation between the increase in GS activity and the number of protoplasmic astrocytes, suggesting that some external factor muSt be involved in triggering the natural induction of the enzyme. Since GS has been reported to be inducible by corticosteroids in the chick retina,r0.r4.** chick cerebral hemisphere’s*’ and in culture of rat hypothalamus27 and mouse astrocytes,” we determined the effects of cortisol on the activity of GS in organ cultures of developing rat brain as well as in the purified protoplasmic astrocytes from 6, 9, 13 and 21-day-old rats. The results (Table 1) clearly demonstrate that both intact brain and purified astrocytes become progressively more sensitive to cortisol precociously between days 6 and 13 after birth. Following the normal ontogenic rise of GS activity, e.g. at day 21, exposure to external hormones has no effect on the activity of the enzyme. The greater sensitivity of the intact tissue to the exogenous hormone compared to purified protoplasmic astrocytes is presumably related to loss of specific proteins from cells during trypsinization. At the most sensitive age (day 13), cortisol treatment resulted in an 80% increase in the specific activity of GS in 4 h. Table

1. Inducibility of GS by cortisol protoplasmic astrocytes

in whole rat brain from different ages

and in purified

GS activity prnol GHA/h/mg protein



Protoplasmic astrocytes

Percent increment over control

Age (days)

Without cortisol (control)

With cortisol

6 9 13 21

0.69 2 0.02 0.87 * 0.05 1.10~0.04 2.88 2 0.04

0.80~0.03 1.17-co.o5 2.00?0.06 2.94kO.04

15k 3 35k 6 8OklO 2k 1

6 9 13 21

1.70~0.05 1.80~0.10 1.90*0.10 6.50 k 0.20

1.l?7+0.05 2.23 5 0.10 2.76 t 0.10 6.SO-cO.30

10-c 3 24~ 4 45+ 5 0

Intact brain and purified protoplasmic astrocytes were cultured for 4 h in a medium consisting of 99% Tyrode balanced salt solution and 1% penicillinstreptomycin mixture in presence or absence of cortisol (1 &ml) and GS activity was assayed as described in Methods. Data represents mean 2 S.D. from four experiments.

To determine if the precocious induction of GS as seen in culture above could be achieved in viva, we injected cortisol in the brain ventricle of lZday-old rats (2 tq/g body wt) twice at 24 h intervals. GS activity was assayed 4 h after the second injection. In four different experiments, cortisol elicited an increase in GS activity ranging from 38 to 51% with a mean percent increment of UN2:1-D

D. Chatterjee


and P. K. Sarkar

? S.D.). Attempts to confirm the influence of corticosteroids in the regulation of brain GS activity by adrenalectomy of lO-12-day-old rats were unsuccessful since it was impossible to keep the rats alive after operation. However, in adult rats, using four animals for each case, it was found that 6 days after adrenalectomy, GS activity of brain declined from 3.2 rt 0.1 units/mg protein (mean -I-SD.) in sham-operated controls to 2.26 + 0.07 unitslmg protein (mean of;S.D.) in the adrenalectomized animals. We conclude from these experiments that the developmental pattern of rat brain GS is regulated by adrenocorticosteroids. The natural ontogenic rise of the enzyme around days 13-15 is also coin43.7 !I 7.5 (mean


with the onset

Acknowledgement-Thanks one of us (D. Chatterjee)

of the function

of the rat adrenal

are due to the Indian with a Fellowship.



of Medical

on or about


day 14 afer birth.“,’

for sponsoring

the project

and supporting

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Ontogeny of glutamine synthetase in rat brain.

The developmental pattern of glutamine synthetase (GS) in rat brain has been studied with respect to that of the cells involved in the synthesis of th...
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