SCIENCE & PRACTICE Parkinson’s disease: pathophysiology

Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease is the only neurodegenerative disorder in which symptoms can be successfully treated long term. Nevertheless, despite the efficacy of levodopa and related compounds, patients experience increasing difficulties with time. They have to contend not only with drug-related abnormal movements, fluctuations in motor function, and psychological disturbances that may be improved by altering treatment, but also with drug-resistant complications such as gait disorders and intellectual deterioration that may be due to non-dopaminergic lesions. The major parkinsonian symptoms (akinesia, rigidity, tremor) result from massive destruction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. The selectivity of this lesion makes Parkinson’s disease an excellent model for the study of the mechanisms and causes of neuronal death in the ageing brain.


the substantia


nigra; and certain groups of adrenergic (dorsal vagal nucleus, sympathetic ganglia). This

list is not exhaustive. All of these neuronal systems deteriorate as the disease progresses but to different degrees. A complex clinical picture can result, which varies for each patient. The classic triad of motor symptoms develops mainly because of degeneration of ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic systems,s whereas early cognitive deficits (frontal syndrome and depression) probably arise from subcortical lesions. Later, damage to the cerebral cortex may contribute to a dementia syndrome in 15-20% of patients. Treatmentresistant postural and gait disorders probably result from loss of non-dopaminergic neurons, but which neurons are responsible remains to be identified.

Brain lesions Lesions and symptoms The nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons that project to the putamen-the predominantly "motor" part of the striatum-are more affected (85 %) than those that project to more "cognitive" areas, such as the caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens (75%). Dopaminergic neurons that project to cortical and limbic structures (mesocorticolimbic system) are less affected, as are those in the hypothalamus. The dopaminergic neurons in the central grey substance (near the aqueduct of Sylvius) and those extending to the spinal cord seem to be unaffected.2 Neuronal loss is therefore heterogeneous. Even in the most vulnerable structures, such as the substantia nigra, cell loss is never total, but evidence suggests that the process is continuous. HLA-DR-positive microglia are found in the substantia nigra,3 which suggests ongoing cell death; some dopaminergic neurons show altered morphology or reduced expression of certain neuron-specific genes (eg, for tyrosine hydroxylase);4 and neuronal loss in the substantia nigra is always less severe than dopamine depletion in the striatum, which suggests that cells may lose their capacity to synthesise dopamine before dying. Although striatal deficiency constitutes the bulk of parkinsonian abnormalities, other neuronal systems are also affected.2 These systems include noradrenergic (locus coeruleus), serotonergic (raphe), and cholinergic (nucleus basalis of Meynert) neurons that project to cortical and limbic structures; neurons containing peptides such as cholecystokinin-8 (substantia nigra), met-enkephalin, leuenkephalin, substance P (striatum and pallidum), somatostatin, and corticotrophin-releasing factor (cortex); unidentified cortical neurons showing Alzheimer-like neuropathological changes (about 50% of cases); cholinergic neurons

(pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus) projecting

Fig 1-Brain lesions in patients with parkinsonism. Motor symptoms may worsen despite treatment, perhaps because of increasingly complex combinations of dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic lesions. How these lesions contribute to symptoms becomes more evident when patients are categorised according to their response to levodopa. "Levodopa-responsive" patients show the first signs of an essentially akinetic-rigid syndrome before the age of 40, and derive considerable benefitfrom levodopa treatment. Motor scores at the time of maximum improvement with levodopa are mostly unchanged, although motor disability without treatment continues to increase. The continued response of these patients to treatment suggests that they have a severe but selective loss of dopamine in the striatum (fig 1 A), the output pathways ADDRESS: Neurology and Neuropsychology Service, and INSERM U 289, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, 47 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75634 Paris Cédex 13, France. Correspondence to Prof Y.

Agid (MD, PhD).


being essentially spared (fig 1 B). The response to levodopa in other patients decreases with time, with a subsequent parkinsonian syndrome that is largely drug-resistant, as in progressive supranuclear palsy. In this case, response to levodopa may be prevented by lesions of non-dopaminergic efferent neurons located downstream ("in series") from dopaminergic nerve terminals (fig 1 B). Most cases of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease lie between these extremes. Even in later stages of the diseaselevodopa still improves parkinsonian disablity, but not completely. Drug-resistant symptoms are mainly axial-eg, gait disorder and postural instability. In these patients, additional lesions cannot be downstream from nigrostriatal neurons or else they would antagonise effects on levodopa. They must, therefore, be situated "in parallel" with the dopaminergic lesion (fig 1 C).

Fig 2-Dopaminergic cell loss in the substantia nigra of patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The differences in the time

course of cell loss between idiopathic and disease point to causes for the idiopathic form that include both environmental and genetic factors.

postencephalitic Parkinson’s

Rate of degeneration of dopaminergic neurons

Dopaminergic neurons continue to be lost throughout the of Parkinson’s disease (fig 2). The rate of loss in the substantia nigra has been calculated at about 1 % per year (10 neurons per day), instead of 05% per year as in normal subjects.78 It is unclear whether loss is linear or exponential (dopamine depletion in the striatum approximates to an exponential model)but the rate differs between patients. Cell loss can range from being extremely severe (90%) after short periods of evolution to relatively mild (60%) after

Environmental factors


many years of illness.

hypothesis has received much attention since the discovery of the potent neurotoxin, 1-methyl-4-phenyl1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), which causes selective destruction of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of humans and primates. The motor symptoms and the extent to which monoaminergic neurons degenerate are indistinguishable from those in Parkinson’s disease, at least as it presents in early onset patients.5 Such findings suggest,

Regression analysis (fig 2) indicates that parkinsonian symptoms are seen only after dopaminergic neuronal loss has reached a certain threshold (70-80% nerve terminals in the striatum; 50-60% cell bodies in the substantia nigra). In the symptom-free period, when many cells have nonetheless been lost, dopaminergic transmission is maintained by increased activity of the remaining neurons and hypersensitivity of postsynaptic dopamine receptors.2 The chronic neuronal degeneration characteristic of Parkinson’s disease is not seen in postencephalitic parkinsonism, where rapid destruction of a large number of nigral dopaminergic neurons is followed by slow degeneration of those that remain, as in normal ageing (fig 2). To maintain chronic neuronal degeneration in Parkinson’s disease, the agent or factor responsible must be continuously present. The constant presence of an

but do not prove, that similar environmental agents may contribute to the idiopathic disease. The higher frequency of Parkinson’s disease in industrialised countries (chemicals, heavy metals, and pesticides) and rural areas (vegetable farming, well water, and wood pulp) supports such a view. 13 However, chronic intoxication by a specific compound is improbable because Parkinson’s disease is ubiquitous. The hypothesis that primary cell death, caused by an exogenous agent during the patient’s early or middle years, is followed by a gradual age-related decline in cell number, 14 although possible for postencephalitic parkinsonism, is not consistent with the idiopathic disease (fig 2). Combinations of genetic and environmental factors are also conceivable, such as genetically determined vulnerability to an exogenous agent that results in subacute toxic cell death or premature cell

environmental toxin would be consistent with this type of process, but permanent malfunction of neurons because of a genetic predisposition, resulting in either insufficient production of an essential protein or accumulation of toxic metabolites, must also be considered.



Ageing Although it is logical that ageing should contribute to pathological cell death, one would expect the frequency of Parkinson’s

Death of

dopaminergic neurons

Genetic factors

Heredity does not seem to be important in Parkinson’s disease.9 The frequency of a positive family history and the prevalence of the disease among first-degree relatives are the same in patients and controls. Furthermore, the concordance rates for monozygotic and dizygotic twins are similar, althouth these data alone do not exclude a genetic component to the disease." Early onset Parkinson’s disease, where familial cases are more frequent," may have a stronger genetic basis. Autosomal dominant transmission of idiopathic-like parkinsonism has also been described,12 which suggests that a single genetic anomaly can cause all the essential symptoms associated with the disease.

disease to increase with age. Some epidemiological studies suggest that this may be so, but others report that disease frequency decreases after 80 years of age. It is, therefore, difficult to draw conclusions from these data.15 Necropsy studies have suggested that the rate of loss of dopaminergic innervation in the caudate nucleus is similar whether the disease develops before or after 60 years of age.8 Furthermore, neuronal loss in the substantia nigra is less severe in late onset patients than in early onset patients despite similar disease durations.16 Although ageing probably does not have a major effect on dopaminergic neuron degeneration, symptom expression may be altered. Unlike early onset patients, those whose disease begins later in life have more severe frontal-lobe-like symptoms gait disorders, and postural instability.18


Mechanisms The

Lewy body

The presence of Lewy bodies (eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions), in addition to loss of pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra, is accepted as neuropathological confirmation of the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. These inclusions are also found in brain structures that are not necessarily catecholaminergic (such as the nucleus basalis of Meynert and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus). Lewy bodies are found in elderly patients who may have symptom-free Parkinson’s disease/9 in some patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and in diffuse Lewy-body disease, where inclusions are found disseminated throughout the brain. They may still have some specificity in Parkinson’s disease, however, since they are not found in the substantia nigra of patients with other parkinsonian syndromes where neurons degenerate (progressive dopaminergic supranuclear palsy, postencephalitic parkinsonism, and multisystem atrophy). It is unlikely that Lewy bodies, which contain normal cell constituents,2° cause degeneration of nigrostriatal or other neurons. An understanding of the process by which they are formed would help, however, to clarify the mechanism of neuronal degeneration.

Free radicals

Lipid peroxidation is selectively increased in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease,21 which suggests that free radicals are produced in excess and result in chronic local oxidative stress that may cause progressive degeneration of the nigral dopaminergic neurons. Free radicals are probably produced normally in large quantities in the human substantia nigra since there is an abundance of detoxifying enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase in dopaminergic neurons22 and glutathione peroxidase in glial cells. In parkinsonian patients, the activity of these enzymes is not especially abnormal .23 However, decreased concentrations of glutathione24 and increased activity of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase2’ suggest that excess free radicals may be

produced. Free radicals are formed during neuromelanin synthesis. Neuromelanin is found in most, but not all, mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons, these are the neurons that

degenerate in Parkinson’s disease, whereas unpigmented neurons (in the central grey substance) are spared.26 In addition, the more pigment these neurons contain, the more vulnerable they seem to be,27 an abundance of neuromelanin in a dopaminergic neuron could lead to its degeneration. However, less pigmented neurons degenerate as well, notably those in the ventrolateral part of the substantia nigra,28 which suggests that the pigment alone is not sufficient to cause cell death. Free radicals can also be generated in substantia nigra by oxidative degradation of dopamine by monoamine oxidase B, which is highly concentrated in this structure.29 This process may accelerate as remaining neurons increase their activity. Furthermore, iron concentrations are increased in the substantia nigra of parkinsonian patients,3O notably Lewy bodies,31 and may be related to an observed decrease in ferritin concentrations.32 Since iron facilitates formation of toxic hydroxyl (-OH) and superoxide (0’) radicals, as well as hydrogen peroxide, and has a predilection for neuromelanin,33 free radicals could be continuously produced in the substantia nigra.

Defective mitochondrial respiration A decreased activity of respiratory-enzyme complex 134,35 in the substantia nigra, but not in other brain regions36 of subjects with Parkinson’s disease, suggests that dopaminergic neurons might have defective mitochondrial energy metabolism. Complex-I activity has also been reported to be reduced in platelets from patients with Parkinson’s disease,37 but this observation has not been confirmed (Prof A. H. V. Schapira, personal communication). Complex-II activity is inhibited by MPP+, a metabolite of the neurotoxin MPTP, in laboratory animal models of Parkinson’s disease.38 An MPTP-like substance might, therefore, have a similar effect in parkinsonian patients. Alternatively, reduced complex-I activity could result from either a defective gene encoding abnormal complex-I proteins or a factor that regulates gene transcription. No deletions of mitochondrial DNA have been found,39 but further study of the mitochondrial genome is needed. Other hypotheses continue to be tested. The disease is not of viral origin,40 and is not an autoimmune disorder, although antibodies directed against substantia nigra have been found in cerebrospinal fluid of parkinsonian patients.41 The possibility that sulphur-conjugate metabolism is defective has also been proposed, since decreased thiolmethyltransferase activity has been reported in the blood of parkinsonian patients.’2 The fragility of irradiated fibroblasts may indicate impaired DNA repair mechanisms.43 A possible deficit in trophic factors essential for the survival of dopaminergic neurons is also being sought. The observation that brain-derived neurotrophic factor both increases the survival of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and reduces the cytotoxicity of MPP + in vitro may be crucial. 44 I thank Dr M.

Ruberg for her help with the text. REFERENCES


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Parkinson’s disease: management

Extensive recent research has led to renewed public interest in Parkinson’s disease and has consequently raised patients’ expectations about outcome of treatment. Such optimism is probably unjustified. Although the introduction of levodopa as replacement therapyl for the selective depletion of dopamine2 has been a qualified success, many long-term sequelae remain as insoluble difficulties for the clinician. Moreover, Parkinson’s disease mainly affects elderly people, whose quality of life may already be impaired by other disorders. Therapeutic failure, coexisting disease, and treatment-related complications are often forgotten in the excitement generated by the results of artificially controlled drug trials and descriptions of novel treatment strategies. I will begin by discussing the confounding factors that commonly limit the success of care given to Parkinson’s disease patients.

Treatment failures Confusional states

Attempts estimate the frequency of intellectual decline among patients with Parkinson’s disease have been largely to

unsuccessful. The first prospective community study of dementia associated with Parkinson’s diseaseshowed that 24-3% of patients were demented as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III Revised, and an unknown number were depressed and had milder signs of dementia. Most parkinsonian patients have mild intellectual disability as a result of frontal-lobe dysfunction;4 these deficits do not usually pose any difficulties in management. A substantial minority with progressive dementia are difficult to treat, and drug treatment itself may lead to hallucinosis. Other medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, syphilis, and intracerebral mass lesions may need to be excluded. Progressive intellectual decline raises the possibility of an incorrect initial diagnosis-Alzheimer’s disease,5 multisystem atrophyand cortical-Lewy-body disease must all be included in the differential diagnosis. Depression is common in Parkinson’s disease and can present as either physical or mental decline. ADDRESS Brook Regional Movement Disorder Clinic, Shooter’s Hill Road, Woolwich, London SE18 4LW, UK. Correspondence to Dr C G Clough (MRCP).

Parkinson's disease: pathophysiology.

1321 SCIENCE & PRACTICE Parkinson’s disease: pathophysiology Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease is the only neurodegenerative disorder in which symptoms...
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