Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by geneticists and developmental biologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1st April 1991 and 31st March 1992 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. • • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest. The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review.

Contents Pattern formation and developmental mechanisms

Myogenesis, haematopoeisis and organogenesis


Sex determination


Gametogenesis and maternal effects


Programmed cell cieath and cell ablation


Embryonic axis determination and segmentation


Cell lineages


Fertilization and early embryogenesis


Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix


Cell interaction and communication


Modeling and experiment in developmental biology


Spatial patterning of gene expression and transcriptional control


Limb development and regeneration


Homeobox genes and pattern formation


Stem cells Imprinting

675 676

Neurogenesis and neural development




Pattern formation and developmental mechanisms Gametogenesis and maternal effects Related review: Germ-plasm formation and germ-cell determination in Drosophila (pp 543-549) AI YJ, KRONF. KAc~TII: S-Alleles are Retained and Expressed in a Serf-Compatible Cultlvar of Petunla.Hybrida. Mol Gen G'c.tlel lOft)l, 230:353-358 ALllERGAA. Ik)IIIAYJL KEMPEE, DENNEFEU)C, HAEN1JN M: The Snail Gene Required for Mesoderm Formation in Drosophila is Expressed Dynamically in Derivatives of All T h r e e Germ Layers. Develo[mzent 1991. 111:983-992. AN(;~_~; B. MUllERAHJ, KEU£RMANNJ. ~LMYSENP: Differential Expression of Two Cadherins in Xenopus-Laevts. Developmen! 1991, lll:8-x)-8-FL ARCIONI L~ShMEONEA. GIIAT./JS. 7.Mq'AXaGNAV, BONCINEIIJ I:., MA\quo F: T h e Upstream Region of the Human Homeobox Gene HOX3D Is a Target for Regulation by Retinolc Acid and H O X Homeoprotelns. I£IIBOJ 1992, 11:26%277. [~AIIMGAR3"NI!RS, NOlJ. ~*l; Network of Interactions Among Pair-Rule Genes Regulating Paired Expression During Primordial Segmentation of Drosophila. Mecb Dev 1990. 33:1-18 BECRAF'I"PW, FREEI.INGM: Sectors of Llguleless-1 Tissue Interrupt an Inductive Signal During Maize Leaf Development. I~k~H Cell 1991, 3:801-807 []F.JARANX)ER, IJCIfrENbTEINC: Muta£tts Shed Light on Plant Development. Trends Genel 1992, 8:1-2. BIRCHI.ERJA. LIg,'INDM: Directed Synthesis of a .¢~-gmedital Chromosomal TralLsposltion - an Approach to the Study of Chromosomes Lethal to the Gametophyte Generation o f Maize. Gcmetics 1991, 127:609-618, BI.~CKMAN rK, SANICOIAM, RAFTERnt' I.t~, GILLEXq:'TT, GEIJ~ARTW/~I:An Extensive 3' Cis-Regulatory Region Directs the Imaginal Disk Expression

of Decapentaplegtc, a Member of the TGFbeta Family in Drosophila. Develc$~ment 1991, 111:657-665. I{IUMENFEIDM, MAURYM, CIIOU,Mll)"r, YANIVM, CONDA.MINE Ih Hepatic Nuclear Factor*l (HNFI) Shows a Wider Distribution Than Products of Its Known Target Genes in Developing Mouse. Del'elr$mlenl 1991, 113:589-599. BOlllJ!'rAM, la~'~1)& SAKONJUS: Molecular Definition of the Morphogenetic and Regulatory Functions and the Cls-Regulatory Elements of the Drosophila Abd-B Homeotlc Gene. Develqoment 1991, 111:393-t05 BOWSUMNJL~ Dsk~g~ GN, MEYEROWIYZEM: Expression of the Arabtdopsls Floral Homeotic Gene AGAMOUS is Restricted to Specific Cell Types Late in Flower Development. Phlnt CeU ItF)l, 3:7-i9 7~q BOW,~t~NJL S,M~q]I DR. MEYEROWn'/.EM: Genetic Interactions Among Floral Homeotlc Genes of Arabldopsis. Development 199l. 112:1 20 [~O"Xq'E.IJ. DDL Ilia T. MICIIAEL WM, I IACKE-I'F D, RI:IIIN GM: Analysis of the Enhancer Element that ControLs Expression of Sevenless in the Developing Drosophila Eye. I'IL~C,~/all ..1cad Sci/_' S ,'1 1991. 88:(~53-6857. BOYI~'q NIT,QUAILPH: Phytochrome a overcxpressinn Inhibits Hypocotyl Elongation in Transgenlc Axabldopsls. Proc NatlAcadSci US..I 1991. 88:10806-10810. BROWNJL SONODAS, UEI)AI l, ,~CO]'I"MI), ~:U C: Repression of the Drosophila Fushl Tarazu (ftz) Segmentation Gene. t~tIBOJ 1991, 10:6()5-67q. CAIiRERACV, AtO,'q'30MC: Transcriptional Activation by Heterodlmers of the Achaete Scute and Daughterless Geoe Products of Drosophllta. ~lIBOJ 1991, 10:2965-297,L CItANDLEEJM: Analysis of Developmentally Interesting Genes Cloned from Higher Plants by Insertinnal Mutagenesls - Review Paper. Det' G~,tlel 1991, 12:261-271.

(~) Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-437X

CIt~,~'; R: Gene Trek. P/am Cell 1991.3:6q%6q6 C-Ib~&~'~ R: An Odyssey of Flowering. I'lanl Cell 19)1, 3:745-746. CIt,x'k~N R: Searching for Signals. Plant Cell 1991, 3:8q8-850 Cpb~&~'~ R: Building Hyphae in the Air. Plant Cell 1991, 3:10,i8-H)50. CIIENJD, CIIA~NC.S, PIRROITAV: Conserved DNA Binding and Self-Assoclatinn Domains of the Drosophila Zeste Protein. Mo/Cell Bio11992, 12:59B-~O8, ClIRIS]IANJL GAXqN[3J, MCMAHONAP, MOONRT: Isolation of CDNAs Partially Encoding Four Xenopus Wnt1/int- 1-Related Proteins and Characterization of T h e i r Transient Expression During Embryonic Development. Dz.v Bio119)1, 143:23~234. (].MiK JK. StIERII)AN\VF: Isolation and Characterization of 51 Embryo-Specific Mutations of Maize. Pkttll Cell 1991, 3:935~51. CLARKJK, SIIERII)ANXVF:Isolation and Characterization • of 51 embo,o-xpec/fic Mutations of Maize. Plant Cell 1991.3:935-951. [5]. COEN ES, MI~'ERO~VZEM: The War of the Whorls: Genetic Interactions Controlling Flower Development. Nature 1991, 353:31-.36. CRONE W, I~RD EM: A Kinematic Analysis of Gynoecial Growth In Ltlinm- Longifiorum - Surface Growth Patterns in All Floral Organs are Triphastc. Dev Bio11991, 143:408-417. CRoxt)~a£ J, s,~tmt J, YANDELLB, JOHNSONJB: Stomata] Patterning in Tradescantia - ma Evaluation of the Cell Lineage Theory. Dev Bio11992, 149:158-167 DA%q[XSONOR. CRAXXqgcYA. HILLRE, TICKI~ C: Posllond e p e n d e n t Expression of Two Related Homeobox Genes in Developing Vertebrate Limbs [Letter]. Natltre 1991, 352:429-430. DAXq126ONEH: Spatial M e c h a n i s m of Gene Regulation in Metazoan Embryos. Development 1991. 113:1. DA\qS CA, HOIAfi'ARDDP, MILLENKJ, JOYNERAI: F2tamlnlng Pattern Formation in Mouse, Chicken and Frog Embryos with an En-Specific Antiserum. Develqoment 1991, 111:287-298.



Patternformation and developmental mechanisms Gametogenesis and maternal effects DEC~MILUS M, CHENG NI PIERRE D. BROCK H'~Xt:T h e P o l y h o m e o t i c Gone o f D r o s o p h i l a E n c o d e s a Chromatln Protein that Shares Polytene C h r o m o s o m e - b i n d i n g Sites w i t h P o l y c o m b . Gent" Lk,v 1992, 6:223-232. DENG X'X¢.CA_SPART. QUAILPH: c o p l : a r e g u l a t o r y Locus Involved Io Light C o n t r o l l e d D e v e l o p m e n t a n d G e n e E x p r e s s i o n in Arabldopsts. Genes IX, v 1991, 5:1172-1182. DF~s.'~MNS, GROSSCT, KIITaOI~AMA. MCGINNISW: Antptype H o m e o d o m a l o s h a v e DIstifict DNA B i n d i n g Speclficltles that C o r r e l a t e w i t h T h e i r D i f f e r e n t R e g u l a t o r y F u n c t i o n s in E m b r y o s . I~tlBOJ I992, 11:991-1002. DIIE~ GN. BOWMANJ k MEYErO',VTIZEM: Negative Regulation of the Arabldopsls Homeotlc Geoe AGAMOUS by t h e APETALA2 P r o d u c t . Cell 1991, 65:991-1002. Dt!l)n~ D, BOGRE L GYOrGYliYJ: M o l e c u l a r a n d C e l l u l a r • A p p r o a c h e s to t h e Analysis o f P l a n t E m b r y o D e v e l o p m e n t f r o m Somatic Cells I n Vlero. J C'ull ~ i 1991, 99: 475--484. [17]. D|IDU~" M. POE~IIG RS: T h e Effect o f a H e t e r o c h r o n i c Mutation, T e o p o d 2 , o n t h e Cell Lineage o f t h e Maize Shoot. D ~ , e h ~ m ~ H I~)1. 111:733-739, EKKERSC. "fOVNG KE. VON KESSleR Dr. BEAClrt"PA~ O p t i m a l DNA S e q u e n c e R e c o g n i t i o n by t h e U l t r a b i t h o r a x H o m e o d o m a l n o f D r o s o p h i l a . I.~ttBO/ 1091. lO:l |79 1186 EIJX)N ED. PIRROTrAV: I n t e r a c t i o n s o f t h e D r o s o p h i l a Gap Gone Giant w i t h M a t e r n a l a n d Z y g o t i c P a t t e r n . F o r m i n g Genes. Dot ,elopmenl 109 I. 111:307 ERRAMPAIJJ D. PATI'ON D. CAY,IZE L MICKEI.~ONL I+b~NSEN K, ~;ItNAIL J. FEIJ)%L~'~NK. MEINKI!I): E m b r y o n i c Lethals a n d T-DNA I n s e r t i o n a l M u t a g e n e s i s in Arabtdopsis. Pktnl Ct,l11991. 3:1-19 1"~7. I:EmN?o%a)F.ZDE. TURNER I:R, Crol+CII ML I n s l t u LOcalizatiOn Of stOrage p r o t e i n M e s s e n g e r RNA.s in D e v e l o p i n g M e r i s t e m s o f B r a s s i c a . N a p o s Embryos. Det'elopme~H 1991. 311:29%313 FIANAGANJR, MIIIZAI"A M, BI~RKE t)A. SIIIIL~YOSIII Y. AI'PEIJA E..~IIARP I)A. OI.&TO K: Negative R e g u l a t i o n o f t h e Major H i s t o c o m p a t l b i l l t y C o m p l e x Class-I P r o m o t e r In E m b r y o n a l C a r c i n o m a Cells. / ' ~ N a t l A c a d S c i U S A It~)l. 88:31-15 31-191 FRACFtEBOttDY, KIN(; PJ: An A u x i n - A u x o t r o p h l c Mutant o f N i c o t i a n a - P i n n t b a g i n i f o l l a . Mo/Ge~l Ge~let 1991. 227:397-400 I:RIq'/-E K. STAIGERD. C2".~.JAI. \VAIJ)EN R+SCIIEIJ. J, \X'ING D: D e v e l o p m e n t a l a n d LP¢ Light R e g u l a t i o n o f t h e S n a p d r a g o n C h a l c o n e S y n t h a s e P r o m o t e r . PlaHt G,II Iq91, 3:893-905. FtlIrMKINA. I/,~NGINI7~ BENVEIIIII)AA, GRtlI{NrI~AIIbl Y, I:MN~)I) A: A C h i c k e n Caudal H o m o l o g u e , CHox-cad, is E x p r e s s e d in t h e Epiblast w i t h P o s t e r i o r Localization a n d In t h e Early E n d o d e r m a l Lineage. Deveh~oment 1991, 112:21)7-219. GAUl. U, WEIGEI. D: R e g u l a t i o n o f K r u p p e l E x p r e s s i o n in t h e Anlage o f t h e M a l p l g h l a n T u b u l e s in t h e D r o s o p h i l a Embryo. 3/t~'/, Dot" It~), 33:57 ~ . ] IARI.EY\rR. JACIL~3N DI, I[EXI"AIJ.pJ, HAWKINSJR. BERKO~.qTz GD, .'~,~C.K&NAllI&N S, I~Rq!IJJ~M~.;E R. (~XM3F~IJ£)W PN: D N A R i n d i n g A c t i v i t y o f R e c o m b l n a n l SRY f r o m N o r m a l Males a n d XY Females. Science 1992, 255:-153--1~) I [E X. GERREROR. SIMMONSDM, PARK RE.. IJN CJR, SxX',~NSON L\V. R(~ENFELI) MG: Tst-1, a M e m b e r o f t h e POU D o m a i n Gone Family, Binds t h e p r o m o t e r o f t h e Gone E n c o d i n g t h e Cell Surface A d h e s i o n M o l e c u l e Po. Mol Cell Bio11991. 11:1739 17qq. I IEMMAllBRIVANIX~HA, DEIATORREJR, HOIX C. H±~RIAND RM: C e p h a l i c E x p r e s s i o n a n d M o l e c u l a r C h a r a e t e r i z a t i o u o f X e n o p u s En-2. Del,elo#me.t 11)91. 111:715-72-t HERR.%UL'qNBG: E x p r e s s i o n P a t t e r n o f t h e B r a c h y u r y Gone In W h o l e - M o u n t T W | s / T W I s M u t a n t Embryos. Deveh~mle.11991. 113:013 11(~=II M, SEIFV.KI"E, JACKLE II: Gone E x p r e s s i o n M e d i a t e d by Cls Acting S e q u e n c e s o f t h e Kt'uppel G o n e in Response to t h e D r o s o p h U l a M o r p h o g e o s BIcold and H u n c h b a c k . F211BOJ 1991. 10:2267-2278. IIIq CC* MAI~UNO K. I!ENO K. SUZUKI\': M o l e c u l a r C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n a n d Silk G l a n d E x p r e s s i o n o f B o m b y x E n g r a l l e d a n d I n v e c t e d Genes. I ' ~ Natl Acad Sci II S ..I 1992. 89:167-171. IBA K. TAKAMWAKI. TOH Y. SATOII I'1. NISItlMURAM: F o r m a t l o o o f F u n c t i o n a l l y Active C h l o r o p l a s t s is D e t e r m i n e d at a L i m i t e d Stage o f Leaf D e v e l o p m e n t in VIrescent M u t a n t s o f Rice. Dry Genet 1991. 12:3-i2-348. IP "1"]', KRAUTR, IJ~qNE M. RtlSItlDW CA: T h e D o r s a l M o r p h o g e n is a Sequence-Specific DNA-BIndlng Protein that Interacts w i t h a L o n g . R a n g e R e p r e s s i o n E l e m e n t In D r o s o p h i l a . Cell 1991, 64:439-446. IRISH EE, NELSONTbl: I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f M u l t i p l e Stages in t h e C o n v e r s i o n o f Maize M e r i s t e m s f r o m

V e g e t a t i o n to Floral D e v e l o p m e n t . Development le/91, 112:891 IR~qNE KD. IIElYANI)SL [ ICK3NI"g-g DS: T h e Large U p s t r e a m Control Region of the Drosophila Homeotlc G e n e UltrabLthorax, Development VX)I, 111:q07. ISHIDABK: D e v e l o p m e n t a l R e g u l a t i o n Is A l t e r e d in t h e Calyx D u r i n g I n v i t r o O v a r y C u l t u r e o f T o m a t o , Pkt,'lt Cell ICY)l, 3:219 223 JACKJ. DOK'~Eqq"D. DEIOT10 Y. LIU S: E x p r e s s i o n o f t h e Cut LOCUS in t h e D r o s o p h i l a W i n g M a r g i n is R e q u i r e d for Cell T y p e S p e c i f i c a t i o n a n d is R e g u l a t e d by a D i s t a n t E n h a n c e r . Developmeut 1991, 113:735-7-t7 JACK.~ON D, CtlUANF~'a%U%C~AI:. PRF-~COlq+AG, ROBERI?iK, MAR'ONC: E x p r e s s i o n P a t t e r n s o f Myb G e n e s f r o m A n t i r ~ h i n u m Flowers, I'la,t C'ell I~)1, 3:115-125. .IA'OqF^';JB, O'I:ARREU.PI I: Active R e p r e s s i o n o f T r a o s c r i p t l o n by t h e E n g r a l l e d H o m e o d o m a l o P r o t e i n , PLtllJDJ I~)1, 10:1427-1-i34. Joslt!s II, \VAI.T]IERC, GRI 'K~;P: T h e M u r i n e P a i r e d Box Gone, Pax7, is E x p r e s s e d Specifically D u r i n g the Development of the Nervous and Muscular System. ,~h,ch Dry 1990+ 3 3 : 2 7 - . ~ IIIRGENS G, MAYERU, "]'ORRL%RHZ lb\, BERI~7111T. MISE~X g o S: G e n e t i c Analysis o f P a t t e r n F o r m a t i o n In T h e ArabLdoJ~ls E m b r y o . D e r e h g m w m 1991. 1 (suppl):27-38. [19]. KAGAN ML SACIIS"]': D e v e l o p m e n t o f I m m a t u r e S t o m a t a - E v i d e n c e for E p l g e n e t t c S e l e c t i o n o f a S p a c i n g P a t t e r n . Dot' Bio11991, 146:100-105 KAO KR. IIoPWOOD ND: E x p r e s s l o o o f a MRNA Related to c - r o l a n d Dorsal In Early X e n o p u s Lae~ds E m b r y o s . I ' ~ : Natl rk2*d Sci I' S A 1991. 88:2697 -27OI. KA1AGIPJ F. CIII;A NIl: Plant T r a n s c r i p t i o n Factors Present Knowledge and Future Challenges. TrencL~ Genet 1992, 8:22-27 KEIhNANMJ. KUROI)AMI. KREBERR. BAKERIIS, GANEI'ZKYB: napts, a M u t a t i o n Affecting S o d i u m C h a n n e l Activity In D r o s o p h i l a , is an Allele o f Mle, a R e g u l a t o r o f X - C h r o m o s o m e T r a n s c r i p t i o n . C'el/ 1991, 66:0q9- 959 KIIJJSCII l, IX)l"lq CG. IAI]RIE D.I. IJII)I)I!NS [ I, SEEBI!RG PI I: E x p r e s s i o n P a t t e r n s o f GABAA R e c e p t o r S u b t y p e s in D e v e l o p i n g H i p p o c a m p a l N e u r o n s . Neuron 1991, 7:927-936. KNOX JP. [JNSql:.AI)I~L PIL.%RTJ. CLXM,I~I~C, ROBERt~ K: • D e v e l o p m e n t a l l y R e g u l a t e d E p l t o p e s o f Cell Surface A r a b i n o . g a l a e t a n P r o t e i n s and T h e i r R e l a t i o n to Root T i s s u e P a t t e r n F o r m a t i o n . IqatH ./ It?)l, 1:31 "~ 326 [30]. KC~I:ER \V. GIJMEIJIIS K. I'k)NNErI" I IT: Modifications o f M l t o c h o n d r t a l DNA Cause C h a n g e s in Floral D e v e l o p m e n t in H o m e o t l c - L t k e Mutants o f T o b a c c o . Plant Cell 1 9 9 1 . 3 : 7 5 ~ 7 6 9 K(X)I~NNI!EFM. I IANIIARI" (~l, VANDERVI~ENJll: A G e n e t i c a n d P h y s i o l o g i c a l Analysis o f Late F l o w e r i n g Mutants in A r a b t d o p s i s - t h a l l a n a . 3hd Gen Goner 1991, 229:57-66. KOTJ.O~IKI Nrr. GAN L VENI+'11JM. SAWAIY.X;OM. KL.EIN\xq l: Sea U r c h i n USF - a Helix-Loop-Helix P r o t e i n Active In E m b r y o n i c E c t o d e r m Cells. Dry Biol I~)1, 348:62~3(I. KRAI'SS S, JOIbL%SI!NT, KOI&JI V. F.IOSEA: E x p r e s s i o n P a t t e r n o f Z e b r a f i s h Pax G e n e s Suggests a Role in Early Brain R e g i o n a l i z a t i n n [Letter]. Naturv 1991. 353:267 269 KgAIq R. I.E\qNE M: Spatial R e g u l a t i o n o f t h e Gap Gone G i a n t D u r i n g D r o s o p h i l a D e v e l o p m e n t . Det+elopnle~lt 1991, 311:601 609. Kl~xtq It, LFTVtNE,%|: M u t u a l l y R e p r e s s i v e I n t e r a c t i o n s B e t w e e n t h e Gap G e n e s G i a n t a n d K r u p p e l Define M i d d l e Body R e g i o n s o f t h e D r o s o p h i l a E m b r y o . Det'elopment 1~)1. 133 :fi I I -(~2I KRI"t'l" FAE. VANDI~NIIRINKCE. DEFIZI! IJ [K. DONAI~il MJ. K/L~;1SER p. KRI'IIERW. CIIAMIIt)N P, VANDEK%XAGPT: T r a n s c r i p t i o n a l R e g u l a t i o n o f R e t i n o l c Acid Receptor.beta In Retinolc Acid-Sensitive a n d Acid-Resistant P39- E m b r y o c a r e i n o m a Cells..ih~:b Del' IC#)l. 33:171 178. Klrf) CJ, CONI]'3' Pfi, CIIEN L SI..%I)EKFM. 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M a t e r n a l G o n e R e q u i r e d for P r o p e r F o r m a t i o n of the Dots•ventral

Morphogen Gradient

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Fertilization and early embryogenesis Related reviews: Vertebrate gastrulation (pp 556-561)t; Calcium signaling at fertilization (pp 642-646) ABI)ALLMI[~. HOURDEYJ, DF_~IIAAIPSS, DENISH, MAZABRAUD & The Genes Encoding th e Major 42S Storage Particle Proteins a r e Expressed in Male and Female Germ Cells of Xenopus-Laevls. Development 1991. 113:851-856. AnXENJ: Reproductive Biology: do Sperm Find Eggs Attractive. Nature i991. 351:i9. /OtAYA i5. MVSCITJ, KlI~CHNERhr~r: Express|no of a u o Domlmmt Negative Mutant of the FGF Receptor Disrupts Mesoderm Formation In Xenopus Embryos. Cell 1991, 66:256-270. [21';]. t'~NI)RIi~X~GK, I ltrE111UIX~ONYM, PAIOABC. MC~,L~.hTERMT, DE SK, DEYSK: Metallothlooelo Gene Expression and Metal Regulation During p r e imp la n ta tlo n Mouse Embryo Development (MT Messenger RNA D u r i n g Early Development). IX.t, Bio11991, 145:i3-27. ARI~LIMI T, MORIYA N. [ICIIIYAAIA H,/~tSHIMA M: Concentration-Dependent Inducing Activity of Actlvin-A. Roto..'~Arch Det' Biol i99i, 200:230-233. ~SADAKLIBOTAM. KUIIOTAI iY: Furrow-Related Contractions are Inhibited But FurrowUnrelated Contractions are not Affected In Af Mutant Eggs of Xenopus-Laevis. DeE Bio1199i. 147:3~-i-362. ASAHIMAM, NAK~'qOH, UCIIIYAMA1t, SIIGINOI1, NAKAMI1K.~ T, 1"1"OY, EJIMAD, DAgqDSM, PI.E%qDWS, CICIIOCKA i: Folllstatln Inhibits the blesoderm Inducing Activity of Actlvin a and the Vegatalizing Factor from Chicken Embryo. Rou.x~Ard7 DeE Bio11991, 200:4-7. AE,ASHIMAM, NAKANOI [, UCIIIYAMAII, SIIGINO[-I. NAKAMIIRA "r. ETO Y, EJIMAD, NISIIIMAq~,US.I, UENON, KINOSItn'AK: presence of Actlvtn (ery'throld Differentiation Factor) in Unfertilized Eggs and Blastulae of Xenopus Laevis, Pr¢£ Nat/Acad Sci U S A 199i, 88:65i 1-65 i,i. AZtZM, ALrXANDREH: The Origin of the Nascent Blastocoele In Prelmplantation Moose Embryos -Ultra.structural Cytochemistry and Effect of Chloroquine. Rott~ Ard: DeE Bio11991, 200:7%85. BAROFFIOA. DtlPIN E, LEDOIIARINNM: Common precursors for Neural and Mesectodermal Derivatives in the Cephalic Neural Crest. Det.etopment 1991, 112:30i-305. BIIATr H, BRI1NETIJ. STEWAKI"CL: Uterine Expression of Leukemia i n h i b i t o r y Factor Coincides with the Onset of Blastocyst Implaotatinn. proc NaaAcad Sci U S A 19¢)i,gg:i 1408-11qi2. BRL%ENST, WEISBIAT[)A~ Transcription in Leech Messenger RNA Synthesis is Required for Early Cleavages In Heinbdeila Embryos. DeE Bio11991. 146:12-23. BOSWEU.RE, PHOLn"ME. Sq'EICIIENJr: MutatIons In a Newly Identified Drosophila-Melanogaster Gene, Mago Nashi, Disrupt Germ Cell Formation and Result in the Formation of Mirror-Image Symmetrical Double Abdomen Embryos. Development 1991. 113:373-384. BOLFIqNEL, BATll£ E, CLINI4AGR2 The Response of Female Urogenital Tract Epithelia to Mesenchymal ioductora Is Restricted by the Germ Layer Origin of the EpitheUum -Prostatic Inductions. D~erentiation 1991, 48:99-i05. BP~NDRIFFBF, GORDON LA. SEGRAVF2;I~ PINKELD: The Male-Derived Genome after Sperm-Egg Fusion - Spatial Distribution

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and Paternal-Maternal Geoomlc Association. Cbrom~x~oma i991, 100:262-266. BRAWLErSH: The Fast Block Against Polyspermy in Fucold Algae Is an Electrical Block. Det, Biol i991, 144:94-106.

BRONNERFR~%ERM, STERNC: Effect~ of Mesodermal Tissues on Avian Neural Crest C~il Migration. Dev B/O/1991, 143:213-217. BROWNJIG. ~/IffI'I]NGHAMDG: T h e Roles o f Pyruvate, Lactate and Glucose During P r e l m p l a n t a t l o n Development of Embryos from FI Hybrid Mice Invltro. Der~?lopment 1991, II2:99--105. BUCKWIt RANOWTI. SIIENSS: Synergistic Release of * Calcium In Sea Urchin Eggs by Caffeine and Ryanodine. k2ap Cell Res 1992, :. [39]. BURKERD. MYEIL~RL SEX'YONTL,JACK.~)NC: Cell Movements During Initial Phase o f Gastrulatioo in th e Sea Urchin Embryo. DeE Bio11991, 146:542-557. CAPO'~KI EE, MARTINP, GAR~.qNC, STROMES: identification o f Grandchildless Loci Whose Products are Required for Normal Germ-Line Development In th e Nematode CaenorhabdltisEingans. Geneli~ 1991. 129:1061-1072. CARRED, ROt~tlEREC, SARDETC: invttro Fertilization in Ctenophores - Sperm Entry, Mitosis, a n d the Establishment of Bilateral Symmetry tn BeroeOvata. Dev Bio11991, 147:381-391. CA~OLLJ. SWANNK: Spontaneous Cytosolie Calcium • Oscillations Driven by inosltol Trlsphosphate Occur During in Vllro Maturation of Mouse Oocytes. J Biol Cbem 1992, :. [47[. C&SClo S, ZAP&'TKS: Hepatocyte Differentiation Initiates During Endodermal-Mesenehymal Interactions Pr io r to Liver Formation. Develqomen11991, 113:217. CHO k'~t ", BIMMBERGB, STEINBESSERH, DE ROBERT1SEM: • Molecular Nature of Spemann's Organizer: t h e Role of the Xenopus Homeobox Gene gooseco/d in Gastrulation. Cell 1991, 67:1111-1120. [28¢]. CHOI T, AOKIF, MORJM, YAMASIII'rAM, t'~AGAHAMAY, KOIIMOTOK: Activation of P34edc2 Protein K l n a ~ Activity in Meiotic and Mitotic Cell Cycles in Mouse Oocytes a n d Embryos. Development 1991. 113:789-795. CtlRlhTb~'qJl. MCMAHON J& blCMAIION AP, MOON RT: Xwnt-8, a Xenopos Wnt-1/int-l-Related Gene Responsive to Mesoderm-lndueing Growth Factors, May Play a Role in Ventral Mesodermal Patterning During Embryogenesls. Development 1991, 111:1045-1055. CIIRISTI/uXJL OI.%ONDJ, MOON RT: Xwnt-8 Modifies the Character o f Mesoderm Induced by BFGF in Isolated Xenopus Ectoderm. EMBOJ I9¢)2, 11:33--il. CIAI'A B, BORGB. WHITAKER/vlJ: Polyphospholnosltlde • Metabolism During the Fertilization Wave in Sea Urchin Eggs. Development 1992, 115:. [21]. CORIIINV, MICItEI.SONAM, ABMAYRSM, NEELV, ALCAMOE, bLVqlAllST, YOUNGi'd~V: A Role for t h e Drosophila Neurogentc Geoes In Mesoderm Differentiation. Cell 1991.67:311-323. COUI.ONBUBLE'XM, DOREt.C: The Arrest of Embryogenesls at Gastrula Stage tn the Dlapausing Silkworm Bombyx-Mort is Related to the Synthesis of Protein-P61. Rou.x.~ArdJ DeE ltio11991, 199:469-475. I)AIE B, S&x'II~UAL TOSTIE: Gap-junctional Permeability In Early and Cleavage-Arrested Ascldlan Embryos. Lk.~,elopmem 1991, 112:153-160. D.~'qtl~lUK MV, DENEGREJM: Deep Cytoplasmic Rearrangements During Early Development in Xenopus.Laevis. Development 1991, 111:845-856. DARDIK A, SCtILILTZRbi: Blastocoel Expansion in t h e Preimplantation Mouse Embryo - Stimulatory Effect of TGF-alpha and EGF. Derelopment 1991, 113:91%930. DElaRUE M, SANCItEZS, JOHN~N KE. DARRIB~qET, e BOUCAtrrJ.C: A Fate Map of Superficial and Deep Clrcumblaatoporal Cells In t h e Early Gastrula of P l e u ~ d e l e $ WalIL I.k.velopment 1992, 114:135-1.16.


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Patternformation and developmental mechanisms Fertilization and early embryogenesis Raised Against a Fragment o f Its Extracellular Domain. J Cell Bind 1992, 116:647. FUNDELER. HO~Xq.ETrSK, KOTIbLqYR. NORRISML WE, SDRA~tMA: Developmental Potential o f Parthenogenetic Cells - Role o f GenotypeSpecific Modifiers. Detv_.lopment 1991. 113:941-9q6 GAUO~E& LEE HC, BU.~ WB: Ca 2 + .Induced Ca • 2 + Release in Sea Urchin Egg Homogenates: Modulation by Cyclic ADP-Ribose. Science 1991, 253:1143-1146. [41]. GARDNERCA. BARALDKF: The Cellular Envir onme nt • Controls the F.xpresslon of engralled.llke Protein in the Cranial Neuroepltheilum of Quail-Chick Chimeric Embryos. Der~,lqoment 1991, 113:1037-1048. [34t]. Gt~'EILS P, TIMMEPJdAN~LPP,I: Dye-Coupling and the Formation and Fate of the Hypohlast in the TeleosI Fish Embryo, Barbus-Conehonlus. Det~elopment 1991, 112:431-438. GIUDT i, CIM)AB, PAYANP, ~MU3ETC: T h e Calcium Content of Cortical Granules and the Loss of Calcinm from Sea Urchin Eggs at Fertilization. Dez, Bio11991, 146:596-~05. GIN~BERGD, DESIMONED, GEIGEEB: Expression o f a Novel Cadherin (EP-Cadherln) in Unfertilized Eggs and Early Xenopus Embryos. Development 1991, 111:3i5. GLM~ECG, CLARK D: The Sequence of the M b a c i a Punctulata Binding CDNA and Implications for the Structural Basis of Species.Specific Sperm Adhesion and Fertilization. Dev B i l l 19x91, 143:282-9-88. GODIN i. DEEDIL COOKEJ, ZSEIkO K. DEXTERM, ~tYIJECC: EffeCtS of the Steel Gene Product on Mouse Primordizl Germ Calls in Culture [Letter]. Nailer•, 1991, 352:807-808. GODIN I, W~a1ECC: TGF Beta1 Inhibits Proliferation and Has a Chemotrnphlc Effect on Mouse Primordial Germ Cells in Culture. De~x'lopment 1991. 113:i45i-l-157. GODKNECIITA. HONEGGEETG: Isolation, Characterization, a nd Localization of a SpermBound N.Acetylglucosaminidase that is Indispensable for Fertilization in the Ascldlan, Phalinsla.Mammillata. Dev Bird 1991. 143:598-407 GOt)SAVESF, SLACKJMW: Single Cell Analysis o f Mesoderm Formation in the Xenopus Embryo. Det~,lopment 1991. 111:523-530. GOULDMC, STEPH~OJl~ PepOdes from Sperm Acrosomal Protein that Initiate Egg Development. Dev Bird 1991, 146:509--518. HAN JK, FDK&~IIK, NUCCITEIJJ R: Reducing Inosttol Lipid n H y d r o l y s i s , I n s ( 1 , 4 , 5 ) P 3 Receptor Availability, or Ca 2 + Gradients Lengthens the Duration of the Cell Cyde in Xenopus Laeu/s Blast•meres. ,/ Cx,II Bio11992, 116:147-156. [22]. HANAOKA K, HAYASAKAM, NOGUCIII T, KATO Y: The Stem Cells of a Primordial Germ Cell-Derived Teratocarclnoma have the Ability to Form Viable Mouse Chimeras. D~erentiation 1991, 48:83-87. K~v~" MB, KAVEPL: IGF-2 ReCeptors Are 1st Expressed at the 2-Cell Stage o f Mouse Development. Development 199i, 111:1057-1060. I~RVEY RP: Widespread Expresalon o f MyoD Genes in Xenopus Embryos is Amplified in Presumptive Muscle as a Delayed Response to Mesoderm Induction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991, 88:9198-9202. HEBERTJM, BOYI£M, MAI¢I]NGI~ Messenger RNA Localization Studies Suggest that Murine FGF5 Plays a Role in Gastrulatinn. Dvvelopment 1991, 112:407--t 15. HORTONJS, RAPERCA: A Mushroom.Inducing DNA Sequence Isolated from the Basldinmyeete, Schizophyllum-Commune. Genetics 1991. I29:707-7i6. HOULISTONE. ELIN~DNRP: Evidence for the Involvement of Mint•tubules. ER. and IGnesin in the Cortical Rotation of Fertilized Frog Eggs. J C_~,llBio11991, 114:1017-1028. HOWLETTSK, REIKW: Methylatinn Levels o f Maternal and Paternal Gnu•rues During Pr e lmpla nta tio n Development. Development 1991, 113:119-127. HONNICUTrGR. SNELLWJ: Rapid a nd Slow Mechanisms for Loss of Cell Adhesiveness During Fertilization in Chlamydomonas. De•, Bird 1991, 147:216-224. HUm T, LUO,FC, RUDE~t~ JV: The Requirements for Protein Synthesis a nd Degradation, and the Control of Destruction o f Cyclln.A and CyclinB in the Meiotic and Mitotic Cell Cycles of the Clam Embryo. J Cell Bio11992, 116:707-724. JAFFE LF: The Path o f Calcium in Cytosollc Calcium n Oscillations: a Unifying Hypothesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1991, 88:9883-9887. [6]. JANECZEKJ, BORNJ, HOPPE P, TIEDEMANNH: Partial Characterization o f Neural-Inducing Factors

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Cell interaction and communication Related reviews: The role of Wnt genes in vertebrate development (pp 562-566)t; Cell interactions in plants (pp 571-575) AGRILS-nC, ALOISIF, I~1 G: Heterntyplc and Homotyplc Cellular Interactions Influencing the Growth and Differentiation of Rlpotentlal Ollgodeudrocyte- Type-2 Astrocyte Progenitors in Culture. Oev liiol 1991, 144:16-29. ALLENF, WPdhNERA: Gap Junctional Communication During Neuromuscular J u n c t i o n Formation. Neuron 1991.6:101-111, ALTAI}AAR/,JF_~';Etl.TM: Retinolc Acid Modifies the Pattern o f Cell Differentiation in the Central Nervous System of Neurnla Stage Xenopus Embryos. Develqonlenl 1991. 112:~i5-958 A?,UVCAE, MUgl TJ, KIILSCIINERh~V: Expression o f a e e Dominant Negative Mutant of the FGF Receptor Dlsrnpts Mesoderm Formation in Xenopus Embryos. Cell 1991, 66:257-270. [381]. ARIKAWAK, MOIDAYLL MOLDAYRS, WILU~LSDS: Loeallaation of p e r i p h e r i n / r d s in the Disk Membranes of Cone and Rod Photoreceptors Relationship to Disk Membrane Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneratinn. J Cell Bio11992, 116:659~67. AROIANRV, STERNBERGPW: Multiple Functions o f Let23, a Caenorhabdhls-elegaos Receptor Tyrosine Kinuse 6 e n e Required for Vulval Induction. Genetic.~ 1991, 128:251-267. AffI'AVANI.~IT~ON.~gS, SIMPSONP: Choosing a Cell Fate a View from th e Notch Locus. Trend~ Genet 1991, 7:403-408. t~.%SEIJNEAUD, DAI£ BA, BEP~NARDBA: Filaggrtn Production by Cultured Human Epidermal Keratinocytes and Its Regulation by Retinoic Acid. D~erentiation 1990. 45:221-229. A.WIGIANOS, BARKAIU, AB.~ZU^ P, TAN S, HAIIPERNIl, SHE~,t~ Mh Changes ill Gene Expression Following Exposure of NulII-SCCI Murine Embryonal Carcinoma Cells to Inducers of Differentiation - Characterization o f a DownRegulated Messenger RNA. D~erentiation 1991, 46:61-67. ATI'ISANOL, WR/hNAJL CtIEIFET/.S. ~,t&exSAGUEJ: Novel AcUvtn Receptors - Distinct Genes and Alternative Messenfier RNA SpUcIng Generate



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Spatial paUerning of gene expression and transcriptional control Related review: Pattern formation in the

flowering plant embryo (pp 567-570) AI h~, KRON E, KAO VH: S-Alleles are R e t a i n e d a n d E x p r e s s c d in a S e l f . C o m p a t i b l e C u l t i v a r o f P e t u n i a - H y b r i d a . Mol Gun Genet 1991, 230:353-358 tMJJERGAA, BotrI.AYJI., KEblPE E, DENNEFI~IJ)C, HAENLIN M: T h e Snail G e n e R e q u i r e d for M e s o d e r m F o r m a t i o n in D r o s o p h i l a is E x p r e s s e d D y n a m i c a l l y In D e r i v a t i v e s o f All T h r e e G e r m Layers. Development 1991, 111:983-9)2. t~NGRES B. MULLERA]-0. KE.U.EI~,t.~NNJ, HADSEN P: D i f f e r e n t i a l E x p r e s s i o n o f T w o C a d h e r i n s In Xcnopus.Laevis. Due'ells.hunt 1991, 111:829-8-i-L AECIONI L SIMEONEA. Gt b~JJ S. 7~XEPA~IGNAV, BONCINEIJ3 E, Nb~XllJOF: T h e U p s t r e a m R e g i o n o f t h e H u m a n H o m e o b o x G e n e HOX3D Is a T a r g e t for R e g u l a t i o n by R e t i n o l c Acid a o d HOX H o m e o p r o t e i n s . £ I I B O J 1992, 11:265-277. BAt'MGAR1,'NER.%. NUll. M: N e t w o r k o f I n t e r a c t i o n s A m o n g Pair-Rule G e n e s R e g u l a t i n g P a i r e d Expression During Primordial Segmentation of D r o s o p h i l a . ,tlt~h Dry 1990, 33: I-I H BECRAFf px~t, FREEIJNG M: SeCtOrs o f Llguleless-I T i s s u e I n t e r r u p t an I n d u c t i v e Signal D u r i n g Maize Leaf D e v e l o p m e n t . Platll C~,l[ 1991, 3:801-H07 BIgAK.~,NOEr. [JCIt]~NS'I~:]INC: Mutant5 S h e d Light o n P l a n t D e v e l o p m e o t . TrenrL~ Gene! 1992, B:1-2. BIRCHLErJA. I.EXqNDM: D i r e c t e d S y n t h e s i s o f a Segmental Chromosomal Transposition - an A p p r o a c h to t h e Study o f C h r o m o s o m e s Lethal to t h e G a m e t o p h y t e G e n e r a t i o n o f Maize. Genetic.~ 19)1, 127:(~09 6 l g BIACKMAN RK, SIMNICOIAM, RAFrERY1#'%GII.IJiVEr T. GEIJ~ARTWM: All E x t e n s i v e 3' Cls-Regulatory Region Directs the lmaginal Disk Expression o f D e c a p e n t a p l e g l c , a M e m b e r o f t h e TGFb e t a Family In D r o s o p h i l a . Develop#lute/1991. 111:657-665. BI.UMENFEIJ)M, ,%LMIRYM, CIIt)UARDT, YANWM, CONI)~t-MINE I1: H e p a t i c N u c l e a r Factor-I (HNF1) Shows a W i d e r D i s t r i b u t i o n T h a n P r o d u c t s o f its K n o w n T a r g e t G e n e s in D e v e l o p i n g Mouse. Development 1991.113:589-~99. BOt~LET&\l, IJ~OVD& SAKONJUS: M o l e c u l a r D e f i n i t i o n o f the Morphogcoetlc and Regulatory Functions a n d t h e CIs-Regulatory E l e m e n t s o f t h e D r o s o p h i l a AbcI-B H o m e o t l c G e n e . Developmen! I eft)l, 111:393-q05. BO~X~IANJL DRE',X'~GN, MEYEROX~qIZEM: E x p r e s s i o n o f t h e Arabifiopsls Floral H o m e o t i c G e n e AGAMOUS is R e s t r i c t e d to Specific Cell T y p e s Late in F l o w e r D e v e l o p m e n t . Plan! Cell 1991, 3:749-758. BOWMAn\JL S,M'I'llt DR, ME-~'EROX~q3ZEM: G e n e t i c I n t e r a c t i o n s A m o n g Floral H o m e o t l c G e n e s o f Arabidopsis. DevekyTment 1991, 112:1-20. BO~XTEla.DDL LIrA T, MICHAELWh|, HACKETr D, RUBINGM: Analysis o f t h e E n h a n c e r E l e m e n t t h a t C o n t r o l s E x p r e s s i o n o f S e v e n l e s s in t h e D e v e l o p i n g D r o s o p h i l a Eye. Proc Nail ~lcxld Sci U S A 1991, 88:6853~57. IIOYIAN MT. QUAILPH: P h y t o c h r o m c a o v e r e x p r e s s i n n I n h i b i t s H y p o c o t y l E l o n g a t i o n in T r a n s g e n l c A r a b l d o p s l s . proc N e d Acad Sci I/ S"A 19) 1, 88:10806-101410. B R O ~ JL, !3ONODAS, UEDA H. ~OTI" MP, Wtl C: R e p r e s s i o n o f t h e D r o s o p h i l a Fusht T a r a z u ( f t z ) S e g m e n t a t i o n G e n e . F~IH~OJ 1991, 10:665-674.

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Homeobox genes and pattern formation Related


development: dilemmas



novel approaches



(pp 576-581)

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Programmed cell death and cell ablation

Related reviews: Selective cell ablation and genetic surgery (pp 602-607)t; Negative regulators of programed cell death (pp 635-641) BAllSTATOUA. GREENE I.~ A u r i n t r i c a r b o x ' y l l c Acid Rescues PC12 Cells a n d S y m p a t h e t i c N e u r o n s from Cell Death Caused by Nerve Growth Factor Deprivation -Correlation with Suppression of E n d o n u c l e a s e Activity. J Ceil Bto11991, n 5 : 4 6 1 - q 7 1 BA11STATOUA, GREENE ].*~ A u r i n t r i c a r b o x y l l c Acid • Rescues PC12 Cells a n d S y m p a t h e t i c N e u r o n s from Cell Death Caused by Nerve Growth Factor Deprivation: Correlation w i t h Suppression o f Endonuclea.~e Activity. J Cell I]R~ 1991, 115:,i61--t71. [47].

Pattern formation and developmental mechanisms Cell lineages BELI£N HJ, D'EVEINND. HARVEYM. EIJ.EI)GESJ: Isolation o n of Temperature-sensitive Diphtheria Toxins in Yeast and The ir Effects on Droso#~Mla Ceils. Der~,lqomem 1992, 114:787-796. [17t]. BERGERNA, CFIATI'ERJEES, .t~CFIMO]7~RJ& HELMSSR: Etoposlde (VP-16-213)-Induced Gene Mterations - Potential Contribution to Cell Death. proc Naa Acxld Sci U S A 19¢) C~ENiRJ, I"ECIIHEIMERM, MlUERLK: Prevention o f n o Apoptnsls by a Baculovtrus Gone During Infection of Insect Cells. Science 1991, 2~4:13~-i390. [40]. COHENJJ: Progtained Cell Death in the Immune i System. Adv h~lllluno11991, 50:55-85. [11]. DAN1KM, CFIABOTJG, ~IERCIERC, BENABIDAL CIIAIMN C, QI)IRION R, SIIH M: Human Gliomas and Epileptic Foci Express High Levels of a Messenger RNA Related to Rat Testiculaf Soifated Glycoprotein2, a Purported Marker of Cell Death. Prig"Nat[ A~xld SCi l / S A 1991, 88:8577-RS81. DO~X~ODR, MACDON~dJ)PN, KOMMBS, [ |AIIK~I.ERMR, MIF_SFEIJ) R: Evidence for Early Induction of Calmoduiln Gene ExpreSsion in Lymphocytes Undergoing Glucocorticoid-Mediated Apoptosis. J Bud CJ)em 19¢)1,266:18q23-18426 EIJJS RE, HOIVi'W.,FIR: Two C. Elegan.*Geoes Control • the Programed Deaths of Specific Cells in the Pharynx. Development 1991, 112:591-603. [9]. ELLISRE.,JACOILSONDM, Hosvn'/. FIR: Genes Reqolred • o for the Engulfment of Cell Corpses During Programed Cell Death in Caenorbabdirfs. Elegarl& G'enc.lic¢19¢)[, 129:79-94 [46]. EuJs RE, YUANJ, [toR'lq'lT.IIR: Mechanisms and o • Functions of Cell Death. Anmt Roy Cell Biol I~H, 7:66.¢-698. [3]. FRIEDRICIIG, .¢~ORI?.NOp: Promoter Traps in Embryonic • Stem Cells: a Genetic Screen to Identify a nd Mutate Developmental Genes in Mice. Genc.~Dry 19¢)I, 5:1513-1523 [24t]. GOI$'rEIN p, OJCI!IS DM, YOUNGJDE: Cell Death • Mechanisms and the Immune System. Immured let' 199l, 121:29~5. [12]. HENDEILgONS, RO~! M, GREGORYC. CROOM.CAIGT~RI), XVMqG O • F. [~ONGNECKERR, KIEEFE, RICKIN.~NA: Induction Of bc3-2 Expression by Epstein.Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 1 Protects Infected B Cells from Programed Ceil Death. Cell 19¢)1, 65:1107-1115. [42]. I IENGARTNERMO, EUJS RE.,ltorvnT. I.IR:The 0 0 Caenorbabdltfs Elegans Gene c e ~ 9 Protects Cells from Programed Cell Death. 19¢)2,

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Cell lineages Related review: Developmental regulation of the cell cycle (pp 614-620)

356:.i9i--i9). [10].

HOCKENBERYDM, ZtrI'FE:RM. I [ICKEW\V. NAIIM M, • KOKSEMI~fER`%J:BCL2 Protein is Topographically Restricted In Tissues Characterized by Apoptotic Cell Death. I'roc NatlAcad SO" U S A 19¢)1,88:6961 6965. [37]. II(XT,Q!)ISl" KA, NETI"Nb%,UN:MN|TEER, CIL'M)IJN DD: lnterleuldn-I is Processed and Released During Apoptosls. Proc Natl Acad S¢i I!S/I 1991. 88:8485-8-t89. [1"O11 N. YONEIIARA S, ISIIII A. YONEIIARA M. MIZIISIIIMA `%,`%AMESlII,%U%M, II&~EA. `%ETOY, NAGATA`%:The Polypeptlde Encoded by the CDNA for Human Cell Surface Antigen Fas can Mediate Apoptosis. Celt 1991, 66:233-2q,i. KONINGA, JONE'~A, FlUA'I1JJ,CO,%bML [A.%~NEItMW: Arrest • of Embryo Development in Brasslca Napus Mediated by Modified Pseudomonas Aert~gfnosa Exotoxin A. Plant Mol Bio11992, 18:2.i7 258 [14']. KUNESS, S]~l~£r l I: Ablation Of D ~ o J ~ M l a • o Photoreceptor Cells by Conditional Expression of a Toxin Gene. Gen¢~ Dry 1991, 5:970-983. [20t]. LA!IREhq'CItA~VORI)AG, KEi)Sl"B, l~lllUJ{.rS. RIVIE~(%', REYCLIIIJ~. bb~h BECItET JM. hlONq'AGNIERL I iOVANIL%";I.~N AG: The Cytopathic Effect of HIV Is Ass•elated with Apoptosls. Virology 1991, 185:829-839. LENARDOMJ: interleuldn 2 Programs Mouse Alpha Beta T Lymphocytes for Apoptosls [Letter]. NatNre 19¢)1, 353:858--860. IJLI Y.J, I~SON DY, JOtlNSONGD, ABBOTS, GItEC/ORyCD, • Si IbXRDIEDL GORDONJ, MACLENN,~N ICM: G e r m i n a l Center Ceils Express Bcl-2 Protein after Activation by Signals Which Prevent T h e i r Entry into Apoptosls. Eur./Immlolo11991.21:1905-1910.


MCDONNELLTJ, KOllSEME~:rSJ: Progression from • Lymphoid Hyperplasia to High-grade Malignant Lymphoma in Mice Trartsgenlc for the T(14,18). Nature 1991. 349:2~,i-256 [58]. MOFFATKG, GOULDJH, SMITtiHK, O'KANr CJ: Inducible • o Cell Ablation in Drosoplala by Cold-sensitive Rlcin a Chain. Development 1992, 1 1 4 : 6 8 1 ~ 7 . [18'1. MO,'¢rELL DJ, KE.'~IIIISIIIANH, SpRADIINGAC; Laser Ablation • Studies of the Drosol~afla Oocyte Nucleus In pattern Formation. Sdenee 19¢)1,254:290-293. [25*].

ARzt2.UP. WIGIFrM~NB, r! WKIIN G: Temporal Regulation of Lln-14 by the Antagonistic Action o f Two O t h e r H e te r o c h r o n ic Genes, IAn-.t and Lin-28. GC'IIt'S Del' 1991, 5:1825-1833. ARORA K, NUS.~I/!INVOIJIARDC: Altered Mitotic Domains • Reveal Fate Map Changes In Drosophila Embryos Mutant for Zygotic Dorsoventral Patterning Genes. D~,l'elopment 1992, I 14: 100~ 1024 [40]. BAKERNE. RtqllN GM: Ellipse Mutations in the • DrosoJ31~la Homologue of the EGF Receptor Affect Pattern Formation, Cell Division and Ceil Death in Eye Imaglnal Discs. Der Bkd 1~}2, 150:381 ~396 [21]. BIIAI'I'ACI~XlCtNAA. FRANKE. RA1,'NERN. BRACKENBURYR: PO is an Early Marker of the Schwann Cell Lineage In Chickens. Neuron 1991.7:831~84-i. Ca,',IERON RA, DA\~DSONEFI: Cell Type Specification During Sea Urchin Development. TremLs Genel 19¢)1,7:212-218. C,mNAtIANJF, t~NI3Ele;ONDJ. pA1TEIL':,ONI)H: Evidence that Enteric Neurons May Derive from th e Sympathoadrenal Lineage. I~,v Bio1199L 148:552-561. CIIISIIOI.MA2 Control of Cell Fate in the Tall Region of C-elegans by the Gone Egl-5. D¢,l,eh~mleHI 19¢)1, 111:921~932. CROXI)AI.EJ. `%tqml J, YANDEILB, JOIIN.~'3N.IB: Stomatal P a t t e r n i n g in Tradeseantla - an Evaloation of the Cell l i n e a g e Theory. Det' Biol 1~)2. 149:158-167 r~)E CQ, CIIIIIAGRAff Q, WRIGIITDM. ,':,COl"r MP: The Prospero Gene Specifies Cell Fates in the Drosophila Central Nervous System. Cxdl 199l. 65:-|51--i64. I~ONEIIOWER LA. I'IArVFW M. SDXC,U! B L MCARlllllR MJ, • MONTCA)MERYCA. BIrTELJS, BRADIJ!YA: Mice Deficient for P53 are Developmentally Normal But Susceptible to Spontaneous T u r n •o r s . Nature 19)2, 35@215-221. [56]. EIJON EA. BRILLJA, FINKGI~ FUS3 Represses CLN1 • and CLN2 and in Concert with KSS1 Promotes Signal Transductlon. I'ro6 Nail A ~ d Sci l! S A 199I, 88:9392-9396. [8]. l:lt~'lK I'].S&~F2iJR: l i n e a g e o f N o • t o n s and Glia in Chick Dorsal Root Ganglia - Analysis Invivo

with a Recombinant Retrovirus. Devefopmeu! 1991, 111:895-908. GREENWAIJ) I, RtllllNGhl: Making a difference: the Role o f Cell-Cell Interactions in Establishing Separate Identities for Equivalent Ceils [Review]. Cell 19¢)2. 68:271-282. i L~NM. STEI~'qUERGPW: Analysis of Dominant-negative Mutations o f the Caenorhabdltls Elegans Let-60 Ras Gene. Genes Dev 1991, 5:2188-2198. ] IEI]7.IJ'~Rp. SIMPSONP: T h e Choice o f Cell Fate in the Epidermis of Drosophila. Cell 1991, 64:1083-1092. HIME G, `%AJ,'~lR: Zygotic Expression of the/rabble • Locus is Required for Cytokinesls During the Post-blastoderm Mitoses Of Droso[MMlm I)evekymle)lt ]992, 114:165-171. [46]. i Ior~ql"/. HR. ! [ERSKO%%Tl'Z[: Mechanisms of Asymmetric Cell Division: Two Bs o r not Two Bs, that is the Question [Review]. Cell 19¢)2,68:237-256. [NGIbLMPW, MAI~flNF.ZARb%'it~ Boundaries and Fields in Early Embryos ]Review]. Cell 1992, 68:221-236 KI'o CJ, CONLEYI)11.CliEN L SIADEKFM, DARNELI.JR .W, CRAIfFREEGPc A Tra.qscriptional Hierarchy Involved in Mammalian Cell Type Specification [Letter]. Nature 1992, 355:,i57~t60. [A,'qI~IE [~[, KIMBI£J: Two Homologous Regulatory Genes, Lin-12 and GIp-1, have Overlapping Functions. Dt.t'ek$mlen119¢)l, 112:231-240. IJN [ L WOIJ:NERMF: T h e Dr•sol.alia Maternal-effect • Gone f ~ ( l ) Y a Encodes a Cell Cycle-dependent Nuclear Envelope Component Required for Embryonic Mitoses. Cell 199l. 64:49~62. [45]. [fI'I'IJWIEtJ)CI= Cell Lineages in Hydra -Isolation and Characterization of an Interstitial Stem Cell Restricted to Egg Production in Hydra- Oligactls. De[' Bird 1991. 143:37VF3Rg, [£)RCAT, GMA.~S, FF_SQUETD, I)EVAIqffA. CAVAIX)REJ, [)ORliE • M: Degradation of the Proto-oncogene Product P39mns is not Necessary for Cyclin Proteolysls and Exit from Meiotic Metaphase: Requirement for a Ca 2 + -calmodulin Dependent Event. FLilBO J 19)1, 10:2087-2093. [33]. hIMIONEYPA. WI!BERIt ONOFRECIItlKP, BIESSNL~'qN[1], o e I~RY&'OPJ, GOOD,%~NCS: The f a t T u m o r Suppressor Gone In Drosophaa Encodes a Novel Member of the Cadherin Gone Superfamily. Co//1991. 67:vt53~(~1 [55]. I%[t%N£K)SE, hLMNEEM, KIMBI£J: Carboxy T e r m i n a l Truncation Activates Glpl Protein to Specify Vulval Fates in Caenorhabditls Elegans [Letter]. Nature 19t)l. 352:81 l-H1.|. h|AI~USIIIME [ 1. ROItSSI!I.MF./~*IIMIIN r..~t.SIIERSCJ: Colony0 0 s timu la tin g Factor 1 Regulates Novel Cycilns During the GI Phase of the Cell Cycle. Cell 1991. 65:701-~13 {12]. PERRIML)NN, NOLIE. MCCMJ.K, BRANDA: Generating Lineage-Specific Markers to Study Drosophila Development. Dev Gene11991, 12:23~252. I)I:SCIIEI. A\Xl, B,%LIJNGr, GRUN~ P: Separate Elements Caose Lineage Restriction and Specify Boundaries of H o x . l . l Expression. Devel(tgme.I I~)l, 112:2,~)-287. rt)'ll! I~&, I'IEP~MIS]ONML G4)RDONJh Use of Transgenic Mice to Infer the Riological Properties of Small Intestinal Stem Cells and to Examine the Lineage Relationships o f T h e i r Descendants. I'rou Naa Acad S£i Ii S A 19¢)1,88:9407 9-iI I. .~1 il2(¢~%'YA, PE,~NNEN~IIEI.11D: Prospective Fate of Early Blast•meres in Hydractinia-Echinata (Cntdarta, Hydrozoa). Rou.~ Ard) Dry Bin! }991,200:1.t3-148. ScIIIJCIII p. ~IIIERENI$]-~RGE: Altered Establishment o f Cell Lineages in the Caenorhabditls* Elegans Embryo after Suppression of the Ftrst Cleavage Supports a Concentration-Dependent Decision Mechanism. Rott.~ ArdJ DrY Bio11991, 199:437--t48. SEILI[CK`%B,GONr/~M-F-ZC, GIJDVERDM, Wlfflt~ K: Regulation • • of the G1-S Transition in Postembryonic Neuronal Precursors by Axon Ingrowth. Nalure 1992, 355:253-255 [22]. SIIAMANSKIFL ORRWFAVERTl: T h e Drosot~atla • Plutonium and p a n Gu Genes Regolate Entry into S Phase at Fertilization. Cell 1991. 66:1289-1300. [44]. S}IANKL~NDM: Leech Segmentation - Cell Lineage and the Formation of Complex Body Patterns [Review]. De[' Hio11991. 144:221-231. SHAIII.~k"YG, GOLDFINGERN. PELEDA. RO3WERV: Involvement of Wild.Type P53 in Pre-B-Cell Differentiation lnvltro, proc Nail Acad Sci U S A 1991.88:8982 8986. `%MITIIAV. ORR-WF~,VERTL' The Regulation of the • • Cell Cycle D u r i n g Drnsoplala Embryogenesls: the Transition to Polyteny. Lk.vdopmeu11991, 112:9¢)7-1008. [47]. WATANABEN. llUNTT, IKAWAY. SAGATAN: I n d e p e n d e n t • Inactivation of MPF and Cytostatic Factor (Mos)



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Cell adhesion and the extracellular

matrix Related reviews: Specificity of cell adhesion in development: the cadherin supeffamily (pp 621%24)t; Extracellular matrix and neurite outgrowth (pp 625%34) ACIIF_q3NA, SLINSIIINE.]L RUTISI[AtlSER[]: NCA~[ • Polysialie Acid can Regulate Both Cell-Cell and Cell-Substrate Interactions. J Cell Bird 1991, 114:143-153. [50]. ALI£V MRK.C~3MF.~SI. AI.EXANDERW, S~LM'IROl: Genetic Analysis o f a Temporally Transcribed Chemotaxls Gene Cluster in Caulobacter. Crescentus. Genetic.¢ 1991, 129:333-342. AMAGA/M. KIAITS.KOXq~NV, STANLE'VJR: Autoantlbodles • u Against a Novel Epithelial Cadhertn in Pemphigus Vulgarts, a Disease of Cell Adhesion. Cell 1991, 67:869-877. [29*]. ANGRF.~B, MIIU.F:R?d4J, KEILEIeA[ANNJ, JIAUSENP: Differential Expression of Two Cadherins in Xenopus-Laevis. DevelqOment 1991, 111:829-8-bt. AOKIJ. UMEDAM. TAKIO K. TITANI K, UTSIIMI 1I, SA.~KI M, INOUEK: Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM) Mediates Contact-Dependent I n h i b i t i o n o f Growth o f Near-Diploid Mouse Flbroblast Cell Lille MSS/1M. J CelIBio11991, 115:1751-1761. ARIKAWAK, bIOIDAYLL. MOU)AY1~, WII/LAMSDS: Localization of P e r t p h e r i n / r d s in the Disk Membranes of Cone and Rod Photoreceptors Relationship to Disk Membrane Morphogenesis and Retinal Degeneration. J C~,II Hio11992, 116:659-667. ASAKURA S, HURLEYRW, SKOI~"rENGAARDK, OIIKI)BO l, MOSHERDF: Inhibition of Cell Adhesion by High Molecular Weight Kinlnogen. J Cell Bto11992. 116:465-476. AYMESOLrlTIGATEA. VIGORF~UXJ, BEN|ANG, PARDUEML Drosophllla Has a T w i t c h i n / t i t i n Related Gene

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Pattern formation and developmental mechanisms.

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by geneticists and developmental biologists from the journals listed at the...
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