Pediatric Hearing Loss Christopher R. Grindle Pediatrics in Review 2014;35;456 DOI: 10.1542/pir.35-11-456
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Pediatric Hearing Loss Christopher R. Grindle, MD* *Division of Otolaryngology, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and Division of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Hartford, CT
Educational Gap Hearing loss is a common condition presenting in children. Speech and language outcomes for children with hearing loss are related to identification of the hearing loss and to the degree of hearing loss. Early identification and appropriate, prompt intervention yield better outcomes. An understanding of the relevant anatomy, common causes, testing strategies, and management of hearing loss can help the primary care physicians maximize communication development in children.
After reading this article, the reader will be able to:
1. Provide a basic overview of the anatomy of the ear and discuss implications for conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. 2. Discuss the importance of newborn hearing screening and provide details on how this testing is accomplished. 3. Discuss some of the causes of hearing loss in children. 4. Detail interventions that may be appropriate in children with hearing loss.
Hearing loss is a common condition in children, with 1 in 1000 live births affected with severe to profound permanent hearing loss. The prevalence increases to 6 in 1000 when all degrees of hearing loss, mild to profound, are considered. As children age, the prevalence increases, and by age 18 years, 17 in 1000 individuals are affected by some degree of permanent hearing loss. This makes hearing loss more prevalent that diabetes mellitus and all pediatric cancers. (1) These numbers, however, do not take into account all the children who are affected by long-standing chronic effusions, which, though temporary, can have a significant effect on speech and language development if not identified and appropriately treated. Hearing loss in children can derive from many forms. It can be congenital (present at birth), genetic, syndromic, nonsyndromic, acquired, and/or progressive. It may manifest as conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss. The evaluation, diagnosis, and management of children with hearing loss will involve a multidisciplinary effort by pediatricians, otolaryngologists, audiologists, deaf educators, speech and language pathologists, early intervention specialists, and
AUTHOR DISCLOSURE Dr. Grindle has disclosed that he has a family member who works for Bristol-Myers Squibb. This commentary does not contain a discussion of an unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device. ABBREVIATIONS ABR auditory brainstem response CHL conductive hearing loss CMV cytomegalovirus OAE otoacoustic emission SNHL sensorineural hearing loss UNHS universal newborn hearing screening
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many others. The main focus of care should always be on providing appropriate communication strategies to the affected individual. A basic knowledge of the auditory system is needed to understand how to appropriately intervene in childhood hearing loss. In addition, one must understand how response to sound is measured clinically. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels. In testing paradigms, the intensity of the sound is varied, and the patient’s responses are recorded. By definition, 0 dB is the threshold of human hearing, meaning that someone with normal hearing will hear a tone burst at this intensity 50% of the time. Normal hearing is defined as being within 15 dB of this threshold. Minimal hearing loss is 16 to 25 dB, mild hearing loss is 26 to 40 dB, moderate hearing loss is 41 to 55 dB, severe hearing loss is 71 to 90 dB, and profound hearing loss is greater than 90 dB. However, for any sound at any intensity to be registered by the brain, all the components of the auditory system must be working. Essentially, there are 4 components: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the auditory nerve. The outer ear is a sound wave collection funnel. Its shape and configuration provide some enhancement to incoming sound, but the effect is minimal (approximately 5 dB). However, the external auditory canal must be patent to allow for the transmission of sound waves to the tympanic membrane. Numerous factors can interfere with the sound waves at this point. Cerumen impaction, foreign body, malformation of the auricle, or canal stenosis or atresia can all compromise the function of the outer ear. The middle ear starts at the tympanic membrane and continues to the stapes footplate. The function of the middle ear is to serve as a pressure transducer and overcome the impedance mismatch that exists between sound waves in an air vs fluid medium of the sensory organ, the cochlea. Sound waves that are propagating through the air interact with the tympanic membrane. They cause a vibration of the tympanic membrane that moves through the ossicles (the malleus, then the incus, and finally the stapes). Adherent to the stapes is the stapes footplate and the oval window membrane. Primarily because of the vastly greater surface of the tympanic membrane compared with the oval window membrane, the sound waves that interact with the tympanic membrane are transduced and amplified though the middle ear. There is a small contribution from the size and orientation of the ossicles. Overall, the gain is approximately 20 dB. For the tympanic membrane and ossicles to function properly, they must be intact and in an air-filled space. Thus, large tympanic membrane perforations, ossicular discontinuity, and stiffening of the ossicular chain or stapes footplate (otosclerosis) can cause hearing loss. In addition, if the
middle ear becomes filled with something other than air (effusion or cholesteatoma), this can disrupt its function and lead to hearing loss. This is particularly common in young children who have eustachian tube dysfunction and frequent otitis media with effusion. Anything that disrupts sound getting to the cochlea can be considered conductive hearing loss (CHL). Loss at the point of the cochlea or proximal to the cochlea is considered sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). A combination of the 2 is termed a mixed loss. The cochlea is the sensory organ of hearing. The cochlea itself is spiral in shape with 2¼ to 2½ turns. Inside the cochlea are 3 distinct spaces that run its length. The scala tympani and the scala vestibuli are both filled with perilymph and surround the scala media, which contains endolymph. Perilymph and endolymph have different electrolyte components similar to extracellular and intracellular fluid, respectively. An electric potential exists between the 2 fluid compartments and is essential for generating action potentials along the cochlear nerve. The organ of Corti is within the scala media. Within the organ of Corti are the inner and outer hair cells, as well as many other supporting cells. Sound waves cause a vibration of the tympanic membrane, which is transduced through the middle ear and cause vibrations of the oval window membrane. This wave propagates through the perilymph of the cochlea and causes displacement along the basilar membrane of the scala media, effectively opening ion gated channels in the hair cells and causing an action potential. The cochlea is tonotopically organized such that low frequencies are registered at the apex and high frequencies at the base of the cochlea. These action potentials are carried by the auditory nerve though various centers in the brainstem and to the auditory cortex for higher-level processing. Obviously, a defect anywhere along this path could cause a hearing loss. These defects can be macroscopic defects (eg, brainstem lesions or abnormally formed cochleas) but far more commonly are microscopic defects (eg, abnormal membrane gating proteins, ion channel defects, and collagen defects).
DIAGNOSIS OF HEARING LOSS The earlier the diagnosis of hearing loss can be made, the sooner interventions can be initiated to help the child develop. Currently, all states have a universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) program and early hearing and detection and intervention programs. In 1993, only 11 hospitals in the United States screened more than 90% of their newborns. Since this time, there has been incredible expansion of the programs such that in 2011 a total of 97% of all children
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born in the United States had completed a newborn hearing evaluation. (2) Current data relating to universal newborn hearing programs and early hearing detection and intervention programs can be found at hearingloss/data.html. It is because of these early identification efforts that interventions are able to begin early in a child’s life. The goal of these programs is to: • identify all children with a permanent hearing loss by age 3 months; • initiate appropriate interventions by age 6 months; • help establish a medical home for infants with permanent hearing loss; and • track data and quality metrics for public health initiatives. Newborn hearing screening and early intervention programs rely on objective testing of hearing that can reliably be performed on newborn infants. These tests are otoacoustic emission (OAE) testing and auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing (also called brainstem auditory evoked response testing). These 2 tests are used as the key components in UNHS. OAE testing relies on the fact that in response to certain stimuli there are responses thought to originate from the outer hair cells of the inner ear. These sounds can be recorded. To perform OAE testing, sound is presented to the cochlea through an insert speaker placed in the ear canal. This sound evokes the cochlea into making a specific response, which can be picked up and recorded by a microphone and recorder within the ear canal insert. These OAEs are reliably present in normal hearing ears and serve as a surrogate marker for the function of the cochlea. OAE testing is inexpensive, does not require sedation of the infant, and can be performed quickly. Because this testing relies on presenting sound to the cochlea at an appropriate intensity, it can be affected by external and middle ear conditions (eg, canal stenosis, cerumen, or other debris in the external canal or middle ear effusion). Results are reported as present or absent. The other testing paradigm commonly used for UNHS is the ABR test. Electrodes placed on the scalp record the resulting electrographic activity of sound impulse as it propagates along the auditory nerve and brainstem. Presented impulses can be either high-frequency clicks or frequencyspecific tones. In automated ABR testing used in UNHS, the intensity and frequency of the stimuli are preset to screen for mild hearing loss. If an infant does not pass an automated ABR test, a full ABR test can be performed. In this test, both the intensity and frequency of the stimuli can be adjusted. In this way, objective information can be attained as to the specific degree of hearing loss (mild to profound) and sound frequency of hearing loss (low to high). The ABR can also be
affected by outer ear and middle ear disease, although to a lesser extent than the OAE. However, ABR testing requires a calm, resting infant. As the child grows, the ability to perform ABR testing without sedation decreases. Usually, after approximately age 4 months, sedation is required. Both OAE and ABR tests are useful for testing newborns because they are objective, reliable, and repeatable and require limited cooperation. The tests, however, are surrogate markers for normal hearing. It is thought that if the cochlea is structurally intact, as reflected by present OAEs, and if there is integrity of the auditory nerve, as measured by a normal ABR test result, then hearing should be normal. It is only when the child gets older that hearing can be fully tested. Behavioral audiometry or visual reinforcement audiometry can be performed on children as young as ages 6 to 9 months. Play audiometry typically is used for children older than 2 years. At ages 4 to 5 years, children can cooperate with routine or conventional audiometry. In these tests, pure tones are presented to the ears separately or simultaneously. Behavioral responses can be observed as the intensity and frequency of the stimuli are modulated. These responses coupled with word discrimination scores in older children can give an accurate reflection of a patient’s ability to hear and understand at a particular hearing level. An adjunct to all these forms of testing is tympanometry, which can be used to measure the function of the external auditory canals and the middle ear. Normal middle ear pressures (type A) indicate normal tympanic membrane and ossicular mobility and compliance. Type B or flat tympanograms are present if there is no mobility of the tympanic membrane (eg, otitis media with effusion) or if there is complete fixation of the ossicles. This will also be present if there is a tympanic membrane perforation. Type C tympanograms are typically caused by retraction of the tympanic membrane secondary to eustachian tube dysfunction. Results of the tympanograms can be a useful adjunct when interpreting all other audiometric testing. For example, someone who fails his/her newborn screen on OAE testing and who presents with a moderate CHL on ABR testing but who has flat, type B tympanogram may have transient middle ear effusion and not permanent hearing loss. Conversely, tympanograms will appear completely normal in an individual with pure SNHL. Newborn hearing screens have significantly decreased the age at which children are diagnosed as having hearing loss from a mean age of 2.5 years to 2 to 3 months. (3) Irrespective of newborn hearing programs, there are known high-risk criteria for hearing loss (Table 1). These high-risk criteria do not effectively delineate which children will have hearing loss and should not replace newborn hearing
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screens. However, they are a useful adjunct in identifying children who have or may be at high risk for developing hearing loss. For those children with any high-risk criteria, formal audiometric evaluation with OAE and full ABR testing should be pursued if there is any concern about hearing loss. It must be remembered that children with progressive onset hearing loss will typically pass their UNHS. Also, children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder can present a diagnostic and management challenge. These children typically have present OAEs but absent or abnormal ABRs. Thus, they may pass screening paradigms that use only OAEs. These children can have variable audiologic presentations with hearing loss or hearing ability that do not match what would be expected from their audiometric data. These patients should be closely monitored for speech and language development and may benefit from traditional hearing aids or cochlear implantation. (4) Children with severe to profound hearing loss will develop their prelingual language skills at a normal pace,
High-Risk Criteria for Children
Birth to Age 28 Days Family history of congenital or early-onset hearing loss Congenital infection known to be associated with hearing loss (eg, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, varicella) Craniofacial abnormality Birth weight