European Heart Journal (1991) 12 {Supplement B), 99-108
Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy using the Inoue balloon K.
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Takeda Hospital, Kyoto, Japan
KEY WORDS: Right atrial angiography, stepwise dilatation.
Introduction Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is now widely used and its effectiveness and safety have been demonstrated'1"131. However, because the history of PTMC is still short, new findings to improve the procedure, select cases and counter measures against complications have increasingly been reported as its clinical application has increased. The purpose of this paper is to present recent findings regarding this procedure, to ensure the safe, easy and effective application of PTMC. ATRIAL SEPTAL PUNCTURE
Designation of optimum site for septal puncture on X-ray fluoroscopy (Fig. 1). Right atrial angiography is very useful to determine the appropriate point of septal puncture on the fluoroscopic image (Fig. 1). Right atrial angiography is performed in the antero-posterior projection under normal respiration until the aorta can be visualized. On the right atrial image, the position of the upper end of the tricuspid valve at systole is held in relation to the vertebral body; this is Point A. On a left atrial phase, a horizontal line is drawn from Point A, and the intersection of this line with the right edge of the left atrium is Point B. A line vertical to the line AB is drawn at the mid point between A and B, and its intersection with the lower edge of the left atrium is "Correspondence: Kanji Inoue, MD, 98-13 Miyazaki-Cho, Simogamo, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, 606, Japan.
0195-668X/91/OB0099 + 10 $03.00/0
Point C. The site for puncture is designated on this vertical line at a point about one vertebral body length above Point C. This position is held in relation to the vertebral body. This means of designating the puncture site is also applicable to cases of giant left atrium (Fig. 1). In such cases, the puncture site is closer to the lower part of the cardiac shadow. Procedure for PTMC and site of puncture. If the puncture site is markedly deviated in the upper direction from the point designated on the right atrial angiogram, the thick muscular wall of the upper edge of the fossa ovalis will be punctured (Fig. 2). If this occurs, strong resistance is faced during the passage of the balloon catheter through the muscular wall, and subsequent manipulation of the catheter will be limited. Because the tip of the balloon catheter tends to be directed towards the posterior wall of the left atrium, its insertion into the mitral orifice on the ventral side is difficult. If the puncture site is greatly deviated to the left from the designated point (Fig. 3), the catheter is curved in steps at the punctured region, resulting in marked restriction of catheter movement and difficult insertion of the catheter into the orifice. TOOLS AND DEVICES FOR PTMC (FIG. 4)
The following tools and devices are needed for PTMC. Inoue balloon catheter (Fig. 4, 1); metallic stiffening cannula (18-guage, 80 cm long, Fig. 4, 2) for stretching and stiffening the Inoue balloon catheter; guide wire for PTMC (0025 inch in diameter, 180cm © 1991 The European Society of Cardiology
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The Inoue balloon catheter is unique in function as well as shape, and can be especially adapted for each patient to ensure a high success rate and low morbidity during percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC). Before transseptal puncture, right atrial angiography is performed to image the proper point of puncture to avoid not only accidental perforation but also the difficulty of balloon insertion into the mitral orifice. There are two main techniques for inserting the balloon into the mitral orifice. One is a direct method, and the other is loop formation in the left atrium. Balloon selection is basically standardized by patient height; 30mm for a height of > 180cm, 28 for >160, 26 for >147, 24 for 180 >160
>147 =5147
(2) Other influential conditions: sex; age; working conditions; severity of valve pathology; surgical height risk. (3) Stepwise dilatation technique: Diameter at initial dilatation 4 ram less than maximum diameter; diameter at subsequent dilatations increased by 1 or 2 mm. (4) Decision making for further dilatation: Resultant mitral regurgitation; increased mitral valve area; degree of commissure separation; disappearance of balloon waist.
Rigid and/or severely calcified values Size of valve orifice Severe stenosis (0-7 cm2 > ) Mild stenosis (1-5 cm2 < ) Thrombus in the left atrium Fresh thrombus Thrombus at the atrial septum History of thromboembolism Combined mitral regurgitation Mild (Sellers Classification 1/4) Moderate (Sellers Classification 2/4) Severe (Sellers Classification 3/4) End-stage of mitral stenosis Combined other valvular diseases Combined other organ diseases
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Figure 7 In cases of mild stenosis. Top: the balloon has slipped into the left atrium during inflation; bottom: countermeasure for slippage of balloon.
PTMC using the Inoue balloon
compared with those with pliable valves, post-PTMC improvement in symptoms is more marked with severe stenosis. In the past, these cases were treated with valve replacement, but the artificial valves developed so far have problems as regards durability and thrombosis in long-term use. Bearing this in mind, cases for PTMC should not be selected on the basis of valvular pathology. However, this may change in the future. The safety of PTMC is supported by developments in cardiovascular surgery. Although PTMC is significant as the only available life-saving procedure for patients not indicated for surgical operation, it involves some risk if there is no support from heart surgeons. In applying PTMC to inoperable cases, procedures should be performed carefully, with the emphasis on safety.
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Figure 8 Confirmation of proper balloon position in the left ventricle under X-ray fluoroscopy in the right anterior ablique projection. Top: the balloon is entangled among the chordae; bottom: the balloon is placed properly in the left ventricle.
K. Inoue
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position, creating a clearance area