Plant Molecular Biology 19: 39-49, 1992. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium.


Plant-transposable elements and gene tagging Alfons Gierl and Heinz Saedler*

Max-Planck-Institut fiir Z~ichtungsforschung, Carl-von-Linnd-Weg 10, D-5000 KOln 30, Germany (* author for correspondence)


While most genes are lined up on chromosomes like pearls on a string, one group of genes, socalled transposons or transposable elements, are highly mobile. Transposons frequently alter their chromosomal location and consequently often induce mutations, by integrating into other genes and destroying their structural integrity. An additional feature of transposon-induced mutations is their somatic instability. It is by this property that the presence of transposable elements is recognized. While the organism develops, the transposable element leaves its site of integration within the gene and hence the function of that gene is restored in this cell as well as in its progeny. These excision events result in a mosaic tissue of mutant and revertant (wild-type) cells. Such mosaic or variegation patterns strike the eye, provided genes involved in coloration were affected by the transposable element. One of the first reports on colour variegation in a plant was given in 1588 by Jacob Theodor from Bergzabern, a village south of Strasbourg. He described herbal colour variegation in kernels of Zea mays. Since then patterns of variegation have been reported for many plant species, though not all of these patterns reflect the action of transposable elements. Cases of mineral deficiencies, viral infections or non-Mendelian transmissions of variegation patterns, and especially the influence of D N A methylation during somatic development [39], have to be excluded. Therefore, Mendelian inheritance is an important criterion to identify a variegation pattern resulting from transposable elements, though other cases have been reported [26, 34, 56].

Based on the inheritance of instability, Barbara McClintock [47, 48] developed the concept of transposable elements as mobile genetic entities. She used the term 'controlling elements', since they seemed capable of influencing the expression of a given locus when integrated into or nearby. By the criteria of inheritance instability, transposable elements have been described in at least 35 mono- and dicotyledonous plant species. A list of these is given in Nevers et al. [56]. Given the concept of transposable elements, it was not until similar elements were detected in bacteria [reviewed in 75] that molecular analysis of such elements became feasible, first in bacteria [32] and more than a decade later in plants by a few laboratories (Burr, Fedoroff, Peacock, Starlinger, Saedler). In the past 10 years numerous transposable element systems, mostly from Zea mays and Antirrhinum majus, have been studied molecularly. Two distinct classes of transposable elements have emerged that transpose by different mechanisms. While in the case of retrotransposons a copy of the element seems to move via an RNA intermediate, classical transposable elements transpose via excision and re-integration directly from DNA to DNA. Since not many active retro-transposons have been described in plants, they are excluded from this review (the reader is referred to Grandbastian [22] for details), whereas we wish to concentrate on classical transposable elements, even though numerous reviews on this subject have appeared [7, 13, 17, 21, 56, 61 ]. Molecular results for two transposable element systems have, however, indicated common features for their mechanism of transposition. Transposition is the result of an interaction of proteins (trans-acting factors)

40 with the termini (cis determinants) of transposable elements. In the first part, therefore, the cis/ truns requirements for transposition are summarized, using the AC and En/Spm elements of Zea mays as examples. Not only are these elements relatively well characterized, but they also represent prototypes of transposon families that have been found throughout in the plant kingdom. In addition, due to its different structure, the Mu element of Zea muys is briefly considered. In the second part the different strategies using transposable elements as tools for the isolation of genes are described.

Structural and functional features of AC, En/Spm and Mu The AC and En/Spm element families each include autonomous and non-autonomous elements. The autonomous elements encode functions required for their own transposition. The non-autonomous elements (receptor or defective elements) are often internal deletion derivatives of the autonomous elements. Defective elements that have retained the cis determinants are still mobile, if the functions expressed by the autonomous element of the same family are provided in trans. This combination of autonomous and nonautonomous elements is referred to as a two-

component system. As described below, the reconstitution of these two-component systems in transgenic tobacco provided the possibility to identify the trans-acting factors encoded by the autonomous elements and to define the cis determinants for excision. In addition, the functions of the proteins encoded by AC and En/Spm were analysed by in vitro DNA binding studies.

The AC transposableelementfamily The Activator (AC) element [47] of Zea mays represents a relatively simple transposable element system (Fig. 1). The autonomous AC element is 4565 bp long [54,62] and expresses one mRNA of 3.5 kb [ 361. This transcript is produced at a low level [ 171 and it is assumed that the 92 kDa protein is the only product encoded by AC. This product, termed AC transposase, is sufficient for transposition of AC in a growing number of transgenic heterologous plant species [for review 1,251. Interestingly, 101 amino acids can be removed from the N terminus of the protein without impairing excision [ 381. The cis determinants for transposition of AC are represented by about 200 bp of each end [ 101. Mutational alterations within these regions, reduce or abolish excision of Ac elements. DNA-binding tests showed that the AC transposase binds to the hexamer



Ac transposasep{


Em3 protein _____( Fig. I. AC of Zea vnays and Tam3 of Antirvhinum majus belong to one family of transposable elements that have similar TIRs and generate a 8 bp target site duplication upon insertion. About 200 bp (hatched boxes) of each terminus represent the cis determi-

nants required for excision. AC transposase is encoded by five exons. The protein encoded by Tam3 shares significant similarity with AC transposase (shaded areas), its coding region, however, is not interrupted by introns.

41 motif A A A C G G that occurs in clusters within these regions [35]. The other cis determinant that is clearly defined and absolutely required for excision [ 10, 29] is represented by the 11 bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) which seem not to be recognized by Ac transposase. The asymmetry of the two Ac ends is important with respect to excision. Ac elements with identical ends (two 5' or two 3' ends) are defective in excision [10]. The defective elements of the Ac family, termed Dissociation (Ds) [46], form a rather heterogeneous group. Common to all Ds elements is the 11 bp TIR. Some Ds elements are internal deletion derivatives of Ac. Other elements, such as Ds2 [52], share only rudimentary homology with Ac or have little more than the 11 bp TIR and one or two binding motifs for transposase in common with Ac, as in the case of Dsl [76]. Other elements are more complex derivatives of Ac sequences and the so-called 'double Ds' element [ 14] seems to induce Ac-dependent chromosome breakage, by which the Ac-Ds family was identified [46]. Ac seems to be the prototype of a family of elements whose members are widely distributed in plants (Table 1). These members have similar TIRs and usually generate an eight nucleotide target site duplication upon integration. However, mainly defective elements have been isolated and characterized from various plant species, except for the autonomous elements Bg from Zea mays [27] and Tam3 from Antirrhinum majus [28]. A

stretch of 520 amino acids of the putative protein encoded by Tam3 is about 30~o identical to Ac transposase, and patches of much higher homology are included in this region (Fig. 1) [28]. This probably indicates that both proteins share a common function. In addition, substantial amino acid similarity of these two proteins with a protein encoded by a hobo element of Drosophila was reported [3] and it was suggested that this conservation represents an example of horizontal transmission of genetic information between plants and animals [3].

The En/Spm transposable element family In contrast to Ac, the 8287 bp long autonomous Enhancer [59, 60] or Suppressor-mutator element [48] (En/Spm) encodes at least two functional products (Fig. 2), which are derived by alternative splicing from a precursor transcript [43 ]. The two proteins have been termed TNPA and TNPD [20, 43]. TNPA is 67 kDa and, although expressed at a similar low level as Ac transposase, is about 100 times more abundant than the 131 kDa TNPD protein [20]. Both proteins are absolutely required for transposition of En/Spm [18, 44]. About 200 bp of the 5' end and 300 bp of the 3' end of En/Spm represent the cis determinants for excision [for review, 21]. Well contained within these regions are several reiterations of a 12 bp sequence motif that is recognized by

Table 1. The Ac transposable element family. Elementa










Z. mays

54, 62

8 8 8 8 8

4869 3629 927 0.8 kb 736

Z. mays A. rnajus P. crispum P. sativum S. tuberosum

27 28 30 2 33

Bg Tam3 Tpcl Ips-r Tstl a 2 3 4

Autonomous elements are in bold type. Terminal inverted repeat. Target site duplication upon insertion in bp. Sizes in kb refer to elements that have not been completely sequenced.


Fig. 2. En/Spm of Zea mays and Taml of Antirrhinum majus are members of the so-called CACTA family of transposable ele-

ments. These elements have very similar TIRs and generate a 3 bp target site duplication upon insertion. About 200 bp of the 5' end 300 bp of the 3' end (hatched boxes) represent the cis determinants required for excision. A single pre-mRNA is initiated at the promotor (P) of En/Spm and is differentially spliced into tnpA and tnpD mRNA. The exons encoding TNPA (open boxes) and TNPD (shaded boxes) protein products are indicated. Tam1 probably also encodes two proteins and has a similar structure like En/Spm. Tam1 contains in the center region open reading frames (shaded boxes) that encode the putative protein TNP2. TNP2 and TNPD share significant similarity at the amino acid level. In contrast, TNPA and TNP1 are not homologous at the sequence level, but may be functionally equivalent.

the TNPA protein [18]. Six motifs are present at the 5' end and eight at the 3' end. The two 13 bp TIRs of En/Spm are the other cis-acting sequences that are absolutely required for excision. Similar to Ac, the asymmetry at the two ends is also required for En/Spm. An element with two 5' ends does not excise (Reinecke, unpublished). A possible autoregulatory role for TNPA has been suggested, because the innermost TNPA-binding motif at the 5' end overlaps with the 'TATA' box of the single En/Spm promotor [20]. It has been

speculated, from a comparison with En/Spmrelated elements (see below) from other plant species, that TNPD interacts with 13 bp TIRs and in fact may accomplish endonucleolytic cleavage at the element's ends [ 18, 55]. En/Spm belongs to the so-called 'CACTA' family [5] of elements (Table 2). These elements produce a 3 bp target site duplication upon insertion and share nearly identical 13 bp TIRs. In addition, when En/Spm is compared to the autonomous element Taml from A. majus, the

Table 2. The CACTA transposable element family.

Element a






En/Spm MpI1 Taml Tam2 Tam4 Tam7 Tam8 Tam9 Tgm Pis 1


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8287 9 kb 15 164 5187 4329 7 kb 3 kb 5.5 kb 1.6-12 kb 2.5 kb

Z. mays Z. mays A. majus A. majus A. majus A. majus A. majus A. majus G. max P. sativum

59 80 55 34 40

a to d, see Table 1. e Z s . S c h w a r z - S o m m e r and H. S o m m e r , p e r s o n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n .

e e e

64 73

43 structural organization of the two elements appears to be strikingly similar (Fig. 2). Taml encodes also two products, termed TNP1 and TNP2 [55]. The putative TNP2 protein is about 45 ~o identical to T N P D at the amino acid level. Another element belonging to the CACTA family is Tgml from Glycine max. However, no autonomous Tgm element has yet been reported. Nevertheless, an open reading frame was found in some Tgm elements that shares a similar amount of homology (at the amino acid level) to T N P D [ 64] and TNP2 [ 55 ]. Since the 13 bp TIRs of En/Spm, T a m l and Tgm are very similar, it was hypothesized that the conserved protein interacts with the conserved TIRs [18, 55]. In contrast, T N P A of En/Spm and TNP1 of Taml share no homology. Nonetheless, these proteins might have a similar function. TNPA recognizes a 12 bp motif clustered at the subtermini of En/Spm. Taml has a similar structure at its ends [55]. There is preliminary evidence that TNP 1 binds to the sequence motif that is repeated in the subterminal regions of Taml (Trentmann, personal communication).

The Mu transposable element family While Ac and En/Spm are characterized by short TIR, the Mutator (Mu) [65] elements from Zea mays have long TIRs of approximately 200 to 500 bp. Nine different Mu elements have been isolated [for review 77] that share the first 200 bp of the TIRs, but are heterogeneous in size and contain more or less unrelated internal sequences. These Mu elements seem to be defective elements that encode no functional product. Upon insertion Mu elements typically generate a 9 bp target site duplication. The inheritance of Mutator activity seems to be non-Mendelian [ 65 ]. Therefore, the isolation of an autonomous Mu element has been hampered, and no information about the cis/trans requirements is yet available. By repeated cycles of outcrossing to a Mu inactive line, however, it was recently possible to isolate Mu activity at a single locus [66, 70]. Therefore, cloning of the autonomous Mu element will probably be ac-

complished soon. Some encouraging candidates have been published [63].

Mechanism of transposition Transposition of Ac, En/Spm and Mu probably occurs via excision and integration. One essential requirement for such a mechanism is healing of the chromosome breaks that are generated during excision, thereby avoiding chromosomal loss. Healing of chromosomal breaks is most easily envisaged, if the distant ends of the transposable element come into close physical proximity. This would allow excision of the element and rejoining of the broken chromosome. Two functions have therefore been postulated [16]: one that is required for association of the two ends of the transposable element, and one that cuts close to the ends of the element. With respect to excision, the transposable elements Ac and En/Spm have three features in common: 1) an element encoded protein that binds to subterminal cis determinants, which 2) have to be located asymmetrically within the ends, and 3) TIRs that are probably the substrates for endonucleolytic cleavage. Based on these features a model for excision of elements like En/Spm and Ac has been proposed [16]. According to this hypothesis the elementencoded function that binds to the subterminal binding motifs (TNPA or Ac transposase) acts like a 'glue' in complex formation of the two ends. The asymmetric nature of the two ends leads to correct positioning of the TIRs by a 'zipper'-like mechanism. The TIRs in this complex are then recognized by an endonucleolytic activity that cuts close to the element's ends resulting in the release of the element. The endonuclease could either be encoded by the element itself, as is the case with the En/Spm-encoded TNPD, or be a cellular protein, which is more likely for the Ac element. Due to the long TIRs of Mu, the ends of this element are symmetrical. Hence, the mechanism

44 that leads to a putative association of the Mu ends should be different from that of Ac and En/ Spm. Soon after the first excision products (empty donor sites) of plant-transposable elements were analysed [5, 62, 67, 79], it became apparent that the wild-type sequence is usually not precisely re-established after excision. Therefore gene function may be restored to varying degrees, ranging from zero to full activity. In a systematic analysis of En/Spm excisions, Schwarz-Sommer et al. [71] found that only one in nine excision events was precise. The analysis of these altered sequences, so-called footprints, led to the formulation of excision models [6, 7, 68]. According to the model of Saedler and Nevers [68], staggered cuts are introduced at the ends of the target site duplication by an element-specific endonuclease. Footprints then result from the action of cellular D N A repair enzymes (exonuclease, D N A polymerase, ligase), which act on the protruding single-stranded fringes at the excision site. A similar staggered cut is formed during integration of the element by the same endonuclease causing the target site duplication, whose length is specific for different families of elements (Tables 1, 2). In the model of Coen et al. [4, 5] the endonucleolytic activity for excision and integration is different. A staggered cut is only formed during integration, while for excision cutting occurs more precisely at the ends of the element. Excision generates hairpin structures at the broken chromosomal ends. Footprints are generated by the resolution of these hairpins and ligation of the resulting products. It is probably necessary to develop an in vitro assay system to allow biochemical dissection of the cutting reaction in order to prove or disprove the models described above.

Transposons as tools for the isolation of genes

Once a transposable element has been isolated molecularly, it can be used as a probe to clone genes that are mutated by insertion of this ele-

ment. First, the mutation caused by the transposon has to be identified in a genetic screening procedure. Subsequently the gene can be isolated molecularly by cloning the D N A sequences flanking the transposable element insertion. This technique, called transposon tagging, has been widely used to isolate genes from Zea mays and Antirrhinum majus (Table 3). It requires no knowledge about the nature of the product of the tagged gene, it rather depends only upon the expression of a mutant phenotype. Therefore, genes involved in development, pathogen resistance and certain physiological and biochemical processes have been isolated by transposon tagging or are the subject of current isolation programmes. Two approaches are used: targeted and non-targeted transposon tagging. Targeted transposon tagging

If only one particular gene is desired, then targeted tagging seems to be the procedure of choice.

Table3. Genes cloned or identified with transposable elements.





Zea mays A1 A2 Bzl Bz2 C1 C2 hcf-106 Knl 02 P R Vpl

NADPH-dep. reductase athocyanin pathway uDP-glycosyltransferase anthocyanin pathway regulatory gene chalcone synthase chloroplast development regulatory gene regulatory gene regulatory gene regulatory gene regulatory gene

En, Mu En, rcy Ac Ds2, Mu Spin, En Spin Mu Ds2 Ac, Spin Ac Ac Mu

57 51 16 50, 78 9, 58 81 41 24 53, 69 37 11 45

A. maj~s deficiens delila florieaula globosa incolorata olive pallida

regulatory gene regulatory gene regulatory gene regulatory gene anthocyanin pathway chloroplast development NADPH-dep. reductase

Tam7 74 Tam2 40 Tam3 8 Tam7, Tam9 72 Taml 40 Tam3 40 Tam3 42

45 Wild-type plants containing active transposable elements are crossed with plants that are homozygous recessive for the gene in question. The majority of the F 1 progeny will exhibit wild-type phenotype, since these plants are heterozygous for this gene. In exceptional cases, however, a transposable element in the wild-type parent will have been inserted into the gene and be transmitted in the gametes. These rare events are then directly uncovered in the F1 generation by individuals which exhibit the mutant phenotype. The frequency of mutations caused by transposable elements may vary. It depends mainly on the nature of the active element system used and on the position of the element(s) in the chromosome. Common belief is that short intra-chromosomal transpositions occur at higher rates than interchromosomal transpositions [ 12, 23, 31 ]. In spite of these peculiarities the insertional frequencies for most genes are in the range of 10 -4 t o 10 -5 . Therefore, although targeted tagging leads to a

relatively direct identification of a particular gene, it requires a very large number of crosses, and a large population of plants must be screened in order to isolate a single gene.

Non-targeted transposon tagging If instead of a particular gene, a group of genes that belong for example to a particular physiological pathway or to a developmental programme are to be isolated, non-targeted tagging (Fig. 3) is an alternative. This strategy requires an extra generation in order to identify putative transposon-induced mutations. In the first step a plant population is generated that contains active transposable elements. Many individuals of this population will contain a transposable element at a new chromosomal location [4, 40]. In addition, it can be tried to enrich for such transposition events by selecting germinal revertants of a trans-

population of revertants

variegated population majority: I colour gene

minority: I

I colour gene

selection for excision isolation of coloured revertants

E.f.ntq 1,19


wildtype with respect to gene X


3 : 1 segregation of wildtype to mutant phenotype with respect to gene X

Fig. 3. Non-targeted transposon tagging. The first step in this procedure is the isolation of germinal transposon excision events in order to enrich for transposon integrations at new chromosomal locations. With a certain probability any given gene X is a target for the transposable element. Germinal revertants are very easily recognized if the element resides for example in a gene required for flower pigmentation. Insertion of the transposable element into gene X is uncovered upon self-fertilization of the population and segregation of the mutant phenotype in the progeny.

46 posable element integrated at a known locus are isolated. The rationale is that such liberated transposons are now available for reintegration into any new locus. In a diploid organism the resulting mutant phenotype of a recessive mutation, however, would only become apparent in the M2 generation upon selfing of the individuals of the population. Hence, new phenotypes will segregate in such selfed populations. The frequency with which new phenotypes in a preselection programme are observed can be rather high (up to 1 ~o, L0nning, personal communication) and depends on the number of genes involved in the pathway as well as on the transposons and their locations used. Independent of the tagging strategy used, the mutants isolated from a tagging programme have to be characterized. The question to be answered is which transposable element insert has caused the mutation? This can be difficult, since autonomous as well as defective elements can transpose. In addition, species like Z. mays and A. majus contain several different active transposable element systems and these elements occur in more than one copy per genome. In any case, cosegregation of a transposon copy with the mutant phenotype has to be demonstrated. This is done by analysing DNA from the progenitor, mutant and revertant plants in genomic Southern experiments. The success of gene tagging therefore increases with the extent to which the different, potentially mobile transposable elements of a given organism are molecularly characterized. Aside from using transposable elements in the isolation of genes, unstable mutations have been very useful in the process of defining and identifying genes that were isolated by conventional means. The maize elements Ac and En/Spm are also being used to extend transposon tagging to plant species in which no suitable elements have been identified or exist [for review, see 1, 23]. This is possible because Ac and En/Spm have been shown to transpose in a growing number of plant species [23]. Attempts are now in progress to engineer these systems to achieve the best conditions for tagging. One advantage of gene tagging

in heterologous species is that the transposon introduced will be present in a low copy number (1 to 5 copies). This should make the identification of mutants much easier. The progress made in this area, especially for Ac, will probably soon lead to the first isolation of a gene using a transposable element in a heterologous plant system.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank George Coupland and Robert Masterson for critical reading of the manuscript.

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46. 47. 48.








56. 57.


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Plant-transposable elements and gene tagging.

Plant Molecular Biology 19: 39-49, 1992. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium. 39 Plant-transposable elements and gene tagging Alfo...
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