World Journal

of Microbiology

& Biotechnology

12, 585-588

Plasmid distribution in Escherichia co/i urinary isolates with special reference to aerobactin and colicin production K. Harjai, S. Pajni, S. Chhibber and S. Sharma” Plasmids were detected in 31 out of 35 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from unclassified tract infection at a median value of 1.88 plasmid bands per isolate. The isolates showed aerobactin and colicin production with the distribution of plasmid bands having a median value (plasmid bands per isolate) in aerobactin-positive and aerobactin-negative strains respectively. For the median plasmid bands per isolate was 3.66 compared to 1.80 for colicin-negative strains. Key words: Aerobactin,

colicin, Escherichia coli, growth,

plasmid profile.

Association between the number of virulence attributes of Escherichia coli and its ability to establish in the urinary tract has shown that many of these characteristics are plasmidmediated (Johnson 1991). Colicin production, one of the plasmid-mediated characters, provides an advantage to the organism in infections of the urinary tract (Montgomerie et al. 1973; Davies et al. 1981; Chhibber et al. 1988). Although possession of the colicin V plasmid markedly enhances virulence, colicin V activity itself may not be the only factor responsible (Quakenbush & Falkow 1979) since this plasmid also carries genes for aerobactin production (Smith & Huggins 1976; Williams 1979). The latter characteristic has also been shown to play an important role in the pathogenicity of the infecting organism especially in the urinary tract (Carbonetti ef al. 1986; Harjai et al. 1994). The genes for aerobactin production are known to be present either on the chromosome or the plasmid (Valvano & Crosa 1984; Valvano et al. 1986). Emphasis has mainly been on the incidence of production in clinical isolates (Carbonetti et al. 1986; Orskov et ul. 1988; Harjai ef al. 1990) and the genetics of this characteristic (Valvano & Crosa 1984; Bindereif & Neilands 1985; Johnson ef al. 1988). However, only limited information is available on the distribution of plasmids in urinary isolates of E. coli with reference to aerobactin production. The purpose of

the present investigation was to study the plasmid profiles of Escherichiu coli uroisolates and to correlate them with their ability to grow and produce aerobactin in iron depleted conditions which prevails in the urinary tract in viuo (Shand ef al. 1985).

Materials Bacterial

@ 1996 Rapid Science

Panjab University. author.

and Methods


Thirty five clinical isolates of Escherichiu cob, were isolated from the urine of patients with unclassified urinary tract infection. Detection of Colicin Production production was tested using the agar overlay method (Ctowes & Hayes 1968). Nutrient agar plates containing 0.5 gg/ml Colicin


C were


air dried

and inoculated



strains. Plates were incubated overnight at 37°C and subsequently exposed to chloroform for 10-15 min. The indicator strain E. cali Kl2 was grown in nutrient broth at 37°C for 4 h. At the end of the incubation, the broth was mixed 50°C and overlaid on plates seeded

with with

soft nutrient agar at the test strains. The

plates were incubated at 37°C overnight. Clear zones around the stabbed strains indicated colicin production. E. coli BM21 (pCoIVK30) and E. Co/i BM2l were used as positive and negative controls respectively. Bacterial Growth Iron


dipyridyl The authors are with the Department of Microbiology, Chandigarh-160014, India; fax: 541409. * Corresponding

cases of urinary an association of of 2.33 and 1.72 colicin producers,





by adding

to synthetic medium M9 according (1986).



medium and in M9 medium

profile containing

150 pmol a,a’to Nassif and

was monitored a,a’-dipyridyl.

in M9 The seed

Publishers World]oumaf

of Mmobiology 6 Biotechnology. Vol 12, 1996


K. Harjai et al. Table 1: Plasmid uroisolates.


Number of plasmid bands per isolate

Number plasmld bands






Total number of isolates




that relative

molecular number





2 9 4


4 13 9

4 3







4 5

2 3

1 0

1 3

2 0

0 3


















19.0 (1); 5.2 (1)t

7.0, 4.1 (1); 17.0,


6.0, 5.2,


3.4 3.4

(1); (1);


4.6 (1);


4.5, 9.5,


3.7 4.8

(1); (1);

5.9, 4.8 (1); 11.7, 5.93, 5.54 (1).

19.0. 7.52, 1.5 (1).

5.0, 4.0 (1); HMW,

17.0, 4.8, 4.2, 3.0, 4.6



1.5 (1); 20.0, HMW,




9.5, 6.5, 5.5.

weight bands. t Number in parentheses of isolates containing plasmid bands



culture (prepared by inoculating strains into either M9 or M9 containing dipyridyl) was added to medium at 2% (v/v). Incubation was continued and growth was assayed at 610 nm (Harjai et al. 1990).

Detection of Aerabactin Prodwtion Aerobactin was detected by a cross-feeding test as described by Carbonetti and Williams (1985) using E. coli LGI522 as the indicator strain (this mutant is impaired in the uptake of enterochelin and synthesis of aerobactin, but has an intact receptor for the ferric-aerobactin complex). A lawn of the indicator strain (I x IO6 bacteria per plate) was made on plates of Luria-agar containing 200 pmol a,cr’-dipyridyl. A single colony of the test strains was stabbed in one of the sectors of this plate. Production of aerobactin was visualised as a halo of growth surrounding the aerobactinproducer strain. E. cali 294 (pColV-K30) and E. cob HBlOl were used as positive and negative controls respectively. These two strains were obtained from the Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, India.

Humid Analysis plasmid


was prepared

fied overnight cultures using the alkaline lysis method (Bimboin & Doly 1979). DNA samples were resolved on 0.7% agarose gels at 6 V/cm and bands were observed at 260 nm using U.V. transilluminator. Lambda DNA digested with Hind111 and EcoRl were used as molecular size markers.


4.8 (1); HMW,


For small scale isolation,


0 0



35 E. co/i



* HMW-high represents

col -


13 7

HMW. 2



1 2

HMW, 7.52 (1); 11.7, 7.52 5.54 (1); HMW, HMW (1). 3

and colicin


of plasmids of E. co/i.

Number isolates tested

to aerobactln



Table 2: Frequency different uroisolates

in relation



Plasmid profiles of 35 Escherichiu co/i strains revealed the presence of one, or more than one plasmid band in 31 isolates. The median value of plasmid bands isolated was 1.88 plasmid bands per isolate. The number of plasmid bands detected in an isolate varied from o to 5 (Table 1) and their relative plasmid mass is shown in Table 2. Plasmid profiles were correlated with aerobactin production by these isolates. No relationship between plasmids and aerobactin could be inferred due to the presence of a large number of plasmid bands of different sizes in the producer strains. However, the aerobactin producing strains were found to have a higher number of plasmid bands as compared to non-aerobactin producers. The median value was 2.33 for the aer+ strains and 1.72 for aer- strains (Table I). Similarly, for colicin production a higher median value was observed for co1 ’ strains as compared to colstrains (3.66 and 1.80 plasmid bands per isolate respectively) (Table I). Growth of the E. co/i strains also correlated with the number of plasmid bands. Maximum growth inhibition in iron depleted medium was observed in strains having more than one plasmid band (Figure I). Percentage growth inhibition was lower in strains possessing smaller numbers of plasmid bands, while strains with no plasmid bands showed minimal growth inhibition.

Discussion The presence of a higher number of plasmids in clinical isolates of E. coli as compared to environmental isolates has been observed previously (Platt et al. 1984). The present study shows that uropathogens are likely to possess plas-



in urinary

Escherichia coli

plasmids cannot effectively compete with other less encumbered organisms. Aerobactin production may thus serve an important role in these circumstances (Castignetti & Smarda 1986). In the urinary tract, in which there is iron limitation (Warner et al. 1981), the ability to produce aerobactin would be of special value in the growth and establishment of a uropathogen. This indicates that while the presence of a higher number of plasmids may not be enough to provide an ecological advantage to the bacteria, properties encoded by plasmids will determine multiplication and ultimate survival in such an environment.


* *

References Bindereif, A. & Neilands, J.B. 1985 Aerobactin isolates

of Escherichia

cd. ]ourmd

of Bacteriology

genes in clinical 161, 727-735.

Bimboim, H. & Doly J. 1979 A rapid extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucleic Acid Research 7, 1513-1523.









BANDS Figure 1. Extent of growth inhibition in relation to the number of plasmid

in the presence bands detected.

of dipyridyl

mids in higher numbers with a median value of 1.88 plasmid bands per isolate. Co1 V plasmid encodes both aerobactin synthesis and colicin production (Williams 1979). However, in our study there was no correlation between these two properties since only 4 strains producing aerobactin elaborated colicin as well. This confirms the earlier observations of Martinez et al (1989) who failed to find an association between colicin production and the number of plasmids in aerobactin-positive strains. We have observed that the majority of aerobactin-positive strains carried more than one plasmid band (median value 2.33) indicating that strains exhibiting a larger number of plasmid bands are more likely to acquire aerobactin producing ability. These findings are in accordance with the report of Gonzalo et al. (1988) who concluded that an aerobactin character somehow contributes towards maintenance of extrachromosomal elements. The presence of plasmids has also been shown to affect the evolution of the bacterial chromosome which in turn aids the survival of the bacterial host (Bouma & Lenski 1988). Growth studies in the present investigation indicate that strains harbouring more plasmid bands show maximum growth inhibition when grown in medium M9 containing dipyridyl in comparison to growth in M9 medium alone. Zund and Lebek (1980) and Cooper et al. (1987) suggested that possession of plasmids leads to decreased bacterial growth. In most natural environmental conditions where there is iron starvation, growth rate is likely to be slow, and under these conditions strains harbouring different

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World ~ouml

of Microbmlogy

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6 Biofechnology. Vol 12, 1996

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3, 65-69. (Received 1996)

in revised


27 March



28 March

Plasmid distribution in Escherichia coli urinary isolates with special reference to aerobactin and colicin production.

Plasmids were detected in 31 out of 35 strains of Escherichia coli isolated from unclassified cases of urinary tract infection at a median value of 1...
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