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Platelets, Endothelium-Dependent Responses and Atherosclerosis Andreas Mügge, Ulrich Förstermann & Paul R. Lichtlen To cite this article: Andreas Mügge, Ulrich Förstermann & Paul R. Lichtlen (1991) Platelets, Endothelium-Dependent Responses and Atherosclerosis, Annals of Medicine, 23:5, 545-550, DOI: 10.3109/07853899109150516 To link to this article:

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SDecial Section: Inflammation and Atheroaenesis

Platelets, Endothelium-Dependent Responses and At herosclerosis

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Andreas Muggel, Ulrich Forstermann* and Paul R. Lichtlenl

Basal release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) and prostacyclin from intact vascular endothelium may inhibit continuously platelet aggregation. If local platelet aggregation occurs, platelet-derived adenine nucleotides stimulate the release of EDRF. Stimulated EDRF release may override the direct vasoconstrictor effects of other platelet products such as thromboxane and serotonin resulting in local vasodilatation. In addition, stimulation of EDRF release by adenine nucleotides may inhibit further platelet adhesion and aggregation by a feedback mechanism. Thus, intact vascular endothelium may play an important role in the defense against platelet deposition and vasospasm. In atherosclerosis, basal and stimulated release of EDRF is markedly reduced. Endothelial dysfunction will impair this protective mechanism and will favour vasoconstriction and further platelet disposition. Occurrence of occlusive thrombus formation in patients with coronary artery disease may be pathophysiologically related to this impairment of endothelial defense. Key words: atherosclerosis; endothelium-derived relaxing factor; platelets; prostacyclin. (Annals of Medicine 23: 545-550,


Endothelium-Derived Relaxing Factor Endothelial cells have been found to release a potent vasodilator substance referred to as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) (1, 2). EDRF has recently been identified as nitric oxide (NO) (3,4) or a NO-containing compound (e.g. S-nitrosocysteine, 5) which is synthetized by vascular endotheliumfrom the amino acid L-arginine(6). EDRF(N0) relaxes smooth muscle cells through stimulation of soluble guanylatecyclase (7,8) resultingin increased Stimulationofsolubleguanylate levelsof cyclicGMP (9,lO). cyclase by EDRF(N0) resembles the relaxant mechanism of organic nitrates and EDRF(N0)has been proposedto be an “endogenous nitrovasodilator” (1 1 , 12). Various pharmacological and mechanical stimuli are known to release EDRF(N0) from vascular edothelium (2, 13, 14). In addition evidence have been presented that vascular endothelium releases EDRF(N0) continuously and that this basal release contributes to vascular tone in vitro and in vivo (15-1 8).In agreementwith animal models, EDRF(N0)-mediatedrelaxation can also be demonstrated in human arteries in vitro (19-21) and in vivo (22).Infusion of monomethyl-L-arginine,a specific inhibitor of L-arginineFrom the ’Division of Cardiology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, and ZAbbottLaboratories, Abbott Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Address and reprint requests: A. Mugge, M.D., Division of Cardiology, Hannover Medical School, D-3000 Hannover 61, Germany.

derived EDRF(N0) release, into the brachial artery of volunteers reducedforearm blood flow and attenuatedthe dilator responseto infused acetylcholine but not to glyceryltrinitrate (22).These results suggest that EDRF(N0) contributes to the control of basal and stimulated regional blood flow in man.

EDRF(N0)-Mediated Relaxation in Atherosclerosis Endotheliurn-dependentrelaxation is impaired in animals which were fed an atherogenic diet. This has been demonpigs (25,26), and stratedfor cholesterol-fedrabbits (23,24), primates (27).A similar phenomenonwas demonstratedfor human coronary arteries in vitro which were obtained during heart transplantation from patients with severe atherosclerosis (21,28;Fig. 1). Bioassay studies indicated a reduced release of intact EDRF(N0) from the vascular The precise endotheliumof cholesterol-fed rabbits (29,30). mechanism for reduced release of intact EDRF(N0) in atherosclerosis is not known. One mechanism could be the lack of the precursor L-arginineresulting in reduced synthesis of EDRF(N0). However, incubation of atherosclerotic rabbit aorta in vitro with high concentrationsof L-argininedid not restore impairedacetylcholine-mediatedrelaxation(31). Recent experiments combining bioassay and chemical detection of EDRF(N0) including its degradation product nitrite suggested augmented degradation rather than reduced production of EDRF in atherosclerosis (32).Since

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Mugge Forstermann Lichtlen





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i-SW PGF2a -5.5

PGF2, -5.5

PGF2a -5.5

Figure 1. Original recordings of strips of human coronary arteries. a: non-atherosclerotic preparation taken from the heart of a 24-year-oldpatient, b: atherosclerotic preparation taken form the heart of a 55-year-oldpatient. lndomethacin (10 pM) was present in organ bath. Arteries were preconstricted with prostaglandin F., After reaching contraction plateau, tissues were exposed to endothelium-dependent relaxants substance P (SP), bradykinin (BK), and calcium ionophore A23187. All concentrations are expressed as logarithms of molar concentration. Relaxationswere attenuatedinatherosclerotic preparations. Inthe same preparations,vasodilator responses to the endothelium-independent relaxants isoprenaline and nitroglycerin were of similar magnitude(not shown).W=wash,change of bath solution. Taken with permissionfrom ref. 28.

EDRF(N0) in aequous solutions is highly reactive with oxygen free radicals, e.g., superoxide anions (33, 34), this augmented breakdown of EDRF(N0) in atherosclerosis may be related to an imbalance between radical species and antioxidant defense. In fact, impairment of antioxidant defense in endothelial cells by inhibiting superoxide dismutase activity resulted in the release of degradation products of EDRF (nitrites) which have poor vasorelaxant activity (35). On the other hand, increase of antioxidant defense by chronic pretreatmentwith polyethylenglycolated superoxide dismutase improved impaired acetylcholinemediated relaxationin the aorta of cholesterol-fedrabbits in vitro (36). Although some evidence suggests an association of endothelial dysfunctionwith antioxidantdefense and radical species, other mechanisms may be also involved in the pathogenesis of impaired endothelium-dependentrelaxation in atherosclerosis. Oxidized low density lipoproteins have been reported to cause contraction and inhibition of EDRF-mediated relaxation in pig coronary arteries in vitro (37).Incubationof rabbit aorta in vitro with endothelial cellmodified LDL, but not native LDL, impaired acetylcholinemediated relaxation (38). The latter authors demonstrated that a transfer of lysolecithin from endothelialcell-modified LDL to endothelial membranes produced a unresponsiveness to receptor-regulated endothelium-dependent vasodilators. However, the precise mechanism how oxidized or modified LDL, and in particular lysolecithin, interferes with the L-argininelN0pathway invascular endothelium is unclear.

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Vascular Responses to Aggregating Platelets: Importance of an Intact Endothelium Aggregating platelets release a number of vasoactive substances. Among these are vasodilators like adenine nucleotides but also vasoconstrictors like serotonin and thrornboxane A, (39). Aggregating canine platelets, when applied to canine coronary arteries, induced endotheliummediatedrelaxation (40). In contrast, arteries mechanically denuded of endothelium contracted. An identical phenomenon could be demonstratedfor aggregating human platelets and human coronary arteries in vitro (41; Fig. 2). The relaxationin response to aggregating platelets was almost abolished and even converted to constriction in the presence of EDRF-inhibitors gossypol, methylene blue, and hemoglobin, but not significantlyimpairedafter pretreatment of the vessel wall with the cyclooxygenaseinhibitor aspirin (41). These results suggest that platelet-inducedrelaxation in intact arteries is mediated by the endothelial release of EDRF. The platelet-derivedsubstanceswhich stimulatethe endothelial release of EDRF are probably adenine nucleotides. This is based on the observation that apyrase which hydrolyzes ATP and ADP to AMP and adenosine abolished platelet-induced relaxation whereas the presence of the serotonin receptor antagonist methysergideor the pretreatmentof platelets with the thromboxane synthesis inhibitor dazmegrel did not affect platelet-induced responses (41). Thus, vascular responses to aggregating platelets are critically dependent on endothelial function.

Platelets, Endothelium-Dependent Responses and Atherosclerosis




a 0













+Endothelium 0 -Endothelium










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-80 -9 SP {log MI


108 Platelets {l/ml)

Figure 2. Effect of substance P (SP, 1nM), used as afunctional test of endothelial integrity, and human washed platelets (107/ml and 108/ml) on strips of human coronary arteries with the endothelium intact (+Endothehum, 44 strips from 7 patients) or removed (-Endothelium, 22 strips from 4 patients). Response is expressed as percent deviation from the contraction plateau induced by prostaglandin F,= (0.3-3pM). Induced tension was 1.5k0.1 g in endothelium-intact and 1.3f0.1 g in endothelium-denuded preparations. Asteriks denote significant differences between +Endothelium and -Endothelium (P 0




0 ..-

T h r 0.06U

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4 min

T hr 0.06U

Thr 0 . 0 6 U


T h r 0.06U



T h r 0.06U


.J 10080 -

4 min

60 4020 -








Thr 0 . 0 5 U

T h r 0.05U


T h r 0.05U Thr 0.05U


WP (MB) +


Thr 0.05U

Figure 3. Measurement of thrombin (Thr)-induced platelet aggregation in a mixture of washed platelets (WP) and empty microcarrier beads (B), or microcarrier beads covered with endothelial cells (ECB). Experiments were performed in the presence of 30 pM indomethacin (a, effects of EDRF), and in the absence of this drug (b, effects of prostacyclin and EDRF). The anti-aggregatory effect of EDRF (a) was 30 pM), after addition of hemoglobin (Hb, 15 pM)to the incubation mixture, or blocked after pretreatment of ECB with gossypol (GOSS, after pretreatment of the platelets with methylene blue (MB, 10 pM,30 min). These inhibitors are specific for EDRF effects as the antiaggregatory effect seen in the absence of indomethacin (b) was not impaired. Therefore, this effect is likely to be mainly due to endothelial prostacyclin. Taken with permission from ref. 58.

intraplatelet negtive feedback mechanism; the PathoPhYsiologicalimportance ofthis system remainsto be established.

Vascular Endothelium as a Defense Mechanism Against Platelet Aggregation and Vasospasm Acute myocardialischemiamanifestedby clinical syndroms

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of unstable angina pectoris or myocardial infarction usually is the result of an occlusive thrombus formation in the area of atherosclerotic plaques (64). Intact vascular endothelium may play an important role in the defense against platelet aggregation and vasospasm (Fig. 4). Basal release of EDRF and prostacyclin may interfere continuously with platelet aggregation. If local platelet aggregation occurs, platelet-derivedadenine nucleotides stimulate the release of EDRF(N0). Stimulated EDRF(N0) release may override the direct vasoconstrictor effects of other platelet products

Platelets, Endothelium-Dependent Responses and Atherosclerosis INTACT ENDOTHELIUM



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Figure 4. Schema summarizing the vascular effects of aggregating platelets in patients with normal endothelial function (left) and patients with coronary artery disease (right). In patients with intact endothelium, basal release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) and prostacyclin (PGI,) inhibits continuously platelet aggregation. If local aggregation of platelets occurs, platelet-derived ADP stimulates the endothelial release of EDRF. This increased release of EDRF may override the direct vasoconstrictor effects of other platelet-derived products such as serotonin (5-HT) and thromboxane A, (TxA,) resulting in local vasodilatation. In addition, increased release of EDRF may inhibit further platelet adhesion and aggregation. In patients with atherosclerosis, basal and stimulated release of EDRF is impaired. The EDRF release in response to platelet-derived ADP may not be sufficient to override direct vasoconstrictor effectsof 5-HT and TxA, resulting in local vasoconstriction. Furthermore, anti-aggregatory properties of the endothelium are diminished. Activated platelets may interact with other blood components such as leukocytes. Activated leukocytes may also release potent vasoconstrictors, e.g. TxA,, prostaglandin E, (PGE,), and leukotrienes (LT). EC=endothelial cells, SMC=smooth muscle cells, CSa=complement C5a, PAF=platelet-activating factor.

such as thromboxane and serotonin resulting in local vasodilatation. In addition, stimulation of EDRF(N0) release by adenine nucleotides may inhibit further platelet adhesion and aggregation by a feedback mechanism. It is obvious that endothelial damage or dysfunction would impair this protective mechanism and favor vasoconstriction and further platelet disposition(Fig.4). Since atherosclerosis is a major cause for endothelial dysfunction, occurrence of occlusive thrombus formation in patients with coronary artery disease may be pathophysiologically related to this impairment of endothelial defense. However, the complexity of the interaction between components of the arterial wall, platelets, and other blood components is still far from being fully understood (65).


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Platelets, endothelium-dependent responses and atherosclerosis.

Basal release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) and prostacyclin from intact vascular endothelium may inhibit continuously platelet aggreg...
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