
Practice question Extending the scope of practice What is advanced nursing practice? future development of these exciting and important roles. National documents such as Modernising Nursing Careers and the position statement on advanced level nursing (Department of Health (DH) 2006, 2010) have supported the need to increase advanced practice roles. The focus on patient-centred care (NHS England 2013) and patient choice (DH 2011) has created further opportunities for its development. In particular, commissioning bodies see nurse-led clinics as a cost-effective and clinically excellent way of achieving their strategic goals (Griffith 2013). Patient satisfaction Crucially, several studies have indicated that advanced nursing practice is associated with improvements in patient satisfaction, quality of life and health behaviours (Gagan and Maybee 2011, Paniagua 2011, Donald et al 2013). Haidar (2014) suggests there is a move to describe advanced practice as a level of education rather than a role with a master’s Chris Balcombe

Cliff Kilgore is advanced nurse practitioner in intermediate care at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust and vice chair of the British Geriatrics Society older people’s specialist nurse and senior practitioner group Nurses are no longer passive care providers but instead are increasingly autonomous and skilled clinicians delivering services that are nurse as well as medically led (Melby et al 2010). Haidar (2014) suggests there is strong support in education for the role of advanced nurse practitioner as an essential element of healthcare provision and that this promotes advanced nursing practice to other healthcare professionals and the general public. The nature of advanced practice defines standards of excellence in patient care for health communities, and many organisations have embraced the use of this professional group (Metzger and Rivers 2014). Advanced nursing practice has become a global phenomenon (Sheer and Wong 2008), which has implications for the present provision and

degree expected and agreed competencies mapped against the Knowledge and Skills Framework (DH 2004). Therefore, it is essential that there is an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progress for advanced practitioners, as well as recognition that education needs to be innovative (Fitzgerald et al 2012). There is the desire and need to develop a highly skilled and educated workforce, with advanced practitioners forming a significant part of this (Fitzgerald et al 2012) and demonstrating that nursing can lead the way in health care.

References Department of Health (2004) The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) and the Development Review Process. DH, London. Department of Health (2006) Modernising Nursing Careers. DH, London. Department of Health (2010) Advanced Level Nursing: A Position Statement. DH, London. Department of Health (2011) Transforming Community Services. DH, London. Donald F, Martin-Misener R, Carter N et al (2013) A systematic review of the effectiveness of advanced practice nurses in long-term care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69, 10, 2148-2161. Fitzgerald C, Kantrowitz-Gordon I, Katz J et al (2012) Advanced practice nursing education: challenges and strategies. Nursing Research and Practice. 2012:854918. Gagan MJ, Maybee P (2011) Patient satisfaction with nurse practitioner care in primary care settings. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 28, 4, 12-19. Griffith R (2013) Nurse-led clinics: accountability and practice. Nurse Prescribing. 11, 4, 196-199. Haidar E (2014) The reality of introducing advanced nurse practitioners into practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 28, 1, 68-71. Melby V, Gillespie M, Martin S (2010) Emergency nurse practitioners: the views of patients and hospital staff at a major acute trust in the UK. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 20, 1-2, 236-246. Metzger R, Rivers C (2014) Advanced practice nursing organizational leadership model. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 10, 5, 337-343. NHS England (2013) Putting Patients First: The NHS England Business Plan for 2013/14 – 2015/16. NHS England, Redditch. Paniagua H (2011) Advanced nurse practitioners and GPs: what is the difference? Practice Nursing. 22, 7, 383-388. Sheer B, Wong Y (2008) The development of advanced nursing practice globally. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 40, 3, 204-211.

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Advanced nurse practitioner Cliff Kilgore on a home visit advises patient Stanley Perkins, who has difficulties walking

14 April 2015 | Volume 27 | Number 3

This page is written by members of the older people’s specialist nurse and senior practitioner group, British Geriatrics Society. Questions can be emailed to [email protected] NURSING OLDER PEOPLE

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