Journal of Infection (I992) 25, Supplement I, 87-9o

P r e v a l e n c e o f a n t i b o d i e s to Chlamydia Belgian population


in a

A n n e - M a r i e Van den Abeele, Lieve Van R e n t e r g h e m , Kristel W i l l e m s and Jean P l u m

Bacteriology and Virology Laboratory, University Hospital, Block A, De Pintelaan I85, B - 9 o o o Ghent, Belgium Summary T o evaluate the prevalence of antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae in a healthy adult Belgian population a study group of I5o medical students was chosen. Sera were collected in the period between March and October I99O and assessed by the microimmunofluorescence test. Sixty-one per cent were found to have IgG antibodies to C. pneumoniae in a titre ~ I6, which showed evidence of past infection. Twenty-one per cent had IgA in a titre ~ 8. In none were antibodies of the IgM fraction detected. T he same sera were tested for the presence of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis. One hundred and thirty-one sera with no or low titres of antibodies to C. pneumoniae tended to have low or no detectable antibodies to C. trachomatis. Nineteen sera with high ( > i28) titres of antibodies to C. pneumoniae had IgG antibodies in a titre of 32 to C. trachomatis. This prevalence (I3 %) is much higher than one would expect in a population at low risk for C. trachomatis infection. T he problem of possible crossreactions between the three species in the micro-immunofluorescence test is discussed.


Chlamydia pneumoniae is a r e c e nt l y discovered pathogen. 1 It was initially r e g a r d e d as a subspecies o f Chlamydia psittaci. I n I989, h o w e v e r , based on its u n i q u e m o r p h o l o g y , i m m u n o l o g i c a l characteristics and D N A h o m o l o g y it was defined as a new, t h i r d Chlamydia s p e c i e s ) Chlamydia pneumoniae is c o n s i d e r e d as a h u m a n r e s p i r a t o r y p a t h o g e n w i t h o u t a k n o w n animal reservoir. Seroepidemiological studies seem to indicate a w o r l d w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f the a g e n t ) N o t m u c h is k n o w n a b o u t the s e r o p r e v a l e n c e o f C. pneumoniae in B e l g i u m and its s u r r o u n d i n g countries. T o fill in this gap we started car r yi ng out seroprevalence studies in I989. T h e aim o f o u r p r e s e n t s t udy is to evaluate the seroprevalence of C. pneumoniae in a y o u n g , adult p o pul a t i on. Patients and methods Sera o f I5O medical students were collected in the p e r i o d b e t w e e n M a r c h and O c t o b e r I99o. T h e s e s t ude nt s v o l u n t e e r e d to participate in a st udy a b o u t R h i n o v i r u s infection and t he specimens consisted of p r e - s t u d y screenings. F o r d etectio n o f antibodies to C. pneumoniae a modification o f the m i c r o i m m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e test of W a n g et al. 4 was used. T h e antigen was o b t a i n e d f r o m th e W a s h i n g t o n R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n and was coated on teflon slides with 36 wells o f 2 m m diameter. All sera were screened for total antibodies with a starting di l ut i on o f I / i 6 . F o r titration of I g G , IgA and I g M a starting dilution o f 1/8 was chosen. oI63-4453/92/SIoo87 +04 $03.00/0

© I992 The British Society for the Study of Infection



T a b l e I Comparison of IgG antibody titres to Chlamydia p n e u m o n i a e and Chlamydia trachomatis measured by two immunofluorescence tests C. pneumoniae I g G titre

Chlamydia trachomatis I g G titres

Negative Low ( > 8 - < 32) High ( ~> 3 2)


Low ( > i 6 - < I28)

High ( > I28)










F o r C. trachomatis a commercial immunofluorescence test (Biomdrieux, France) was used. In this test slides were coated with antigen from C. trachomatis L2. I g G antibodies were titrated with a starting dilution of 1/8. T h e conjugate was fluorescein labelled sheep anti-human i m m u n o g l o b u l i n (Wellcome, U . K . ) . F o r detection of specific I g G , I g M and IgA appropriate conjugates were used. T h e interpretation of serology was based on the definition of positive results as p r o p o s e d b y G r a y s t o n et al) All m i c r o - i m m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e tests were p e r f o r m e d b y the same two persons w h o b o t h read the slides separately and c o m p a r e d their results later on. Titres differed b y at most one dilution b e t w e e n the two readers and w h e n this occurred invariably the lowest titre was chosen. Results

First, all sera were tested for the presence of total antibodies to C. pneumoniae. Ninety-five students (63 %) were f o u n d to be positive for total antibodies in a titre ~ 16. T h e s e sera were tested further. N i n e t y - o n e students ( 6 1 % ) had I g G in a titre i> 16. T h i r t y - t h r e e ( 2 1 % ) were f o u n d to possess IgA in a titre >i 8. In none were antibodies of the I g M fraction detected. T h e same 15o sera were tested for the presence of I g G antibodies to C. trachomatis b y the immunofluorescence test. T h e results are s u m m a r i s e d in T a b l e I. F r o m the 59 negative sera for antibodies to C. pneumoniae none was positive for antibodies to C. trachomatis. In the group of 72 students with low levels of antibodies ( > 1 6 - < 128) to C. pneumoniae two had antibodies to C. trachomatis in a titre of 8 and one had a titre of 16. N i n e t e e n sera with a titre of antibodies to C. trachomatis ~ 32 belonged to the group with I g G antibody titres > 128 and IgA > 16 to C. pneumoniae. Discussion

T a b l e I shows the prevalence of antibodies to C. pneumoniae. In early studies I g G antibody titres ~ 32 were considered chronic or p r e - e x i s t i n g ) Recently, G r a y s t o n et al. suggested that a titre > 16 should be used to d e t e r m i n e population prevalence. 3 U n d e r this criterion 6 1 % of our study population

Chlamydial antibodies in Belgians


shows evidence of past infection. It has been suggested that sera with IgA antibodies to C. pneumoniae tend to have higher titres of I g G antibodies than those w i t h o u t an IgA titre; however, a positivity limit for IgA antibodies to C. pneumoniae has not yet been established. Saikku et al. ~ reported recently on the possible relationship of chronic chlamydial infection with chronic coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarction. T h e y state that high, stable IgA titres ( > 32) together with high I g G titres w i t h o u t seroconversion and no I g M antibodies suggest chronic C. pneumoniae infection, b u t the significance and the possible pathological implications of this need further investigation. T h e fact that none of our sera tested showed I g M antibodies suggests that the incidence of n e w cases of C. pneumoniae infection in our study group during the study period was low. W h e n testing the I5 ° sera for evidence of antibodies to C. trachomatis we divided t h e m into three groups according to the height of antibody titre for C. pneumoniae. As s h o w n in T a b l e I, there is a statistically significant correlation b e t w e e n the height of antibody titre for C. pneumoniae vs. C. trachomatis (Chisquare with Yates correction P < o'oo5). Cross-reactivity is the most obvious reason since the s t u d y group is at low risk for C. trachomatis infection and no antibodies against C. trachomatis could be detected in the group of 59 sera negative for C. pneumoniae. T h i s is in agreement with a previous study where we investigated the seroprevalence of antibodies to C. pneumoniae in a paediatric hospital population. 7 W e showed that in this paediatric population, where p r i m a r y infection for C. pneumoniae can be expected, the same degree of cross-reaction could be observed. W a n g and G r a y s t o n 4 are able to read their m i c r o - i m m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e test with a high degree of specificity for the different species and serovars. We, on the contrary, believe that cross-reactions are inevitable. Firstly, one has to differentiate b e t w e e n two distinct types of fluorescence: a specific and a nonspecific one. s T h e specific fluorescence is related to antibodies directed against a species-specific antigen on the M a j o r O u t e r M e m b r a n e Protein ( M O M P ) . T h i s results in a clear, bright fluorescence m u c h like a starry sky. T h e nonspecific fluorescence is mostly caused b y reaction to a genus specific antigen, the lipopolysaccharide fraction (LPS). T h i s results in a patchy, scattered fluorescence pattern. T o be able to read the test with specificity one has to achieve a certain degree o f experience. Secondly, the M O M P not only exhibits species-specific epitopes b u t also genus-specific ones. 9 A third important remark is that w h e n comparing fluorescence tests one with the other, identical test procedures for the different genera or serovars must be used. This was not the case in our s t u d y where a commercial immunofluorescence test for C. trachomatis was used vs. a modified microimmunofluorescence test for C. pneumoniae. Part of the cross-reaction could be attributed to this. In conclusion, the study shows that the prevalence of antibodies to C. pneumoniae in this young, healthy, adult population is comparable to the one o b s e r v e d b y several other investigators t h r o u g h o u t the world. It is also important to appreciate that in an adult population false-positivity rates of seroprevalence studies of C. trachomatis evaluated b y the microimmunofluorescence test m a y be unacceptably high due to a cross-reaction with C. pneumoniae.



References I. Grayston JT, Kuo CC, Wang SP, Altman J. A new C. psittaci strain, TWAR, isolated in acute respiratory tract infections. N Engl J IVied I986; 3r5 : I6I-I68. 2. Grayston JT, Kuo CC, Campbell LA, Wang SP. Chlamydia pneumoniae sp. nov. for Chlamydia sp. strain TWAR. Int J Syst Bacteriol I989; 39: 88-90. 3. Grayston JT, Wang SP, Kuo CC, Campbell LA. Current knowledge on Chlamydia pneumoniae, strain TWAR, an important cause of pneumonia and other acute respiratory diseases. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis I99o; 9: 347-3494. Wang SP, Grayston JT. Microimmunofluorescence serological studies with the TWAR organism. In: Oriel JD, Ridgway G, Schachter J, Taylor-Robinson D, Ward M, Eds. Chlamydial infections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I986:329-33 z. 5. Wang SP, Grayston JT. Population prevalence antibody to Chlamydia pneumoniae, strain TWAR. In: Bowie WR, Caldwell HD, Jones RP et al., Eds. Chlamydial infections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I99O: 402-405. 6. Saikku P, Mattila K, Nieminen NS et al. Serological evidence of an association of a novel Chlamydia, TWAR, with chronic coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarction. Lancet I988; ii: 983-986. 7. Van Renterghem L, Van den Abeele AM, Claeys G, Plum J. Prevalence of antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae in a pediatric hospital population in Belgium. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis I99o; 9: 347-3498. Schachter J. Human Chlamydia psittaci infection. In: Oriel JD, Ridgway G, Schachter J, Taylor-Robinson D, Ward M, Eds. Chlamydial infections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I986:311-32o. 9- Allan I. Chlamydial antigenic structure and genetics. In: Oriel JD, Ridgway G, Schachter J, Taylor-Robinson D, Ward M, Eds. Chlamydial infections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I986: 73-76.

Prevalence of antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae in a Belgian population.

To evaluate the prevalence of antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae in a healthy adult Belgian population a study group of 150 medical students was chose...
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