Short Communications a g e gt-oups 15- 19 and 35 44 yr (5-6). D a t a frotii our survey do n(-)l seem to differ gt-eally frotn those in other Eut-op e a n countries. References 1. Hot' MA VAN ' r , Tt!ii]N G-.l.;i:K H, BdtuititisDtrK RCW, Vissr:;R R S H , H I ' M N G

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Prevalence of recurrent caries in three adult communities in Poland


Treatment Needs. Inl Dent J 1982; .^2: 281-91. Ptt.OT T Periodontal conditions in adults. 35 44year.s of age; an overview ofCPITN data in the WHO Global Data Bank. Communitv Dent Oral Fpidemiol 1986; 14: 310-2. PtLOT T. Periodontal conditions in adoleseenls, 15-19 years of aae; an overview of CPITN dala in the W^HO Global Data Bank. Community Dent Orat Fpidemiol 1987; ly- 336-8. '

Maria Chomyszyn-Gajewska, Zofia Knychaiska-Karwan, Danuta Fijal, Ewa Franaszek, Bozena Gawrzewska, Alicja KaczmarczykStachowska, Maria Pelcowa and Krystyna Prostak-Kosowska Department of Preventive Dentistry. Medical Academy, Cracow. Poland

Choinys7,ytvGajewska M, Knychalska-Kar-wan Z, Fijal D, Ft-anaszek E, Gawrzews k a B, Kacztiiatczyk-Slachowska A, Pelcowa M, Proslak-Kosowska K, Prevalence of rccutretit caries iti three adult comtnunilies in Poland. Cotnmtmily Dent Oral Epidemiol 1992; 20; 311.

Key words; Poland; recurrent caries Maria Chomyszyn-Gajewska. Zaktad Stomatologii Zachowawczej AM ul, Smoler^sk 25, 31-tO8, Cracow. Poland Accepted for publication 17 March t992

T h i s investigation was part of a more extensive study earried oul in 1988-89 iti P o l a n d under the supervision of WHO. T h i s short eomtnunication pt-esents the d a t a oil tccurrent caries in adults in southern Poland. T h e .sample was chosen from the three m a i n administrative divisions of southern Poland; city, town atid rural ateas. A d u l t s in the age group 35-44 years were selecled al random frotii a variety of social backgtounds. ln each of the three a r e a s , 60 people (30 tiieti atid 30 wotnen) w e r e exatnitied by a calibrated exatniner. Clinical examinatiotis wete carried out ir-t a dental sut-get-y under arlifieial light, u s i n g dental mirrot-s and explorers. After d r y i n g with air each tooth was assessed for signs of recttrtenl caries such as

changes of anatomical cotitoui-s and surI'acc appearance, mat-ginal leakage and discoloration of teeth and fillings (I). The nuinber of teeth filled and decayed or filled without decay around fillings was t-elated lo llie nutnber of people examitied, the total number of filled teeth, and groups of teeth. Most tnen in the t-ut-al at-eas had recurrent caries (21,1%) and similar pt-evalences wet-e found in the city (18.1"'ii) and the town (18.1%) (Table 1). If the tiutnbers for tnen at-e aggt-egated acri-iss ihc iht-ee cotnmunilies and compared lo the tiumber of women siniilarly aggregated, 63'!^i of the men had recurt-etit caries as oppo.sed to 47% of the women (x" = 5.O5, /)

Prevalence of recurrent caries in three adult communities in Poland.

Short Communications a g e gt-oups 15- 19 and 35 44 yr (5-6). D a t a frotii our survey do n(-)l seem to differ gt-eally frotn those in other Eut-op e...
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