Ii6 (5)

AKSTKAC’TS Conclusion8 regarding impression 5.1 Errors of the method. 5.2 Conclusions for the clinical

Intraocular c.

tonography application.

Pressure in Cushing’s Syndrome



~~OFFEL, Bonn

An ophthalmological examination was carried out on a group of 70 patients with Gushing’s syndrome. In 47 cases ophthalmodynamometry was performed before and after operation. The intraocular pressure (IOP) and the bra&al and ophthalmic artery blood pressures were measured. Cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) were calculated using the method of Niesel and Ismiridis as modified by Weigelin and Lobstein. After adrenalectomy or extirpation of an adrenal adenoma a diminution occurred of the LOP (5.02 mmHg), CVR (0.334), CBF (5835 ml-r/100 g min-r), brachial blood pressure (24.95 mmHg) and ophthalmic blood pressure (26.56 mmHg). There was a significant correlation (r = 0.49) between the IOP and the circulatory factors. The measure of determination (r2) of only 240/A for the interdependence in multiple correlation suggests that other, more important factors must be responsible for t,he elevation of IOP in Cushing’s syndrome.

The Influence of Various Anaesthetic R.

Drugs on the Intraocular

Pressure of Cats


Cats with normal intraocular pressure (IOP) or with experimental glaucoma were t,rained to tolerate tonometry while conscious (Pneumotonograph@, Digilab, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.AX.). The animals were subsequently anaesthetized with each of the following agents: Pentobarbital; 12-5 and 25 mgjkg body wt I.P. Ketamine (KetalarB, Parke Davis Co.) ; 12.5 and 25 mg/kg body wt I.M. CI-744 (Parke, Davis Co.); 2 and 4 mg/kg body wt I.M. CI-744 components (Parke, Davis Co.) CI-716; 2 and 4 mg/kg body wt I.M. CI-634; 2 and 4 mg/kg body wt I.M. The two dosages used were the minimum and twice the minimum required for tonometry in untrained cats. It appeared that pentobarbital lowered the IOP and that Ketamine slightly raised it. The individual components of CI-744 (CI-716 and CI-634) produced small but variable changes of pressure. CI-744 i&elf, a, new dissociative anaesthetic, produced no changes in IOP and this drug would therefore seem to be the agent of choice in animals where light genera1 anaesthesia is required for tonometry. (Supported by the Deutscher author and by USPHS Grant


Akademischer EY 06231-10

: Experimental

Austauschdienst Grant to Dr Ernst Barany.)



to the



and Brussels,

AND E. DEMOLS, Brussels

Seventy-two experiments of cryocyclocoagulations were performed on eyes of pigmsnted rabbits; different temperatures as well as various durations, number and extent of the applications were tested. The course of the intraocular pressure has been followed for more than one year; it varies in relation to these parameters. The histopathological lesions of the ciliary body are correlated with the differences observed in the evolution of the curves of the intraocular pressure after cryocyclocoagulation according t,o the variations of the parameters.

Responses of Intraocular

Pressure aid Iris Blood Flow to the Administration

of Vasopressins

S.PITAGASUBRAMANIAN,L~~~~~ The effects of close-arterial thetized rabbits in order

infusion to clarify

of natural and synthetic vasopressins earlier observations suggesting that

were studied in anaesvariations in the plasnm

Proceedings: Cryocyclocoagulation: experimental study.

Ii6 (5) AKSTKAC’TS Conclusion8 regarding impression 5.1 Errors of the method. 5.2 Conclusions for the clinical Intraocular c. tonography applicatio...
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