The high reinduction rate may result from (1) avoidance of drug resistance, (2) early diagnosis of relapse or (3) positive effect of immunotherapy or a combination of these factors.
by histological examination of tumour and lymph nodes for evidence of cellular and humoral immune response. Correlation of the two sets of data with each other and with clinical tumour staging has given a broad view of host tumour IMMUNE COMPETENCE IN COLON interaction in stomach cancer. The results CANCER: RELATIONSHIP OF PRE- will allow an assessment of whether histoTREATMENT TESTS TO DIAGNOSIS logical parameters of cellular and humoral AND TUMOUR STAGE. A. M. MANDER, immunity correlate with results obtained by P. M. BOLTON, R. H. WHITEHEAD, R. G. immunosurveillance tests, and which of these NEWCOMBE and L. E. HUGHES, Department is most relevant to the clinical outcome of the of Surgery, Welsh National School of Medi- disease. cine, Cardiff. A spectrum of immunological tests was performed to assess cellular and humoral HUMORAL IMMUNITY IN HUMAN immunity in 40 patients with colon cancer. LUNG NEOPLASIA. M. DAWSON and Controls had suspected cancer but proved to M. MOORE, Paterson Laboratories, Manhave benign disease. chester. The tests employed were measurements of Sera from patients with carcinoma of the peripheral white cell count, lymphocyte count, lung were examined for evidence of humoral serum immunoglobulin levels, lymphocyte immunity towards allogeneic lung carcinoma response to PHA, DNCB response, and the cells in short-term culture. Montoux test. Results were correlated with Microcytotoxicity assays were used to diagnosis and tumour stage. The colon investigate: (a) complement dependent cytocancer patients had both absolute and toxicity; (b) serum mediated cellular cytorelative lymphocytopaenia. Serum IgM and toxicity and (c) " blocking" activity of sera IgA levels were significantly raised in the towards leucocytes obtained from patients cancer group and were highest in the patients with lung carcinoma. with distant spread. No difference in The incidence of complement dependent lymphocyte response to PHA was observed. cytotoxic antibody to the sera was low, only DNCB and Mantoux responses were markedly 3/18 (17%) sera giving positive reactions. A depressed in the cancer group even in patients higher proportion 8/18 (44%) of the same with early cancer. Discrimination between sera were found to iinduce cellular cytotoxicity benign and malignant conditions was not against lung carcinoma cells in leucocytes greatly improved by using the tests in obtained from healthy donors, while " blockcombination. ing" activity towards lung cancer patients' leucocytes was found in 10/18 (56%) sera. HOST TUMOUR RELATIONSHIP IN The latter phenomenon was not specific since STOMACH CANCER-CORRELATION 5/7 (71%) sera from patients with unrelated OF HISTOLOGICAL CRITERIA WITH cancers also reduced the cytotoxicity of TESTS OF IMMUNE COMPETENCE. leucocytes from lung cancer patients for A. M. MANDER, C. A. MORGAN, E. W. OWEN, cultured lung carcinoma cells. The impliJ. ZLOSNICK and L. E. HUGHES, Welsh cations of these findings for the interpretation National School of Medicine, Cardiff. of in vitro cytotoxicity tests in the human The current prospective study involves allogeneic context are to be examined. multifactorial computer analysis of 50 stomach cancer patients who have been assessed from two separate approaches: the MACROPHAGE MIGRATION INHIBIfirst by preoperative estimation of host TION AND IMMUNOGLOBULIN PROimmune competence, measuring lymphocyte DUCTION BY HODGKIN'S DISEASE response to phytohaemagglutinin, peripheral (HD) BIOPSY SPECIMENS IN VITRO. lymphocyte count, serum immunoglobulin D. B. JONES, S. V. PAYNE, J. L. SMITH, and levels, Mantoux response and dinitrochloro- D. H. WRIGHT, Department of Experimental benzene skin testing, and the second approach Pathology, Southampton University.