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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.

Ann. Rev. PhysioL 1979. 4J:68S-7(J() Copyright © 1979 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved



HYPOTHALAMO-PITUITARY AND OVARIAN FUNCTION Harold R. Behrman Reproductive Biology Section, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, cr 06510 INTRODUCTION In this review attention is focused on the role of prostaglandins (pGs) in the hypothalamus and pituitary in control of gonadotropin secretion, and in the control of ovulation, luteinization, and corpus luteum regression. The role of prostaglandins in uterine function, fetal-placental function and par­ turition is not reviewed here. ROLE OF POs IN GONADOTROPIN SECRETION On the basis of present evidence it is clear that PGs affect gonadotropin secretion; PGs may play a role in regulation of gonadotropin secretion. Our present information is based largely on the effects of PGs on LH secretion, to a lesser extent on FSH secretion, and to a minor extent on prolactin secretion.

PGs and the Anterior Pituitary The "mixed-cell" feature of the anterior pituitary and the independent humoral regulation of the different cell types make interpretation of the specificity of PO action on gonadotropin secretion difficult since isolated gonadotrophs have not yet been studied directly. It is accepted that PGs, particularly PGE\J act directly on the anterior pituitary to stimulate an increase in cyclic AMP levels and hormone secre­ tion. For example, PGs stimulate release of GH from pituitary tissue in vitro (24, 44, 53, 59, 79, 83). Hedge (39, 40) has reported that PGs act

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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.



directly on the pituitary to inhibit ACTH secretion in the presence and absence of corticotropin releasing factor. However, direct effects of PGs on the secretion of LH, FSH, and prolactin have not been clearly shown, and most evidence indicates that PGs do not stimulate gonadotropin secretion by a direct action on the pituitary. There is a well documented relationship between cAMP and gonadotropin secretion (50, 53, 75, 89), as well as a relationship between PGs and stimulation of cAMP levels in the pituitary (16, 60, 76, 89). Although Zor et al (90) demonstrated that both a crude hypothalamic extract and PGE1 stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and cAMP accumulation, only the hypothalamic extract increased LH secretion from intact pituitary tissue. More recently, Drouin et al (29) showed that neither PGE1 nor PG� had an effect on basal or LHRH-stimulated LH release in cultured pituitary cells. In further studies, Drouin & Labrie (30) found that PGE1 had little effect on release of LH, FSH, TSH, or prolactin in cultured pituitary cells, although PGE1 did produce a dose-dependent release of GH. Furthermore, PGE2 was shown to have no effect on LH release from hemipituitaries (21). This evidence conflicts with earlier re­ ports that a stimulation of LH secretion occurred with addition of PGE1 (60, 76). The basis of these conflicting reports is not clear, but most workers agree that the pituitary is not a predominant site of PG action in stimulating LH release. Although PGs stimulate cAMP formation in pituitary tissue and gonado­ tropin release appears to depend on cAMP , the absence of effect of PGs on gonadotropin release from the pituitary implies that PGs probably do not increase cAMP levels in gonadotrophs. On the other hand, the observation that PGs directly stimulate GH release from pituitary tissue indicates that the increase in pituitary cAMP levels produced by PGs may be limited to specific cell types. These observations may be taken as indirect evidence for specificity of PG action on target cells in the pituitary and that stimulation of cAMP may not be a generalized response to PG in all pituitary cells. Future studies that identify specific receptors for PGs in pituitary cells may yield interesting information in this area.

Prostaglandins and the Hypothalamus Systemic administration of PGs has been shown to increase circulating levels ofGH (45, 48, 53, 67), ACTH (26, 41, 71), prolactin (37, 65, 77), FSH (77), and LH (18, 38, 53, 76, 78, 86). In general, PGs of the E series are more potent than PGs of the F series; with regard to LH secretion, PGE2 is more potent than PGE1 (53). In vivo evidence that PGs may be involved in gonadotropin secretion was derived from indirect experiments in which rats treated with indomethacin during the follicular phase failed to ovulate (68).

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On the basis of present evidence the systemic action ofPGs in stimulating gonadotropin release appears to be due to an hypothalamic site of action. This conclusion is based on several observations. First, PGs have little direct effect on pituitary release of gonadotropins (reviewed above). Second, direct administration ofPGs into the brain ventricle mimics the intravenous effect of PGs on gonadotropin secretion (38, 53, 81). Third, pretreatment of male and female rats (21) and proestrous rats (29) with antisera against LHRH blocks thePG�-stimulated increase in systemic blood levels ofLH. Taken together these observations indicate that PGs stimulate release of LHRH, thereby producing a stimulation of gonadotropin secretion. These observations also provide provocative evidence thatPGs may be physiologi­ cal mediators (regulators) of LHRH secretion. It has not been established whether PGs act directly on LHRH-containing neurons to stimulate LHRH release or whether they act on other neurons that synapse with LHRH-neurons to modify LHRH release. The site ofPG action in stimulating increased levels of circulating prolac­ tin also appears to be at the hypothalamic level based on the positive effects of intraventricular injection of lPG and the lack of a direct effect of in­ trapituitary injections ofPG (37, 65). It has been suggested thatPG� may act in the hypothalamus by inhibiting release of a prolactin-secretion-inhib­ iting factor, which would result in an increase in prolactin secretion (66).

General Considerations of PG Action on Gonadotropin Secretion Although there is clear evidence that PGs may act at hypothalamic sites to stimulate release of gonadotropins and prolactin, it is not clear whether PGs play a physiological role in this process. One problem is the inability to control adequately the localization and concentration of PG applied to hypothalamic areas to prevent expression of pharmacological and/or indi­ rect actions of PGs. Until hypothalamic neurons can be successfully iso­ lated and tested in vitro, or tested in highly controlled environments in vivo, direct administration ofPGs will yield little information on their physiolog­ ical actions. An alternative approach that is technically feasible but about which no information is available is the use of "tagging procedures" to identify sites of prostaglandin localization in the hypothalamus. Studies that utilize inhibitors of PG synthesis, such as aspirin and indomethacin, have provided provocative information on the role ofPGs in gonadotropin secre­ tion. However, such drugs are not entirely specific in their actions and the results must be interpreted with caution. The generalized action of PGs in stimulating release of a wide spectrum of pituitary hormones implies that if PGs are physiological regulators of hypothalamic control of pituitary hormone secretion, they probably act as

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.



intermediaries in reactions common to release of many hypothalamic prod­ ucts. Since independent control of secretion of most pituitary hormones does occur, it follows that positive or negative effectors that regulate hypo­ thalamic function may be dependent on a common action of P Os, but specificity would be directed by receptors of such effectors within the hypo­ thalamus. If this is the case, it is expected that changes in P O levels may be highly restricted and localized within areas of the hypothalamus, either through control of synthesiS-degradation or by the presence of specific P O receptors. ROLE OF PGs IN OVULATION

The involvement of P Os in ovulation was first suspected when inhibitors of PG synthesis, indomethacin and aspirin, were found to block ovulation in the rat (3, 68). This action of indomethacin on ovulation was confirmed in the rabbit (36, 63). The indomethacin-induced block of ovulation was re­ versed by injection of animals with P Os (68, 87). To avoid possible central actions of indomethacin on gonadotropin secretion Armstrong et al (4) injected indomethacin directly into rabbit follicles and showed that ovula­ tion was blocked. Intrafollicular injections of an antiserum to P OF blocked ovulation in the rabbit (4), and elevated levels of P Os in preovulatory follicles were demonstrated in the rabbit (57), in the rat (87), and later in the pig (1).

Gonadotropin Effects on Follicular PG Production P resent evidence indicates that elevation of P Os in preovulatory follicles is induced by gonadotropin. For example, LeMaire et al (57) isolated rabbit follicles one, five, and nine hours after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin to induce ovulation. Levels of PGE and PGF were markedly increased nine hours after gonadotropin treatment, but at five hours only a modest change was seen. This response was seen only in follicles that were destined to ovulate (88). A similar observation was made later in the pig (1). In vitro, LH stimulates PG production in preovulatory rabbit follicles, but FSH and prolactin were shown to have no effect (61). In the rat however, Bauminger & Lindner (7) reported that either LH or FSH stimu­ lated P O production in isolated follicles with a latency period of about two to four hours. Elevation of follicular P O content was shown in bovine folli­ cles exposed to LH in vitro (80) and in follicles of women pretreated with human menopausal gonadotropin followed by human chorionic gonadotro­ pin (73). Thus there appears to be a species difference in the nature of the gonadotropins that stimulate follicular P O production.



Effect of Cyclic Nucleotides on Follicular PG Production Cyclic nucleotides may be involved in mediating the action of gonadotro­ pins on follicular PO production. Marsh et al ( 61) reported that cAMP mimicked the effect of LH on PO production in the rabbit follicle in vitro.

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Zor et al


reported that both cAMP and cGMP stimulated PGE pro­

duction in isolated rat follicles. On the other hand, Clark et al (23) reported that cAMP, but not cGMP, stimulated PG production in isolated rat follicles. The difference between these reports may be due to the use of analogs of cAMP and cOMP by Zor et al ( 91). It is interesting that cholera toxin, a nonhumoral agent that elevates cAMP levels in a variety of cells, was also shown to elevate POE levels in rat follicles ( 23, 91).

Macromolecular Synthesis and PG Production The time lag following exposure of the follicle to gonadotropin or cyclic nucleotide indicates that macromolecular synthesis may be involved in follicular PO production. Bauminger & Lindner ( 7) found that the increase in prostaglandin synthetase activity in rat follicles exposed in vivo to the ovulatory surge of gonadotropin was blocked by neutralization of circulat­ ing LH with a specific antiserum. It was suggested that the delay in follicu­ lar PO production in response to LH may require de novo synthesis of PO synthetase rather than direct stimulation of enzyme activity. This conclu­ sion was based on studies using inhibitors of protein synthesis (22 ,

91) and

nucleic acid synthesis ( 91) to block the LH- and cyclic nucleotide­ stimulated increase in PO production. However, no direct evidence for PG synthetase induction by gonadotropin is available. The possibility that gonadotropins modify other rate-limiting factors necessary for PO produc­ tion, such as arachidonic acid availability, has not been examined.

Plasminogen Activator Production by the Follicle Recently, it was suggested by Beers et al (15) that plasminogen activator may play a role in the process of follicular rupture that leads to ovulation. The protease, plasmin, a product of the reaction catalyzed by plasminogen activator, was able to weaken follicle wall strips in vitro (14). In addition, it was shown that rat granulosa cells released plasminogen-dependent fibrinolytic activity, and such activity was greatest in granulosa cells ob­ tained from preovulatory follicles. This activity was inducible by exposure of the cells in vitro to LH or dibutyryl cAMP ( 15). It was shown that plasminogen activator production increased as ovulation was approached and occurred only in follicles destined to ovulate


In this same study,

POEt and POE,. stimulated granulosa cells to produce the enzyme activa­ tor, but PGFt/l and PGF2/l were inactive. FSH was found to be more active



than LH, TSH showed substantial activity, while GH and prolactin were

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.

inactive (82). Although FSH may have a role in ovulation, it is generally assumed that LH is the major signal in initiating the ovulatory process. On the other hand, in the studies on plasminogen activator, FSH was more active than LH, and PGF2a was found to be inactive (82). It has been shown that intrafollicular injections of PGF2a induce ovulation (5) and intrafollicular injection of antiserum against PGF2a blocks ovulation (4). The hypothesis that ovulation is due to LH (FSH) stimulation of cAMP production fol­ lowed by increased follicular PG levels and resultant granulosa cell secre­ tion of plasminogen activator is interesting, but the discrepancies between hormone andPG specificity are disturbing. Nonetheless the time course for appearance of plasminogen activator activity following exposure of rat granulosa cells to LH approximates the time course for PG release in rat follicles exposed to LH (7).

Summary In Figure 1 a model of a possible mechanism of gonadotropin- follicular-PG interaction in ovulation is shown. The cell type in the follicle responsible forPG production is not known, although LH and to some extent FSH (6) appear to activate processes leading to this response. Results that show FSH to be more active than LH in stimulating plasminogen activator secretion by granulosa cells (82) are not consistent with the hormone specificity for PG production. However, since it has been shown that granulosa cells respond to FSH with cAMP production and elevated aromatase activity (2), it is not surprising that isolated granulosa cells respond better to FSH than to LH with plasminogen activator secretion. Presumably this may be due to the presence of distinct receptors for FSH but few for LH. Theca cells, on the other hand, appear to respond specifically to LH with increased androgen synthesis (2), and follicle wall tissue was shown to produce plas­ minogen activator (14). Thus, it is possible that PG production and plas­ minogen activator secretion may occur in the theca compartment (follicle wall) under the control of LH and in the granulosa compartment under the control of FSH. The site and mechanism of action of follicular PG in the ovulatory process are not known. PGs may mediate hormone dependent-adenylate cyclase stimulation of plasminogen-activator release, or they may mediate another process, such as contraction of follicle wall smooth muscle (27). Prostaglandin production appears to be independent of follicular steroido­ genesis (6) but is elevated by cAMP (23, 61, 91). Conversely PGs, particu­ larly the E series, elevate cAMP levels (20), but this response is rapid whereas elevation ofPGs by cAMP shows a lag of several hours (91). Since inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis do not block LH-induced steroido-



theca comportment granulosa comportment

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.

follicular fluid

Figure 1

Prostaglandin-gonadotropin interactions in the rat pre-ovulatory follicle.

genesis and oocyte maturation,and because of the time delay inPG produc­ tion after addition of hormone, it is probable that PGs do not mediate the hormone-induced elevation of cAMP levels. Thus, the increase in plasmino­ gen activator secretion produced by PGE1 and PGE2 (82) may reflect stimulation of adenylate cyclase but it does not necessarily show a direct role of PGs in plasminogen activator secretion. In this regard it was re­ ported that indomethacin did not affect gonadotropin-dependent plasmino­ gen activator secretion (82). It is possible that both PG production and plasminogen activator secretion are parallel but not interdependent events involved in ovulation.


Luteinization A physiological role of PGs in the luteinization process has been suggested but not confirmed. Channing showed that granulosa cells cultured in the presence of PGE1 and PG� luteinized, and increased progesterone secre­ tion occurred (19,20). While the evidence is somewhat equivocal, cAMP

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.



appears to be involved in the luteinization process (20, 32). In general, luteinization induced by LH appears to be mediated by cAMP, and PGE1 or PG� may mimic this action of LH. However, evidence that PG is an obligatory intermediate of LH-induced luteinization is less clear. Doses of indomethacin that block ovulation in vivo (3, 36, 63) do not prevent luteinization in the rat or the rabbit. Yet, it was reported that indomethacin reduced the incidence of luteinization of follicles exposed to LH in vitro and then permitted to luteinize in vivo (32). In this same study PG� prevented the indomethacin effect, but the possi­ bility of nonspecific effects of the drug cannot be excluded. An obligatory role ofPGs in the luteinization process has not been established, and further work in this area is necessary.

Corpus Luteum Regression It is now clear that PGs, particularly PGF2.., secreted by the uterus, cause luteal regression in many species-with one possible notable exception: the human. Evidence for a physiological role of PGF2.. in corpus luteum re­ gression is based upon several observations. First, direct administration of PGF2.. causes luteal regression. Second, active immunization of the animal againstPGF2.. prolongs the life span of the corpus luteum. Third, inhibition of PG synthesis with indomethacin prolongs the life span of the corpus luteum. Fourth, an increase in the blood level of PGF2.. occurs at or near the time of luteal regression. Evidence in support of a physiological role ofPGF2o. in corpus luteum regression has recently been reviewed (33, 47).

Although PGF2.. has been shown to induce transient decreases in blood levels of progesterone that are most marked with increased age of the corpus luteum (33, 55), the physiological signal involved in human luteolysis re­ mains to be established. In other species such as the sheep, cow, and rat, newly formed corpora lutea appear to be refractory to the luteolytic activity ofPGF2... The basis for such refractoriness is not known but studies on this problem may elucidate the cause for the resistance of the human corpus luteum to PGF2... Several mechanisms have been postulated for the luteolytic action of PGF2... These include restriction of blood supply to the ovary (31) or corpus luteum (85), stimulation of a lytic level of LH secretion from the pituitary (52), or antagonism of gonadotropin support of the corpus luteum (12). It is now clear that the site of action of PGF2.. in luteolysis is directly on the corpus luteum. This conclusion is based upon observations that show that PGF2.. is luteolytic in hypophysectomized rats in which the corpora lutea were maintained with exogenous gonadotropin (10). Thus stimulation or inhibition of pituitary hormone secretion appears not to play a major role in PGF2..-induced luteolysis.



Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.

Ovarian and Luteal Blood Flow Effects of PGF2a Present evidence indicates that luteal tissue blood flow comprises the major part of the ovarian blood flow and that at regression luteal blood flow is significantly reduced. This observation has been made in the sheep (62), the rabbit (17), and the rat (69). Several studies have reported on the interrela­ tionship between blood flow and progesterone secretion following PGF2a treatment (17, 51, 62, 72). It is clear that at pharmacological doses PGF2a reduces ovarian blood flow, but no data have been reported in which a dose-response of PGF2a on blood flow and progesterone secretion was examined. However, at lower doses it has been reported that reduced pro­ gesterone secretion precedes the decrease in blood flow (17, 49, 51, 58). In the rat, 200 p.g PGF2a (i.v.) reduced utero-ovarian blood flow (72), but 20 p.g PGF2a (i.v.) had no effect on ovarian blood flow within 30 min, although progesterone secretion was reduced (12). Rats given PGF2a at a dose of 1 mg kg-l (s.c.) showed no change of ovarian blood flow 6 hr and 12 hr later, but progesterone secretion was reduced (13). Pang & Behrman (69) reported recently that in physiological luteal regression of the rat, blood flow was unchanged until after a significant decrease in progesterone levels occurred. These same workers reported that PGF2a at a dose of 3 mg kg-l (s.c.) reduced luteal blood flow at 30 min after treatment, but blood flow returned to control levels within 1 hr and remained unchanged at 4 hr, 8 hr, and 24 hr, but was reduced 36 hr after treatment (70). In this study, plasma progesterone levels were reduced at all times examined after PGF2a treatment. These observations support the conclusion that PGF2a at physiological concentrations may not induce functional luteal regression by reducing luteal blood flow.

PGF2a Antagonism of Gonadotropins in the Corpus Luteum

The first evidence that PGF2a may be an antagonist of gonadotropin action in the corpus luteum arose from studies in which acute inhibition of proges­ terone secretion by PGF2a was reversed by a simultaneous injection of LH (12). In this same study but in hypophysectomized rats, PGF2a blocked the acute stimulation of progesterone secretion produced by LH. In hypo­ physectomized rats, luteal function maintained with exogenous prolactin was also lost following PGF2a treatment (10). Since gonadotropin support is necessary for luteal function, it was suggested (to, 12) that luteolysis may arise from a loss of hormone action by an antagonistic action of PGF2a against both LH and prolactin. Heditz et al (42) have shown that rat luteal tissue, at or near regression, becomes refractory to LH with respect to cAMP production. Refractoriness could occur by a loss of receptors on the luteal cell; it has been shown that LH receptors are lost in rat corpora lutea at regression (56). Hichens et al (46) showed that PGF2a reduced luteal LH receptors in the rat within 24 hr and suggested that this may be the basis

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.



for refractoriness to LH in regressing luteal tissue. This effect is also accom­ panied by a marked decrease in serum progesterone and reduced functional activity of the LH receptor (34). The depletion of LH receptors by PGF2a is probably not due to a direct action on the LH receptor since PGF2a has no effect on binding of LH to isolated luteal membranes (46). PGF2ainduced loss of LH receptors in rat corpora lutea appears to be due to inhibition of prolactin action. This conclusion is based on demonstrations that ergocryptine (35) and hypophysectomy (9) mimicked the effect of PGF2o.' Furthermore, prolactin treatment prevents the loss ofLH receptors produced by PGF2o.' ergocryptine, or hypophysectomy (9, 35). Grinwich et al (35) found that progesterone levels in serum are reduced within 2 hr of PGF2o. treatment in the rat, whereas the first measurable decrease in LH receptor binding capacity did not occur for at least 8 hr. However, functional luteolysis, marked by elevated serum 20-(X.-dihydro­ progesterone, was seen within 8 hr ofPG treatment (35). Thus, loss of LH receptors per se is probably not the cause of the early decrease in progester­ one production produced by PGF2o.' On the other hand, loss of receptors for LH would insure that corpora lutea whose function was lost would not reinitiate progesterone secretion. A possible basis for the rapid effect of PGF2o. on progesterone secretion is reduced binding of LH to preexisting receptors. In this regard, PGF2o. produces a prompt and marked fall in uptake of radiolabelled hormone by the corpus luteum in vivo (8). This effect occurs as early as 30 min after PGF2a coincident with a significant decrease in plasma progesterone. In later studies it was shown that prolactin prevented the rapid effect of PGF2o. on luteal uptake of radiolabelled chorionic gonadotropin (9). More­ over, PGF2o. also reduced luteal uptake of radiolabelled prolactin, but no effect ofPGF2o. was seen on either LH or prolactin receptor binding capac­ ity in luteal membranes from rats treated with PGF2a 2 hr before sacrifice (9). These observations indicate that block of hormone uptake by PGF2a in vivo is not hormone-specific. One explanation for the rapid action of PGF2a on block of hormone uptake in vivo may be reduction of blood flow to the corpus luteum. But, at the same concentration, PGF2o. had no effect on blood flow 1 hr after treatment (70) and in other studies no effect was seen at 2, 4, or 24 hr after treatment (C. Y. Pang, H. R. Behrman, unpUblished observations). PGF2o. has no direct effect on binding of radiolabelled chorionic gonadotro­ pin to isolated luteal membranes (46). From these data it is concluded that PGF2a in some unknown manner reduces accessibility of the intact luteal cell to circulating hormone. Clearly, further research in this area is neces­ sary. An additional basis for the rapid effect ofPGF2o. on progesterone produc­ tion may be inhibition of events in LH-dependent steroidogenesis that



follow binding of LH to its receptor. Direct antagonism of gonadotropin action by PGF2a in vitro has been demonstrated. For example, progesterone secretion by hamster corpora lutea induced either by co-incubation with hamster pituitary tissue or LH was blocked by PGF2a (11). In monkey granulosa cells Channing (20) showed that PGF2a and PGE2 inhibited

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.

LH-stimulated progesterone secretion. Henderson & McNatty ( 43) showed antagonism by PGF2a of gonadotropin- ( LH- and FSH- ) stimulated pro­ gesterone production in porcine granulosa cells cultured over a period of eight days. The same workers reported that PGF2a inhibited progesterone secretion by cultured granulosa cells from the cow and human when proges­ terone production was low but not when high. In the latter studies the effects of PGF2a on LH-stimulated progesterone secretion were not re­ ported, and also PGF2a was present in the incubation media for long periods of time. PGF2a had a similar effect on long-term culture of explants of rat (25) and rabbit

(64) corpora lutea in organ culture.

Both PGF2a and

PG� produce a rapid block of LH-dependent progesterone secretion by rat luteal cells in culture within 2 hr (84). In this same study no effect on specific binding to the LH receptor by PGF2a was seen, but the effect of PGF2a was reversed by addition of exogenous dibutyryl cAMP. In addition, direct inhibition of LH-dependent cAMP accumulation by PGF2a was shown, but no effect of PGF2a on phosphodiesterase activity was evident. These results confirm the preliminary observation of Labav et al (54) in which PGF2a inhibited cAMP accumulation induced by LH in slices of rat luteal tissue. In preparations of isolated rat luteal plasma membranes PGF2a had no effect on LH-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity (28). However, in dis­ persed luteal cells PGF2a blocked cholera toxin stimulation of progesterone secretion; this action of PGF2a was prevented by dibutyryl cAMP

(L. J.

Dorflinger, H. R. Behrman, unpublished observations). The mechanisms of these actions of PGF2a have not been elucidated but the ionophore A23187 was found to mimic the action of PGF2a in dispersed luteal cells. and addition of calcium to isolated plasma membranes produced a dose-depend­ ent inhibition of LH-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity ( L.



H. R. Behrman, unpublished observations). Thus, the rapid anti-LH action of PGF2a is expressed only in the intact cell, which implies an indirect action possibly through some mediator that blocks LH receptor complex activation of adenylate cyclase. Preliminary evidence indicates that an ini­ tial action of PGF2a in the luteal cell may be an increase in calcium influx ( or intracellular release of bound calcium) that then inhibits activation of adenylate cyclase. More direct studies are necessary to determine if calcium mediates the anti-gonadotropic action of PGF2a. This action of PGF2a appears to be specific since PGF2a was not active in blocking the action of LH in interstitial cells of rat testes lished observations).


P. Thomas, H. R. Behrman, unpub­

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1979.41:685-700. Downloaded from Access provided by University of Manchester - John Rylands Library on 01/24/15. For personal use only.



It is possible that specific PG receptors are necessary for expression of the adenylate cyclase inhibition byPGF2a. Such receptors have been identi­ fied in luteal tissue of the pig, cow, and human, and this subject was recently reviewed by Powell et al (74). Specific binding of PGF2a has been demon­ strated in rat luteal membrane preparations (K. Wright, H. R. Behrman, unpublished observations), and such receptors have been localized on the luteal cell plasma membrane with ultrastructural studies using a ferritin conjugate of PGF2a (J. L. Luborsky-Moore, K. Wright, H. R. Behrman, unpublished observations).

Proposed Mechanism of PGF2a-Induced Luteolysis in the Rat The sequence of events in luteal regression produced by PGF2a include several time-dependent phenomena. First there is a rapid (within minutes) inhibition of LH-activated adenylate cyclase. This process appears to be reversible since luteal cells incubated with LH (or cholera toxin) and PGF2a respond to LH (or cholera toxin) after washing (L. J. Dorflinger, H. R. Behrman, unpublished observations). The longer-term effect of PGF2a on the luteal cell of the rat appears to be inhibition of prolactin action that results in a loss of LH receptors. This process takes more than eight hours in the rat (35). After substantial loss of LH receptors this process appears to be irreversible because of the time necessary to generate new receptors and the need for constant gonadotropin action for continued luteal function. The mechanism of the anti-prolactin action of PGF2a is unknown and, although specific receptors for prolactin are present on rat luteal cells (9), the mechanism of prolactin action is unknown. Inhibition of gonadotropin uptake by luteal tissue produced byPGF2a in vivo is a rapid and additional facet of PGF2a action in the rat. The mechanism of this action of PGF2a is presently unexplained. Thus the luteolytic impact of PGF2a (Figure 2) includes rapid inhibition of LH action and eventual loss of LH receptors. Fa.t (min) and Reversible




receptor complex

I Adenylat. cyclase �'ltCAMP """ Activation

.J, Progesterone 5yn theSls .

� LH -,l,


Action �

.J, LH

tf\ I LH



receptor synthesis andlor receptor degradation

Figure 2 Summary of the rapid and slow antigonadotropic actions of PGF2Cl in the rat luteal cell. Factor X unknown.





The combination of these events results in isolation of the luteal cell from the tropic and trophic influences of gonadotropins necessary for continued function of the luteal cell culminating in luteolysis.

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The author wishes to acknowledge Drs. J. L. Luborsky-Moore, K. Wright, C. Pang, and L. Dorflinger for their assistance in the preparation and editing of the manuscript. Supported by NIH HD 10718 and The Ford Foundation 770-0534. Literature Cited 1. Ainsworth, L., Baker, R. D., and Ann­ strong, D. T. 1975. Pre-ovulatory changes in follicular fluid prostaglandin F levels in swine. Prostaglandins 9:915-25 2. Armstrong, D. T., Dorrington, J. H. 1977. Estrogen biosynthesis in the ovar­ ies and testes. Advances in Sex Hormone Research, ed. J. A. Thomas, R. L. Sing­ hal, 3:217-58. Baltimore: University Park Press 3. Armstrong, D. T., Grinwich, D. L. 1972. Blockade of spontaneous and LH­ induced ovulation in rats by indometha­ cin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin bio­ synthesis. Prostaglandins 1:21-8 4. Armstrong, D. T., Grinwich, D. L., Moon, Y. S., Zamecnik, J. 1974. Inhibi­ tion of ovulation in rabbits by intrafol­ !icular injection of indomethacin and prostaglandin F antiserum. Life Sci. 14:129-40 5. Armstrong, D. T., Moon, Y. S., Zamec­ nik, J. 1974. Evidence for a role of ovarian prostaglandin in ovulation. In Gonadotropins and Gonadal Function, ed. N. R Moudgal, pp. 345-63. New York: Academic 6. Bauminger, S., Lieberman, M. E., Lind­ ner, H. R. 1975. Steroid-independent effect of gonadotropins on prostaglan­ din synthesis in rat graafian follicles in vitro. Prostaglandins 9:753-63 7. Bauminger, S., Lindner, H. R. 1975. Periovulatory changes in ovarian pros­ taglandin formation and their hormonal control in the rat. Prostaglandins 9: 737-51 8. Behrman, H. R. Hichens, M. 1976. Rapid block of gonadotropin uptake by corpora lutea in vivo induced by prosta­ glandin F2�' Prostaglandins 12:83-95 9. Behrman, H. R., Grinwich, D. L., Hi­ chens, M., Macdonald, G. J. 1978. Effect of hypophysectomy, prolactin











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Prostaglandins in hypothalamo-pituitary and ovarian function.

Some aspects of prostaglandin (PG) functions are reviewed including: 1) the role of PGs in the hypothalamic and pituitary control of gonadotropin secr...
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