P ro t h ro m b i n C o m p l e x Concentrates as Reversal Agents for N ew Oral Anticoagulants Lessons from Preclinical Studies with Beriplex Gerhard Dickneite,
KEYWORDS Beriplex Prothrombin complex concentrate New oral anticoagulants Anticoagulant reversal KEY POINTS The preclinical study results obtained with Beriplex have demonstrated consistent reversal of new oral anticoagulant (NOAC)-associated bleeding and provide encouraging evidence for the use of this nonactivated 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate for NOAC reversal. There is a need for clinical data, particularly in bleeding patients, to further validate this reversal strategy. The lack of correlation between coagulation parameters and hemostasis observed in some of the studies needs to be explored further to help guide clinician diagnostics.
New oral anticoagulants (NOACs) represent an effective anticoagulation therapy option and have several advantages over warfarin and other vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), including a low potential for food and drug interactions, a relatively short half-life, and a rapid and reliable onset of action.1–4 NOACs include the activated factor II (FIIa), or thrombin, inhibitor (dabigatran etexilate [Pradaxa, Prazaxa]) and FXa inhibitors (rivaroxaban [Xarelto], apixaban [Eliquis], and edoxaban [Lixiana]).5,6 These agents specifically inhibit important elements in the coagulation cascade, unlike
Conflict of Interest Statements: Prof. Dr G. Dickneite is an employee of CSL Behring and owns CSL Behring stock. Editorial assistance was provided by Alan Saltzman at Fishawack Communications Ltd, with a grant from CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany. CSL Behring, Preclinical R&D, PO Box 1230, Marburg 35002, Germany E-mail address:
[email protected] Clin Lab Med - (2014) -–http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cll.2014.06.001 labmed.theclinics.com 0272-2712/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
VKAs, which interfere with the synthesis of multiple vitamin K-dependent factors (VKDFs; eg, FII, FVII, FIX, and FX) (Fig. 1). Clinical trials of NOACs have demonstrated their noninferiority or superiority over VKAs for the prevention of thrombotic events.5 Nevertheless, NOAC therapy is still associated with a risk for bleeding complications.5 Although this risk is apparently lower than that for VKAs,5 it is still a significant issue, as bleeding in patients on anticoagulants has been associated with poorer outcomes.7–11 This is further compounded by the fact that no validated strategy for NOAC reversal is yet available. Presently, the treatment of choice for VKA reversal is prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC), coadministered with vitamin K.12 PCCs contain significant quantities of VKDFs II, IX, and X, with either low (3-factor [3F]-PCC) or therapeutic levels (4-factor [4F]-PCC) of FVII, and replace the VKDFs that are deficient as a result of VKA therapy.13 The efficacy of PCCs for urgent VKA reversal was demonstrated in a recent phase IIIb clinical trial in which treatment with a nonactivated 4F-PCC (Beriplex) was shown to be at least as good as plasma for urgent VKA reversal in patients with acute major bleeding.14 Further details on this trial and other studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of 4F-PCC for VKA reversal can be found elsewhere in this supplement.15 Currently, only preclinical and early clinical results have been published on NOAC reversal, including the use of VKA reversal agents, such as PCCs. Theoretically, PCCs could overcome the anticoagulant effects of FIIa and FXa inhibitors by enhancing thrombin generation.16 However, because the reversal of the anticoagulant effect would be mechanistically different from that for VKAs, procedures for the use of PCCs in the reversal of NOAC-associated bleeding would need to be validated. Interestingly, in one recent report of reversal of dabigatran-associated intestinal bleeding, treatment with the 4F-PCC Octaplex resulted in control of hemorrhagic complications in 4 of the 5 patients included in the study.17
Fig. 1. Coagulation cascade and biological targets for NOACs and PCCs. HK, high molecular weight kininogen; PL, platelet membrane phospholipid; TF, tissue factor.
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
This article summarizes the current published preclinical data for the reversal of NOACs with Beriplex, a nonactivated 4F-PCC. This agent has been the most extensively studied PCC for NOAC reversal and has demonstrated efficacy for VKA reversal.14,18 We also aim to put the findings presented on NOAC reversal with Beriplex into context with results obtained with other reversal agents (eg, other PCCs, activated and nonactivated, and recombinant activated FVII [rFVIIa]). PRECLINICAL STUDIES OF NOAC REVERSAL WITH BERIPLEX FIIa Inhibitors: Dabigatran In vivo rabbit model combined with in vitro/ex vivo studies
Inconsistencies have been observed between PCC-mediated reversal of dabigatraninduced anticoagulation and reversal of dabigatran-associated hemorrhage.19 A rabbit study was performed to study the effect of Beriplex on both dabigatran-modulated thrombin generation activity (TGA) and bleeding in one set of experiments.20 This included (1) TGA measurements after in vitro spiking with dabigatran and Beriplex in platelet-poor plasma (PPP) from untreated rabbits, (2) spiking experiments with Beriplex in PPP obtained from rabbits treated with dabigatran, and (3) evaluation of TGA in PPP from rabbits treated with both dabigatran and Beriplex in vivo, combined with assessment of hemorrhage. The study demonstrated a dose-dependent decrease of peak thrombin and endogenous thrombin potential (ETP), as well as a prolonged lag time, when rabbit PPP was spiked with dabigatran 200 to 800 ng/mL (Fig. 2A; CSL Behring data on file). Addition of Beriplex 0.156 to 0.625 U/mL to PPP treated with dabigatran 400 ng/mL resulted in a dose-dependent increase in peak thrombin and ETP, leading to normalization of both parameters (see Fig. 2B; CSL Behring data on file). However, there was only a slight effect on the lag time. In the in vivo part of the study, the administration of dabigatran 0.4 mg/kg led to a marked impairment of thrombin generation (see Fig. 2C; CSL Behring data on file) and a strong bleeding signal in a kidney incision wound model.20 Addition of Beriplex (0.156–0.94 U/mL) to PPP from dabigatran-treated animals resulted in normalization of ETP and peak thrombin, although the lag time was only slightly reduced (see Fig. 2C). To evaluate the ability of Beriplex to normalize TGA and reverse dabigatranmediated bleeding, 20, 35, or 50 IU/kg doses of Beriplex were administered to rabbits treated with dabigatran 0.4 mg/kg.20 Increased blood loss due to dabigatran administration was significantly reduced with Beriplex in a dose-dependent manner, with normal levels obtained at the highest dose (50 IU/kg) and a significant reduction seen at 35 IU/kg.20 Similarly, time to hemostasis, which increased with dabigatran treatment, decreased with increasing doses of Beriplex, and was returned to values close to the normal range at the highest dose.20 Thrombin generation was normalized over time, as demonstrated in Fig. 2D for a representative animal treated with Beriplex 35 IU/kg (data on file). In contrast, dabigatran-induced activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) prolongation remained unaffected with Beriplex treatment, whereas prothrombin time (PT) remained elevated in 2 of 5 animals receiving Beriplex 50 IU/kg.20 This study demonstrates that thrombin generation parameters correlate with Beriplex-mediated bleeding reversal, with peak thrombin level being the most sensitive parameter. In vitro reversal studies
The reversal of dabigatran-mediated inhibition of thrombin generation by Beriplex was evaluated in a cell-based model that used freshly prepared platelet-rich human plasma and activated macrophages as a tissue factor source.21 In accordance with the rabbit model described previously,20 this human cell-based model demonstrated that Beriplex was able to reverse dabigatran-induced inhibitory effects on the rate,
Fig. 2. In vitro and ex vivo studies on dabigatran-mediated inhibition of thrombin generation and its reversal by Beriplex. Thrombin generation induced by the extrinsic pathway was performed in rabbit PPP. Samples were measured using calibrated automated thrombinography (CAT; Thrombinoscope B.V., Maastricht, the Netherlands) and the Thrombinoscope software version The concentration of recombinant relipidated tissue factor was 5 pM (picomolar) and of phospholipids 4 mM. (A) Inhibition of thrombin generation by dabigatran in vitro. (B) Reversal of dabigatran-mediated thrombin generation inhibition by Beriplex in vitro. (C) Beriplex-mediated ex vivo reversal of thrombin generation inhibition in PPP from dabigatran-treated (0.4 mg/kg) rabbits. (D) Time course of Beriplex-mediated reversal of dabigatran-induced inhibition of thrombin generation in vivo (data from one representative rabbit). TGA was measured at baseline (t 5 0). Dabigatran (0.4 mg/kg; Dabi 0.4) was given 1 minute later (t 5 1) and TGA was measured 4 minutes after dabigatran treatment (t 5 5). Beriplex (35 IU/kg; Bplx 35) was administered 5 minutes after dabigatran treatment (t 5 6) and the TGA was measured 5 minutes (t 5 11) and 35 minutes (t 5 41) after Beriplex treatment (all data on file).
peak, and area under the thrombin generation curve, and increase these parameters to levels at or above control. However, the dabigatran-induced increase in the lag period before thrombin generation was not reversed by Beriplex. Ex vivo reversal studies
Two ex vivo studies have reported on the efficacy of Beriplex in the reversal of dabigatran-induced anticoagulant effects.22–24 These studies showed contrasting effects with regard to both the anticoagulant and the reversal agent effects, which limits interpretation. In one study, the potential of Beriplex to reverse the dabigatran-induced inhibition of thrombin generation was assessed using blood from healthy human subjects who had received the anticoagulant 2 hours prior.22 Dabigatran administration only significantly affected the lag time (the ETP was only marginally inhibited and dabigatran had no effect on peak thrombin), and Beriplex was able to reduce the dabigatran-induced lag time prolongation only slightly.
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
In a second study, blood samples from healthy individuals treated with dabigatran for 5 days were used to evaluate the ability of Beriplex (50 IU/kg) to reverse dabigatraninduced effects on standard coagulation parameters.23,24 In contrast with the previous study,22 dabigatran administration had a significant impact on parameters of thrombin generation (eg, peak thrombin) in this study. Addition of Beriplex was able to at least partially reverse the changes in thrombin generation parameters associated with dabigatran treatment. Although Beriplex administration was able to partially reverse dabigatran effects on clot firmness, the effect of dabigatran on other viscoelastic parameters and fibrin formation was not modified by Beriplex. In vivo reversal studies
Four in vivo studies, performed in mice, rats, and rabbits, have evaluated Beriplex for the reversal of bleeding mediated by dabigatran.20,25–28 These studies have demonstrated the ability of Beriplex to reverse dabigatran-induced effects on bleeding time (BT) and time to hemostasis, although this did not always correlate with reversal of coagulation assay parameters, a finding similar to that reported in studies with other PCCs.26,29 In a murine intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) model, dabigatran, injected 1 hour before ICH induction, doubled hematoma size, and this increase was significantly reversed with Beriplex treatment.25 The reversal of dabigatran effect on hematoma size was dose dependent, and all 3 doses of Beriplex (25, 50, and 100 IU/kg) were efficacious. In contrast, the increase in tail vein BT with dabigatran treatment, assessed in the same study, was significantly reduced only at the highest concentration. In a rat tail vein model, Beriplex restored dabigatran-elevated BT to baseline levels within 5 minutes of administration, an effect that was maintained for at least 2 hours.26 However, thrombin time (TT), aPTT, and ecarin clotting time (ECT) remained prolonged, despite normalization of bleeding and PT. Finally, 2 in vivo studies were performed in rabbits to assess dabigatran reversal by Beriplex,20,27,28 one of which has been described previously. Herzog and colleagues27,28 evaluated anticoagulation reversal using an arterial-venous (AV) shunt model and bleeding reversal using a kidney incision model. In the AV shunt model, anticoagulation induced by dabigatran doses of 200 mg/kg or more was not fully reversed by the administration of Beriplex. In contrast, 200 mg/kg dabigatranstimulated bleeding, as evaluated by time to hemostasis and blood loss in the kidney incision model, was reduced to normal values in a dose-dependent manner. FXa Inhibitors: Rivaroxaban In vitro reversal studies
In an in vitro study using blood samples from healthy volunteers treated with rivaroxaban, Beriplex 50 IU/kg was able to reverse alterations in thrombin generation (eg, rivaroxaban-induced prolongation of the lag-phase and reduction of the maximal peak).30 Some effect also was seen in modifying the rivaroxaban-induced reduction in platelet and fibrin interactions. Ex vivo reversal studies
Two ex vivo studies, previously discussed in the dabigatran reversal section, have also evaluated the efficacy of Beriplex to reverse the anticoagulant effects induced by rivaroxaban.22–24 As with dabigatran, these studies showed contrasting effects with regard to both the anticoagulant and the reversal agent effects, and should be interpreted with caution. In the first study, which assessed rivaroxaban reversal using blood from healthy volunteers who had received the anticoagulant 2 hours prior, rivaroxaban showed
pronounced inhibitory effects on thrombin generation parameters.22 In this model, rivaroxaban-induced inhibition of the ETP and peak thrombin, and prolongation of the lag time, were not corrected by Beriplex. In the second study, which used blood samples from healthy volunteers treated with rivaroxaban for 5 days, rivaroxaban had only a modest inhibitory effect on thrombin generation.23,24 Addition of Beriplex 50 IU/kg was able to partially reverse the effects of rivaroxaban on peak thrombin and corrected rivaroxaban-mediated changes in clot viscoelasticity, while also significantly improving fibrin formation. In vivo reversal studies
Three published studies in mice, rats, and healthy human volunteers have evaluated the reversal of rivaroxaban with Beriplex.31–33 Although the study in human subjects assessed only coagulation parameters, and demonstrated variable results for Beriplex depending on the parameter being considered,33 the 2 animal studies demonstrated that administration of Beriplex was able to reverse rivaroxaban-induced prolongation of BT and prevent intracerebral hematoma expansion.31,32 In the murine ICH model, rivaroxaban treatment nearly doubled hematoma volume, and this effect could be significantly reversed by administration of Beriplex (50 or 100 IU/kg).31 The Beriplex 25-IU/kg dose, although not as effective as the higher doses in reducing hematoma expansion in rivaroxaban-treated mice, substantially improved neurologic defects. Beriplex did not have any effect on rivaroxaban-induced PT prolongation in this model. In the rat bleeding model, administration of Beriplex 50 IU/kg was able to significantly reduce BT in rivaroxaban-treated animals, although the lower (25 IU/kg) dose of Beriplex was not effective in this model.32 In contrast to the previous study,31 Beriplex treatment was able to partially reverse rivaroxaban effects on PT and on thrombin generation as measured by the thrombin–antithrombin (TAT) levels. In the study conducted in healthy volunteers, rivaroxaban was given for 4 days to attain steady-state levels before Beriplex administration (50 IU/kg).33 The PT was shortened to within 30 minutes of Beriplex treatment, but effects on ETP were less pronounced. FXa Inhibitors: Apixaban In vitro reversal studies
Reversal of apixaban-mediated changes in coagulation parameters with Beriplex 50 IU/kg was evaluated in thrombin-generation assays, thromboelastometry studies, and perfusion studies using human whole blood.34 In thrombin-generation assays, addition of Beriplex was able to partially reverse some of the apixaban-mediated effects on thrombin generation (eg, reduced peak thrombin).34 In thromboelastometry studies, addition of Beriplex partially reversed apixaban-induced reduction of maximum clot firmness, but had less of an impact on clotting time altered by apixaban treatment.34 Finally, in perfusion studies, addition of Beriplex also was able to reverse the apixaban-mediated reduction in fibrin generation, although it had minimal effects on the reduction of platelet interactions.34 FXa Inhibitors: Edoxaban In vivo reversal studies
A dose-dependent reversal of bleeding induced by a high intravenous dose of edoxaban (1200 mg/kg) was achieved with Beriplex treatment (25–75 IU/kg) in a rabbit kidney injury model, with significant reductions in both time to hemostasis and blood loss seen after administration of the 50 IU/kg dose of Beriplex.35 Reversal of bleeding
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
was best correlated with the following biomarkers: PT, whole blood clotting time, and ETP. DISCUSSION
Although NOACs are at least as efficacious as VKAs for the prevention of thrombotic events, with advantages such as reduced laboratory monitoring requirements, more predictable pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and simpler dosing regimens, the risk of bleeding complications remains a concern, particularly considering the lack of validated reversal strategies.1–6 Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify validated treatments for the reversal of the effects of NOACs during such bleeding events or when the possibility for bleeding exists, such as with surgery. One potential strategy for NOAC reversal is the use of therapies currently used for VKA reversal, including PCCs, activated PCCs (eg, Factor VIII Inhibitor Bypassing Activity [FEIBA]) and rFVIIa. This article has focused on the potential for the use of PCCs for NOAC reversal, reviewing the available preclinical data for Beriplex, the PCC most studied for this application. Overall, the studies reviewed here have shown that Beriplex treatment consistently improved hemostasis in animals treated with either dabigatran, rivaroxaban, or edoxaban (Table 1).20,25–28,32,33,35 Efficacy was shown in various animal models, including a murine ICH model, rat artery and tail vein models, and a rabbit kidney incision model.20,25–28,32,33,35 Reversal of NOAC bleeding, or prevention of NOAC-induced hematoma expansion, was observed despite variable results on coagulation parameters, such as TT, PT, and aPTT.20,26–28,32,33,35 Although these results are encouraging, additional studies, particularly in bleeding patients, are warranted to confirm these preclinical findings. One of the potential complications of reversal therapy with these agents is thromboembolic risk, which has historically been associated with treatment with (activated) PCCs.36 However, pharmacovigilance data obtained with Beriplex have demonstrated no proven cases of treatment-related thromboembolism.36 Results obtained in reversal studies that also assessed the prothrombotic risk of PCCs are consistent with this finding. For example, in the study that evaluated dabigatran reversal with Beriplex in rabbits, histopathological analysis did not reveal any evidence of thrombosis in the treated animals.27,28 Furthermore, Levi and colleagues33 also reported that no signs of prothrombotic response were observed in their study of rivaroxabaninduced anticoagulation reversal in healthy volunteers. When comparing the different and sometimes discrepant reversal results obtained in in vitro studies, it is important to remember that standard laboratory assays were not originally developed to measure reversal of new oral anticoagulants. In addition, different assay measures vary considerably in their sensitivity to new oral anticoagulants.37,38 Therefore, absence of or only partial reversal of NOAC-induced changes in in vitro assay parameters does not necessarily mean there will be no reversal of bleeding in an in vivo study or in the clinical setting. There is a need for in vitro assays that are calibrated for use with NOACs. In the absence of such assays, effect on bleeding is a much more reliable demonstration of reversal of NOACs. Reversal of NOAC anticoagulation in standard laboratory assays needs to be analyzed in detail and results should be interpreted with caution, especially if no bleeding data were presented. In this regard, variability of the effect of Beriplex on the NOAC-modulated coagulation assay parameters, despite efficacy in vivo, indicates there is a need to identify a
Dickneite Table 1 Summary of study results for new oral anticoagulant reversal with Beriplex Results Study
Coagulation Parameters
Hoffman et al,21 2012
Cellular in vitro coagulation, human
[ rate, peak, and total amount of thrombin generation; no effect on lag time
No data
Pillitteri et al,22 2013
Cellular ex vivo coagulation, human
Slight reduction in lag time
No data
Galan et al,23 2012; Galan et al,24 2013
Cellular ex vivo coagulation, human
[ velocity index, time to peak and peak of thrombin generation. Partial effect on clot firmness, but no effect on other viscoelastic parameters or fibrin formation
No data
Zhou et al,25 2011
Intracerebral hemorrhage model, mouse
No data
van Ryn et al,26 2011
Tail cut model/ coagulation, rat
No change in TT, aPTT, or ECT, but PT reversed to baseline
Herzog et al,27,28 2013
Arterial venous shunt/ coagulation, rabbit
Improvements in thrombin generation parameters, but no change in PT or dilute PT
Pragst et al,20 2012
Kidney bleeding/ coagulation, rabbit
Y PT and normalization of peak amount of thrombin generation, ETP, and Vmax for thrombus formation, but no change in aPTT and only slight effect on lag time
Arellano-Rodrigo et al,30 2013
Cellular in vitro coagulation, human
[ peak and Y lag phase of thrombin generation. [ platelet/fibrin interactions
No data
Pillitteri et al,22 2013
Cellular ex vivo coagulation, human
No effect on ETP, peak, and lag time of thrombin generation
No data
Galan et al,23 2012; Galan et al,24 2013
Cellular ex vivo coagulation, human
Modest [ in peak of thrombin generation. Reversal of rivaroxabaninduced effects on clot viscoelastic properties. [ fibrin formation
No data
Zhou et al,31 2013
Intracerebral hemorrhage model, mouse
No change in PT, but [ in plasma activity of FII, FIX, FX and proteins C and S
Y (hematoma volume)
Perzborn et al,32 2013
Mesenteric bleeding/ coagulation, rat
[ TAT; Y PT, but reversal was partial
Levi et al,33 2013
In vivo coagulation, human
No data
(continued on next page)
Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
Table 1 (continued) Results Study
Coagulation Parameters
Cellular in vitro coagulation, human
[ peak of thrombin generation; [ clot firmness but minimal effect on velocity index; [ fibrin generation but minimal effect on platelet accumulation
No data
Kidney bleeding/ coagulation, rabbit
Apixaban Escolar et al,34 2013
Edoxaban Herzog et al,35 2013
[, increase; Y, decrease. Abbreviations: aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; ECT, ecarin clotting time; ETP, endogenous thrombin potential; F, factor; PT, prothrombin time; TAT, thrombin–antithrombin; TT, thrombin time; WBCT, whole blood clotting time.
relevant monitoring tool for NOAC-induced anticoagulation. Patient studies have shown that aPTT, TT, and ECT are sensitive to dabigatran concentration, whereas thrombin generation and PT were variable or unresponsive.37 However, some in vivo studies of NOAC reversal have failed to demonstrate a correlation between reversal of bleeding and reversal of dabigatran-sensitive coagulation assay parameters.20,26 Regarding rivaroxaban monitoring, it has been suggested that PT and anti-FXa assays are sensitive to rivaroxaban levels.37 However, observations from preclinical studies have shown little correlation between reversal of rivaroxabanassociated bleeding and reversal of PT prolongation.31 Other nonactivated PCCs have also been studied for NOAC reversal, and variable results on their effect on reversal of NOAC-mediated bleeding have been reported, although limited information is available. Administration of the 4F-PCC Octaplex was able to successfully reverse dabigatran-induced prolongation of BT in a rat tail vein model,26 but did not significantly reduce blood loss in dabigatran-treated mice.39 A rat tail vein model also was used to assess the efficacy of the 3F-PCCs Profilnine and Bebulin, and both agents were shown to reduce the dabigatraninduced prolongation of BT to baseline levels.29 However, it should be noted that the effect of the 3F-PCCs lasted for only 30 minutes,29 rather than the 2 hours reported for 4F-PCCs in the same model,26 a finding that is consistent with previous reports of suboptimal efficacy of 3F-PCCs for VKA reversal.40 The 4F-PCC Kaskadil was evaluated in a rabbit model of rivaroxaban-mediated bleeding reversal, and was found to be ineffective in reducing blood loss, despite partial correction of thrombin-generation parameters.41 The wide variation in the amount of coagulation factors, and proteins C and S, that PCCs contain13,19 makes comparisons between PCCs difficult, and caution should be advised when contrasting these study results. Activated PCC (FEIBA) and rFVIIa also have been studied for NOAC reversal and have proven effective in reversing NOAC-stimulated bleeding in some animal studies.25,26,31,32 In a rat tail bleeding model, these agents had comparable efficacy to Beriplex in reversing dabigatran-enhanced bleeding.26 Similar efficacy was also reported for the reversal of rivaroxaban-enhanced bleeding with FEIBA or rFVIIa, as compared with Beriplex, in murine ICH and rat mesenteric bleeding models.31,32
However, in a murine ICH model, dabigatran-enhanced hematoma expansion was not lessened by rFVIIa, although Beriplex was efficacious.25 Although these agents have proven efficacious for the reversal of NOAC-associated bleeding, they may pose a greater risk of thrombosis and some guidelines recommend the use of nonactivated PCCs as the first choice for reversal of NOAC effects.42 In addition to the previously mentioned reversal strategies, selective agents are also currently in development for NOAC reversal.43–45 Dabigatran antibody fragments have shown efficacy in in vitro and ex vivo models, and for the reversal of dabigatranassociated bleeding in a rat tail vein model.45,46 Administration of the specific FXa inhibitor antidote PRT064445 was associated with dose-dependent reversal of rivaroxaban-associated blood loss in rats.44 Although these agents may have advantages due to their selectivity, efficacy data are still limited to preclinical studies and nonselective reversal agents are still likely to be clinically useful.19 In conclusion, the preclinical study results obtained with Beriplex have demonstrated consistent reversal of NOAC-induced bleeding and provide encouraging evidence for the use of this nonactivated 4F-PCC for NOAC reversal. However, there is a need for clinical data, particularly in bleeding patients, to further validate this reversal strategy. In addition, the lack of correlation between coagulation parameters and hemostasis observed in some of the studies needs to be explored further to help guide clinician diagnostics. REFERENCES
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