International Orthopaedics(SICOT)(1992) 16:207-212


Orthopaedics © Springer-Verlag1992

Pulmonary function in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis K. SakK I, M. Pe~ina 1, and F. PavKK 2 Departmentof OrthopaedicSurgery,Schoolof Medicine,Universityof Zagreb, Croatia 2Departmentof Pulmology,Schoolof Medicine,Universityof Zagreb, Croatia

Summary. Two groups of patients, with an average age of 15 years, have been studied to establish the improvement in pulmonary function after surgical correction in relation to the amount of correction achieved. The first group of 33 patients were treated surgically; an average Cobb angle of 72 ° was reduced to 32.6 °. The second group of 30 patients with an average Cobb angle of 33 ° were not operated on. Results of tests undertaken have shown that pulmonary function was improved by surgical correction, but the improvement does not match the degree of correction achieved. Statistical analysis of the two groups shows a difference in cardiopulmonary function to the advantage of those who were not operated on. This suggests that there is partial irreversibility of ventilation and perfusion in those who are treated surgically. R~sum~. Le but de ce travail est d'dvaluer l'amdlioration de la fonction respiratoire aprds correction chirurgicale des courbures scoliotiques. L~tude a porM sur deux groupes distincts de patients, ~g~s de 15 ans en moyenne. Le premier groupe comportait 33 sujets opdrds d'une scoliose de 72 ° (Cobb), r6duite aprds l'intervention & 32.6 °. Le deuxikme groupe comprenait 30 sujets du m~me gtge avec une scoliose non opdrde de 33 °. Les parambtres fonctionnels cardio-respiratoires, statiques et dynamiques, ont dt~ mesurds - avant et 24 mois aprds l'op~ration - par spiromdtrie et pldthysmographie, par analyse des gaz du sang et par le test de toldrance gt l'effort. Les rdsultats ont montr~ que la correction de la scoliose

Reprint requests to: M. Pedina, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Departmentof OrthopaedicSurgery,Salata 7, 41000 Zaga-eb,Croatia

amdliorait la fonction respiratoire, mais que cette amdlioration n'dtait pas proportionnelle ~ l'importance de la correction obtenue. L 'analyse multivariable et l'analyse discriminatoire des patients opdrds et non opdrds, avec le mOme degr( de courbure rachidienne, a montrd une diffdrence des fonctions cardiopulmonaires en faveur des sujets non opdrds. Ces rdsultats suggbrent une irrdversibilitd partielle de la ventilation et de la vascularisation chez les patients qui ont dtd traitds chirurgicalement.

Introduction The natural course of the disease in scoliotic patients show that severe deformity affects cardiopulmonary function significantly [2, 3, 9, 10, 23, 25, 28]. Several reports have demonstrated a correlation between the degree of thoracic curvature and impairment of resting lung mechanics in severe scoliosis [12, 15, 20, 27, 34, 35, 36]. The rate of increase of pulmonary arterial pressure during and after exercise was more closely related to lung volume in terms of measured vital capacity (VA), functional residual capacity (FRC) or total lung capacity (TLC) [29, 30]. The measurement of maximum voluntary ventilation, which is affected by lung volume and respiratory muscle strength, is a useful test to identify impaired ventilatory capacity that may be present in some patients with mild symptomless scoliosis which may progress [17, 19, 24, 31]. In addition to the best possible correction and stabilisation of the spine, improvement in cardiopulmonary function should be a primary aim of surgical treatment [1, 11, 16, 18, 21, 28, 35, 37, 38].


K. Sakid et al.: Pulmonary function in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis

Table 1. Distribution of patients according to sex and age Patients Surgically treated

Conservatively treated

33 11 - 21 years (15.2) 27 females 6 males

30 11 - 18 years (13.5) 29 females 1 male

Table 2. Site and apex of scoliotic curvature in surgically treated patients

Cobb >70 ° Cobb 45 °

56'6° (48 to 70)

46"3° 9"3° (40 to 54) (0 to-25)

Kyphosis 21 to 45 °


Fig. 2. Changes in vital capacity - percentage of predictability

ed in all patients as shown in Fig. 3 and Table 3. There were no thoracic lordoses after operation and a normal thoracic kyphosis of 20 ° to 45 ° was achieved in 16 patients. Statistical analysis disclosed no correlation between cardiopulmonary function and preand postoperative sagittal curvature of the spine. Upper thoracic scoliosis with a Cobb angle of more than 70 ° was associated with restricted ventilation, latent hypoxaemia during the exercise tolerance test and tachycardia. In lower thoracic idiopathic scoliosis and scoliosis treated conservatively, respiratory function was normal but the latter was associated with a lower 0 2 uptake during the exercise tolerance test (Table 4). The improvement of cardiopulmonary function was confirmed by the differentiation test (Table 5). A surgical correction of 54% was correlated with an increase of VC, FEVh maximum mid-flow rate at 25% to 75%, functional residual capacity, total lung capacity and improved

exercise tolerance. Total airway resistance (Rt) in KPA/1/sec (0.29) did not correlate with FEV1. The analysis of cardiopulmonary function demonstrated a negative correlation of the curves of more than 70 ° with restriction of vital lung capacity, reduced maximum 02 consumption and reduction of exercise tolerance test time. The mean values and standard deviations for both test and control groups are shown in Table 6. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminatory analysis (Tables 7 and 8) of surgically treated patents with a postoperative angle of 32.6 ° and conservatively treated cases with the same curvature (i. e. 33.1 °) demonstrated a difference of cardiopulmonary function (VC and PaO2) unlike the difference expected in favour of those treated conservatively (Tables 5, 7 and 8). No relevant complications occurred in the surgically treated patients over a 2 year follow up.


K. Saki6 et al.: Pulmonary function in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis

Table 4. Cardiorespiratory function in surgically treated patients and in the control group Percentage of predicted normal values %

Upper thoracic

VC VC (arm span) FEV1 FEV1/VC % MMF25- 75%vc FRC RV TLC PEF MEFso MEF25 PaO2 WATT/rain Uptake Oe ml/kg/min

Lower thoracic

C_ontrol group X -+ SD

Preoperative X-+SD

P_ostoperative X_+SD

Preoperative X+SD

Postoperative X+SD

78+20 68 _+20 75 _+20 87% 83 -+29 105-+ 7 114_+21 79_+ 20 82-+ 21 81 -+ 19 76 + 21 78_+ 7 59 _+ 19

80+16 75 _+ 15 77 _+ 16 91% 107 _+ 19 99_+ 7 109-+ 19 114_+ 10 83 -+ 19 84 -+ 20 81 -+ 18 93-+ 7 76 _+ 19

91 +13 89 _+12 80 _+16 86% 85 -+21 95_+10 107_+ 16 93 _+ 9 87 _+16 84 _+19 82 _+20 95_+ 3 79 _+13

95_+10 95 _+10 83 _+16 90% 105 -+29 98_+11 101 _+ 18 94_+ 9 93 _+16 88 _+19 83 _+20 96_+ 3 83 _+13

92_+10 93 _+10 88 -+ 10 86% 95 -+ 18 110_+10 112_+ 16 96 + 9 83 + 11 86 _+19 91 _+17 88_+ 3 69 _+21

63 _+78

19 _+ 19

80 _+ 9

89 + 12

74 -+21


Table 5. Statistical analysis of variables Correlation test

Cobb angle >70°;

VC, 02 ml/kg/min p >0.05 r=-I

Analysis of variance

Upper and lower thoracic scoliosis

VC, FEV1 p 0.05 0.6167 p >0.05

F = 5.906, NDFt = 8, NDF2 = 54 Table 8. Factor pattern for discriminant functions Variable % of predictable values

Matrix of discriminatory function arrangement

PaO2 VC MMF25- 75 RV/TLC FRC/TLC ETT-WAT/min Uptake 02 ml/kg/min Puls/min

0.746 -0.587 0.221 0.221 0.189 0.243 0.146 -0.162

Centroid for surgically treated group: 0.646, centroid for conservatively treated group: ~0.711

correction of the Cobb angle was achieved. In most patients at least 2 years are needed for optimal improvement [16]. The unsatisfactory results reported by others [8, 21] would have been better if their patients had been followed for more than 2 years after operation. There is a highly significant correlation between the % reduction in compliance and the Cobb angle [24, 32] related to the development of a smaller stiffer chest [29, 39]. Increased airway resistance (FEV1) was measured only in cases with upper thoracic scoliosis, and it decreased after surgical correction. Total bronchial resistance (Rt) increased only slightly, while FEV1 and expiration flows were reduced to a greater extent because of increased expiratory instability of the bronchial walls in scoliosis. After surgical correction, the pulmonary hila assume a more physiological position, and the changing shape of the thorax contributes to improvement in mechanical respiratory function and pulmonary hypertension. Thus the patient is more comfortable when he does not have to make an additional mechanical effort to breath. Our findings agree with those of others who have suggested that permanent damage to pulmonary circulation may occur in patients with curves of more than 70 ° [16, 28]. Conversely, better results have been reported in patients with a preoperative Cobb angle

of more than 90 ° compared with those with a lesser angle [18]. We cannot explain these findings which disagree with our own. After surgical correction of kyphoscoliosis, physiological dead space decreased by 40%, but in patients with a Cobb angle of more than 65 ° no significant improvement in regional lung perfusion was obtained [ 10, 28]. This has been attributed to possible irreversible pulmonary changes, as we have also shown, and suggests that operation should be carried out before the angle reaches 70 °. Milner reported an opposing trend by measuring the highest residual volume in patients with small spinal curvatures [22]. His results support the hypothesis that the determination of lung function in scoliosis is affected regardless of the angle and site of the curve. This has been confirmed in some of our patients with mild scoliosis. Predictions as to which patients will eventually suffer lung or heart failure are still uncertain, but as far as clinical prognosis is concerned the best indications are the site and severity of the scoliosis in terms of Cobb angle, the vital capacity and arterial PO2 by day and at night [12, 31] and the presence or absence of muscular weakness. The deterioration of pulmonary function may be prevented, or stabilisation achieved, by operation [32, 38]. Surgical curve-reducing procedures have been said to improve lung function and prevent long term deterioration [32]. The decision about surgery must be made for each patient and based on subjective data. Definitive answers may be expected after a long term follow up of surgically treated patients and a comparison with long term results in scoliotic patients treated by physical therapy alone [39], or with braces. When using physical treatmer~t Weiss et al. were able to increase vital capacity by 11% and chest expansion by more than 20% [39]. Chest expansion indicates the amount of rib mobilisation achieved which contributes substantially to the prevention or treatment of secondary functional impairment, and particularly of restricted ventilation. In spite of the improvement of respiratory function after surgical correction of the curvature in


K. ~akid et al.: Pulmonary function in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis

patients with scoliosis, our comparative studies of lung function in those treated by operation and by conservative methods clearly demonstrate that some pulmonary ventilation and perfusion changes are partially irreversible. Regardless of the effect of correction, surgical correction of spinal deformities cannot establish pulmonary function which matches the improvement in the curve postoperatively.

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Pulmonary function in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.

Two groups of patients, with an average age of 15 years, have been studied to establish the improvement in pulmonary function after surgical correctio...
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