Path. Res. Pract. 188, 701-706 (1992)

Random Cytochrome-C-Oxidase Deficiency of Oxyphil Cell Nodules in the Parathyroid Gland~~ A Mitochondrial Cytopathy Related to Cell Ageing? J. Müller-Höcker Pathologisches Institut der Universität München, (Direktor: Prof. Dr. U. Löhrs), FRG

SUMMARY Cytochrome-c-oxidase (camp lex IV) was histochemically studied in oncocytic adenoma (n = 10) and careinoma of the thyroid gland (n = 3), cystadenolymphomas and oncocytic adenomas of the major salivary glands (n = 9), o11cocytic neoplasia of the kidney (n = 1) and in 21 parathyroid glands with primary hyperparathyroidism and adenomataus proliferation (n = 17) and secondary hyperparathyroidism with hyperplasia (n = 4). Only in the pa!athyroids defects of cytochrome-c-oxidase zuere found being expressed in all 4 glands with hyperplasia (14 defects) and in 5 of the 17 adenomas (11 defects). All defects were confined to foci with oxyphil cell differentiation, the defect areas varying from 0.09 to 21.10 sq mm in hyperplasticglands and from 0.11 to 13.88 sq mm in adenomas, the size of the oxyphil foei varying from 0.12 sq mm - 105.38 sq mm. However, not every oxyphil nodule of a gland was devoid of cytochrome-c-oxidase activity. Of 6 predominantly oxyphil adenomas, 4 showed no defects. No defects were observed either in 2 adenomas without oxyphil cells. Further enzymes of the respiratory chain, succinate dehydrogenase (complex II) and A TPsynthetase, (complex V) were devoid of defects. In parathyroids with hyperplasia and oxyphil areas, defects of cytochrome-c-oxidase occurred significantly more often and tended to be larger than in adenomas, statistical analysis revealing a significant correlation between the occurrence of defects and the number of oxyphil foei but not with the total oxyphil area. The absence of cytochrome-c-oxidase defects in oncocytic neoplasias of the salivary gland, thyroid and kidney and conversely their high predominance in hyperplastic parathyroids and to a lesser degree in adenomas of the parathyroid gland with oxyphil areas may reflect different mechanisms of oncocytic transformatio11, the oncocytic transformation in the parathyroids and its assoeiation with defects of cytochromec-oxidase probably representing degenerative alterations assoeiated with cell ageing.


Oncocytes are epithelial cells with a high content of often abnormal mitochondria 15 and are found in nearly all

Random cytochrome-C-oxidase deficiency of oxyphil cell nodules in the parathyroid gland. A mitochondrial cytopathy related to cell ageing?

Cytochrome-c-oxidase (complex IV) was histochemically studied in oncocytic adenoma (n = 10) and carcinoma of the thyroid gland (n = 3), cystadenolymph...
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