Reviews in Medical Virology


Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/rmv.1824

Recent progress in vaccination against human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer Sara J. McKee†, Anne-Sophie Bergot† and Graham R. Leggatt* The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, The University of Queensland, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

S U M M A RY It has been more than 7 years since the commercial introduction of highly successful vaccines protecting against highrisk human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes and the development of cervical cancer. From an immune standpoint, the dependence of cervical cancer on viral infection has meant that HPV proteins can be targeted as strong tumour antigens leading to clearance of the infection and the subsequent protection from cancer. Commercially available vaccines consisting of the L1 capsid protein assembled as virus-like particles (VLPs) induce neutralising antibodies that deny access of the virus to cervical epithelial cells. While greater than 90% efficacy has been demonstrated at the completion of large phase III trials in young women, vaccine developers are now addressing broader issues such as efficacy in boys, longevity of the protection and inducing cross-reactive antibody for oncogenic, non-vaccine HPV strains. For women with existing HPV infection, the prophylactic vaccines provide little protection, and consequently, the need for therapeutic vaccines will continue into the future. Therapeutic vaccines targeting HPVE6 and E7 proteins are actively being pursued with new adjuvants and delivery vectors, combined with an improved knowledge of the tumour microenvironment, showing great promise. This review will focus on recent progress in prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine development and implementation since the publication of end of study data from phase III clinical trials between 2010 and 2012. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION Targeting cancers for immunotherapy is often complicated by a lack of immunogenic tumour peptides. Mutated or overexpressed self-antigens are frequently the targets and invoke a generally low affinity/avidity T and B cell response. In contrast, the tight association between infection with HPV and cervical cancer means that foreign viral proteins encoded by HPV can provide the basis of either prophylactic or therapeutic cancer vaccines [1,2]. The natural course of anogenital HPV infection results in overwhelming clearance of the virus in 98% of individuals with an immune component

*Correspondence to: G. Leggatt, University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba, Queensland, Australia, 4102. E-mail: [email protected] † These authors contributed equally. Abbreviations DC, dendritic cell; HPV, human papillomavirus; TLR, toll-like receptor; VIN, vulvar epithelial neoplasia; VLP, virus-like particle.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

suggested by the increased risk of HPV-associated cancers in immune-compromised organ transplant recipients [3,4]. However, HPV genotype-specific antibodies against the viral capsid proteins (L1 and L2) are produced at only low levels in about half the patients, can take close to a year to develop after natural infection and associate with higher viral loads in the cervix [5]. Thus, natural antibody may reflect the non-lytic, localised, intracellular nature of the infection leading to poor immunogenicity for immunoglobulin production and a greater emphasis on T-cell immunity for viral clearance. In contrast, prior immunization with HPV capsid proteins in animal studies induces high titres of antibody that are protective against challenge infection. Early studies in dogs demonstrated that prior immunization with L1 capsid protein could protect beagles from mucosal challenge with canine oral papillomavirus and that serum immunoglobulins could transfer this protection [6]. Given the inability to efficiently grow papillomaviruses in vitro, these studies were aided by the ability to produce large quantities of L1 protein recombinantly in eukaryotic cells after

HPV vaccination identifying the appropriate open reading frame within the viral genome [7,8]. The expressed L1 protein was shown to spontaneously assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) with a 72 pentamer structure, closely mimicking the native viral capsid but devoid of any genetic material. Disassembly and reassembly of the VLPs under controlled conditions has been shown to improve the stability and homogeneity of these viral particles [9,10]. Immunization with VLPs, in the presence or absence of adjuvant, produced neutralising antibodies that protect against homologous viral challenge [11,12]. Given promising results in animal trials, two commercial VLP vaccines were licensed, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, which mainly differ in the incorporated HPV type (Gardasil®—HPV 16,18,6,11; Cervarix®—HPV16,18) and the included adjuvant (Gardasil®—aluminium salts; Cervarix®—AS04, containing aluminium salts and a toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) agonist) [13]. HPV 16 and 18 together are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers while HPV 6 and 11 represent the majority of genital wart infections. Phase III human clinical trials of these vaccines quickly followed, demonstrating the safety of VLPs and a >90% efficacy in protecting against persistent anogenital infections with vaccine strains of HPV in previously uninfected, young (15–26) women [14,15]. The 4-year, end of study data from international, multicentre phase III clinical trials (FUTURE I and II—Gardasil® [16,17]; PATRICIA [18] and CVT [19]—Cervarix®) of these vaccines has been expertly reviewed elsewhere [13]. A key finding was that vaccination of HPV-naive individuals protected them from HPV-associated precancers of the cervix (CIN1-3), vulva (VIN 1-3) and vagina (VaIN 1-3). High titres of neutralising antibodies against the HPV vaccine strains and cross-reactive antibodies against non-vaccine strains have been demonstrated after Gardasil® or Cervarix® administration in humans [20,21]. It has been suggested from animal models that these antibodies either neutralise the ability of HPV to bind to cells or prevent conformational changes to the virion that would enable stable binding to the epithelial cell surface [22,23]. Although neutralising antibodies are strongly correlated with vaccination, the precise mechanism by which the commercial HPV vaccines protect from viral infection requires further investigation. While the prophylactic vaccines were successful in preventing persistent HPV infections and preCopyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

55 cancers, there was little benefit for women already infected with HPV prior to enrolment in the studies thus suggesting the need for alternative strategies for a therapeutic vaccine. Prophylactic vaccines rely on blocking viral entry into cervical epithelial cells while therapeutic vaccines must target virus that has become intracellular and will generally involve T-cell-based immunity (Figure 1). In parallel to the development of L1-based prophylactic vaccines, studies on the two oncogenic proteins of HPV, E6 and E7, have proceeded with a view to treating women with existing infection. These viral oncoproteins are continuously expressed within cervical cancer cells and are necessary to maintain the malignant state of the cell [24] thus providing an ideal target for CD8 T-cell-based immunotherapy. The difficulty in developing a therapeutic vaccine is in understanding how best to generate a memory CD8 T-cell response that can be effective at the cervical site. Once established as a malignant lesion, it is likely that cancer-driven immunosuppression is a major barrier to successful immunotherapy. The remainder of this review will examine recent studies on the development and implementation of both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. PROPHYLACTIC VACCINES

Effectiveness of vaccine programs Gardasil® and Cervarix® have been available on the market since 2006 and 2009 respectively [25]. Since then, in the USA, over 57 million doses have been administered [26]. The progression from HPV infection to invasive cancer is slow, and accordingly, it is too soon to determine the full effect of vaccination on the incidence of cervical cancer in the general population. Instead, current studies focus on rates of HPV infection or genital warts in the general population as surrogate indicators of vaccine efficacy for clinically diagnosed cervical cancer. A study addressing the effectiveness of Cervarix® in England showed the prevalence of HPV16/18 in women aged 16–24 dropped from 19.1 to 6.5% post introduction of the vaccine [27]. Another study in the UK suggested that Cervarix® and Gardasil® were likely to have a similar clinical impact [28]. After the introduction of Gardasil® for girls in 2009 in Denmark, there were a 67 and 50% drop in the frequency of anogenital warts for female and males respectively in the age group Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv


S. J. McKee et al.

Figure 1. Proposed mechanism for protection provided by HPV prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. Prophylactic vaccines (left panel) can generate neutralising anti-capsid antibodies that block the entry of HPV(blue) into the cervical epithelium. Once cells become infected, intracellular virus will liberate peptides that are bound by MHC molecules (green) and displayed at the cell surface (right panel). CD4 and CD8 T cells (red), elicited by therapeutic vaccines, specifically recognise MHC/peptide complexes and initiate direct destruction of the infected cell via perforin/granzyme-mediated apoptosis or secrete cytokines that promote a broader cellular immune response (including macrophages and NK cells) against the cancer

who had received the vaccination [29]. Chlamydia rates stayed the same, suggesting an effect at the level of the vaccine and not changes in sexual behaviour. In Australia, the first country to adopt a government-funded, national vaccine program against HPV in 2007, a decline of 92% in diagnosis of genital warts in young women (aged under 21) was seen in the post vaccine period to 2011 while no significant change was seen in women over 30 years of age[30]. For women under 21 who had received vaccination, no genital wart diagnoses were reported amongst 235 women in 2011. Some initial studies have evidence to suggest that rates of cervical pre-cancers are also declining. Using linear array HPV genotyping test, it was shown that vaccination against HPV could reduce the cumulative incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or higher by 50.6% via direct protection against high-risk HPV and 62.7% via crossprotection against other subtypes [31]. In a large study of 14 085 unvaccinated and 24 871 vaccinated women in Australia, it was found that histological and cytological high-grade abnormalities were Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

significantly more frequent in unvaccinated compared with vaccinated women within 5 years of vaccine implementation [32]. Other countries such as Japan [33], China [34] and India [35] are beginning to explore the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of the commercial vaccines. The Gardasil vaccine has also been shown to be safe and effective in young black women from Latin America, Europe and North America [36]. Together, the data suggest that the HPV vaccines are effective in protecting against persistent HPV16/18 infection or genital warts across diverse populations. Although vaccination programs have been implemented in many countries, the high cost of vaccination and the need for three doses over a 6-month period has impeded widespread vaccination in low-resource countries. A cost analysis compared cervical screening, Gardasil® and Cervarix®. It was found that while introduction of either vaccine into Columbia would help to reduce the burden of cervical cancer, at the current price, cervical screening was more cost-effective [37]. One approach to reduce costs and encourage compliance Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

HPV vaccination might be to combine the prophylactic HPV vaccine with other existing commercial vaccines. Combined vaccination was found to be safe and did not detract from the immune responses seen with HPV vaccine alone [38]. A reduction in the number of HPV vaccinations might also be of benefit. A study examining women who received one, two or three doses of Cervarix® in the Costa Rica Vaccine Trial suggested that protective efficacy was not reduced even when using a single dose of the vaccine [39]. However, only small numbers of women received a single dose of vaccine in this study suggesting the need for larger trials. In a second study using Cervarix, two versus three doses of vaccine had similar immunogenicity and was well tolerated over a follow-up period of 2 years [40]. Other recent data confirms that two doses are just as effective as three for generating protective immunity [41,42]. One limitation of giving fewer doses may be the impaired development of memory responses although this will require longterm surveillance [43]. One encouraging study suggests that a single dose of bivalent HPV vaccine in the phase III CVT clinical trial lead to durable antibody responses over a 4-year follow-up period [44]. Both Gardasil and Cervarix are administered intramuscularly that, although effective, may not be efficient in attracting and stimulating an immune response designed to operate in the cervix. Intradermal application of either vaccine in humans was more reactogenic than intramuscular delivery and both routes resulted in seroconversion [45]. Further studies will be required to determine if similar protection against HPV infection is induced via this alternative vaccination site. Sublingual administration of Gardasil, which would have the potential to invoke mucosal immunity, actually results in lower titres of serum and vaginal HPV-specific IgG than intramuscular delivery suggesting that alternative mucosal delivery routes might need to be considered [46]. The ability of HPV prophylactic vaccines to induce long-term protection and immune memory will be a key component of public health outcome. Phase III clinical trials have been completed for some years now with participants returning to normal health care systems making long-term tracking more difficult. However, Scandinavian countries such as Finland have national registries that should enable follow-up in these cohorts into the future [47]. One study addressing memory responses Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

57 looked at patients given a monovalent HPV16 L1 vaccine 8.5 years prior to challenge with the quadravalent HPV vaccine [48]. Serum antibody levels against HPV16 were measured after challenge and were far greater than the antibody levels in a control group that did not receive the monovalent vaccine suggesting the induction of immunological memory. High antibody levels have also been detected in trial recipients of Cervarix 7.3 years after vaccination [49]. The safety profile of both HPV vaccines also continues to be monitored. The vast majority of studies suggest that the vaccines are safe to use in young women and boys [50–52]. A systematic casecontrolled study of young females found no evidence of an increased risk to autoimmune disorder after Gardasil® vaccination [53].

Broad protection against anogenital HPV strains Thanks to its high degree of genomic polymorphism, the HPV family comprises more than 200 subtypes, with around 30 types contributing to cervical malignancies. The two existing prophylactic vaccines fail to cover HPV types that account for 30% of cervical cancers. For example, addition of HPV 33, 45, 31 and 58 would increase vaccine coverage to 85% of cervical cancers [54]. An analysis of the phase III PATRICIA trial suggested that the bivalent Cervarix vaccine gave significant cross protection against HPV 31, 33, 45 and 51[55]. While Gardasil is also cross protective against three of these genotypes, it fails to protect against HPV45 [13]. It appears that Cervarix may generate a greater level of cross protection against nonvaccine genotypes but that cross protection diminishes quickly and is because of a minority of antibodies within the response [26,56]. Vaccinating with more oncogenic HPV subtypes should yield better protection against cervical cancer than reliance on cross protection. Multivalent vaccines (which target a broader range of HPV types) and different approaches to produce immunogenic HPV proteins are being tested [57,58]. A phase III trial of Merck’s V503 nonavalent, HPVL1 VLP vaccine is currently underway with a suggested increased efficacy over Gardasil [59]. This new vaccine targets the two most common HPV types in genital warts and, most importantly, the seven most common oncogenic HPV types found in Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

58 cervical cancer (HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58) [60]. Multivalent vaccines have the potential to further reduce cervical cancer incidence by up to 30% over the existing commercial vaccines. One alternative to achieve a better protection is vaccination with L2, the minor capsid protein, which has been shown to elicit cross-neutralising antibodies that offer the potential for broad protection from a single antigen (although responses are weaker than with L1 proteins) [61–64]. Indeed, L2 cleavage on its N-terminus by a host-derived furin protease exposes epitopes upon the VLP capsid surface, including a well-defined epitope 17-36 recognised by the cross-neutralising antibody, RG-1 [65]. VLPs containing L1 and L2 are also being investigated as alternative vaccines [66,67] along with co-administration of L1VLPs and L2 protein[68]. Alternative delivery platforms for L1-based and L2-based vaccines are also being investigated. Silica nanoparticles have been suggested to be an effective platform for delivery of immunogenic epitopes from HPV VLP capsid [69] while an Escherichia coli-based vaccine to generate protection against high-risk HPV16/18 was shown to be well tolerated in a phase 1 clinical trial [70]. In one study, a DNA vaccine containing calreticulin linked to HPV E6, E7 and L2 genes was used to successfully induce a neutralising antibody response against the L2 protein [71]. In contrast, a DNA vaccine that expressed L2 protein alone was shown to be immunogenic but did not induce neutralising antibodies that are likely required for prophylactic vaccine efficacy [72]. The discrepancy between the two studies likely reflects the number of vaccinations given to the mice. Optimization of the codon usage within the L1 gene of a DNA vaccine was also shown to improve immunogenecity [73].

Alternative populations to vaccinate With clear evidence now available showing that vaccination of young girls with either Gardasil® or Cervarix® is effective at preventing HPV infections and potentially cervical cancer, focuses are now shifting towards other vulnerable populations. Whether young boys should be vaccinated alongside their female counterparts is now a large area of interest [74,75]. In addition to stopping sexual transmission of HPV, anogenital cancers and genital warts in males represent a significant health burden. A recent study has shown that from a Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

S. J. McKee et al. cohort men aged 16–20 years old who have sex with men, 39% tested positive for HPV DNA, with 23% testing positive for the vaccine subtypes 6, 11, 16 and 18 [76]. Similarly, a study in South Africa found that 80% of penile precancerous lesions were positive for HPV11 while 62.9% of cancerous lesions were positive for HPV16 with some lesions testing positive for several types [77]. Testing of the quadrivalent Gardasil vaccine in males aged 16–26 indicated >80% efficacy (per protocol population) in protecting against genital lesions and persistent infection with vaccine genotypes [78]. As a consequence of these clinical trials, routine vaccination of both boys and girls now occurs in countries such as Australia, Canada and the USA [79]. Other populations that are traditionally not candidates for vaccination but could benefit from HPV vaccination include the immunosuppressed and pregnant women. In a comparative study of Gardasil® and Cervarix® in 92 HIV+ patients, it was found that both vaccines were well tolerated and immunogenic [80]. Cervarix® generated higher antibody titres against HPV16/18 than Gardasil® in HIV-infected women, although this bias was not seen in men. The feasibility of vaccinating pregnant women or women immediately post-partum has been discussed elsewhere [81,82]. With uptake of the vaccine at only 23% in young adult women in Texas in 2010, it was suggested that a post-partum administration in maternity hospitals would improve vaccine uptake [83]. However, as these women are already sexually active and the therapeutic efficacy of the vaccine is not clear, the success of this approach is still up for debate. THERAPEUTIC VACCINES Clinical trial data clearly show a reduced vaccine efficacy for women who are seropositive or DNA positive for high-risk HPVs and receive either Gardasil® or Cervarix® immunization [17,18]. Consequently, over the next few decades, while herd immunity impacts on HPV prevalence in the community, there will be a clear need for a therapeutic vaccine to treat existing infections and developing cancers. Current treatments for early and advanced cervical cancer such as surgical/cryogenic removal or chemotherapeutic/anti-viral agents (e.g. cisplatin) often fail to prevent recurrent disease and are costly for developing countries [84]. In contrast, the potential for therapeutic vaccines to both attack Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

HPV vaccination primary disease and establish systemic immunological memory to deal with disease recurrence/metastasis make this an attractive treatment option. Given the intracellular, non-lytic life cycle of the virus, therapeutic vaccines will likely need to target induction of cytotoxic T cells that recognise cell surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules containing bound viral peptides derived from the intracellular environment. Once engaged, these T cells are able to induce apoptosis in the infected cell to clear the infection. Both the E6 and E7 proteins of HPV are oncogenes required by the infected cell to maintain a malignant phenotype. Consequently, these proteins are ideal tumour-associated antigens that should provide peptides to the MHC pathway for targeting by cytotoxic T cells. With viral tumour antigens identified, development of therapeutic HPV vaccines has largely addressed delivery methods/vectors and adjuvants that might induce a strong T-cell response; for reviews, refer to [85–88]. Table 1 summarises the various clinical trials of recent therapeutic vaccines. Using a mixture of long peptides based on HPV E6 and E7 sequences emulsified in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant, one phase II study demonstrated a complete disappearance of advanced vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) in 47% of patients over a 24 month follow-up after vaccination [89]. VIN has similarity to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in that both are caused by persistent infection with high-risk HPV types and can progress to invasive carcinoma. Spontaneous regression of grade 3 (advanced) VIN occurs in less than 1.5% of patients suggesting that the long peptide vaccine mediated the therapeutic effect seen in the responding group. Immunotherapy of VIN grades 2 and 3 was also achieved in a clinical trial of a HPV16E6E7L2 fusion protein immunization combined with an inflammatory agent, imiquimod [90]. This approach relies on immune cells stimulated by the vaccination being drawn into the VIN lesion by the local induction of inflammation (imiquimod). Complete regression of VIN as assessed by histology was seen in 63% of patients at week 52 post treatment. Other approaches to immunotherapy in cervical lesions have used chimeric VLPs consisting of the C-terminal sequence of L1/L2 fused with the N-terminus of T-cell epitopes from E6/E7 [91]. Chimeric HPV16 L1E7 VLPs were used in a phase 1 Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

59 clinical trial on patients with HPV16 positive CIN2/3. Although safe and well tolerated, giving rise to anti-L1 and anti-E7 cytotoxic T cells, the vaccine did not show evidence of clinical improvement [92]. This failure can be partially explained by the presence of pre-existing anti-L1 neutralizing antibodies, generated by previous patient exposure to HPV, which work to clear the vaccine and therefore limit its effectiveness. To circumvent this, the use of heterologous L1 proteins from bovine or canine origin has been envisaged to be used in a prime-boost strategy [93]. Alternatively, a VLP derived from the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus and modified to express part of the HPVE6 protein overcame complications of pre-existing immunity against HPV L1 proteins and was able to generate an immune response that could reject pre-existing E6expressing subcutaneous tumours [94]. Previously primed CD4 T cells specific for HPV capsid proteins can also generate IL-10 production and inhibit the priming of CD8+ CTL recognising the HPVE7 protein [95,96]. Perhaps surprisingly, the IL-10 producing CD4 T cells in this system require IFN-g signals in order to prevent CD8 T-cell activation [97]. Consequently, the use of anti-IL-10 blocking antibodies to circumvent the suppressive effects of preexisting CD4 T cells should be considered in therapeutic vaccine design. Other delivery vectors for E6 and E7 peptides include Semliki Forest virus (combined with lowdose irradiation) [98], Listeria [99], lentiviruses [100], fusions with heat shock proteins [101], ricin B chain [102], Shiga toxin B subunit [103] and synthetic polymers [104]. Several studies have examined E6 or E7 DNA vaccines combined with various adjuvants [105–107]. Immunization of mice with a mixture of DNA expressing E6/E7 and IL-33 was able to induce regression of a transplantable HPVE6/E7-expressing tumour and generate memory CD8 T cells [108] while an E7 DNA vaccine combined with cyclophosphamide (to reduce regulatory T cells) produced potent antitumour responses [109]. The combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy is likely to become more prevalent in the future as we begin to understand immunogenic tumour cell death induced by targeted chemotherapeutic drugs [110]. The choice of adjuvant to be used within therapeutic vaccines is likely to be crucial in promoting T-cell responses. Many commercial, prophylactic vaccines are based on alum adjuvants that promote Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Overlapping long peptide

ISA Pharmaceuticals

13 peptides over the entire sequence of HPV16.E6 (9) and E7 (4)


Expressing HPV-16.E6/ E7 + IL-2 (TG4001/ R3484)

HPV-specific T cells

Immunological purpose

ISCOMATRIX Serum antibodies

HPV-specific T cells (not assessed)— neutralizing Ab response to MVA—no IgG to HPV16. E6/E7 Montanide HPV-specific ISA-51, Seppic T-cell and IFNg production (Treg)



Encoding HPV16 target antigens (Lm-LLO-E7 ADXS11-001)


HPV-16 Recombinant immunotherapeutic HPV-16 E6/

Recombinant modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA)



Recombinant Lm-based vaccine


Advaxis, Inc.


Table 1. Five-year overview of HPV clinical trials

Advanced or recurrent cervical carcinoma patients 1b1 cervical cancer patients Grade 3 VIN patients HSIL patients HIV+ males with HPV-

Cervical cancer patients Patients with HPV+ oropharyngeal cancer CIN 2/3 patients Women with recurrent cervical carcinoma CIN2/3 patients CIN2/3 patients


2012 2009








IIa [146]









NCT01116245 2013 (2010) NCT01266460 2011





[151] [152]

[89] **



IIb [147,148]



NCT01598792 2012



Year Phase Ref 2009



60 S. J. McKee et al.

Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

National Institute of Health

VGX Pharma


Nventa biopharmaceuticals/ Akela Pharma

Pulsed dendritic Cells

DC pulsed with HPV16/ 18 E7 and Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH)

Full length HPV16 E7 Ag fused to Mycobacterium bovis Hsp65 SGN-00101 (HspE7) Encoding Plasmid DNA fragments encapsulated in poly microparticles of HPV16/ 18 E6/E7, (Amolimogene, ZYC101a) Plasmid DNA Expressing HPV-16/ 18 E6/E7 proteins (VGX-3100) + electroporation Heat shock fusion protein-based immunotherapy

E7 fusion protein




HPV-specific T-cell and IFNg production


HPV16/18 E7specific antibodiesHPV-specific T-cell and IFNg production-no Treg




poly ICLC


against HPV16 E6E7-HPVspecific T-cell and IFNg production HPV16 E7 IgG level

CIN2/3 patients (with surgical or ablative treatment) CIN 2/3 patients (4 doses) CIN 2/3 and 3 patients Stage Ib and IIa cervical cancer patients






NCT01188850 2010

NCT01304524 2011


NCT00685412 2008







NCT00264732 2011 II/III [154] (2005)




CIN 2/3 patients

CIN 1-3 patients



NCT00054041 2007 (2004) NCT00075569 2010 (2007) NCT00493545 2008

CIN 3 patients

associated AIN

HPV vaccination 61

Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

National Cancer Institute



Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Anti-mitotic chemotherapy and cells infusion

Anti-mitotic chemotherapy

Monoclonal antibody therapy

Plasmid DNA/ heat shock fusion protein

Plasmid DNA

Table 1. (Continued)



[163– 165]




Metastatic or NCT01693783 2012 recurrent HPV+ cervical cancer patients NCT01932697 2013 Interferes with Oropharynx/ cell division tonsil/tongue cancer patients HPV-associated NCT01585428 2012 Noncancers (cervical, myeloablative lymphodepleting vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal, and preparative regimen and re- oropharyngeal) infusion of TILs patients in conjunction with highdose aldesleukin Turns off CTLA4 inhibitory immune mechanism





NCT00788164 2008


Year Phase Ref

CIN 3 patients

Measures of immune response (not specified)


Trial NCT00988559 2009

Condition CIN 2/3 patients


Immunological purpose



N/A Docetaxel (Taxotere) + radiation N/A Fludarabine/ Cycolphosphamide + TIL + Aldesleukin (IL-2)

pNGVL4aCRT/E7 (detox) expressing mutated HPV16 E7 fused to calreticulin Prime with pNGVL4aSig/E7 (detox)/ Hsp70, boost with TA-HPV Anti-CTLA4 moAb Ipilimumab


62 S. J. McKee et al.

Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. HPV-associated NCT01530997 2011 cancers (head and neck, Oropharyngeal, SCC) patients HPV+ squamous NCT01663259 2010 cell carcinoma of the Oropharynx HPV+ squamous NCT01855451 2013 cell carcinoma of the oropharynx


III [169]

N/A [168]


*The first clinical study employing Listeria monocytogenes for the safe control of advanced cervical carcinoma. **An important clinical trial indicating the efficacy of a long-peptide vaccine against HPV 16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins in generating clinical responses in women with HPV 16-associated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia.


Cetuximab (Erbitux) moAb + Cisplatin + intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)

(EGFR) inhibitor— interferes with cell division (EGFR) inhibitor— interferes with cell division

Trans-Tasman Radiation Monoclonal Oncology Group (TROG)antibody and Chemoradiotherapy

Interferes with cell division



Cisplatin + intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) Cetuximab (Erbitux) moAb


University of Michigan Monoclonal Cancer Center antibody therapy

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center

HPV vaccination 63

Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

64 antibody responses and IL-10 secretion that is detrimental for CD8 T-cell responses [95]. ISCOMATRIX is a saponin-based adjuvant used in anti-HPV-related cancer vaccines [111,112] and in prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines against infectious diseases [113]. It is generally safe and well tolerated as well as immunogenic, with a good humoral and cellular response. Its mechanism of action has been recently linked to the targeting of dendritic cells (DCs) in a TLR-independent but MyD88-dependent pathway and the generation of cytokines and chemokines for the activation of both innate and adaptive immunity. ISCOMATRIX has so far been considered as the preferred adjuvant for a strong cytotoxic T-cell response. The TLR family comprises 14 receptors that promote inflammation and cellular immunity. Ligands of these receptors are widely used as adjuvants in vaccines including HPV therapeutic vaccines [114]. Poly ICLC or hiltonol is a poly-L-lysine double-stranded RNA and the ligand of TLR-3 [115]. It is a poly I:C analogue, stabilised against nucleases present in the plasma of humans. Poly ICLC is currently used in a trial to potentiate full-length HPV16 E7 antigen fused to Mycobacterium bovis heat shock protein, inducing modest but detectable levels of HPVspecific immunity associated with a good clinical outcome [116]. Imiquimod is a TLR-7 ligand used to treat skin pathologies. Imiquimod is being clinically used for the treatment of VIN and CIN lesions, leading to their regression. Imiquimod acts on DC and more particularly on Langerhans cells and induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-alpha, IL-6, and TNF-alpha [117,118,90]. CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG ODN) is a TLR9 ligand. Pre-clinical studies in mice highlight the potent action of CpG in the eradication of HPVexpressing tumours [119–121]. Polysaccharide adjuvants such as carrageenan, an inexpensive polysaccharide used in a wide spectrum of human use products, including vaginal lubricants, potentially blocks HPV infection in a mouse challenge model [122]. Finally, custom adjuvants that selectively induce the desired response T-cell response are now available. The Finlay Adjuvant Platform, consisting of bacterial outer membrane vesicles and a variety of TLR agonists, is a good example of a versatile vaccine component that can be tailored to promote prophylactic or therapeutic immune responses [123]. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

S. J. McKee et al. While inducing T-cell responses is a key focus for second generation vaccine development, the ability of a vaccine to induce T-cell trafficking to the infected tissue and overcome local immunosuppression will be important considerations to the future success of immunotherapy. Using murine skin grafts expressing HPVE7 protein transgenically from a keratinocyte-specific promoter, we have shown that E7 expression results in epithelial hyperplasia and attracts immunosuppressive natural killer T cells (and other immune cells) to the epithelium [124,125]. The skin NKT cells produce chronic levels of IFN-γ that stimulates local myeloid cells to produce indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and suppress T-cell immunity [126]. Very little is known about the role of human NKT cells within the cervix of HPV-infected individuals. The suppressive activity of skin-resident NKT cells in transgenic models also contrasts with the immune activating role of systemic NKT cells in transplantable tumours expressing E7 and/or E6 [127,128]. A local cytokine profile consistent with immune regulation was shown to correlate with progression from lowgrade cervical lesions to invasive cervical cancer [129,130]. Regulatory T cells were shown to be increased in patients with cervical dysplasia and persistent HPV infection [131] as well as being isolated from cervical cancer biopsies [132]. The HPVE7 oncoprotein also interferes with antigen processing and presentation to ensure escape from the CD8 T-cell response. While ovalbumin (OVA)expressing epithelial cells were readily killed by OVA-specific CTL, keratinocytes expressing endogenous HPVE7 protein failed to be lysed efficiently by E7-specific CTL and the response to added IFN-g was blunted [133–135]. This suggested that antigen presentation was limited and is consistent with studies showing defects in TAP-1 [136] and the IRF-1 pathway [137–139] in E7-expressing cells. Other strategies that HPV+ cervical cancers use to avoid the immune response have been reviewed elsewhere [140,141]. Together, this data suggests that overcoming the immunosuppressive environment in the malignant cervix will be as important as generating a robust CD8 T-cell response if therapeutic vaccines are to be successful. CONCLUDING REMARKS Prophylactic vaccines against anogenital HPV infections have been highly successful in reducing the burden of cervical pre-cancers and genital Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

HPV vaccination


warts over the last few years. Continued public health monitoring of the impact of these vaccines will be required into the future given the long latency to invasive cancer and the 30% of cervical cancers not targeted by the current vaccines. Issues such as low vaccination rates, compliance with the vaccine schedule and the introduction of the vaccines into resource-poor countries remain challenges into the future. Provision of the HPV vaccine within existing vaccine programs or the development of a robust therapeutic vaccine to treat women may assist in controlling disease. To address issues with the local tumour microenvironment, a multifaceted vaccine that removes local immunosuppression in addition to promoting T-cell responses might be needed. As our

understanding of tumour immunology and the microenvironment rapidly expands and reliable methods for inducing T-cell responses are identified, a therapeutic HPV vaccine should be achievable within the next decade. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors have no competing interests. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (Program grant 569938); National Cancer Institute (grant 5U01CA141583); Cancer Council Queensland; Lions Medical Research Foundation and the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.

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Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.

Rev. Med. Virol. 2015; 25: 54–71. DOI: 10.1002/rmv

Recent progress in vaccination against human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer.

It has been more than 7 years since the commercial introduction of highly successful vaccines protecting against high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) ...
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