Briiish Joiirnal of Urolog.v:(1976),48, 60
Short Case Report
Recurrent Transitional Cell Carcinoma complicating Ileal Conduit significant finding as is the late development of a hydronephrosis (Bowles. Cordonnier and Parsons, 1964). Recurrent tumours complicating ileal conduits are rare. 2 have been described by Soloway et al. (1972) in a study of the value of exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of recurrence in the patient with an ileal urinary diversion.
Case History A 56-year-old male with a 17-year history of papillary
bladder tuniours had a total cystectoniy performed in 1971 with the formation of an ileal conduit. 9 months postoperatively he developed a left perinephric abscess which was drained. Left loin pain and swelling recurred 6 months later and percutaneous aspiration of the presumed perinephric abscess was attempted. Blood was obtained but no pus. Intravenous urography showed n o excretion on the left and a right hydronephrosis. Retrograde ileography demonstrated a n irregular filling defect and absence of ileo-ureteric reflux (Fig.). Left nephro-ureterectomy with revision of the conduit confirmed the diagnosis of recurrent transitional cell carcinoma involving the renal pelvis and full length of the left ureter, and also obstructing the right ureter by involvement of the adjacent ileum.
D. M. ALLAN St Peters Hospital, Chertsey, Surrey Present address : Radiology Department, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford.
References BOWLES, W. T., CORDONNIER, J . J. and PARSONS, R . P. (1964). Treatment of late uretero-ileal stenosis following ileal segment urinary diversion. Jorirnal of Urology, 92, 627-634. J. E., OLIVER,J. A. and MCKAY,D. E. CAMPBELL, (1965). Dynamics of ileal conduits. Rar/io/i)g.v,72, 21 1-216. SOLOWAY, M. S., MYERS,G. H., BURDICK, J. F. and R . A. (1972). Ileal conduit exfoliative MALMCREN, cytology in the diagnosis of recurrent carcinoma.
Comment Ileo-ureteric reflux is a normal finding on retrograde ileography (Campbell, Oliver and McKay, 1965). This simple examination therefore permits visualisation of the whole urinary tract, which can be difficult to attain by other routes in patients with ileal urinary diversions. Absence of ileo-ureretic reflux is a
Joournalo.f Urology, 107, 835-839.
Fig. Retrograde ileogram showing polypoid filling defect.