?Dr. Bird of Howrah Reduction Tof Temperature in Fever. case as-illustrating the power of remedies to reduce the temperature of the body, where there is no organic "tolttcd mto Hospital present. J. B- Cripps ?? fering from remittent fever of a very bad type. His tongue -wis drv and brown, sordes began to collect about his teeth, and could scarcely be so violently delirious was he, that he kept in bad at nicht. His bowels were also frequently moved, the stools v-n2 watery and greenish in colour. About l^oz. of sulphurous frds of an ounce of sulphuric aether, and frds of an ounce of aromatic spirit of ammonia were given to him in the 24 When these remedies were prescribed the temperature hours in the axilla was 104 ; in 48 hours after this it had fallen to 99. At this stage quinine was given, and he was well and about in a few days more.





Melbourne and Suburbs for Ffbptt in April 1861, 140,000. The HegistrarGeneral reports the deaths of 201 males and 169 females during The deaths of children under five years amounted t the month. 204 ; the deaths of persons over five years numbered 166. The total mortality during the month averaged 2-64 deaths to each 1,000 of the population. The average daily mortality was 13-21 The average mortality of February for the ten preceding years The mean temperature of the month was 66-5?. The was 360. for the ten preceding years average mean temperature of February 54 per cent, of the deaths occured in males, and 46 was 65-4?. cent, of the mortality occurred in per cent, in females; 55 per children under five years. The number of violent deaths durintr the month was 21.?The Australian Medical Gazette.

Vital Statistics




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