REGULATION OF EXPRESSION OF CFTR IN HUMAN INTESTINAL EPITHELIAL CELLS M. Buchwald', R. Sood and W. Auerbach Research Institute - Hospital for Sick Children Departments of Medical Genetics and Medical Biophysics University of Toronto 1, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ABSTRACT As a first step in our efforts to delineate the role of CFTR in cellular phenotypes we have studied its expression in cultured human intestinal epithelial cells. In particular we have examined the effect of cellular differentiation on CFTR gene expression. CFTR mRNA was measured by quantitative densitometry of Northern blots and normalized to the amounts of pyruvate dehydrogenase message. We have found that in T84 cells the levels of CFTR mRNA do not change as the cells grow to confluence. In contrast, levels of CFTR mRNA increase by a factor of 10-20 as Caco2 cells grow after subculture. This change in the levels of CFTR mRNA is correlated with the morphological differentiation that occurs in Caco2 cells during culture. The potential significance of this observation is discussed. INTRODUCTION The initial experiments characterizing the expression of the CF gene (CFTR) showed that it is preferentially expressed in exocrine tissues, such as lung, pancreas and sweat gland, that are also the site of the disease. Furthermore, expression of CFTR appears to be much lower in non-exocrine tissues such as kidney and brain (Riordan et al., 1989). These results are consistent with the view that the regulation of expression of CFTR plays an important role in its cellular and organismic function and that defining the types of regulatory mechanisms will be an integral aspect in understanding the function of CFTR. The initial description of the expression of CFTR also indicated that CFTR was expressed at a high level in the colonic

The ldenlljlcallon oj the CF (CystIc FIbrosIs) Gene Edited by L.-C. TsUi et al., Plenum Press, New York, 1991


adenocarcinoma cell line T84 (Riordan et al., 1989). This cell line consists of highly differentiated epithelial cells that produce mono1ayers with resistances on the order of 1500 ohm·cm 2 (Dharmasathaphorn et a1., 1984). The cell line appears to express the cellular function (chloride-mediated transport that can be stimulated by elevations of intracellular cyclic AMP) thought to be the site of the CF defect (Quinton, 1989). Thus, one could hypothesize that expression of CFTR is a prerequisite for the existence of a cyclic AMP stimulated chloride transport pathway. One method to examine this question would be to determine if variation in the expression of CFTR is correlated with the transport function. We have therefore examined the regulation of expression of CFTR in T84 cells as a function of growth in culture. In addition, since other human intestinal epithelial cell lines are also available, these were examined as well. In particular we have focused on Caco2 cells because these undergo differentiation in culture (Rousset, 1986) and we reasoned that such differentiation might involve the expression of CFTR. This manuscript presents our initial results of these studies. We have found that while the expression of CFTR does not change in T84 cells, it increases by a factor of 10-20 fold in Caco2 cells. The possible implications of this change in expression are also discussed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cells: T84 (ATCC # 248-CCL) and Caco2 (ATCC # HTB 37) cells were obtained from the American Type Tissue Culture Collection. Cells are certified free of mycoplasma. T84 cells were cultured in a 1:1 mixture of Ham's F12 medium and alpha MEM (both from Gibco) + 5% Nu serum (Collaborative Research Inc.). Caco2 cells



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Fig. 1.








Growth of T84 cells following subculture. Cells were seeded at approximately 2.5 x 10 6 per 100 mm dish and counted on the indicated days.

were cultured in alpha MEM with 10% fetal bovine serum (Flow Laboratories). Cells were passaged by trypsinization every 7 days, T84 as a 1:2 and Caco2 as a 1:4 or 1:6 subculture. Growth curves: To determine the effect of growth on the expression of CFTR, cells were seeded at a density of 2.5 x 10 6 per 100 cm plate (approximately a 1:5 subculture) and counted daily until the end of the experiment using a Coulter counter. Cells were fed every other day until they reached confluence (T84- 7 days; Caco2- 4 days) and daily after that. RNA isolation: An appropriate number of plates was chosen at each time point to yield approximately 0.1 mg of RNA. Total RNA was isolated by the method of Chirgwin et al. (1979). Briefly, the procedure involved lysing the cells with denaturing solution (4 M guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7, 0.5% N-lauryl sarcosine and 0.1 M 2-mercapto-ethanol) and pelleting the RNA by centrifugation at 30,000 rpm, 20'C for 18-24 hr over a cushion of 5.7 M CsCl, 0.1 M EDTA, pH 8, in SW41 ultra-clear tubes. The pellet was then rinsed twice with ethanol, resuspended in diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated TE (10 mM Tris HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5) and precipitated with 2 volumes of ice-cold ethanol. Northern blotting and hybridization: Total RNA (20 ~g/lane) was fractionated on 0.66 M formaldehyde/1.2% agarose gels (Fourney et al., 1988) in 1 X MOPS/EDTA buffer [0.2 MOPS (3-(N-morpholine) propanesulfonic acid), 50 mM sodium acetate and 10 mM EDTA, pH 7]. Gels were equilibrated in 10 X SSC (1 X ssc = 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na citrate, pH 7.0) for 20 min and then transferred onto Gene Screen plus membranes by capillary action. Blots were baked at 80' under vacuum for 2 hr and prehybridized in 1% SDS, 1 M NaCl and 10% dextran sulfate at 65' for 2-6 hr. Probes were labelled with 32 p -dCTP by random priming (Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1983) to specific activities of 5-15 x 10 8 cpm/mg and blots hybridized at 65'C overnight with denatured probes. Blots were then washed twice at room temperature in 2 X ssc, 0.1% SDS, followed by a wash at 65'C in 0.1 X SSC, 0.1% SDS for 30 min and then autoradiographed on X-ray film at -70'C. Quantitation of CFTR and PDH message levels: Appropriately exposed autoradiograms were scanned using a Laser densitometer (Molecular Dynamics). Comparative data are expressed in relationship to the signal produced by a probe for pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) , a marker chosen because it is not expected to change during the culture and differentiation of cells. Electron microscopy: Cells were grown on nucleopore PC membranes attached to 35 mm petri dishes with rat tail collagen. Cells were fixed at various points along the growth curve in universal fixative and stored at 4'C until all samples were ready. For scanning EM the fixed cells were washed with phosphate buffer, dehydrated in graded series of ethanol, critical point








Fig. 2.

Expression of CFTR and PDH mRNA in T84 cells. At the indicated days, total RNA samples from the cells were separated by formaldehyde-agarose gel electrophoresis, blotted onto Gene Screen plus membranes and hybridized sequentially to 32 P-la belled CFTR and PDH cDNA.

dried, mounted on metal stubs, palladium coated and examined with a Jeol 820 scanning electron microscope. For transmission EM the fixed cells were washed with phosphate buffer and postfixed with osmium tetroxide. After dehydration through a graded acetone series the cells were infiltrated with Epon resin and polymerized overnight at 60·C in a flat embedded mold. Appropriate areas were selected by examining 0.5-1 micron thick sections under a light microscope. Thin sections were then cut on an ultramicrotome, collected on copper grids, counterstained with Sato's lead and uranyl acetate and examined using a Phillips 201 transmission electron microscope. RESULTS To determine whether the expression of CFTR was regulated in T84 cells we measured the steady-state levels of CFTR mRNA during the growth of T84 cells following subculture. Total RNA was isolated as described in Materials and Methods, separated by size on formaldehyde-agarose gels and hybridized to radioactively labelled CFTR cDNA. As is shown in Figure 1, T84 cells increase in number by approximately a factor of 10 following subculture. However, there does not appear to be any change in the amounts of CFTR mRNA that can be detected on Northern blots (Figure 2). The levels at days 2, 4, and 7 after subculture are similar to each other. To ensure that the amounts of RNA loaded onto each lane of the gel were the same, the blot was separately hybridized to radioactively labelled pyruvate dehydrogenase cDNA. This metabolic enzyme is not expected to vary during the growth of cells. It can be seen in Figure 2 that approximately equal signals with pyruvate dehydrogenase mRNA are seen in the three different lanes. We have similarly detected unaltered amounts of CFTR mRNA at other days throughout the growth cycle (data not shown). 244

We then examined the levels of CFTR mRNA in Caco2 cells. These cells differ from T84 in that they undergo morphological and functional differentiation in culture following subculture and growth to confluency. Representative data are shown in Figure 3. As was the case with T84, Caco2 cells grow by a factor of about 10 following subculture. However, unlike T84 cells there is a dramatic increase in the amounts of CFTR mRNA that can be detected. Levels of the message increase by 10-20 fold during the growth of Caco2 cells (Figure 4). The amounts of RNA loaded on the gel were approximately the same in all cases as determined by hybridization to pyruvate dehydrogenase cDNA. Caco2 differentiation has been observed morphologically by a marked increase in the numbers of microvilli on the apical cell surface of the cells and by a change in the shape of cells to more polarized form. We therefore confirmed that Caco2 cells had differentiated during this growth in culture by examining the cells by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Figure 5 illustrates a representative scanning electron micrograph of Caco2 cells at days 1 and 14 after subculture. A marked increase in microvilli is observed. As well, the size of the surface outline of the cells decreases significantly. This change is a reflection of the fact that the cells have become more cuboidal and elongated. This is seen in Figure 6 which illustrates representative transmission electron micrographs. Cells on day 1 are flat and spread over a large distance on the plastic and have few, short microvilli. On day 14, in contrast, the cells are taller and have a profusion of long microvilli. Thus, the Caco2 cells that we have analyzed are undergoing a process of morphological differentiation.

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Fig. 3.

Growth of Caco2 cells following subculture. Cells were seeded at approximately 2.5 x 10 6 per 100 mm dish and counted on the indicated days. 245








Fig. 4.

Expression of CFTR and PDH mRNA in Caco2 cells. Total RNA samples were harvested from cells growing as described in Figure 3 on the indicated days, separated on formaldehyde-agarose gels, blotted on Gene Screen plus membranes and hybridized sequentially to 32P-Iabelled CFTR and PDH cDNA.

DISCUSSION We have determined that CFTR mRNA abundance is correlated with the state of differentiation of Caco2 cells. The levels of CFTR mRNA increase by an order of magnitude as the cells grow to confluence and undergo morphological and functional differentiation. This increase in CFTR mRNA abundance is not observed in T84 cells that do not undergo differentiation in culture. It appears therefore that in T84 cells CFTR expression is always maximal whereas in Caco2 cells it is modulated. This modulation could be mediated by increased transcription or by alterations in message stability. We are currently exploring these two possibilities. As detected in these experiments, the amounts of CFTR mRNA seem to be proportional to the number of cells in the dish, in that the increase in CFTR mRNA abundance starts shortly after subculture. However, Caco2 cells tend to grow as small islands in which cell division occurs at the edges while the centre of the island contains non-growing cells (Pinto et al., 1983). It is possible that the cells in the centre of the islands have already differentiated and that the low levels of CFTR mRNA detected two and three days after subculture represent CFTR mRNA produced by the differentiated cells in the centre of the islands. We are currently examining this aspect of CFTR expression by in situ hybridization on growing Caco2 cells. These results raise the question of the functional significance of the regulated CFTR expression. However, since the precise function of CFTR is not yet known, it is difficult to assess this point. Current assays for CFTR are based on differences in cellular transport functions detected when comparing 246

Fig. 5.

scanning electron micrographs of Caco2 cells. Cells on day 1 (panel A) or day 14 (panel B) were analyzed on a scanning electron microscope as described in Materials and Methods. Magnification X 1200. The bar represents 10 micro M.

normal and CF cells. These include the measurement of altered transcellular electric potentials (Knowles et al., 1981; Quinton, 1983), changes in transcellular resistance following stimulation with agents that increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels (Sato and Sato, 1984; widdicombe et al., 1985), or the measurement of chloride channels in cells (Li et al., 1986; Frizzell et al., 1986) or isolated membranes (Schoumacher et al., 1987; Li et al., 1988). It is believed that the changes in transcellular resistance observed in normal cells upon stimulation with agents that raise intracellular cyclic AMP levels represent increased chloride transport (Quinton, 1989). T84 cells form highly resistant monolayers (1500 ohm·cm 2 ) and following treatment with agents such as vasoactive intestinal peptide there is an increase in net chloride secretion (Dharmasathaphorn et al., 1985). Given the expression of CFTR mRNA in T84 cells, one would have to assume that the cellular response to VIP occurs as a result of CFTR action inside these cells. If this line of reasoning were applied to Caco2 cells, one would expect that those expressing the highest levels of CFTR mRNA would also show the largest changes in transcellular chloride movement. However, two difficulties arise in assessing this possibility. First, mono layers of Caco2 cells have much lower resistances than those of T84 cells (150 ohm·cm 2 ) and chloridespecific changes in electrical properties yield smaller differences (Grasset et al., 1984; 1985). Secondly, it is technically more complex to compare subconfluent (low expression) and confluent (differentiated, highly expressing) Caco2 cells using the same technique. Since measurements in Ussing chambers, that require intact monolayers cannot be used on the subconfluent cells, one would have to use single cell assays to compare the two sets of cells. However, single cell assays on confluent monolayers are not generally available and will have to be developed further. Thus, it is currently difficult to assess the cellular consequences of the altered CFTR mRNA expression. Nonetheless, provided this technical problem can be overcome it 247



Fig. 6.

Transmission electron micrographs of caco~ cells. Cells on day 1 (panel A) and on day 14 (panel B) were analyzed on transmission electron microscope as described in Materials and Methoqs. Magnification X 7,600.

should be possible to determine if the regulated expression of CFTR mRNA has functional consequences. Even though Caco2 cells were derived from an adult adenocarcinoma of the colon, on the basis of the patterns of enzyme expression and on their morphological differentiation, they are considered to represent a developmental precursor of enterocytes (Rousset, 1986). Thus, it is possible that the altered expression of CFTR mRNA that is observed in these cells has an in vivo counterpart in the differentiation that occurs in the cryptvillus progression of enterocytes. We are currently examining this possibility. Acknowledgements This research was supported by grants from the Canadian and u.s. Cystic Fibrosis Foundations and the National Institutes of Health (U.S.A) and represents part of the cystic Fibrosis Research Development Programme at the Hospital for sick Children. R.S. was supported by a Fellowship from the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We thank our colleagues Jack Riordan and LapChee Tsui for their continued assistance. We also thank Ron Buick for introducing us to Caco2 cells and for assistance in starting this research.


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DISCUSSION WINE: Dr. Buchwald, do you think the increasing levels of CFTR message you see during time in culture could mean that the density of CFTR mRNA is tracking the total membrane surface area. BUCHWALD: I guess it's possible. The question is how would one test that. We are in the midst of trying to repeat these experiments with the P-glycoprotein probe that we have, which is also a membrane enzyme, to see whether this is peculiar to CFTR or whether it is characteristic of P-glycoprotein as well. GREGER: Could one not argue in the following way: The cells increase in number after they are seeded; they are by no means confluent then, yet the sum of their surface areas is already large. If you now measure a low expression of CFTR and only an increase of this expression some time after seeding, when they start to become confluent, would one not have to conclude that the area of plasma membrane has little to do with the expression of CFTR? BUCHWALD: I guess the question is, you know, some of the cells are changing their shape quite significantly and I don't know that anyone has ever looked at what the membrane density is in highly differentiated cells vs. relatively undifferentiated cells. GREUNERT: Have you looked at any other factors, such as extracellular matrix components or soluble factors that might enhance differentiation in some of the other transformed lines that you have? BUCHWALD: No. That's an experiment that we plan to do now that we know that expression may be related to the stage of differentiation. We're going to go back to our transformed sweat gland and nasal polyp cells and see whether we can influence the degree of differentiation. We haven't done it yet. AUSIELLO: Yes. I had a question, but perhaps I can comment on Dr. Wine's question. We have conducted similar studies for apical membrane G-proteins and the sodium channel. What Dr. Greger says is quite true. There is stabilization of total membrane 250

area, even though there is some microvilli development. But the lability of apical membrane proteins is greater than that for basolateral membrane proteins. W see an identical pattern of development of message on day 4, 5, 6 and 7 of cultured epithelia for certain G-proteins that regulate sodium channels as Dr. Buchwald presented for CFTR mRNA. The reverse is also true. When you take the fully developed polar cells, and either trypsinize them or even simply lift them off the plate and replate them, they rapidly lose their mRNA for G proteins and then redevelop the mRNA. Thus,the cell develops a lability with regard to apical membranes mRNA and protein. The data that Dr. Buchwald presented then are consistent with the possibility that CFTR is an apical membrane protein in these cells. BUCHWALD: Right, which is why I suggested maybe message stability might also be part of this mechanism. RECHKEMMER: I have a technical question on something I might have missed: are these cells grown on permeable supports? BUCHWALD: No, they're grown on plastic. RECHKEMMER: And you have no experience with these cells grown on permeable supports as far as differentiation? BUCHWALD: No. We haven't done these experiments. You know, CaC02 differentiation was reported 7 or 8 years ago by French workers. So we just basically followed their protocols and that was growing on plastic and feeding them every day once they got to a certain density. FRIZZELL: It's certainly worth saying that Panc-l, if it doesn't express CFTR, certainly has a lot of the rectified chloride channels, as we've seen and as John Hanrahan has reported as well. Also, we have performed some preliminary experiments in T84 cells which sort of show the opposite side of the coin. We find, as you do, that transport is a function of time after plating. The amount of apparent CFTR message isn't changing in time but one thing that is changing is that the cells after plating are becoming more and more responsive to forskolin. The cAMPinduced chloride permeability change is essentially absent about 6 hours after plating T84 cells and increases in time up to a maximum at 2 or 3 days. During this time, CFTR expression by RNA blot shows only a small increase in CFTR message. BUCHWALD: Are these monolayer experiments, Ray? FRIZZELL: That's right. BUCHWALD: Because there was a report that I read somewhere that said that the development of tight junctions takes place over a period of days, following subculture of T84 cells. SLICHTER: We also find, with T84 cells, after you plate them 251

down that the responsiveness to cAMP agonists does increase with time up to about 4 days and then is stable for the next few, and that this correlates very well with resting levels of cAMP which are very high early, and then decrease, and then can be stimulated, so that the channels may be somehow prestimulated or downregulated by the high cAMP levels, perhaps. GREGER: Can the conclusion now be that CFTR and cAMP stimulation have little to do with each other? BUCHWALD: Oh, no. GREGER: But weren't you saying that the cAMP response comes prior to CFTR expression? BUCHWALD: No, no - the other way around. AUSIELLO: Maybe I can comment on that, which supports what Ray said. We see the sodium channel appear before the regulatory protein, the G-protein, so that for 2 or 3 days, in the A6 cells you have a sodium channel that is not pertussis-toxin-sensitive, which then gains pertussis-toxin sensitivity, corresponding to the message development for the G-protein. So I think one of the things we have to pay attention to when we're looking at the developmental message is that if these are multi-protein regulatory components there might very well be some asymmetry to that. I think that is what Ray is alluding to, and the asymmetry may go in different directions. W. GUGGINO: We have done some preliminary experiments with HT29 cells in collaboration with Chip Montrose and Chahryad Montrose. We have shown that if you grow the cells in glucose or galactose, that cells grown in the more differentiating galactose growing medium, that CFTR mRNA will be expressed in greater quantity. This confirms what you find. BUCHWALD: One of the things that I should make clear is that when you grow any epithelial cell, they don't grow as single cells. They always grow as patches. So a monolayer that is half confluent may in fact contain undifferentiated and differentiated cells depending on whether they are growing in patches of different sizes. So these measurements of message levels are really average, of some cells that have a lot and some cells that have a little, and you're just counting the mixture, in a sense.


Regulation of expression of CFTR in human intestinal epithelial cells.

As a first step in our efforts to delineate the role of CFTR in cellular phenotypes we have studied its expression in cultured human intestinal epithe...
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