Respiratory Effects of Epidural Sufentanil After Cesarean Section Sheila E. Cohen, MB, ChB, FFARCS, Thierry Labaille, and Jean-Claude Levron, BS


Daniel Benhamou,


Departement d'Anesthesie, Universite Paris-Sud, HBpital Antoine Bkclere, Clamart, France; Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; and Janssen Laboratories, Paris, France

The ventilatory response to CO, was measured to evaluate the degree of respiratory depression after epidural sufentanil. After cesarean section performed with bupivacaine epidural anesthesia, 14 patients received either 30 pg ( n = 7) or 50 pg ( n = 7) of epidural sufentanil. Respiratory measurements were made before and 15, 45, and 120 min after sufentanil injection. The presence and severity of sedation and other nonrespiratory side effects were evaluated throughout the study. Plasma sufentanil assays were performed on blood samples obtained at frequent intervals during the first 2 h. Although changes in resting ventilation did not occur, both sufentanil doses depressed the ventilatory response to CO,. After sufentanil30 pg, the slope of the CO, response curve decreased significantly at 45 and 120 min (con-


trol value, 2.33 +. 0.3 Hg-' [mean ? vs 1.61 2 0.24 and 1.72 ? 0.15, respectively, P < 0.05). After sufentanil 50 pg, significant decreases occurred at 15 and 45 min (control value, 2.84 t 0.71 vs 1.81 & 0.48 and 1.48 k 0.31 L.min-'.mm Hg.', respectively). The mean maximal decrease in the slope occurred at 45 min and was more pronounced after 50 pg (-42.3% ? 7.4%) than after 30 pg (-27.4% t- 9.9%). Analgesia was similar in both groups. Side effects, particularly sedation, were more severe with the 50-pg dose. We conclude that 30 pg of epidural sufentanil is preferable to the higher dose with regard to both respiratory and nonrespiratory side effects. Even with the lower dose, monitoring of ventilation is advisable for a minimum of 2 h. SEMI

(Anesth Analg 1992;74:677-82)

healthy volunteers studied in the laboratory (10). The analgesic efficacy of epidural sufentanil (30-60 pg) has been demonstrated in women after cesarean section (5-7,ll); however, limited data are available with regard to its respiratory effects in this population (11). The current study was designed primarily to measure respiratory sensitivity to C 0 2 after 30 or 50 pg of epidural sufentanil administered for postcesarean section analgesia. The doses selected were those most commonly used in clinical practice. Analgesic efficacy, nonrespiratory side effects, and plasma sufentanil levels were also evaluated in an attempt to determine whether they correlated with changes in respiratory drive.

pidural administration of opiates is used extensively for provision of postoperative analgesia; however, with hydrophilic opioids such as morphine there is a risk of late respiratory depression owing to cephalad migration of unbound drug in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Sufentanil is highly lipid soluble and has greater affinity for p-opiate receptors (1,2). This should result in rapid clearance of sufentanil from the CSF, and there should be less potential for cephalad spread in the neuraxis. Doses of epidural sufentanil ranging from 30 to 75 pg have been found necessary for postoperative analgesia in a variety of circumstances (3-7). Unfortunately, sedation accompanies higher doses (3,5), and ventilatory depression has been reported in patients receiving this opioid after general anesthesia (4,8,9) and in


This work was supported by a grant from Janssen Laboratories, Paris, France. Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, California, 1988. Accepted for publication January 27, 1992. Address correspondence to Dr. Cohen, Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305.

The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee, and informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The study group comprised 14 healthy term parturients who had undergone elective cesarean section with epidural anesthesia. Individuals with major organ diseases, multiple gestations, or pregnancy complications were excluded from the

01992 by the International Anesthesia Research Society 0003-2999/92/$5.00

Anesth Analg 1992;74:677-82





study. Patients received no premedication other than 30 mL of 0.3% sodium citrate. Epidural block was performed at the L2-3 or L3-4 interspace, and anesthesia for surgery was provided with 0.5% plain bupivacaine administered via the epidural catheter. No sedative or opioid drugs were administered intraoperatively. Subjects were studied postoperatively in a special postanesthesia care unit that was quiet and contained no other patients. Because pain can significantly modify breathing patterns, we attempted to ensure adequate analgesia throughout the study. Thus, to prevent discomfort in the period between the block wearing off and sufentanil taking effect, an additional 10-mL epidural injection of 0.25% plain bupivacaine was given to patients whose block at the end of surgery was below T-4 (six in each group). Respiratory measurements were performed with the patient resting quietly. Control values were obtained 225 min after the last injection of bupivacaine. After baseline measurements, sufentanil was administered via the epidural catheter in a dose of either 50 pg ( n = 7) or 30 pg ( n = 7). Preservative-free saline solution was added so that the volume of the injectate was 10 mL in all cases. The following evaluations and measurements were made during the control period before sufentanil administration and at various intervals for the next 2 h. Ventilatory response to CO, was evaluated before and 15, 45, and 120 min after sufentanil administration by using the Read rebreathing method (12). All subjects were studied in a 30" head-up position. Patients breathed through a mouthpiece and noseclip system connected to a Fleisch No. 2 pneumotachograph. Inspiratory and expiratory lines were separated by a one-way valve. The dead space in the system was 75 mL, and the resistances of the inspiratory and expiratory lines were, respectively, 2.4 and 3.6 cm H,O-S-~.L-' at a flow of 1 L/s. Volumes were measured by electronically integrating the flow signal obtained from the pneumotachograph (which previously had been calibrated with a 1-L syringe) connected to a Godart 17212 differential pressure transducer (Bilthoven-Holland). End-tidal CO, (PETCO,) was measured with a Gould capnograph that was calibrated before and after each measurement with three concentrations of CO, in oxygen (5%, 7.5%, and 8%). All signals were recorded on a paper recorder at a speed of 12.5 m d s . Before each rebreathing test, steady-state ventilation was recorded after a 5-min period of quiet breathing in room air. Respiratory rate, minute ventilation (VE), and PETCO,were calculated by analyzing and averaging the data from five breaths. Patients then rebreathed 5% CO, in oxygen into a 9-L Douglas bag. Although they could stop at any time, they were encouraged to continue for as long as possible, with the goal of obtaining a

ANESTH ANALG 1992;74:677-82

linear increase of PETCO,to at least 60 mm Hg; PETCO, and VE were recorded every 20 s. Linear regression equations were computed from VE and PETCO,for each CO, challenge curve. All responses were linear, with a correlation coefficient r ranging from 0.92 to 0.96. Values were converted to body temperature and ambient pressure saturated with water vapor. Oxygen saturation (Spoz) was continuously monitored with a Nellcor 200 pulse oximeter attached to the great toe. Heart rate and blood pressure were recorded at regular intervals. Subjective analgesia was assessed with a 10-cm visual analogue pain scale before and at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 120 min after sufentanil administration. When these times coincided with respiratory measurements, the latter were always performed after other assessments had been made. The maximal level of analgesic block, assessed by pinprick, was recorded before and at 15, 45, and 120 min after injection. The time until the first request for additional analgesia also was recorded. The presence and severity of side effects were evaluated at the same time as pain intensity assessments (see earlier text). Patients were asked to grade the degree of nausea and pruritus according to a simple scale: 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, and 3 = severe. Vomiting was recorded as present or absent. All patients had an indwelling urinary catheter for approximately 24 h postoperatively. Sedation was assessed by the patient using a 10-cm visual analogue sedation scale, where 0 represented feeling completely awake and 10 almost asleep. Venous blood was sampled from an intravenous catheter placed in a large forearm vein before and at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 120 min after sufentanil administration. Each 5-mL sample was centrifuged and the supernatant stored at -23°C for subsequent sufentanil assay. A radioimmunoassay technique with a lower limit of detection of 0.02 ng/mL and an accuracy of 55% was used. Comparisons of serial measurements within and between groups were performed with one- or twofactor repeated-measures analysis of variance. Differences were further investigated with the Scheff 6 test or Dunnett test (to compare measurements after sufentanil administration with control values). Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney test were used for between-group comparisons of continuous and noncontinuous data, respectively. Incidences of side effects were compared with Fisher's exact test, and linear regression analysis was used to assess correlation among plasma sufentanil levels, sedation scores, and percent depression of the CO, response curves. A P value 50.05 was considered significant; values are expressed throughout as mean SEM.



ANESTH ANALG 1992;74:677-82

Table 1. Study Group Characteristics Sufentanil 50 Pg ( n = 7)

ljufentanil 30 p g ( n = 7)

32 t 4 162 t 7 78 ? 11 28 2 4

34 t 6 160 t 6 66 ? 9l 29 2 4

Age (yr) Height (cm) Weight (kg) 0.5% Bupivacaine dose (mL) Values are mean

? SEM.

“P < 0.05.

Table 2. Incidence and Mean Severity Score (0-3) of Side Effects in 14 Patients Sufentanil



(50 n =pg7)

Sufentanil 30 Pg ( n = 7)

P value

6 1.9 t 0.5 3 1.1 t 0.6 3 4 0.5 2 0.5 9.1 ? 0.6 8.6 f 0.7 6 7 ? 19

4 0.7 t 0.3 2 0.7 ? 0.5 0 3 1.0 t 0.6 4.8 t 1.2 3.8 t 1.0 72 t 21

NS 0.06 NS NS NS NS NS 0.004 0.001 NS


Pruritus ( n ) Mean severity score Nausea ( n ) Mean severity score Vomiting ( n ) Dizziness ( M ) Control VASS Max VASS Max change in VASS Time max VASS (min)

VASS, visual analogue sedation score (0-10 cm); NS, not significant; Max. maximum.


88% and 86%, respectively. The mean minimal Spo, (i.e,, the average of the lowest recorded Spo, for each patient) was similar in both groups (93% 2 2% in the 30-pg group; 94% 2 1%in the 50-pg group). Both doses of sufentanil resulted in depression of the CO, response curve (Table 3). After the 50-pg dose, the slope decreased significantly compared with control values at 15 and 45 min, whereas after 30 pg, decreases were significant at 45 and 120 min. Figure 1 shows the slopes for the two groups expressed as percentage change from control values. Two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a significant overall difference between the groups ( P = 0.032), although comparisons at specific time intervals failed to reach statistical significance ( P = 0.07 for the difference between 15-min values; P = 0.13 for 45-min values). Maximal percentage change in the slope of the CO, response curve in individual patients was not correlated with either their maximal sufentanil concentration or maximal visual analogue sedation scale or visual analogue pain scale. Plasma sufentanil concentrations (Figure 2) were higher after the 50-pg dose throughout the study (significantly different at 10, 45, and 120 min). Peak concentrations were also significantly higher with the larger dose (0.096 2 0.02 vs 0.053 ? 0.01 ngimL, P < 0.05).


Results The groups were similar with regard to age, height, and the dose of bupivacaine administered during operation; however, patients receiving sufentanil, 50 pg, weighed slightly more than those receiving 30 pg (Table 1). All subjects remained pain free throughout the study period, with levels of cutaneous analgesia ranging from T-8 to T-4. The time until first administration of additional analgesia was 537 k 90 min after the 30-pg dose and 520 t 89 min after the 50-pg dose (NS). Heart rate and blood pressure remained stable throughout the study. Pruritus, nausea, and vomiting occurred with similar frequency in both groups, but pruritus tended to be more severe in patients receiving the 50-pg dose (Table 2). Sedation occurred in all patients; however, increases in the visual analogue sedation scale were significantly greater in the 50-pg group (Table 2). The onset of sedation (5-15 min) and the time to maximal sedation (Table 2) were similar in both groups. In individual patients, degree of sedation was not correlated with maximal plasma sufentanil levels. Resting ventilation after sufentanil administration did not differ from control values (Table 3,). In one patient in each group, Spo, transiently decreased to

Our results demonstrate that epidural sufentanil, 30-50 pg, significantly depresses the ventilatory response to CO, but does not affect resting respiratory variables. Although studying only two doses permits limited conclusions with regard to a dose-response relationship, our data suggest a tendency to more depression with the higher dose, particularly in the early postinjection period. Neither group had returned to control values by the 2-h measurement. In a study in which respiratory variables were measured after administration of epidural sufentanil, 50 pg, to healthy volunteers, Klepper et al. (10) similarly reported maximal decreases in CO, response of 45% from control values. As in the current study, depression was the most profound during the first 2 h; however, values were still abnormal in these volunteers at the final rebreathing test 7 h after injection. We found it impractical to continue respiratory measurements beyond 2 h in our subjects because they became fatigued and wanted to rejoin their newborns. The factors other than drugs that may affect respiratory drive include pain and the pregnant state, both of which stimulate respiration. As our patients never experienced pain, onset of analgesia does not explain the observed decrease in respiratory drive. Although regression of the hormonal changes of pregnancy



ANESTH ANALG 1992;74:677-82

Table 3. Respiratory Variables Before and After Epidural Sufentanil Time after sufentanil injection

Control value Resting RR (breathsimin) 50 ccg 30 ccg Resting VE (Limin)

50 ccg 30 ccg (mm Hg) Resting PETCO~

50 pg 30 ccg Slope CO, response (L.min-’.mm Hg-’) 50 Pg

15 Min

120 Min

15 5 2 14 3


15 +- 2 13 +- 2

17 t 2 15 t 2

17 2 1 17 2

9.1 t 1.4 8.6 ? 1.5

10.2 t 2.9 8.5 t 1.2

10.8 f 3.3 9.3 +- 0.9

8.6 t 1.0 8.6 f 0.8

30 t 1 29 t 1

32 t 2 30 t 1

32 2 3 30 t 1


2.84 0.71 2.33 t 0.03

30 Pg

45 Min


31 2 2 29 1


1.48 2 0.31” 1.61 2 0.24’

1.81 t 0.48” 1.93 0.32


2.36 f 0.66 1.72 f 0.15“

RR, respiratory rate; VE, minute ventilation; PETCO~, end-tidal C 0 2 Values are mean ? SEM. “P < 0.05 vs control value.





-30 40


-60, 0

t I














105 120

Time (rnin) Figure 1. Percentage change from control values in the slope of the CO, response curve at 15, 45, and 120 min after epidural sufentanil. *P < 0.05 vs control values.

ultimately results in return of respiratory drive to normal levels, this is unlikely to occur in the first 2 h postpartum. In a previous study in cesarean section patients, Madej and Strunin (11) administered 10, 20, 30, or 50 pg of epidural sufentanil to each of 10 subjects. The lower doses were not associated with changes in respiratory rate or P E T C Ounless ~ supplemental intramuscular morphine was administered. In contrast, one incident of bradypnea occurred, and significant increases in PETCO~ were present 30 min after injection of a 50-pg dose. In nonobstetric patients, respiratory arrests (4,13,14), decreased respiratory rates (4,8,1&16), decreases in oxyhemoglobin saturation (17), and increases in Paco, (4,8,9) have been reported after epidural sufentanil. Respiratory effects were most marked after large (50-75 pg) or multiple


1 0







T h e (mln) Figure 2. Plasma sufentanil concentrations (ngimL) vs time after epidural sufentanil. *P < 0.05 vs 30-pg group. **P < 0.002 vs 30-pg group.

doses (4,13,17) in patients who also had received systemic opioids or other depressants intraoperatively. In some reports of respiratory complications, patients had undergone thoracic or upper abdominal surgery performed with general anesthesia (4,8,13, 15,17), when both the site of surgery and residual anesthetic depression may have contributed to respiratory changes in the postoperative period. In contrast to these findings, Donadoni et al. (3) reported no change in respiratory rate or arterial blood gases in ASA physical status I patients receiving 15-75 pg of sufentanil after orthopedic procedures. Similarly, Benlabed et al. (18) found no changes in resting variables, although respiratory drive was decreased, in children receiving 0.75 pglkg of sufentanil after urologic surgery. The optimal way to determine the potential of a

ANESTH ANALG 1992;74:677-82

drug to cause dangerous ventilatory depression is controversial. We selected the ventilatory response to CO, because this is a sensitive index of respiratory depression. Having demonstrated abnormalities, it is important to consider their relevance in a clinical setting. Cartwright et al. (19) found a 50% reduction in C 0 2 response to be associated with a Paco, of 45 mm Hg, a level they and others (10) have selected as representing the threshold of critical respiratory depression. By using this arbitrary definition in our patients, mean decreases would place the 50-pg, but not the 30-pg, group "at risk"; however, if individual patients are considered, three in the 50-pg group and two in the 30-pg group would fall into this category. The greatest reduction in CO, response (-72%) occurred at 45 min in a subject who received 50 pg; overt respiratory depression might have occurred had she been given supplemental opioids. Variations in respiratory drive among patients, as well as the small numbers studied, make precise clinical recommendations based on these data inappropriate. To maintain perspective, it should be noted that mean decreases of 50% in the slope of the CO, response curve have been demonstrated in women receiving conventional doses of subcutaneous morphine after cesarean section (20). In the same study, intrathecal morphine, 0.1 or 0.25 mg, resulted in maximal decreases of only 20% (20). As in previous reports (5-7,11,21,22), epidural sufentanil provided satisfactory analgesia in our patients; however, the duration of analgesia (mean 8.5 h, range 5-16 h) was considerably longer than the 2-6 h previously reported with similar doses after cesarean section (5-7,11,21). This difference may relate to our use of bupivacaine rather than lidocaine for provision of surgical anesthesia; more prolonged analgesia after bupivacaine anesthesia has also been reported with epidural fentanyl (23). The administration of supplemental 0.25% bupivacaine to prevent pain during rebreathing also complicates the issue. Although this may have been responsible for the prolonged analgesia we observed, the duration of pain relief was greater than would have been expected from the local anesthetic alone. The most likely explanation, supported by data from animal studies, is that local anesthetics and opioids administered spinally are synergistic with respect to their analgesic effect (24). In agreement with other investigators (4-6), we found no benefit with regard to duration of analgesia, yet more severe side effects, with the larger sufentanil dose. In agreement with previous studies, the principal nonrespiratory side effect was sedation (5,7). This was present in all subjects but was more marked with the 50-pg dose. Although the magnitude of sedation and respiratory depression differed in individual patients, the time-course of these side effects was sim-



ilar. It thus seems logical to seek a common mechanism to explain them. Systemic absorption of epidural sufentanil is rapid, resulting in peak plasma levels within 1&15 min (5,25). As maximal plasma sufentanil levels in the current study did not correlate with sedation scores or maximal depression of C 0 2 response, other mechanisms such as direct rostral spread via CSF or via epidural vascular pathways are probably contributory. In a recent study in sheep, De Sousa and Stiller (26) demonstrated rapid appearance (within 5 min) of sufentanil injected in the lumbar epidural space in CSF sampled at the cistema magna. Arterial plasma sufentanil levels were always lower than CSF levels, suggesting direct cephalad migration of the opioid within the neuraxis (26). Petty et al. (27) similarly found that after lumbar epidural sufentanil injection in dogs, cistemal CSF opioid levels were higher between 5 and 180 min than plasma concentrations; the peak cisternal CSF concentration was more than three times higher than the plasma concentration. These studies suggest that systemic absorption of epidural sufentanil contributes only a minor portion to cistemal CSF drug levels. In vivo data with regard to CSF pharmacokinetics of opioids are limited (28). In studies in cancer patients, Gourlay et al. (29,30) obtained cervical samples of CSF after lumbar epidural injection of morphine and meperidine. The more lipophilic meperidine crossed the dura rapidly and reached peak cervical CSF concentrations at 10-60 min, compared with a 2-3-h delay for morphine (29). In a similar study with fentanyl, peak cervical CSF levels occurred between 10 and 45 min (31);however, the low fentanyl concentrations detected in most patients indicated minimal cephalad migration. We are not aware of similar investigations with sufentanil in humans. In summary, we found that epidural sufentanil, 30-50 pg, caused significant sedation and depression of respiratory drive when administered to women after cesarean section. T h s suggests that despite its high lipid solubility and preceptor affinity, sufentanil is not restricted to the spinal cord. Rostra1 spread via CSF, and perhaps by direct transit in epidural veins, may be more important than spread resulting from systemic absorption (26,27,32). Because respiratory and nonrespiratory side effects were greater with the 50-pg dose, we support others (5,6,8) in recommending a 30-pg dose for analgesia after cesarean section. Close monitoring of patients for several hours is advisable after epidural sufentanil, and supplemental opioids should be administered with caution.

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Respiratory effects of epidural sufentanil after cesarean section.

The ventilatory response to CO2 was measured to evaluate the degree of respiratory depression after epidural sufentanil. After cesarean section perfor...
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