World J. Surg. 16, 848-857, 1992

World Journal of Surgery © 1992 by the Soci~t~ lnternalionale de Chirurgie

Results of Radical Surgery for Rectal Cancer R.J. Heald, M.A., M.Chir., F . R . C . S . , F . R . C . S . ( E d . ) and N.D. Karanjia, M.S., F . R . C . S . , F . R . C . S . ( E d . ) Colorectal Research Unit, Basingstoke District Hospital, Basingstoke, England. This paper examines the hypothesis that a reduction in the distal mural margin during anterior resection for sphincter conservation in rectal cancer excision is safe, provided total mesorectal excision is undertaken with wash-out of the clamped rectum. One hundred ninety-two patients underwent anterior resection and 21 (1 cm et 42, une marge 1 cm y 42 de 1 cm (95% CI: 0.8%0-7.8%) y ninguna en el grupo - 1 cm. L a r e d u c c i r n en el margen de reseccirn, por consiguiente, no pareci6 comprometer la sobrevida despurs de una r e s e c c i r n anterior. Se discute el significado de los m ~ g e n e s laterales de r e s e c c i r n , asf como el papel de ta radioterapia profunda y de los agentes citot6xicos. Ante las bajas tasas de recurrencia local que se logran con cirugfa adecuada, es la opinirn de los autores que tales modalidades tienen poco que ofrecer en el manejo del c~ncer del recto tratado con tal tipo de cirugia radical (RTM). Finalmente, se analizan los resultados funcionales observados luego de una r e s e c c i r n anterior y RTM y se discute el problema del escape anastomrtico. References 1. Walker, A.R.P., Burkitt, D.P.: Colon cancer: Epidemiology. Semin. Oncol. 3:341, 1976 2. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys: Mortality statistics, Cause, England and Wales. Series DH2. 12:8, 1985 3. Bradpiece, H.A., Benjamin, I.S., Halevy, A.: Major hepatic resection for colorectal liver disease. Br. J. Surg. 74:324, 1987 4. Silverberg, E.: Cancer Statistics. New York, American Society, 1981 5. Heald, R.J.: Multiple primary cancers of the bowel. In Risk Factors and Multiple Cancer, B.A. Stoll, editor, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 1984, pp. 367-377 6. Handley, W.S.: The surgery of the lymphatic system. Br. Med. J. •:922, 1910 7. Cote, P.P.: The intramural spread of rectal carcinoma. Br. Med. J. 1:431, 1913 8. Grinnell, R.S,: Distal intramural spread of carcinoma of the rectum and rectosigmoid. Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 99:421, 1954 9. Quer, E.A., Dahlin, D.C., Mayo, C.W.: Retrograde intramural spread of carcinoma of the rectum and rectosigmoid. Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 96:24, 1953 t0, Williams, N.S., Dixon, M.F., Johnston, D.: Reappraisal of the 5 centimetre rule of distal excision for carcinoma of the rectum: A study of distal intramural spread and of patients survival. Br. J. Surg. 70:!50, 1983 11. Miles, W.E.: The radical abdomino-perineal operation for cancer of the rectum and of the pelvic colon. Br. Med. J. 2:941, 1910 12. Miles, W.E.: Cancer of the rectum. London, Harrison, 1926 13. Dukes, C.E.: The spread of cancer of the rectum. Br. J. Surg. /7:643, 1930 14. Wood, W.Q., Wilkie, D.P.D.: Carcinoma of the rectum: An anatomico-pathological study. Edinb. Med. J. 40:321, 1933 15. Dukes, C.E.: Cancer of the rectum: An analysis of 1000 cases. J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 50:527, 1940 16. Goligher, J.C., Duthie, H., Nixon, H.: Surgery of the anus, rectuna and colon. London, Bailliere Tindall, 1985 17. Hojo, K., Koyama, Y., Moriya, Y.: Lymphatic spread and its

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Results of radical surgery for rectal cancer.

This paper examines the hypothesis that a reduction in the distal mural margin during anterior resection for sphincter conservation in rectal cancer e...
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