Running title - Rice responses to rising temperatures

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Title - Rice responses to rising temperatures – challenges, perspectives and future directions


Jagadish S V K1 *, Murty M V R1, Quick W P1,2 1 International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines 2 Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK *Corresponding author - Jagadish SVK, International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines; phone: +63 (2) 580-5600-2767; fax: +63 (2) 580-5699; 845-0606, email: [email protected]

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1111/pce.12430

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Phenotypic plasticity in overcoming heat stress−induced damage across hot tropical rice-growing


regions is predominantly governed by relative humidity. Expression of transpiration cooling, an


effective heat-avoiding mechanism, will diminish with the transition from fully-flooded paddies


to water-saving technologies such as direct-seeded and aerobic rice cultivation, thus further


aggravating stress damage. This change can potentially introduce greater sensitivity to previously


unaffected developmental stages such as floral meristem (panicle) initiation and spikelet


differentiation, and further intensify vulnerability at the known sensitive gametogenesis and

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flowering stages. More than the mean temperature rise, increased variability and a more rapid


increase in nighttime temperature compared with the daytime maximum present a greater


challenge. This review addresses (i) the importance of vapor pressure deficit under fully flooded


paddies and increased vulnerability of rice production to heat stress or intermittent occurrence of


combined heat and drought stress under emerging water-saving rice technologies, (ii) the major


disconnect with high night temperature response between field and controlled environments in


terms of spikelet sterility, (iii) highlight the most important mechanisms that affect key grain


quality parameters such as chalk formation under heat stress and, finally, (iv) we model and


estimate heat stress−induced spikelet sterility taking South Asia as a case study.

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Key words – flowering, high temperature, relative humidity, rice, spikelet fertility, water-saving



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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) traditionally has been grown as a fully flooded crop and has been the


major source of calories for more than half the world’s population and livelihood of many small


and marginal farmers of Asia and increasingly in Africa. With a significant jump in rice


production during the 1960s (Green Revolution), followed by stagnation during the late 1990s, it


is evident that increasing productivity is essential to keep pace with the demographic demand. In


addition, global climatic predictions, of late with greater certainty, indicate increased frequency


of heat spikes and warmer nights (IPCC, 2013), exerting additional challenges towards achieving


higher crop yields. Considering the global harvested area, climate models predict that, by 2030,


16% of the rice-growing area would be exposed to at least 5 days of temperatures above the


critical threshold during the reproductive period, with a non-linear increase to 27% by 2050


(Gourdji et al. 2013). Similarly, a global heat risk map for 2071–2100, with 1971−2000 as a


reference, involving short episodes of heat stress coinciding with the reproductive period,


resulted in more than 120 million ha of suitable wetland rice area to be under threat (Teixeira et


al. 2013). Publications by Teixeira et al. (2013), Battisti & Naylor 2009 and Challinor et al.


(2014) support the urgent need to enhance research efforts towards developing tolerant varieties


and suitable crop management practices as adaptation strategies to minimize predicted damage.


Further, rice yields having opposing sensitivity to daytime maximum and nighttime minimum


temperature across South and Southeast Asia have been documented (Welch et al. 2010), with


the latter accounting for a larger proportion of losses under field conditions (Peng et al. 2004;


Welch et al. 2010; Nagarajan et al. 2010). Hence, increasing night (minimum) temperatures can


potentially have a global impact compared with maximum day temperature, with the latter

3 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

posing a threat only to those locations that are already close to their optimal growing temperature


(Prasad et al. 2006). In addition, a disproportional increase in night temperatures would reduce


the diurnal amplitude, bringing with it a suite of negative impacts on crop production (Bueno et


al. 2012).

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Rice is extremely sensitive to heat stress (>35 oC), particularly during the gametogenesis


(Jagadish et al. 2013) and flowering (Prasad et al. 2006, Jagadish et al. 2007, 2008, 2010) stages,


while information on other developmental stages such as early floral meristem growth, spikelet


differentiation and grain filling are limited. The ability of rice to be highly productive even under


temperatures >40 oC (higher than the defined critical threshold) across hot tropical countries such


as Pakistan and Senegal is largely driven by a sufficient and timely availability of irrigation


water, complemented by low relative humidity (RH). This helps plants to maintain their tissue


temperature well below the critical threshold due to efficient transpiration-mediated cooling


(Weerakoon et al. 2008; Wassmann et al. 2009; Julia & Dingkuhn, 2013). A 6 oC lower panicle


temperature under well-irrigated arid climates of Australia (Matsui et al. 2007) and 4 oC higher


panicle temperature under hot and humid conditions in China (Tian et al. 2010) substantiate the


critical role played by RH when dealing with heat stress. The recent finding of high night


temperature (HNT) under field conditions affecting grain quality through a reduced non-


structural carbohydrate pool size (Shi et al., 2013) poses questions about source-sink dynamics


and proportional damage caused by increased dark respiration. This would add to the challenges


of increased stress during early grain development, resulting in less rice production and lower


grain quality, leading to a significant reduction in economic benefits (Lyman et al., 2013).

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In addition to the projected increase in temperature, increased uncertainty in precipitation

patterns resulting in fewer rainy days along with the rapid expansion of urbanization and

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industrialization in developing countries adds to the challenges faced by flooded rice production.


Water-saving rice technologies such as direct-seeded rice and aerobic rice (Bouman et al. 2005,


2007) are considered as potential options to sustain rice production, with alternate wetting and


drying feasible only in areas with sufficient and timely availability of water, a luxury that most


rice-growing regions do not possess. The transition from water-sufficient scenarios to water-


saving methods can potentially change the entire cropping system dynamics such as increased


weed pressure (Kumar & Ladha, 2011; Mahajan et al. 2013), nematode severity (Kreye et al.


2009a, b) and other soil-related problems (Nie et al. 2007, 2009). This shift could expose


previously unaffected developmental stages such as floral meristem initiation (panicle initiation)

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to damaging levels of heat stress, a key developmental phase that determines overall sink size


and, hence, potential yield. In addition, the already known heat-sensitive reproductive stages


such as gametogenesis and flowering will come under a higher intensity of exposure to heat


stress. It is almost certain that tropical rice-growing regions will persist in future climate


scenarios, with a higher evaporative demand wherein temperature-driven drought stress would


feature as a built-in phenomenon. This needs to be addressed if we are to avoid catastrophic


damage, especially when combined heat and drought stress coincide with the key developmental


stages described above. A recent study documents the role of extreme heat in increasing demand


for soil water to sustain carbon assimilation, and consequently reducing water availability during


the later stages of growth due to enhanced evapo-transpiration (Lobell et al., 2013). Insufficient


water availability then leads to a significant increase in tissue temperature that exacerbates the


problem (Rizhsky et al., 2002; Jagadish et al., 2011).


Hence, the objectives of this review are to examine:

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The importance of vapor pressure deficit under fully flooded paddies and


increased vulnerability of rice production to heat stress or intermittent


occurrence of combined heat and drought stress under emerging water-saving


rice technologies.



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The major disconnect with high night temperature response between field and controlled environments in terms of spikelet sterility. Highlight the most important mechanisms that affect key grain quality parameters such as chalk formation under heat stress. Modeling of the heat stress−induced reduction in spikelet fertility, taking South Asia as a case study.


Past, present and future dimensions of the impact of heat stress on rice


Prior to the late 1990s, very little attention was given to increasing temperature and in particular


the negative impact on rice yield and grain quality. There has been a series of IPCC global


climate change estimates over the last decade, coupled with an improvement in the precision of


projections on temperature increases in the future (IPCC, 2013). There is also significant


evidence that an increase in high temperature will result in major crop losses even under current


climates (Kadam et al. 2014 and references within). These data have essentially elevated the


importance of addressing the effects of temperature within a future climate change scenario. It is


only recently that significant rice yield losses, induced by heat stress have been documented in


the major rice-producing regions of China (Li et al. 2004), Japan (Hasegawa et al. 2009), the


Philippines (Peng et al. 2004) and across South and Southeast Asia (Welch et al. 2010). In


addition, mapping exercises have identified the regional vulnerability of rice when grown under


conditions closer to the critical heat stress threshold in tropical and subtropical regions of South

6 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

and Southeast Asia (Wassmann et al. 2009) and at a global scale (Teixeira et al. 2013). Future


temperature predictions have been shown to have a much greater impact on the minimum night


temperature compared with the effect on the maximum day temperature, hence reducing the


diurnal temperature amplitude (Vose et al. 2005). The frequency of occurrence of temperatures


beyond defined thresholds was geographically mapped to identify vulnerable rice-growing


regions with high day temperature (HDT) stress, HNT stress or a combination of both (Laborte et


al. 2012). These data indicate large variability in the regional occurrence of stress and the change


in diurnal temperature amplitude. Currently, the available literature related to the impacts of heat


stress, the mechanisms that lead to damage (Jagadish et al. 2010, 2013, Prasad et al. 2006) and

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the subsequent economic losses (Lyman et al. 2013) is well documented for flooded rice


conditions. A significant strain on the availability of labour and water has already started to


emerge as a major reason for a possible shift to use less water and labour for rice production,


thus requiring alternative cropping technologies such as direct-seeded rice and aerobic rice.


Under flooded rice systems, gametogenesis and flowering are identified as the two most


sensitive stages to HDT stress (Yoshida et al. 1981; Jagadish et al. 2007, 2010, 2013). Earlier


developmental stages, such as floral meristem initiation and spikelet differentiation, are better


protected because of the buffering layer of floodwater. In fact, the process of floral meristem


initiation and its early development that also determines total spikelet number is completed under


water. Higher ambient temperatures, even up to 39 oC under controlled-environment conditions,


did not result in a reduction in either spikelet number or spikelet fertility across five different rice


cultivars (Fig. 1). Data obtained from thermocouples indicated that the increase in water and soil


temperature was significantly lower than the prevailing ambient air temperature and that the


increase in water temperature may be well below the critical threshold (which is unknown)

7 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

affecting the initiating floral meristem (Fig. 2A, Jagadish et al. UnPub). Considering future


climate scenarios, in which a larger proportion of rice cultivation would be more mechanized and


under direct-seeded or aerobic conditions, the luxury of the water layer protecting initial


meristem growth could be challenged by higher soil and tissue temperatures. A study involving


fully flooded transplanted paddy and direct-seeded rice (DSR) recorded up to 25% shorter plants


in a DSR system. The internal competition from a much higher seeding density with DSR leads


to a significant delay in canopy cover, thus exposing the soil to increased temperature for longer


durations. This would lead to a similar condition termed “noise” that is observed when taking


thermal images to quantify crop canopy temperature under conditions of much hotter soil

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temperature (see Fig. 5 in Munns et al. 2010). Hence, the increase in temperature just above or at


the ground surface, close to the initiating panicle, could potentially expose this sensitive stage to


much greater temperatures than in flooded conditions, thereby increasing its vulnerability. Under


DSR, even a 10 kPa soil water tension (not considered a stress – Kumar & Ladha, 2011)


maintained throughout the crop growth period resulted in a 53% reduction in spikelet number.


This caused a serious reduction in overall sink size among main tiller panicles even under a non-


stress (10 kPa) condition but recorded no reduction in grain-filling percentage (Supplementary


Figure S1; Quinnones et al. UnPub). However, the proportion of the decline in sink size that can


be compensated for by a greater number of plants per unit area, under direct-seeded conditions,


needs to be quantified. Recently, higher temperatures, which increase vapor pressure deficit


(conditions prevailing with combined high temperature and low relative humidity) and hence


transpiration, were shown to advance severe drought stress in maize (Lobell et al. 2013).


Imposing drought stress during pre-anthesis resulted in a significant reduction in both seed-set


and abortion in primary rachis branches and more strongly in secondary rachis branches in rice

8 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

(Kato et al. 2008). Hence, the sensitive floral meristem and spikelet differentiation stage already


vulnerable with the transition from fully flooded conditions to non stress (10 kPa) direct-seeded


system (Supplementary Figure S1), when exposed to higher soil temperatures, or combined


drought and heat stress, could emerge as a new vulnerable developmental stage under future


climates. This warrants detailed investigation to ascertain the level of damage caused and the


appropriate measures to overcome such damage.

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Flowering is identified as the most sensitive development stage to heat stress, with pollen


viability being the major yield-determining factor (Yoshida et al. 1981; Jagadish et al. 2010).


The crucial role of transpiration cooling overcoming heat stress−induced spikelet sterility has


been highlighted earlier (Weerakoon et al. 2008; Wassmann et al. 2009; Julia & Dingkuhn,


2013). A transition towards water-saving technologies would automatically deprive rice plants of


this plasticity to respond to high temperature stress either partially or completely depending on


the availability of water. This would increase the canopy or panicle tissue temperature by about 2




flowering is a novel strategy identified and exploited in the flooded rice system to overcome the


damaging effects of high temperature stress by advancing the peak flowering time towards dawn


when the temperature is cooler (Ishimaru et al. 2010). An extension of this trait into DSR


cultivars could partially reduce the impact of high temperatures occurring during the late


morning and near noon. On the other hand, an increase in panicle and overall canopy


temperature would hasten crop senescence, thus decreasing both crop duration and grain filling


as shown in wheat (Lobell et al. 2012). Grain-filling duration in tropical rice varieties is already


shorter than in temperate cultivars and, with a further stress-induced decrease in grain-filling


duration, this could potentially lead to a significant decrease in grain quantity and quality due to

C, even under non-stress (10 kPa) conditions (Fig. 2b; Quinones et al. UnPub). Early morning

9 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

increased chalk formation (Lyman et al. 2013). In summary, the otherwise well-protected floral


meristem initiation under flooded rice cultivation could emerge as another highly vulnerable


stage under the proposed use of water-saving technologies. In addition, the transition could cause


greater damage to seed-set and early grain filling because of higher canopy temperatures. These


changes present additional challenges to overcome, if we are to sustain rice yield and quality


under the predicted hotter climates of the future.


Mechanisms driving HDT- and HNT-induced rice yield and quality losses


At the global (Vose et al. 2005), country (Zhou et al. 2004; Rao et al. 2014) and farm level


(Peng et al. 2004), a much greater increase in the minimum night temperature over the maximum


day temperature has been documented and supported by the recent IPCC (2013) report. Research


focused on addressing the impact of HDT stress has made significant progress in using heat-


tolerant donors such as rice landrace N22, developing mapping populations, identifying QTLs


and developing heat-tolerant NILs that are currently used to enhance tolerance of HDT stress


(Jagadish et al. 2010, Ye et al. 2012). Mechanistically, the major damage caused by HDT to rice


either at anthesis or gametogenesis is a reduction in pollen viability and pollen tube growth,


translating into lower spikelet fertility (Jagadish et al. 2010, 2013). The recent literature from


controlled-environment studies with HNT treatments also records stress impacts on rice and the


conclusions drawn indicate a similar phenomenon of decreased pollen viability, leading to


spikelet sterility, as the major cause (Mohammed & Tarpley, 2009 a, b, 2010, 2011, 2013; Cheng


et al. 2009). Other associated traits have also been reported such as increased respiratory losses,


increased oxidative damage and decreased membrane stability (Mohammed & Tarpley, 2009a).


It has to be noted that all of these results are generated from controlled environments. HNT


resulting in yield losses under field conditions is documented to be around 23 or 24 oC (Peng et

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al. 2004; Nagarajan et al. 2010) and 28 oC (Shi et al., 2013), whereas this is measured to be ≥32




has been a tendency to use thresholds for examining HNT responses by imposing temperature


treatments that are closer to HDT thresholds (35 oC; Jagadish et al. 2007, 2008). This is mainly


due to the lack of a well-defined critical HNT threshold, which has resulted in finding similar


physiological mechanisms that are susceptible to HDT stress, i.e. lower spikelet fertility and


yield losses. Two reasons why these conclusions need more thorough investigation is that almost


all studies have restricted their analysis to individual cultivars and they also use very high night


temperatures. The observed effects could also have more to do with extremely low diurnal

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C in controlled chambers (Mohammed & Tarpley, 2009 a, b, 2010; Cheng et al. 2009). There

temperature amplitude than with HNT per se. Unlike the previously published literature, a study carried out under unique field-based


HNT tents exposing rice plants to HNT from panicle initiation to maturity recorded no losses in


spikelet fertility in both stress-tolerant and susceptible cultivars (Shi et al. 2013). Shi et al (2013)


demonstrated that the heat treatment caused a significant decline in overall biomass and reduced


non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content in plant tissues, including the panicle, and resulted in


decreased grain weight through reduced grain width, ultimately resulting in yield and grain


quality losses. This study clearly indicates the differential responses of rice plants exposed to


HDT and HNT, with a different chain of processes leading to HNT damage under field


conditions. To further substantiate this claim, we have taken the data recorded from four


different growth seasons, imposing higher night temperatures (reaching 29 oC), including a range


of inbreds and hybrids tested under the same field-based tents. The data show no loss of spikelet


fertility under HNT in field-grown rice (Fig. 3, Shi et al. 2013; Zhang Y et al. 2013). Therefore,


we urge caution and awareness of the limitations when investigating HNT stress effects and

11 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

drawing conclusions from experiments carried out under controlled-environment conditions. One


proposed strategy is to identify genetic resources that maintain a greater NSC pool in the stem


and panicle and a higher biomass in spite of HNT to serve as good genetic donors to overcome


HNT-induced yield losses. Predictions of significant damage that can be caused by a rapid


increase in global night temperature indicate an urgent need to identify and validate a critical


temperature threshold to facilitate thorough investigation of HNT-induced rice yield and grain


quality losses under field conditions.

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Two recent reviews indicate the critical HDT thresholds for different growth stages of


flooded rice crops (Shah et al. 2011; Sanchez et al. 2014). However, RH actually drives these


thresholds under field conditions and this has been largely overlooked in many studies (see


above reviews) and with regional or global estimates of heat stress (Gourdji et al. 2013; Teixeira


et al. 2013), thus potentially overestimating the damage caused. The interaction between


increasing temperature and the prevailing RH determines canopy temperature (Weerakoon et al.


2008) and has been recently estimated in rice across multiple rice-growing regions of the world


(Yoshimoto et al. 2011; Julia & Dingkuhn, 2013). These studies highlight a serious discrepancy


in model estimations of damage when they neglect the effects of RH (White et al. 2011).


Recently, two such studies modeled the impact of heat stress and spikelet sterility in rice


(Nguyen et al. 2013; van Oort et al. 2014), with the former considering the flowering date of


panicle and the time of day for anthesis, but considering only the air temperature. The latter


study included panicle temperature, which accounts for the dynamics between temperature and


RH, and also considered an arid and a humid climate. van Oort et al. 2014 showed that ignoring


transpiration-cooling led to an overestimation of panicle sterility by 14 to 72%. Recent


experimental and modeling efforts show that it is important to consider arid and humid

12 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

conditions in combination with higher temperatures for impact assessment studies and for


strategic breeding efforts (Zhao & Fitzgerald, 2013).

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Another aspect of rice production that has received little emphasis is the impact of HDT


or HNT (or a combination of both) on grain quality, which is equally important in terms of total


economic returns, particularly in the whole-grain-consuming rice markets. Recently, the non-


inclusion of grain quality in heat stress impact was shown to seriously underestimate milling


outcomes, particularly head rice yield, and subsequent economic revenue (Lyman et al. 2013).


Chalkiness is the major grain quality component that is increased by heat stress and hence is the


focus of this section, although other aspects of grain quality such as moisture content, fissuring,


cooking quality and palatability could be affected by higher temperatures (Fitzgerald et al. 2009;


Fitzgerald & Resurreccion, 2009). Three routes are identified that could lead to increased chalk


formation under heat stress: (i) source–sink relationship − lower source potential to meet sink


demand or a reduction in grain-filling duration, which in both cases limits the availability or


supply of sufficient assimilates for complete seed filling; (ii) starch metabolism enzymes in the


sink; and (iii) hormonal imbalance, in particular the ratio of ABA and ethylene. High


temperature during grain filling increases the rate of filling but the increase is found to be


insufficient to compensate for the decrease in grain-filling duration (Kobata and Uemuki, 2004),


resulting in increased chalkiness (Fitzgerald & Resurreccion, 2009). Similarly, under field


conditions, rice exposed to HNT resulted in reduced NSC content of the panicles in a


temperature-susceptible rice cultivar, leading to decreased grain width and increased chalkiness


(Shi et al. 2013). Possible explanations are earlier degradation of the nuclear epidermal


membrane, loose packaging of amyloplasts and poor water displacement from the gaps created


by small and disorganized amyloplasts across both HDT and HNT (Ishimaru et al. 2009; Zakari

13 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

et al. 2002; Song et al. 2013). With a close association between grain filling and the availability


of assimilates, the negative impact of increased dark respiration, particularly under HNT, leading


to poor grain filling and quality can’t be ruled out. Attempts have been made to examine this


aspect, but mostly using controlled-chamber conditions (Mohammed & Tarpley 2009a;


Mohammed et al. 2013; Glaubitz et al. 2014). To date, there has not been a systematic analysis


of HNT and the contribution of dark respiration to reducing NSC under realistic field conditions.


This continues to be an intriguing hypothesis. The knowledge gap identified above is a major


bottleneck preventing accurate quantification of the proportion of yield or quality loss that can be


accounted for by dark respiration in the field.

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During grain filling, sugar supply may not be the only limiting factor, as starch


metabolism enzymes such as sucrose synthase (SuSy), adenosine diphosphate glucose


pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), starch synthase (StSase) and starch branching enzyme (SBE) are


identified to be equally important in the successful conversion of sugars to starch (Yang &


Zhang, 2010). Additionally, a high ABA-to-ethylene ratio is equally important during grain


filling; external application of ABA has been shown to significantly stimulate grain filling


(Zhang ZX et al. 2012). High temperature during grain filling is documented to reduce the


expression of the sucrose transporter gene OsSUT1 and starch synthesis−related genes SuSy2,


AGPS2b and BEIIb and granule-bound starch synthase in grains, with OsSUT1 reduced by about


60% in the grains and flag-leaf tissue (Phan et al. 2013). A panicle clipping approach resulted in


the up-regulation of OsSUT1 in response to increased assimilate supply, resulting in increased


grain weight. A similar strategy employed by lowering planting density reduced yield losses in


rice even under high temperature (Kobata & Uemuki, 2004), indicating a strong link between


assimilate supply and enzymatic efficiency during grain filling. Contrasting views on the role of

14 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

α-amylase have been presented, with Hakata et al. (2012) recording a high negative correlation


between chalky grains and α-amylase. They indicated that high temperatures induced activation


of α-amylase as a crucial trigger for grain chalkiness. On the other hand, Ishimaru et al. (2010)


proposed that changes in water distribution led to increased chalkiness under high temperature


rather than starch degradation by α-amylase. A comprehensive atlas of the metabolomic and


transcriptomic changes that occur during grain filling when exposed to high temperatures


indicated either the down-regulation of sucrose import/degradation and starch biosynthesis or up-


regulation of starch degradation to be the major bottleneck for efficient grain filling. The existing


literature indicates an important role for starch metabolism (sugar transport and starch

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accumulation efficiency) in controlling chalkiness through sustained grain filling under high




Does pollen viability alone determine heat stress−induced spikelet sterility in rice?


In response to increasing day temperatures, rice has three adaptive mechanisms, with one being


heat avoidance through efficient transpiration-mediated cooling as highlighted above, and this is


dependent on external factors. On the other hand, heat escape and true tolerance are inherent or


can be genetically altered to increase adaptive resilience. Oryza species show a very wide


variability in flowering time of day, for which some wild rice can flower as early as 6 AM (O.


officinalis) or as late as 5 PM (O. australiensis), and a few can flower during the night (Sheehy et


al. 2007). Most cultivated rice has its peak flowering occurring between 10 AM and 12 noon


(Prasad et al. 2006). The phenomenon of early-morning flowering (EMF) has been exploited for


the first time in rice (Ishimaru et al. 2010), wherein genetic alteration allows peak flowering to


occur closer to dawn to help escape flowering from late-morning and early-afternoon heat.


Although temperatures above the critical threshold occurring an hour after flowering have been

15 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

shown not to affect fertility (Jagadish et al. 2007), post-fertilization processes and early embryo


growth can be potentially vulnerable under future warmer climates (Shi et al. 2014). Hence,


options related to late-evening flowering (LEF) are another alternative strategy (Fig. 4), wherein


the post-fertilization and early embryo formation phase would automatically occur under the


much cooler night temperatures. Both EMF and LEF can only partially overcome heat damage as


other sensitive developmental stages such as gametogenesis would still be equally vulnerable.


An answer to the above would be to target true heat tolerance: the plants’ ability to set

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seed in spite of their peak flowering or other sensitive developmental stage coinciding with


temperatures higher than the critical stress threshold, achieved by virtue of their resilient


reproductive physiology. This resilience has been largely associated with pollen viability and the


ability of pollen to germinate and fertilize. The role of the ovary is considered to be minimal


based on cross-fertilization studies by Yoshida et al. (1981). In order to quantify the level of


tolerance, both in vitro and in vivo pollen viability tests have been employed (Prasad et al. 2006;


Jagadish et al. 2010). Using 25 diverse rice cultivars, pollen viability was estimated using pollen


collected from the same set of plants, exposed to defined heat stress conditions (Fig. 5; Jagadish


et al. UnPub). In vitro pollen viability estimated using an iodine starch stain (iodine potassium


iodide) showed a poor correlation between pollen viability and spikelet fertility (r = 0.17) under


control conditions and was even weaker (r=0.05) in response to heat stress (Fig. 5 A and B). On


the other hand, using aniline blue to measure in vivo pollen viability by recording the percentage


of pollen germination on the stigmatic surface resulted in a doubling of the correlation


coefficient under control conditions (r = 0.34) and the correlation further increased in strength


under heat stress (r = 0.68) (Fig. 5 C and D). Interestingly, the overall variability captured by in


vivo pollen viability alone (R2 = 0.46, Fig 5 D) still left a lot of room for other aspects of pollen

16 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

development to be involved, such as pollen-tube growth rate (Jagadish et al. 2010), fertilization


and early embryo abortion. The simple and fast iodine stain is frequently used to estimate in vitro


pollen viability, but the poor correlation with fertility suggests that other techniques may be


better suited to estimating pollen viability. Starch stains have been widely used as it is crucial


that sufficient starch be available in the mature pollen to fuel subsequent fertilization events (De


Storme & Geelen 2014). This allows the use of iodine stains to measure pollen viability.


However, the role of pollen exine and intine, in particular the pollen coat, which comprises the


lipids and the proteins filling the exine cavities, is also essential for pollen viability (Suzuki et al.


2008), and hence viability is not just determined by starch content. Recently, using sorghum

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(Sorghum bicolor) pollen, a significant reduction in phospholipids accompanied by an increase


in reactive oxygen species accounted for a decrease in pollen activity under HNT (Vara Prasad &


Djanaguiraman, 2011). Similar approaches targeting pollen lipid and protein compositional


changes under heat stress conditions in contrasting rice cultivars would be an interesting future


research direction. Progress achieved in this area would allow for a comparative analysis of


pollen from diverse rice cultivars and other hardy species to identify mechanisms for heat


tolerance and genetic markers to assist plant breeders. Such markers would be more robust than


iodine stains and also less cumbersome than aniline blue staining, and could help establish a


high-throughput phenotyping protocol to identify candidates with heat-tolerant pollen.


The early developmental stages of pollen, including tetrad formation and early


microspore stages, are also susceptible to heat stress (Jagadish et al. 2013). The impact of


different abiotic stresses on early pollen development has been relatively well studied in


sorghum and wheat (Jain et al. 2007, 2010; Ji et al. 2010, 2011; Oliver et al. 2007), but not in


rice, except for Jagadish et al. (2013). Although a single study (Yoshida et al. 1981) indicates the

17 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

minimal role of the female reproductive organ in heat stress damage at anthesis, its vulnerability


during the most sensitive gamete formation stage has not been tested. Many reviews highlight


this as a challenge and a major knowledge gap in addressing abiotic stress−induced reproductive-


stage damage (Hedhly 2011; Hedhly et al. 2009).


High temperature impact under future warmer climate


Heat stress has been documented to have a negative interaction with drought and salinity stress


(Mittler, 2006). In general, increased [CO2] concentration has a beneficial effect because of


increased photosynthesis (Shimono et al. 2013). However, increased biomass accumulation was


not effective in ameliorating the impact of HDT stress−induced spikelet sterility (Matsui et al.

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1997; Madan et al. 2012). Madan et al. (2012) tested three contrasting rice cultivars for high


temperature and elevated CO2 combinations. The authors exposed the flowering stage to 5 days


of heat stress while the plants were grown under elevated CO2 throughout the crop growth


period. This experimental setup mimics a possible realistic scenario under gradually increasing


atmospheric CO2 concentration accompanied by a predicted increase in frequency of short


extreme heat spikes. None of the three cultivars benefited from elevated CO2 in terms of


lowering spikelet sterility when temperatures exceeded the critical threshold. Hence, elevated


CO2 is unable to compensate for heat stress damage during the flowering stage.


The impact of heat stress under current and future warming scenarios (1 to 3 oC,


following IPCC, 2013) was mapped taking rice-growing regions of South Asia as a case study.


Crop simulation models are increasingly being used to assess the impacts of climate change


(Lobell & Gourdji, 2012). The amount of detailed information available will increase the


accuracy of simulations that involve physiological processes. As an example, a complex


simulation model that will track the diurnal variation of temperature will need hourly

18 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

temperature as an input. It is often impractical to use such a model for spatial impact studies as


the input requirement for such high-resolution data is not available. Hence, the most appropriate


simulation model should capture the summary effects of temperature on spikelet sterility by


using coarse-resolution data of climate variables at a daily time step. To explore the impact of


future elevated temperature on spikelet sterility and its spatial variability, an upgraded version of


rice crop growth simulation model ORYZA2000 (Bouman et al. 2001) that simulates growth at a


daily time interval was used in our approach. The model simulates temperature responses to


spikelet fertility according to Horie (1993). The relationship from Horie (1993) was derived


across elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations and it shows that CO2 concentration has no

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effect on the temperature and spikelet fertility relationship (Bouman et al. 2001), similar to the


recent experimental evidence provided above. Using this model, we have explored the spatial


impact of elevated temperatures across rice-growing environments of South Asia.


Standard input parameters describing crop growth and development were used as inputs


to the model. A spatial soil dataset derived from the WISE soil database at 5 arc-minute


resolution (Batjes, 2006) was used as an input for the simulations. The simulations were carried


out on irrigated rice area grids having more than 75 hectares of rice area at 5 arc-minute


resolution using the MIRCA2000 database (Portmann et al. 2010). Daily solar radiation,


maximum and minimum temperatures, wind speed and vapor pressure from the NASA POWER


dataset ( were downscaled to 15 arc minutes and bias corrected


(Sparks, A. UnPub) and combined with daily rainfall data derived from Tropical Rainfall


Measurement Mission (TRIMM ) ( The simulations were carried out


under unlimited water and potential nitrogen supply for a 5-year period from 2006 to 2010 on the


irrigated rice grids. The most recent IPCC report explores future climate change weather outputs

19 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

from several GCMs (Global Climate Models) and different representative concentration


pathways (RCPs). It is shown that RCP 8.5 in three GCMs predicts an increase in global mean


temperature (GMT) by 1 oC by the early 2020s, by 2 oC by the mid-2040s and by 3 oC by the


mid-2060s (Warszawski et al. 2013). Keeping this in mind, four different scenarios were created


for simulations on irrigated rice grids across South Asia. A set of simulations with the original


weather (2006 to 2010) was the first scenario. An increase of 1 degree (scenario 2), 2 degrees


(scenario 3) and 3 degrees (scenario 4) centigrade to the daily maximum temperature represented


the other three scenarios. The CO2 fertilization effect was not considered. For all these scenarios


and for each rice grid, simulations were carried out once every 5 days during the planting

Accepted Article



window for the main rice season using a planting window database (IRRI, UnPub). From these


simulations, the best planting date was selected based on the average highest yields of five years


for each planting date for each grid from scenario 1. The five-year average spikelet sterility for


the same planting dates from all the scenarios for each grid was chosen for the comparisons. The


percentage spikelet sterility in the simulations was calculated based on the number of spikelets


and number of grains.


Simulations under current weather quantify variability in spikelet sterility across the rice


grids (Fig. 6 and Table. 1). Some 39.5% of the rice area showed less than 5% spikelet sterility


and another 50% of the rice area has sterility ranging between 5 and 15% under the current


scenario (Fig 6A and Table 1). In general, sink size is in excess under potential conditions and up


to 30% of the spikelets could remain unfilled (Sheehy et al. 2001). Under scenario 2 (1 oC


increase), the area recording sterility between 5 and 15% increased to 62% (Table 1). The


percent area that recorded more than 30% sterility increased significantly with each degree


increase in temperature, i.e. 0.3% of the area under current conditions to as high as 24.4% with a

20 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

3-degree rise in temperature (Fig. 6 A and C; Table 1). Flowering in cultivated rice usually takes


place during the daytime. However, the time of day of flowering varies from early morning to


midday depending on the cultivar and environment as detailed earlier. The relationship built in


the model used was at best an approximation and a best possible representation to be used


regionally bearing in mind the available input data at this scale.

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Increasing temperature will affect several plant growth processes and spikelet sterility is


one of them. Among these effects, an increase in nighttime temperature is shown to decrease rice


yield (Peng et al. 2004; Welch et al. 2010). Currently, few models have the capability to simulate


the effects of increased temperature on different crop growth and development processes.


ORYZA2000 is one of the few that has a temperature response function to simulate spikelet


sterility. However, other aspects such as response to increased minimum temperature and the


interactions of increased temperature and RH (vapor pressure difference) need to be addressed to


reduce uncertainties in simulating future impacts of climate change. Process-based understanding


of these issues is a precursor to incorporating such functionalities into simulation models.


Conclusions and future perspectives


Solutions to overcome current challenges faced with increasing temperature-induced yield losses


have advanced significantly, but examining the complex issues surrounding grain quality losses


continues to be a major challenge. Additional challenges that could emerge with the transition


from fully flooded rice cultivation to water-saving technologies need greater emphasis to ensure


that the advantage gained under fully flooded conditions facilitates the transition with minimum


damage under a future warmer and drier climate. To ensure sustained adoption of water-saving


technologies under future hotter climates, rice cultivars with enhanced tolerance of heat and


combined heat and drought stress during the floral meristem stage will be crucial to complement

21 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

the progress achieved in overcoming the damage across other sensitive developmental stages


such as flowering. With a more recent increase in research interest in addressing HNT impacts


on rice, caution needs to be exercised in imposing the right levels of stress and targeting traits


that can overcome the damage under realistic field conditions. In addition, the dynamic change in


temperature amplitude due to differential day and night temperature increase could potentially


affect crops differently than the known mechanisms of damage induced by either HDT or HNT.


The emergence of tolerant cultivars such as N22, which can tolerate both HDT and HNT at


flowering and gametogenesis stages, and heat-escaping strategy by employing EMF or LEF,


provides excellent opportunities to breed heat escape, tolerance or a combination of both

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strategies to induce greater resilience in rice to increasing temperatures. The quest to identify


such novel donors that can tolerate heat stress across sensitive developmental stages and


different environmental conditions needs to be intensified to provide sufficient options to


mitigate the impact of heat stress across hot-dry and hot-humid locations. In principle, the rice-


growing areas currently in the hot-dry regions with an advantage from transpiration cooling


could well be much more greatly affected than hot-humid regions with reduced irrigation


availability or the transition to water-saving technologies. To overcome damage at the flowering


stage, phenotyping protocols have been standardized for quantifying pollen viability, but a more


reliable and high-throughput technique or markers that can potentially allow assessment of large


genetic panels have yet to be identified. In comparison to the impact of heat stress on yield, the


mechanism leading to grain quality losses is more complex and requires intensified efforts to


continue producing high-quality grain. An interesting relationship between altered assimilate


supply and the expression of starch metabolic enzymes opens up an opportunity to identify


mechanisms regulating panicle senescence that could extend grain-filling duration. A high-

22 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

throughput technique such as chlorophyll fluorescence imaging that could quantify the active


grain-filling duration would be a way to identify new germplasm with longer grain-filling


duration under stress. This extension of grain-filling duration would help counteract the direct


impact of heat stress and indirectly postpone the enzymatic trigger that stops active starch


metabolism in filling grains. Interestingly, the critical role of sugars/carbohydrates and invertases


in overcoming the negative impact of abiotic stress (cold, drought and heat stress) during


gametogenesis and early pollen development has been documented across cereals (Ji et al. 2010;


Jain et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2010). On the other hand, a higher CO2 resulting in increased


biomass and assimilate supply fails to reduce heat stress−induced spikelet sterility losses at the


anthesis stage (Madan et al. 2012), indicating a missing link to stress response in reproductive


organs across their developmental stages. Finally, the major factor driving climate change is


increased CO2 and it is projected to continue to increase gradually, but research indicates a lack


of amelioration of heat stress−induced yield loss under elevated CO2 conditions. However,


progress achieved through breeding efforts to safeguard sensitive reproductive processes from


heat stress would allow better use of the additional biomass accumulated from gradually


increasing [CO2]. Indeed, this is an intriguing hypothesis that could partially address the


persisting challenge to increase rice productivity in spite of a projected warming climate.

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23 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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Figure legends


Fig. 1 Rice plants maintained under fully flooded conditions exposed to control (30 oC) and heat


stress (39 oC) for consecutive 4 days (6 hours of stress [0900 to 1500] on each day following


Jagadish et al. 2010) coinciding with the panicle initiation stage resulted in no reduction in


spikelet fertility (A) or sink size (B). Grey striped bars are data obtained from independent


experiments and data for number of spikelets in N22 (6264) is not available. Numbers in


parentheses after the cultivar are the IRRI Genebank accession numbers. Bars indicate ±SE


(Jagadish et al. UnPub).

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Fig. 2 Soil, water and air temperature recorded using thermocouples under control (30 oC) and


high temperatures (39 oC) for consecutive 4 days (6 hours of stress [0900 to 1500] on each day


following Jagadish et al. 2010) coinciding with panicle initiation stage under fully flooded pots


in controlled environment chambers (A). Soil, air and panicle temperature under fully flooded


(puddled) transplanted rice (PTR) and direct-seeded rice (DSR) at 10 kPa (B), recorded using


water-proof temperature pendants (Onset HOBO data loggers, Utah, USA) for 15 days


coinciding with flowering. Panicle temperature on ten independent panicles was recorded under


PTR and 10 kPa DSR conditions using a thermal camera (NEC Avio Infrared Technologies Co.


Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Bars indicate SE.


Fig. 3 High night temperature (HNT) exposure under controlled environments (A) and field


conditions (B) shows contrasting responses to stress impact on spikelet fertility, with only the


former recording a significant decline in fertility. Published literature using environmentally


controlled growth chambers (control night temperature ranging between 22 and 27 oC and HNT


from 30 to 32 oC − Mohammed and Tarpley, 2011 and 2010; Cheng et al. 2009; Mohammed et


al. 2013) indicates HNT inducing a significant reduction in spikelet fertility. Under field 32

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

conditions (see supplementary Fig. S1 in Shi et al. 2013), exposure to optimum night


temperature between 22 and 23 oC and HNT ranging between 28 and 29 oC using two contrasting


cultivars (Shi et al. 2013) from a preliminary screen of 36 cultivars over four different seasons


exposed to day/night temperature of 22/27 oC (Zhang Y et al. 2013) indicated no reduction in


spikelet fertility. Similarly, diverse genotypes, across four seasons (two dry seasons (DS) and


two wet seasons (WS) at IRRI), involving HNT and different nitrogen levels (150 and 250 N


during the DS and 75 and 125 N during the WS) and interactions (Shi et al. UnPub. data


indicated by blue and white bars in panel B), including different indica cultivars and hybrids,


validate the hypothesis that HNT does not directly lead to a yield reduction through a decline in

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spikelet fertility. Average day temperatures across all the field experiments including Zhang Y et


al. (2013) and Shi et al. (2013) varied between 27 and 30 oC. Day temperatures ranged between


32 and 33.9 oC in Cheng et al. (2009) and Mohammed and Tarpley (2013), with Mohammed and


Tarpley 2010 and 2011 recording temperatures ranging between 31.6 and 32.8 oC.


Fig. 4 Time of day of flowering as an adaptive mechanism to mitigate high-temperature-induced


reduction in spikelet fertility. Data presented for Oryza sativa Koshihikari and Koshihikari early-


morning flowering (EMF) line were extracted from Ishimaru et al. (2010). The flowering pattern


of O. australiensis indicating the late-evening flowering (LEF) was obtained by recording the


flowering pattern over 5 flowering days (Quinones et al. UnPub) and supports the finding of


Sheehy et al. (2007).


Fig. 5 Pollen viability estimated using iodine potassium iodide (IKI) correlates poorly with


spikelet fertility under control (A; Y=0.43x + 43.42, R2=0.03, n = 31 entries) and more so under


heat stress (B; Y=0.02x + 84.93, R2=0.003, n=31). In vivo pollen viability measured by number


of pollen germinated on the stigma is strongly correlated with spikelet fertility under control (C;

33 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Y=0.22x + 83.51, R2=0.12, n=32) and with higher significance under heat stress (D; Y=0.23x +


2.15, R2=0.46, n=32). Black circles (Jagadish et al. UnPub) are data obtained simultaneously


from the same set of plants following the same crop management practices and exposed to 39 oC


following Jagadish et al. (2010) and white circles are data extracted from published literature


(Prasad et al. 2006; Rang et al. 2011; Jagadish et al. 2010).


Fig. 6 Spatial variability of percent spikelet sterility across South Asia with current (2006 to


2010) temperature as baseline (A), and , 2 oC (B) and 3 oC (C) increase in maximum



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34 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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Table 1 Percent rice area across South Asia and spikelet sterility induced under current and three


future scenarios, that is with 1, 2 and 3 oC increase in maximum temperature over the current


baseline (2006 to 2010) and coinciding with the critical flowering stage. Numbers in the table


indicate percent rice area.



Spikelet sterility (%)

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