ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

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Robust master–slave synchronization for general uncertain delayed dynamical model based on adaptive control scheme Tianbo Wang a,n, Wuneng Zhou b, Shouwei Zhao a, Weiqin Yu a a b

College of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, PR China College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, PR China

art ic l e i nf o

a b s t r a c t

Article history: Received 6 November 2012 Received in revised form 9 September 2013 Accepted 9 November 2013 Available online 21 January 2014 This paper was recommended for publication by Dr. Q.-G. Wang

In this paper, the robust exponential synchronization problem for a class of uncertain delayed master– slave dynamical system is investigated by using the adaptive control method. Different from some existing master–slave models, the considered master–slave system includes bounded unmodeled dynamics. In order to compensate the effect of unmodeled dynamics and effectively achieve synchronization, a novel adaptive controller with simple updated laws is proposed. Moreover, the results are given in terms of LMIs, which can be easily solved by LMI Toolbox in Matlab. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. & 2013 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Master–slave dynamical model Robust synchronization Time delay Stochastic effect

1. Introduction Synchronization of the dynamical systems has become a very interesting topic in recent years and has attracted many researchers from the fields of science and engineering to study it, which can be found in [1–6] and the references therein. Furthermore, synchronization techniques have been applied in the real world such as under-actuated mechanical systems [7], large scale robotic systems [8] and other fields [9,10]. As seen from the adopted synchronization control methods, they mainly include state feedback control [11], adaptive control [12–14], pinning control [15], impulsive control [16,17] and so on. “Master–slave” synchronization, as an important kind of synchronization types, means that two dynamical systems synchronize with each other in the way that the “slave” system mimics the motion of the “master” system [18,19]. Currently, there exist many papers on the synchronization of the master–slave systems. For example, the author studied the robust synchronization and fault detection for a class of neutral master–slave systems subjected to some nonlinear perturbations with time delays by using Lyapunov– Krasovskii functional and change of variables in [20]. Based on the comparison theorem for the stability of impulsive control systems, the authors considered the adaptive–impulsive synchronization of a master–slave system in [21]. For the discrete case, the authors


Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 86 2167791190. E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Wang).

investigated the synchronization control of a master–slave chaotic system based on the discrete-time Lyapunov stability theory and the linear matrix inequality framework in [22]. Besides, more results on this problem can be found in [23–25]. To the best of our knowledge, most of the existing literatures on the master–slave synchronization are mainly associated with two determinant dynamical systems or chaotic systems. However, for the dynamical systems with unmodeled dynamics or stochastic disturbances, the corresponding research results are much less. In this paper, we intend to study the robust master–slave synchronization problem for a general uncertain delayed dynamical system with unmodeled dynamics based on a novel adaptive control method. Our contributions are as follows: (i) The considered master–slave system model is very general, in which the unmodeled dynamics only need to satisfy the bounded condition. (ii) Our method could avoid the passive effect from the time delay for the synchronization of the master–slave systems. (iii) The proposed results are very concise. Moreover, if only the unmodeled dynamics are bounded, the existing method could fail to accomplish the synchronization. The master– slave system can achieve synchronization only through our method. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the investigated master–slave model and some preliminaries are given. In Section 3, a novel adaptive synchronization scheme is proposed. In Section 4, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. Finally, this paper is ended with a conclusion in Section 5. Notations: Rn and Rnm denote the n-dimensional Euclidean space and the set of all n  m real matrices, respectively. For a vector

0019-0578/$ - see front matter & 2013 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


T. Wang et al. / ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

a ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; …; an ÞT , letting signðaÞ ¼ ðsignða1 Þ; signða2 Þ; …; signðan ÞÞT . AT represents the transpose of matrix A, λmax ðHÞ stands for the maximum eigenvalue of real symmetric matrix H. The notation X ZY (respectively, X 4 Y), where X, Y are symmetric matrices, means that X  Y is a symmetric semi-definite matrix (respectively, positive definite matrix). In is the n  n identical matrix. ðΩ; F ; fF t gt Z 0 ; PÞ denotes the complete probability space with a filtration fF t gt Z 0 satisfying right continuous and F 0 containing all Pnull sets. Efg denotes the mathematical expectation.

Definition 2. For an n-dimensional vector a ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; …; an ÞT A Rn , we define its norms as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi n

‖a‖1 ¼ ∑ j ai j ; i¼1

‖a‖2 ¼


∑ j ai j 2 ;


‖a‖1 ¼ max fj ai j g; 1rirn

respectively. Remark 2. From Definition 2, it is easy to see that aT b r ‖a‖1  ‖b‖1 for any a; b A Rn .

2. Problem statement and preliminaries In this paper, we consider the following uncertain master–slave delayed dynamical model with stochastic disturbance: Master system: ( dxðtÞ ¼ ½AxðtÞ þ Bf ðxðt  τÞÞ þ Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ dt ð1Þ xðtÞ ¼ ϕðtÞ; t A ½  τ; 0: Slave system: 8 > < dyðtÞ ¼ ½AyðtÞ þ Bf ðyðt  τ ÞÞ þ Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τ ÞÞ þ uðtÞ dt þ φðtÞ dwðtÞ yðtÞ ¼ ψ ðtÞ; t A ½  τ; 0; > : ð2Þ where xðtÞ A Rn and yðtÞ A Rn are the state vectors of the master system and the slave system, respectively. A A Rnn and B A Rnn are two known real matrices, f ðÞ : Rn -Rn is a continuous vector function, positive constant τ 40 denotes the transmission time delay and is known. Δg i ðÞ : R þ  Rn  Rn -Rn ði ¼ 1; 2Þ are continuous vector functions and represent the dynamical uncertainties in the master–slave system. uðtÞ A Rn is the control input, w(t) is 1-dimensional Brownian motion defined on the probability space ðΩ; F ; fF t gt Z 0 ; PÞ with EfwðtÞg ¼ 0;

Efw2 ðtÞg ¼ 1:

The Rn-valued function φðtÞ denotes the noise intensity, where φðtÞ may be dependent on the states xðtÞ; yðtÞ; xðt  τÞ or yðt  τÞ. Continuous vector functions ϕðtÞ A Rn and ψ ðtÞ A Rn denote the initial conditions of the master–slave system. Let the state error of the master system and the slave system be eðtÞ ¼ yðtÞ  xðtÞ. Then we can obtain the following error dynamical system: deðtÞ ¼ fAeðtÞ þ B½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ þ Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ þ uðtÞg dt þ φðtÞ dwðtÞ:


Remark 1. Similar to [26,27], for a given positive scalar s 4 0, writing es ðtÞ ¼ yðtÞ  xðt  sÞ, we can obtain the following error dynamical system: des ðtÞ ¼ fAes ðtÞ þ B½f ðyðt  τÞÞ f ðxðt  τ  sÞÞ þ Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt  s; xðt  sÞ; xðt  τ  sÞÞ þ uðtÞg dt þ φðtÞ dwðtÞ:


Now, some definitions and assumptions which are quite standard and natural in the stability analysis of dynamical systems are given as follows. Definition 1. The master system (1) and the slave system (2) are said to be robustly exponential synchronization in mean square if there exists a positive constant ρ 4 0 such that   1 lim sup log E ‖eðtÞ‖2 r  ρ t-1 t


for any initial conditions ϕðtÞ; ψ ðtÞ and uncertainties Δg i ðtÞ ði ¼ 1; 2Þ.

Definition 3 (Gu [28]). For an n-dimensional stochastic differential system dxðtÞ ¼ f ðxðtÞ; xðt  τÞ; tÞ dt þgðxðtÞ; xðt  τÞ; tÞ dυðtÞ


with the initial condition ξðtÞ A R on t 4 0, where dυðtÞ is an mdimensional Brownian motion, f ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ : R þ  Rn  Rn -Rn and gðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ : R þ  Rn  Rn -Rnm are continuous differentiable functions. Letting VðxðtÞ; tÞ A C 2;1 ðRn  R þ ; R þ Þ, the operator LVðxðtÞ; tÞ is defined as n

LVðxðtÞ; tÞ ¼ V t ðxðtÞ; tÞ þV x ðxðtÞ; tÞf ðxðtÞ; xðt  τÞ; tÞ  1  þ tr g T ðxðtÞ; xðt  τÞ; tÞV xx gðxðtÞ; xðt  τÞ; tÞ ; 2


where V t ðxðtÞ; tÞ ¼ ∂VðxðtÞ; tÞ=∂t; V x ðxðtÞ; tÞ ¼ ð∂VðxðtÞ; tÞ=∂x1 ; ∂VðxðtÞ; tÞ=∂x2 ; …; ∂VðxðtÞ; tÞ=∂xn Þ and V xx ¼ ð∂2 V ðxðtÞ; tÞ=∂xi ∂xj Þnn . Assumption 1. Assume that the nonlinear vector function f ðÞ satisfies the Lipshitz condition, i.e., there exits a scalar H 4 0 such that pffiffiffiffi ‖f ðz1 ðtÞÞ  f ðz2 ðtÞÞ‖2 r H ‖z1 ðtÞ  z2 ðtÞ‖2 for any z1 ðtÞ; z2 ðtÞ A Rn . Assumption 2. Assume that the unmodeled dynamics in the master–slave systems (1) and (2) are bounded and there exist two positive constants L1 4 0 and L2 40 such that ‖Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ‖1 r L1 ;

‖Δg 2 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ‖1 r L2


for any xðtÞ A R . Assumption 3. Assume that there exist two positive definite matrices M 1 A Rnn and M 2 A Rnn such that

φT ðtÞφðtÞ r 2eT ðtÞM 1 eðtÞ þ2eT ðt  τÞM2 eðt  τÞ: Remark 3. Dynamical uncertainties often appear in some dynamical models, which closely affects the state trajectories and the stability of the dynamical systems (see [29,30]). However, there exist few results on the synchronization problem of the master–slave systems with unmodeled dynamics. Currently, there also exist many papers such as [31–34] to study the stability problem of uncertain dynamical systems, but most of them demand that the uncertainties have the form of ΔAxðtÞ ¼ DFðtÞExðtÞ with F T ðtÞFðtÞ r I, where D; E; FðtÞ are some matrices with appropriate dimensions. In fact, this is a linear growth condition and only suits for some special models. It is easy to see that the uncertainties in our paper are more general. Our main objective in this paper is to construct the following adaptive controller: 8 uðtÞ ¼  k1 ðtÞeðtÞ  k2 ðtÞ  signðPeðtÞÞ > < k_ 1 ðtÞ ¼ αeT ðtÞPeðtÞ ð8Þ > :_ k ðtÞ ¼ β‖PeðtÞ‖ 2


such that the master system (1) and the slave system (2) robustly exponentially synchronize, where α 4 0 and β 4 0 are two any positive constants. In order to achieve it, we provide two useful lemmas.

T. Wang et al. / ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

1 þ ðk2 ðtÞ  k^ 2 Þ2

Lemma 1 (Han et al. [35]). For any constant positive definite symmetric matrix Ω A Rnn and known positive constants hm and hM, if lðtÞ : ½hm ; hM -Rn is a vector function such that the integrations in the following are well defined, then ! !T Z Z Z h2 ðtÞ

ðh2 ðtÞ  h1 ðtÞÞ

h1 ðtÞ

lðϑÞΩl ðϑÞ dϑ Z T

h2 ðtÞ

h1 ðtÞ

h2 ðtÞ

lðϑÞ dϑ Ω

h1 ðtÞ

lðϑÞ dϑ

where h1 ðtÞ and h2 ðtÞ are differentiable functions and satisfy 0 o hm rh1 ðtÞ rh2 ðtÞ rhM .

þ γ3



and taking the differential of V(t) along the state trajectories of error system (3), we have ;

dVðtÞ ¼ LVðtÞ dt þ 2eT ðtÞP φðtÞ dwðtÞ:

e  cðt  sÞ

s 1


þ Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ þ uðtÞ

mðtÞ r he

 ɛðt  t 0 Þ


R1 0

þ eT ðtÞQeðtÞ  eT ðt  τÞQeðt  τÞ þ τeT ðtÞR1 eðtÞ Z t T Z t  eT ðsÞR1 eðsÞ ds þ 2 eðsÞ ds R2 ðeðtÞ  eðt  τÞÞ tτ


  2 þ ðk1 ðtÞ  k^ 1 Þk_ 1 ðtÞ þ ðk2 ðtÞ  k^ 2 Þk_ 2 ðtÞ þtr φT ðtÞP φðtÞ 2



¼ eT ðtÞðPA þ AT PÞeðtÞ þ2eT ðtÞPB½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ

rðs  ξÞmðξÞ dξ ds;

where t 0 Z 0; 0 r τ ðtÞ r τ; r ¼ pair of positive constants, then


From Definition 3, we get  LVðtÞ ¼ 2eT ðtÞP AeðtÞ þ B½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ





Lemma 2 (Liu et al. [36]). Assume that positive constants c; γ 1 ; γ 2 ; γ 3 satisfy γ 1 þ γ 2 þ rγ 3 o c, m(t) is a nonnegative continuous function on ð  1; þ 1Þ and satisfies the following inequality on an interval ½t 0 ; þ 1Þ: Z t Z t e  cðt  sÞ mðsÞ ds þ γ 2 e  cðt  sÞ mðs  τðsÞÞ ds mðtÞ r e  ct hþ γ 1 Z


eɛs rðsÞ ds; rðsÞ 4 0,

þ 2eT ðtÞP½Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ

τ and h are a

 2eT ðtÞP½k1 ðtÞeðtÞ þ k2 ðtÞ  signðPeðtÞÞ þ eT ðtÞQeðtÞ Z t eT ðsÞR1 eðsÞ ds  eT ðt  τÞQeðt  τÞ þ τeT ðtÞR1 eðtÞ 

t Z t0 ;



where ɛ is the unique positive solution of the following equation:


c  γ 1  γ 2 eɛτ  r γ 3 ¼ ɛ:

t tτ

T eðsÞ ds R2 ðeðtÞ  eðt  τÞÞ þ 2ðk1 ðtÞ  k^ 1 ÞeT ðtÞPeðtÞ

þ 2ðk2 ðtÞ  k^ 2 Þ‖PeðtÞ‖1 þtrfφT ðtÞP φðtÞg

Remark 4. The adaptive controller (8) can be divided into two parts. The first part is just the state feedback control, and the second part is to restrain the effect of unmodeled dynamics in the master–slave system inspired by the idea of the bang–bang control and the sliding mode control. On the other hand, in order to attain better control performance, we adjust the control gain according to the weight of the error state. Especially, the second part in controller (8) even relates to the sign of the error state components. So, controller (8) is much more novel.

¼ eT ðtÞðPA þ AT PÞeðtÞ þ2eT ðtÞPB½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ þ 2eT ðtÞP½Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ þ eT ðtÞQeðtÞ  eT ðt  τÞQeðt  τÞ þ τeT ðtÞR1 eðtÞ Z t T Z t  eT ðsÞR1 eðsÞ ds þ 2 eðsÞ ds R2 ðeðtÞ  eðt  τÞÞ tτ


 2k^ 1 eT ðtÞPeðtÞ 2k^ 2 ‖PeðtÞ‖1 þ trfφT ðtÞP φðtÞg:


We notice that 3. Adaptive synchronization control criteria

2eT ðtÞP½Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞÞ; xðt  τÞÞ

In this section, we will use the adaptive controller (8) to guarantee the master-salve system (1) and (2) to be the robust exponential synchronization in mean square. Theorem 1. Let Assumptions 1–3 hold. If there exist positive definite symmetric matrices P; Q ; R1 ; R2 A Rnn , scalars k^ 1 4 0; k^ 2 4 0; μ 4 0 and δ 4 0 such that P o μ  In ; 2 6

0 δ H  I n  Q þ μM 2

0 4 R2

Φ1 ¼ 6 6

R2  R2

PB 0


 τ  1 R1





 δ  In

7 7 7 5

2eT ðtÞPB½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ rδ



where Φ1;11 ¼ PA þ A P þ Q þ τR1 þ μM 1  2k^ 1  P, L ¼ maxfL1 ; L2 g, then the master–slave system (1) and (2) is robust exponential synchronization in mean square under the action of adaptive controller (8). T

Proof. Choosing the following Lyapunov function: Z t Z 0 Z t VðtÞ ¼ eT ðtÞPeðtÞ þ eT ðsÞQeðsÞ ds þ eT ðϑÞR1 eðϑÞ dϑ ds t τ

t t τ

T Z eðsÞ ds R2

t tτ


 1 eðsÞ ds þ ðk1 ðtÞ  k^ 1 Þ2


1 T

e ðtÞPBBT PeðtÞ

þ δ½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞT ½f ðyðt  τÞÞ  f ðxðt  τÞÞ 1 T

e ðtÞPBBT PeðtÞ þ δHeT ðt  τÞeðt  τÞ:

By Lemma 1, one gets Z Z t τ eT ðsÞR1 eðsÞ ds Z

o 0;

k^ 2 4 2L;






r 4L‖eT ðtÞP‖1




r 2‖eT ðtÞP‖1  ‖Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ  Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ‖1


t t τ

T Z eðsÞ ds R1


t tτ

 eðsÞ ds :


Thus, according to (15)–(17) and Assumption 3, we have LVðtÞ r eT ðtÞðPA þAT PÞeðtÞ þ δ

1 T

e ðtÞPBBT PeðtÞ

þ δHe ðt  τÞeðt  τÞ þ 4L‖eT ðtÞP‖1 T

þ eT ðtÞQeðtÞ  eT ðt  τÞQeðt  τÞ Z t T Z 1 þ τeT ðtÞR1 eðtÞ  eðsÞ ds R1 Z þ2


t tτ


t tτ

 eðsÞ ds

T eðsÞ ds R2 ðeðtÞ  eðt  τÞÞ  2k^ 1 eT ðtÞPeðtÞ

 2k^ 2 ‖PeðtÞ‖1 þ μ½eT ðtÞM 1 eðtÞ þ eT ðt  τÞM 2 eðt  τÞ ^ χ ðtÞ þð4L  2k^ Þj eT ðtÞP‖ ; ¼ χ T ðtÞΦ 1 1 1



T. Wang et al. / ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

Rt where χ ðtÞ ¼ ðeT ðtÞ; eT ðt  τÞ; ð t  τ eðsÞ dsÞT ÞT , 2 ^ 3 Φ 1;11 0 R2 7 ^ ¼6 Φ δH  In  Q þ μM2  R2 5; 4 0 1

P o μ  In ; ð19Þ


 τ  1 R1



δ 40 such that

1 T ^ PBBT P þ Q þ τR1 þ μM 1 2k^ 1  P. While and Φ 1;11 ¼ PA þA P þ δ the inequalities (9)–(11) have feasible solutions, by the Schur complement lemma, we yield

LV ðtÞ r 0





δH  In  Q þ μM2

0 4 R2

Φ3 ¼ 6 6






 τ  1 R1





3 7 7 7 5

 δ  In

o 0; 4n4n



for all t Z0. On the other hand, by Itô formula, we have dðeɛs VðsÞÞ ¼ eɛs ½ɛVðsÞ þLVðsÞ ds þ 2eɛs eT ðsÞP φðsÞ dwðsÞ:


Hence, for any t 4 0, we obtain Z t  Efeɛt VðtÞg  EfVð0Þg ¼ E eɛs ½ɛVðsÞ þ LVðsÞ ds 0 t

Z r ɛ1

where Φ3;11 ¼ PAþ A P þQ þ τR1 þ μM 1  2k^ 1  P, L ¼ maxfL1 ; L2 g, then the master–slave system (1) and (2) without uncertainties is exponential synchronization in mean square under the action of the following adaptive controller: ( uðtÞ ¼  k1 ðtÞeðtÞ ð29Þ k_ ðtÞ ¼ αeT ðtÞPeðtÞ: T


Efeɛs VðsÞg ds:



Proof. Similar to the proof of Theorem 1, choosing a Lyapunov function as

That is, EfVðtÞg r e  ɛt EfVð0Þg þ ɛ1




e  ɛðt  sÞ EfVðsÞg ds;

VðtÞ ¼ eT ðtÞPeðtÞ þ


where ɛ 1 o ɛ. Then by Lemma 2, we have EfVðtÞg r EfV ð0Þge  ρt ;


t Z 0;


where ρ ¼ ɛ  ɛ 1 . Due to



t tτ

Z eT ðsÞQeðsÞ dsþ

T Z eðsÞ ds R2

t t τ

0 τ


t t þs

eT ðϑÞR1 eðϑÞ dϑ ds

 1 eðsÞ ds þ ðk1 ðtÞ  k^ 1 Þ2 ;


with similar deductions, we can obtain Corollary 2.

VðtÞ Z λmax ðPÞeT ðtÞeðtÞ;


This implies

Remark 5. The lag synchronization problem is also an interesting topic for dynamical systems, which can be found in [26,27]. The master system (1) and the slave system (2) are said to be robust exponential lag synchronization in mean square if there exists a positive constant ρ 4 0 such that

  1 lim sup log E ‖eðtÞ‖2 r  ρ: t-1 t

  1 lim sup log E ‖es ðtÞ‖2 r  ρ t-1 t

Therefore, the master–slave system (1) and (2) robustly exponentially synchronize well. This completes the proof. □

for any initial conditions ϕðtÞ; ψ ðtÞ and uncertainties Δg i ðtÞ ði ¼ 1; 2Þ. It should be pointed out, under the action of adaptive controller (8), if the conditions in Theorem 1 are satisfied, then the master–slave system (1) and (2) is also robust exponential lag synchronization in mean square. However, to the best of our knowledge, for the master–slave system model, there still does not exist similar results until now.

then   EfVð0Þg  ρt E ‖eðtÞ‖2 r e : λmax ðPÞ

Next, we provide some useful corollaries associated with two special cases of master–slave system (1) and (2). Corollary 1. Let Assumptions 1–3 hold. If there exist positive definite symmetric matrix P A Rnn , scalars k^ 1 4 0; k^ 2 4 0; μ 4 0 and δ 4 0 such that P o μ  In ; "

Φ2 ¼





 δ  In

# o 0;



Remark 6. By means of the idea in [37,38], we will study the H1 synchronization, bilateral synchronization and state estimation problems on the master–slave systems with unmodeled dynamics and mixed time delays in our future work.


k^ 2 4 2L;


where Φ2;11 ¼ PA þ A P þ δH  I n þ μM 1  2k^ 1  P, L ¼ maxfL1 ; L2 g, then the master–slave system (1) and (2) without time delay (τ ¼0) is robustly exponential synchronization in mean square under the action of the adaptive controller (8).

4. A numerical example


Proof. Similar to the proof of Theorem 1, choosing a Lyapunov function as 1 1 VðtÞ ¼ eT ðtÞPeðtÞ þ ðk1 ðtÞ  k^ 1 Þ2 þ ðk2 ðtÞ  k^ 2 Þ2 ;




then we can obtain the results in Corollary 1 after some direct computation. □ Corollary 2. Let Assumptions 1–3 hold, if there exist positive definite symmetric matrices P; Q ; R1 ; R2 A Rnn , scalars k^ 1 4 0; μ 4 0 and

In order to show the effectiveness of our proposed method, we provide an illustration example in the section. It is well known that Chua's dynamical system is 8 _ > < x 1 ðtÞ ¼ 10½x2 ðtÞ  x1 ðtÞ  f 1 ðx1 ðtÞÞ x_ 2 ðtÞ ¼ x1 ðtÞ  x2 ðtÞ þ x3 ðtÞ ð32Þ > : x_ ðtÞ ¼  15x ðtÞ  0:0385x ðtÞ; 3 2 3 where f 1 ðx1 ðtÞÞ ¼ bx1 ðtÞ þ 0:5ða  bÞðjx1 ðtÞ þ1j  jx1 ðtÞ  1jÞ, a, b are two constants. Furthermore, it has been shown that the system (32) possesses a chaotic behavior if a and b are appropriately chosen. Obviously, the system can be written as the vector form _ ¼ AxðtÞ þ Bf ðxðtÞÞ; xðtÞ


T. Wang et al. / ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

where xðtÞ ¼ ðx1 ðtÞ; x2 ðtÞ; x3 ðtÞÞT , 2 3  10 10 0 6 1 7 1 1 A¼4 5; 0  15  0:0385


f ðxðtÞÞ ¼ ðf 1 ðx1 ðtÞÞ; 0; 0ÞT , B ¼ diagf  10; 1; 1g. Due to the fact that



x1(t) x (t)



x (t)


^ ^ 1 ðtÞÞj ‖f ðxðtÞÞ  f ðxðtÞÞ‖ 2 ¼ j f 1 ðx1 ðtÞÞ  f 1 ðx r ðj bj þ j a  bj Þ  j x1 ðtÞ  x^ 1 ðtÞj ^ r ðj bj þ j a  bj Þ  ‖xðtÞ  xðtÞ‖ 2


y (t) 3

y (t) 2


y (t) 1

−20 ^ A R3 , f ðxðtÞÞ satisfies Assumption 1. for any xðtÞ; xðtÞ We take the master system as


_ ¼ AxðtÞ þ Bf ðxðt  τÞÞ þ Δg 1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ xðtÞ


and the slave system as dyðtÞ ¼ ½AyðtÞ þ Bf ðyðt  τÞÞ þ Δg 2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ þ uðtÞ dt þ φðtÞ dwðtÞ;

Δg1 ðt; xðtÞ; xðt  τÞÞ ¼ ð sin ðx1 ðtÞÞ;  cos ðx2 ðt  τÞÞ; 1Þ ; Δg2 ðt; yðtÞ; yðt  τÞÞ ¼ ð cos ðx1 ðt  τÞÞ; 0:5; sin ðx3 ðt  τÞÞÞT ; φðtÞ ¼ ðx1 ðtÞ  y1 ðtÞ; 0; x3 ðt  τÞ y3 ðt  τÞÞT ; T

a ¼6, b ¼  0.75, τ ¼2. It is easy to verify that Assumptions 1–3 hold while setting H ¼ 7:52 ; L1 ¼ L2 ¼ 1; M 1 ¼ diagf0:5; 0; 0g and M 2 ¼ diagf0; 0; 0:5g. By the LMI toolbox in Matlab, we obtain the feasible solutions of the inequalities (9)–(11) as follows: 2 3 1:6743 0:0314  0:0221 6 7 2:1212 2:1213 5; P ¼ 4 0:0314 0:0221 2:1213 2:2719 2 3 129:6021  2:3307 0:0369 6 7 Q ¼ 4  2:3307 150:9423 0:02619 5; 0:0369 0:02619 163:3586 9:7733

6 R1 ¼ 4  6:6116 0:0957 2 2:6489 6 R2 ¼ 4  1:1102 0:0156




k^ 1 ¼ 80; k^ 2 ¼ 3; μ ¼ 26:5676; δ ¼ 2:1616. According to Theorem 1, we know that the master–slave system in this example robustly synchronizes well. Taking α ¼ β ¼ 0:1 and the initial conditions xð0Þ ¼ ð  30; 10; 30ÞT and yð0Þ ¼ ð50;  20; 50ÞT , we can draw some figures as follows. In particular, Fig. 1 shows the state trajectories of the master–slave system without control input. Figs. 2 and 3 present the state trajectories and the state error trajectories of the master–slave system under the action of the adaptive controller (8) for the given initial conditions, respectively, which shows that our designed controller is effective. Fig. 4 is the state trajectories of the updated laws in the adaptive controller, which shows that the control gains almost are constants. Remark 7. It is noted that Ref. [38] also studied the synchronization of dynamical systems with uncertain nonlinear terms by using a similar discontinuous controller as that in our paper. Furthermore, the nonlinear terms also satisfy the bounded condition. However, they did not consider the factors as the time delay and stochastic disturbances. In addition, the methods in the two papers are different. Compared with them, our proposed method need not do some complex computation and discussions. Furthermore, we may adjust the convergence rate by tuning the control gains α and β. Besides them, the method in [38] only could be used to solve low-dimensional dynamical systems such as



50 x3(t),y3(t) x2(t),y2(t)



7 70:6853 0:1531 5; 0:1531 71:2835 3  1:1102 0:0156 12:8618 0:0184 7 5; 0:0184 12:8662


Fig. 1. State trajectories of the master–slave system without control input for the given initial conditions.

x (t),y (t) 1










t/second Fig. 2. State trajectories of the master–slave system under the action of the adaptive controller (8) for the given initial conditions.

80 e (t) 1


e2(t) e (t)









respectively, where


0 −20 −40 −60 −80










t Fig. 3. The state error trajectories of the master–slave system under the action of the adaptive controller (8) for the given initial conditions.


T. Wang et al. / ISA Transactions 53 (2014) 335–340

300 [8]

250 k (t)



k (t)




















t/second Fig. 4. State trajectories of the updated laws in the adaptive controller (8).

[15] [16] [17]

1-dimensional or 2-dimensional ones, for the high-dimensional case, which is invalidate.

[18] [19]

5. Conclusion In this paper, we have investigated the robust master–slave synchronization for a class of uncertain delayed dynamical systems based on the adaptive control method. Different from some existing results, the unmodeled dynamics only need to satisfy the bounded condition. In order to achieve synchronization, a new controller has been constructed by using the idea of the bang–bang control and the sliding mode control. Numerical example has shown that our proposed method is effective. Acknowledgments





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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61203128), Tian Yuan Special Foundation (NO 11326132), the Chen Guang Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation (12CG65), the Domestic Visiting Project of Shanghai University Teachers, Connotative Construction Project of Shanghai University of Engineering Science (nhky-2012-13).




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Robust master-slave synchronization for general uncertain delayed dynamical model based on adaptive control scheme.

In this paper, the robust exponential synchronization problem for a class of uncertain delayed master-slave dynamical system is investigated by using ...
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