Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology

ISSN: 0300-9742 (Print) 1502-7732 (Online) Journal homepage:

Routine Quantitation of Rheumatoid Factors: ELSA or Nephelometry? A. O. Adebajo, T. E. Cawston & B. L. Hazleman To cite this article: A. O. Adebajo, T. E. Cawston & B. L. Hazleman (1992) Routine Quantitation of Rheumatoid Factors: ELSA or Nephelometry?, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 21:6, 302-304, DOI: 10.3109/03009749209099246 To link to this article:

Published online: 12 Jul 2009.

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Date: 16 April 2016, At: 03:02


Routine Quantitation of Rheumatoid Factors: ELSA or Nephelometry? A. 0. Adebajo, T, E. Cawston and B. L. Hazleman

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Rheumatology Research Unit, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK

R h c u in a t o i d f a c c)~r s are n t i bt )dies with specificity directed against antigenic determinants in the FC rcgion ot IgG. Rheurnatuid tactors are most common I y ;iswc i;1t c d with Ihe u m iiroid u rt hri t is , a rid the rneiisureincnt of thcsc antiglobulins has been an important tool i n the diagnosis of this disease for over h a l t a century ( 1 ). Numerous methods f o r the measurement of rheumatoid factors ( R F ) hace been used. The majority of routine laboratory tests have been based on the ability of R F to agglutinate latcx, bentonite, sheep red blood cells and other carrier particles coated with gamm~rglobulin.These tests are semiquantitaiive. a n d in order t o achieve accurate R F q u;I n t i t ;I t ion . sensitivity and s peci Cicit y , severa1 newer tests hiivc heen developed. These include r ad io;ic t i v c i ni in u n o;iss;i y , tl u o re sce n t i m m un oilssay, enzymc linked irnrnunoassay and riephelometric assiiy. The enzqrne linked immunoassay (ELISA) and ncphelormtric ii ys in particular have ga i 11 c 4 i n c re as I ng l y c o m m o n usage wo r I d - w i de . Whilst there are numerous different 'in house' versions of these two assays used by different Liboratories, comrncrcial versions are a recent develo p tne n t . Many hospital laborarories wishing to change from commercial semiquantitative tests to the n w c r commercial quantitative tests are being faced with ;I decision as to which assay to choose. Wc h ;I vc con se q u e n t 1y compared a co m me rc i a 1 1y avii i I ;i I-) le E L I S A met hod with ii com me rcia I l y avuilablc nephelornetric assay i n order to deter-

mine their relhtive merits in the rncasurement of rheumatoid factor in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and Methods

The subjects consisted of 1.50 patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( R A ) as defined by the 1987 A R A criteria (2), 1.50 patients with othcr inflammatory or n o n inflammatory rheumatic diseases (non-RA) and 150 healthy blood donors. The non-RA group consisted of 64 patients with osteoarthritis, 5 1 with polymyalgia rheumatica, 20 with rotator cuff tendinitis and 6 with Paget's disease. Sera from these patients was obtained during regular rheumatology clinic visits and together with sera from the blood donors, stored frozen prior to use. Nephelometric assays were performed on all sera using a Beckman Immunochemistry system l0OOO





Routine quantitation of rheumatoid factors: ELISA or nephelometry?

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology ISSN: 0300-9742 (Print) 1502-7732 (Online) Journal homepage: Routine Quan...
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