Scar Wars Strategies Target Collagen SAVINA Q. LOW, MD RONALD L. MOY, MD


eloids and hypertrophic scars frequently pose chronic and challenging problems. To treat them optimally, one should have insight into the pathogenesis of scar formation and keep abreast of new surgical, pharmacological, and therapeutic approaches to promote desirable outcomes. Current research in this arena is progressive. Novel approaches are being developed to add to our armamentarium of anti-scar weapons. Collagen has been the target of many anti-scarring research efforts. Elaborated by activated fibroblasts, it is the predominant component of scars. Collagen is a molecule composed of three polypeptide chains arranged as a right handed helix. Cross-links between staggered collagen molecules provide stability and strength to the extracellular matrix. Collagen turnover is normally regulated through maintaining a delicate balance between collagen synthesis(basically, transcription of the collagen genes or deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA] sequences to produce procollagen messenger ribonucleic acid [mRNA] sequences followed by translation of mRNA sequences by ribosomes to ultimately produce collagen protein) and collagenase-dependent degradation. During wound healing, the balance is temporarily altered. This can lead to excessive scar formation as seen in keloids and hypertrophic scars.

Collagen Synthesis Inhibitors To win the war against excessive scarring may be to gain control of collagen regulation. Through research in collagen metabolism, various biological response modifiers have been identified that decrease collagen synthesis in dermal fibroblasts.' Several promising examples are amino-acid analogues, procollagen peptides, D-penidlamine, pentoxifylline, corticosteroids,and interferons. In addition, putative cytokine modulators such as soluble cytokine receptors, autoantibodies to cytokines, and cyFrom the Department ofDermatology, University OfCPlifornia-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Ronald L Moy, MD, Department of Dermatology, 200 UCLA Medical Center Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0911.

0 1992 by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., lnc. 0148-0812/92/$5.00

tokine binding molecules may also be useful against excessive scarring. Interference of collagen synthesishas been achieved at the post-translational level using cis-hydroxyproline and azetidine carboxylicacid, structural analogues of proline. They have been reported to inhibit collagen synthesis, cell attachment, and proliferation in cultured human skin fibroblasts derived from healthy controls and patients with active progressive systemic sclerosis.2During translation, the proline analogues are incorporated into newly synthesized polypeptides of procollagen, called pro-a chains. Suffiaent quantities of proline analogues in procollagen can inhibit the formation of stable triple helical procollagen. These destabilizedpro-a chains are secreted from cells into the extracellular matrix at a reduced rate and are more susceptible to degradation by local proteases2As a result, net collagen production is diminished. Systemic administration of cis-hydroxyprolineand azetidine carboxylic acid in animal models of pulmonary fibrosis3and liver cirrhosis4has been reported to decrease excessive collagen deposition. Thus, these proline analogues appear to have clinical potential as anti-scarring agents. Amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal procollagen peptides have also been reported to decrease collagen synthesis in cultured fibroblasts. This was demonstrated in human and bovine skin fibroblastsSand human lung fibr~blasts.~*~ Both procollagen peptides caused sigruficant concentration-dependent decreases in procollagen mRNA and appear to exert their effects pretranslationall^.^,^ Much additional research is required to assess the true clinical potential of these agents. Effective at a later stage of collagen synthesis than proline analogues or procollagen peptides is D-penicillamine. This is the prototypical amino thiol that inhibits the In vitro, D-penicillasynthesis of collagen cro~s-links.~ mine chelates copper and thereby reduces the activity of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme that plays an important role in the formation of cross-links. In vivo, a secondary mechanism of action related to a direct effect on collagen crosslinkingrather than an effect on lysyl oxidase is thought to occur. Because uncross-linked collagen is more susceptible to degradation by collagenases, inhibition of crosslink formation leads to a net decrease in collagen deposi-


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ti0~1.l.~ Systemic D-penicillamine has been used with some success in the treatment of keloids, morphea, and generalized scleroderma,lO*llalthough studies using intralesional administration of D-penicillamine have not been reported. Well-designed clinical trials are required to further assess its clinical applicability. Pentoxifylline, an analogue of methyl xanthine theobromine is another potential weapon against excessive scarring. Pentoxifylline is a hemorrheologic agent used for intermittent claudication that has various effects on erythrocytes as well as dermal fibroblasts.12 It causes dose-dependent inhibition of collagen, fibronectin, and glycosaminoglycan production in human fibroblasts from keloid, scleroderma, morphea,13 and normal skin12 in vitro. Its ability to decrease cellular matrix products provides an impetus for further experimentation in vivo.

Cytokines Cytokines are some of the more novel agents currently under investigation. Two types, interferon (IFN) (-a, -p, and -7) and transforming growth factor-/?(TGF-B), have been clearly shown to have potent but opposite effects on collagen synthesis. Because the former inhibits and the latter stimulates collagen synthesis, promoting or suppressing their activities, respectively, may be useful in controlling collagen synthesis.

Interferons Of the three IFNs (-a, -p, -y), IFN-y appears to be the most well-studied and effective collagen synthesis inhibitor. IFN-y is a lymphokine that exerts a variety of biological effects. It has anti-viral and anti-tumor activity and is a potent immunomodulator. IFN-y binds to its specific IFN-y receptor, a cell membrane-anchored protein, and triggers several chains of events in the cell cytoplasm and the nucleus." Two consequences that are relevant here are inhibition of collagen ~ynthesis'~,'~ and promotion of collagenase production by cultured fibr0b1asts.l~ Initially, IFN-y was demonstrated to inhibit collagen production in human dermal fibroblasts in vitro, and it was proposed to be a potentially effective treatment for diseases characterized by excessive fibrosis.16 Similarly, IFN-y and IFN-/?were also shown to decrease collagen synthesis by dermal fibroblasts in v i t r ~ . ' ~Later, J ~ IFN-y was shown to inhibit fibrosis as a subcutaneous implant in live mice.19 It also effectively inhibited collagen synthesis in scleroderma fibroblasts in vitroZoand improved the symptoms of scleroderma in v i v ~ . ~ l Recently, a double-blind placebo controlled studyU and a non-controlled study" of intralesional IFN-y in the treatment of keloids in human subjects demonstratedsig-

nificant reductions in the size of lesions. In an independent report, reduction in the size and collagen synthesis of a progressively enlarging keloid was reported in one patient who was treated with IFN-a intradermal inject i o n ~This . ~ ~was associated with an in vivo and in vitro decrease in proteoglycan but not fibronectin synthesis by keloidal fibroblasts." These data support the use of IFNs to manage keloids and perhaps other scarring disorders.

Interferon-y Versus Corticosteroids Currently, the most common mode of therapy for hypertrophic scars and keloids is intradermal corticosteroids. The treatment of choice is intralesional triamcinolone acetonide 10 to 20 mg/mL.25 Corticosteroids decrease mRNA for collagen and selectively inhibit collagen synthesis but do not effect noncollagen protein synthesisz6 However, the main disadvantages of using corticosteroids are the possible adverse side effects including atrophy, depigmentation, formation of telangiectasis, and ~lceration.?~ On the other hand, the common adverse effects of keloidal treatment with intralesional IFN-y were reported as headaches and myalgias.U,23In general, the most commonly reported side effects of subcutaneous administration of IFN-y are constitutional. Symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, myalgias, and headache.28-30Indeed, a well-designed clinical trial comparing the efficacy and associated adverse effects of corticosteroid and interferon intralesional therapy is warranted.

Transforming Growth Factor$ The demonstratedusefulness of IFN-y suggests control of cytokine activity may be a key to successful intervention. In contrast with IFN-y, TGF-pis a cytokine that enhances extracellular matrix production by a variety of cells in vivo31and in v i t r ~ .It~is~associated , ~ ~ with increased procollagen gene expression in keloids,Mand is thought to be important in the pathogenesis of a variety of fibrotic processes such as systemic sclerosis,35eosinophilic fascigeneralized m ~ r p h e a ,hepatic ~~ and glomer~lonephritis.~~ Indeed, TGF-/? is a collagen synthesis stimulator with a myriad of activities related to wound healing. Found mostly in platelets39but also in a variety of cells such as activated macrophages"' and T lymphocytes," TGF-/? stimulates extracellular matrix formation, notably the deposition of fibrone~tin~~ and p r o t e o g l y c a n ~by ~ ~fibroblasts. ,~~ It also inhibits the proteolytic degradation of newly formed matrix proteins by increasing the synthesis of protease inhibitors and decreasing the synthesis and activity of proteases.'2*u


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Soluble Cytokine Receptors The inhibition of the effect of TGF-/3on the extracellular matrix may be a viable method to regulate the development of scar tissue. At present, physiologic mechanisms governing cytokine activity are unknown. However, there is evidence that natural soluble cytokine receptors present in vivo" and cytokine receptor-binding antagon i s t ~discovered ~ , ~ ~ in vitro may be important immunoregulators.'s Soluble cytokine receptors for TGF-/349as well as interleukin-2 (IL-2),m-52IL-4,'8s3 IL-6," IFN-y," and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)"*-56 have been described. Some have been characterized to be similar to membrane-bound specific cytokine receptor, but they lack the transmembrane an~hor.'~-~'They can compete with their respective membrane-bound receptor forms for cytokine binding and have been identified in normal human or mouse plasma or urine."*'sss2* A physiological role for these receptors is suggested by reports of elevated IL-2 or TNF soluble receptor levels in systemic lupus erythematosus, atopic eczema, malignancy, and various other disease statesM Most relevant to the present discussion are soluble TGF-Breceptors, which are specificproteoglycanstermed betagly~ans.'~ They are released by a variety of cultured cells including fibroblasts, epithelial cells, myoblasts, adipocytes, and osteosarcoma cells derived from several mammalian species and are found in cell-conditioned culture media, fetal calf serum, and extracellular matriC ~ S They . ~ ~ are suspected to mediate TGF-/3 activity by serving as pericellular reservoirs of bioactive TGF-B." Further research into the putative role of soluble TGF-/3 receptors may yield clinical applications for keloid and hypertrophic scar treatment.

level of TGF-/3 regulation that could be exploited clinically.

Other TGF-&binding Molecules In human serum or plasma, the major binding protein of TGF-/3 is a,-macroglobulin ( C X , - M ) .It~ ~is~present in high concentrations and binds nonspedcally to proteinases as well as various cytokines" such as platelet-derived growth factor.= When bound to certain proteinases such as plasmin, mature a,-M assumes an activated state that has an increased affinity for TGF-/lM When bound to native or activated a,-M, TGF-/3is in a latent form.6z63 Although the physiological function of a,-M is unknown,a,-M may be a cytokine scavenger that mediates rapid plasma clearance of TGF-/3 and directs TGF-/3 to macrophages, fibroblasts, and other cells expressing a,M An immunoregulatory role is further suggested by the association of elevated a,-M concentrations with pregnancy and Additional TGF-P binding molecules that may also modulate this cytokine's activity are decorin, biglycan, and glomerular TGF-/3binding proteins. The two extracellular matrix proteoglycans, decorin and biglycan, inhibit the activity of TGF-/3and may serve as local negative feedback regulators."' Although an inhibitory effect is not known for other TGF-/3 binding molecules such as betaglycans and rat glomerular TGF-/3 binding proteins,71 TGF-Bbinding capacity suggests possible immunomodulatory roles that may be explored.

Summary Autoantibodies to Cytokines Regulation of cytokine activity is thought to be a complex interactive network also involving autoantibodies to cySeveral studies have demonstrated the existence of naturally occurring and disease-associated autoantibodies against several c y t ~ k i n e s . For ~ ~ sexample, ~ plasma levels of autoantibodies to TNF-a are sign&cantly elevated in chronic disease and inflammatory state^.^^,^ In addition, autoantibodies to IFN-y61 and IL158 have been reported in healthy blood donors. Although autoantibodies to TGF-Phave not been described, intravenous administration of antiserum against TGF-/3 has been shown to decrease excessive extracellular matrix production in an animal model of proliferative gl~merulonephritis.~~ Like soluble cytokine receptors, autoantibodies might serve as natural cytokine-specific camers or inhibit0rs.5~These findings suggest another

Hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation are clinical problems with effectively limited solutions. Although numerous methods have been devised to combat them, this articlefocuses on promising pharmacologic strategies that target collagen metabolism. Laboratory investigations of amino-acid analogs, procollagen peptides, Dpenicillamine, and pentoxifylline have demonstrated them to be effective inhibitors of collagen synthesis in cultured cells and/or in animal models. Clinical trials of intralesional administration of interferons have shown impressivereductions in the size and collagen production of keloids. Furthermore, interference of extracellular matrix-enhancing cytokines, such as TGF-/3, may be an effective solution to keloids and hypertrophic scars. Additional research of soluble cytokine receptors, autoantibodies to cytokines, cytokine receptor antagonists, and cytokine-binding molecules may lead to the development of better therapeutic agents.


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Scar wars strategies. Target collagen.

Hypertrophic scarring and keloid formation are clinical problems with effectively limited solutions. Although numerous methods have been devised to co...
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