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Journal of Personality Assessment Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
Sculpture Preferences and Personality Traits Louis A. Moffett & Ralph Mason Dreger Published online: 10 Jun 2010.
To cite this article: Louis A. Moffett & Ralph Mason Dreger (1975) Sculpture Preferences and Personality Traits, Journal of Personality Assessment, 39:1, 70-76, DOI: 10.1207/s15327752jpa3901_11 To link to this article:
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Journal of Personality Assessment, 1975,39, 1
Sculpture Preferences and Personality Traits LOUIS A. MOFFETT and RALPH MASON DREGER Louisiana State University Summary: Factor analyzed the preference ratings of 70 male and 70 female undergraduates for 36 slides of sculpture. A principal factors solution with orthogonal rotations yielded 6 factors: ambiguous abstraction vs. controlled human realism, mildly distorted representation, emotional detachment, traditional portraiture vs. surrealism, highly distorted representation, and geometric abstraction. Some of these factors were similar to the Apollonian, the Dionysian, and the Pythagorean dimensions previously postulated by Nietzsche and Knapp. Preference scores for each factor were computed and correlated with scores on the 16 PF and with selected educational and physical variables. A few small, significant (p .05) correlations were found, supporting the hypothesis that artistic style preferences resemble the personality traits of the spectator.
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