Current Eye Research

Volume 1 1 riumber 12 1992, 1147- 1160

Selenite nuclear cataractogenesis: a scanning electron microscope study Ruth S.Anderson and Thomas R.Shearer

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Departments of Biochemistry and Ophthalmology, Schools of Dentistry and Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR 97201, USA

ABSTRACT The sequential changes during selenite nuclear cataractogenesis were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and correlated with slit lamp observations. A posterior opacity, visible with the slit lamp 1-2 days after injection of sodium selenite, was found to consist of masses of vacuoles in the superficial posterior cortex by SEM. 2-3 days post injection, a biomicroscopic refractile ring around the nucleus was represented by SEM abnormalities suggesting membrane damage and possible loss of cytosol in the perinuclear region. All normal structure in this region was lost by 5 days after injection when the central nucleus had become opaque. SEM also showed evidence for damage in areas which were still clear by slit lamp examination. Changes, characteristic of aging, were found near selenite induced damage in peripheral (younger) fibers.

formed, slit lamp examination showed that masses of vacuoles had developed around the equator, and later total cortical opacity was observed in a high proportion of the selenite injected rats (4,5). Light microscopy showed gross destruction of the cortex at the time the cortex was opaque. The rats which did not develop cortical opacity showed only minor biomicroscopic changes but rather severe histologic abnormalities (5). The cortices in both groups eventually became clear biomicroscopically and had near normal histology but the nuclear cataract was permanent. Thus, light microscopy has described general histological changes occurring during selenite


In young rats, a single injection of sodium

cataractogenesis, but the technique was limited by relatively low magnification. Transmission electron

selenite causes rapid formation of cataracts, which

microscopy (TEM) provided high magnification of

are useful models for the study of cataractogenesis

selenite nuclear cataract (61, but only small areas

(11. Biomicroscopic observations showed a dense

could be examined. Scanning electron microscopy

posterior subcapsular opacity within 24 hours after

(SEMI allowed the whole lens to be examined in one

injection, a later perinuclear refractile ring, and dense

field for areas of interest which can then be examined

nuclear cataract 3--5 days post injection (2). Light

in detail at higher magnification. Bunce e t al. (7)

microscopy showed the posterior subcapsular opacity

used SEM to examine lenses from rats with mature

to be due to multiple vacuoles in the peripheral cortex

nuclear cataracts, but not during their development.

and the perinuclear refractile ring was associated

The purpose of the present study was to use SEM to

with intense basophilia and distorted fiber outlines.

localize morphologic changes in different regions of

The nuclear opacity consisted of a severely

the lens at various stages of selenite

degenerated peripheral nucleus surrounding a central

cataractogenesis. These were then compared with

granular region (3). After the nuclear opacity had

slit lamp and biochemical observations.

Received on February 26. 1992: accepted on November I I , 1992

G Oxford University Press


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MATERIALS AND METHODS Litters of rats were obtained from B & K International (formerly Bantin and Kingman), Fremont,

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CA. and injected with 3 0 umoles Na,SeO,/kg

on the

available, figures in this report show cross fractures together with longitudinal fibers. We avoided artifact as much as possible by

day the eyes opened(13-14 days after birth).

processing control and experimental

Controls were uninjected littermates. Mother rats

lenses simultaneously so that fixation, dehydration,

were maintained on standard laboratory chow

critical point drying and coating were identical. We

(Wayne F-6) and tap water ad libitum. Eyes were

were also careful to observe comparable regions in

examined daily with the slit lamp after dilation with a

experimental and control lenses. Animals were used

mixture of atropine and phenylephrine and processed

in accordance with the ARVO Resolution on the use

for scanning electron microscopy at appropriate

of Experimental Animals in Research.

stages. Lenses with opaque nuclear cataract were used for SDS-PAGE electrophoresis as previously


described (8).

The B & K strain of Sprague Dawley rats used in this

Preparation of lenses for SEM was based on the

study developed nuclear cataracts slightly more

method used by Kuszak et al. (9). Rats were killed

slowly and cortical cataracts somewhat more rapidly

with carbon dioxide and eyes were removed

than those used in previous studies (2).The

immediately. After the backs of the eyes were

sequence of biomicroscopic changes noted above and

opened, they were immersed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde

their biomicroscopic appearance was, however,

in 0.07 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2 for I - - 2

identical. Since slit lamp photographs have been

hours. The lenses were then carefully removed from

published previously (21, they are not included here.

the globes and reimmersed in fresh fixative. Lenses

All control lenses were biomicroscopally clear. For

were fixed for 3 days (with several changes) at room

selenite lenses, the characteristic slit lamp

temperature and then washed in 0.07M cacodylate

appearance together with the time after injection are

buffer for 24 hours. They were post-fixed in 1 %

listed in the text headings below. Additional slit lamp

OsO, at 4°C for 24 hours. Osmium was washed out

information is added in the text if it relates to SEM

in cacodylate buffer (24 hours), and lenses were


dehydrated in a graded series of acetone

Control lenses observed by SEM showed little

concentrations starting with 30% and ending with

change during the five day period reported here. The

acetone dried over a molecular sieve. Lenses were

locations of the regions studied in selenite

critical point dried in a Pelco 1250 critical point dryer.

cataractogenesis are shown in Figure 1. This

Fractures were initiated on the dried lenses with a

diagram is superimposed on a low magnification SEM

razor blade or fine scalpel to expose an AP plane in

photograph of the lens of an 18 day old rat which is

the center or periphery of the lens. The former were

a control for five days post selenite injection. In later

oriented to show narrow sides and the latter the

figures, SEM details of control lens fiber morphology

broad sides of the fibers. After being glued to

are shown together with selenite induced changes in

aluminum stubbs, the specimens were sputter coated

the same regions. For orientation characteristics of

with 30nm paladium-gold. Observations were made

the regions in control rat lenses are summarized

with a JSM-T330A scanning electron microscope and



Current Eye Research Anterior Pole

The central and peripheral nucleus (Fig. 1) are distinguished from one another because each region reacts very differently to selenite injection. Unlike



the central nucleus, the peripheral nucleus has Y sutures and must therefore contain secondary fibers. In conventional terminology, the central and



peripheral nucleus are probably comparable to the


embryonic and fetal nucleus, respectively. In control



lenses, the fibers of the central nucleus were Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/30/14 For personal use only.

convoluted and the surface was relatively smooth, but multiple small mounds covered the surface of the peripheral nuclear fibers. The perinuclear region refers t o a narrow band of fibers immediately adjacent to the peripheral nucleus, which appears to be especially susceptible to early damage by selenite. In the perinuclear region of control lenses, SEM showed fibers which were uniform in size and shape. Their surfaces were relatively smooth except for faint ridges and sparse

PY /f Posterior Pole Figure 1. Low magnification of control lens with superimposed diagram for orientation. CN -= central nucleus; PN = peripheral nucleus; Perinuc = perinuclear region; CX = cortex; SF = superficial fibers; AY = anterior Y suture; PY = posterior Y suture.

interlocking devices. With the slit lamp, this region showed no special differences from the rest of the

lens fibers are similar to those reported by other

lens. By SEM, the control cortex consisted of

investigators (9-14) whose studies were concerned

mature, terminally differentiated fibers and

with lenses from adult animals and often involved

superficial immature fibers. The mature fibers had

other species. Our study used lenses from immature

abundant interlocking devices in mid cortex, but

rats, which can account for minor differences.

superficial fibers showed no interlocking devices.

Posterior subcaDsular cataract (1--2 davs Dost

They appeared to be coated with fine particles so

selenite iniectionl

that their margins were not clearly defined. The structure of the Y sutures was complex and in

In the biomicroscopically clear control lenses, SEM showed no vacuoles in posterior superficial cortical

our preparations they were sometimes open,

fibers, but they were covered with masses of

especially near the periphery. This could have been

unidentified small particles (Fig. 2a). In selenite

artifactual. However, it is more likely due to the

lenses, the posterior superficial opacity observed with

immaturity of the rats used in this investigation.

the slit lamp, was associated with SEM appearance

Open Y sutures in comparable rats were also

of patches of vacuoles in the peripheral posterior

observed by light microscopy in a previous study (3).

cortex (Fig. 2b and 2c). The vacuoles appeared to be

The epithelium, present only on the anterior surface

intracellular. Vacuolated fibers were larger than

of the lens, was used for orientation to localize the

adjacent fibers which were similar to those of

anterior and posterior sutures and other areas in the

controls from the same region.

lens. Our observations on SEM appearance of normal

perinuclear and nuclear region showed no

Although the


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biomicroscopic opacity, SEM showed intracellular

Fibers in the perinuclear region of selenite lenses

damage in selenite lenses. In control lenses, the

were distorted (Fig. 3c), lacked interlocking devices

membranes appeared to be intact and the cytosol of

and the surfaces showed pronounced ridges (Fig. 3d).

cross-fractured lens fibers was apparently uniform

Patches of membrane were lost, possibly at the site

(Fig. 2d). Most of the membranes of perinuclear

of the missing interlocking devices.

fibers of selenite lenses also remained intact except

rather sparse clumped cytoplasm within the fibers

for possible loss of interlocking devices.

where the internal structure was visible.


There was

patches of membrane were lost during preparation,

Vacuoles in the posterior superficial cortex had

multiple small empty spaces were interspersed

regressed at this stage, but fibers in this area seemed

between solid structures in the cytosol (Fig. 2e).

to be undergoing further degeneration (Fig. 3e). They

Cross-fractured fibers in the nucleus also had a

were distorted and ridged, and a few small spherical

porous appearance with somewhat less open space

bodies were found in the damaged area. No

(data not shown). Anterior and equatorial cortical

abnormality was found in the other parts of the

fibers showed no difference between control and


experimental lenses.

Central nuclear oDacitY (five davs Dost iniectionl iniectionl

Biomicroscopically in selenite lenses, the center of

In selenite lenses, the refractile perinuclear ring

the nucleus was totally opaque and surrounded by a

Refractile Derinuclear ring (2--3 davs


visible with the slit lamp corresponded to the

clear or faintly hazy area within the refractile

perinuclear region observed with SEM. The SEM

perinuclear ring

photographs shown in Fig. 3a--3d were from a

refractile rings had appeared in the cortex which was

fracture of the equatorial region peripheral to the

otherwise completely transparent. Some lenses also

nucleus which were oriented to show the broad side

showed large superficial equatorial vacuoles with the

of fibers in the perinuclear region. The broad sides of

slit lamp.

control lens fibers from this region were uniform in


By this time, multiple concentric

The most striking SEM feature in selenite lenses

size (Fig. 3a) and had minor ridges (Fig. 3b). Fiber

was the large number of spherical bodies

surfaces and interlocking devices were intact.

(Morgagnian globules

Cytosol in fractured control fibers appeared solid (Fig.

structure in the perinuclear region. The spherical


bodies were concentrated in the Y sutures (Fig. 4a),

Figure 2. In selenite lenses, biomicroscopy showed posterior subcapsular opacity 1-2 days post injection. a. Control: Posterior superficial cortex. Fibers are covered with small particles, but there are no vacuoles. (500X, Bar = 50 um) b. Selenite: Posterior superficial cortex showing masses of vacuoles. (500X, Bar =50um) c. Higher magnification of 2b, vacuoles appear to be intracellular, note patch of degenerating cytoplasm (arrow). (2000X, Bar = 10 um)

d. Control: Perinuclear region, cross-sections of fibers (arrows) show solid uniform contents. There were no longitudinal fractures. (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) e. Selenite: Perinuclear region, cross-sections of fibers had a perforated appearance (broad arrow), longitudinal fractures showed multiple small empty spaces, a periodic arrangement of remaining solid material near membrane (small arrows) and possible damage to interlocking devices. (2000X, Bar = 10um)

?I and the total loss of normal



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Current Eye Research but they were also found at the equator (Fig. 4b) and

the remaining contents (Fig. 4i). In the outer cortex

often extended around the nucleus. In contrast the

of selenite lenses, patches of ridged fiber surface and

fibers in the perinuclear region of control lenses had

multiple small mounds were present (Fig. 4j).

relatively uniform elongated fibers (Fig. 4c).

Superficial equatorial vacuoles, visible with the slit

Individual nuclear fibers from control lenses

lamp, were also observed by SEM (Fig. 4k). These

remained intact and appeared to be filled with solid

vacuoles often contained inclusions which appeared

uniform cytoplasm (Fig. 4d and 4e). In selenite

to consist of tangles of threadlike structures (Fig. 41).

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lenses, fibers of the peripheral nucleus were severely damaged. The membranes, apparently more fragile

Loss of cytosolic material in both the cortex and

than those of controls, fractured during preparation

nucleus of lenses with opaque nuclear cataracts 5

revealed large empty spaces, suggesting loss of

days after selenite injection was confirmed by SDS-

cytosol (Fig. 4f). Note that the biomicroscopically

PAGE electrophoresis (Fig. 5). Electrophoresis

dense opacity was in the central nucleus and that the

showed loss of soluble and insoluble

peripheral nucleus was clear or showed only a faint

(cytoskeletal) proteins from both the nucleus and

haziness by slit lamp examination. The membranes in

cortex. Loss of high molecular weight proteins was

the central nucleus also fractured, but, in contrast to

accompanied by increased low molecular weight

relatively empty peripheral nuclear fibers, the


cytoplasm of fibers in the central nucleus appeared to be filled with particulate material (Fig. 49). Cortical fibers of control lenses had smooth membranes which did not fracture during preparation

DISCUSSION SEM gave new information on the cytologic

and had many interlocking devices (Fig 4h). In

changes in lenses undergoing selenite

selenite lenses, the cortex was clear by slit lamp

cataractogenesis. It also confirmed previous light

examination, but SEM showed extensive localized

microscope studies (3) which demonstrated that early

destruction at all levels of the cortical fibers. In the

posterior superficial opacity was due to extensive

mid cortex of selenite lenses, there was apparent

vacuolization, followed by disturbances in the

localized loss of cytosolic material and clumping of

perinuclear region and later abnormalities in the

Figure 3. In selenite lenses, biomicroscopy showed refractile perinuclear ring 2-3 days post injection. Fig. 3a--3d are oriented to show the broad side of fibers in perinuclear region. a. Control: Size and shape of fibers is uniform except for minor artifactual variation. Surface with typically few interlocking devices is intact. (2000 X, Bar = 10um) b. Control: Higher magnification of part of 3a; ridges on fiber surfaces are barely visible. (5000X, Bar = 5um) c. Selenite: Size and shape of fibers is highly variable

so that some fibers appear to be swollen and others shrunken. Note variation within individual fibers, loss of interlocking devices and localized loss of membrane (arrows). (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) d. Higher magnification of part of Fig. 3c showing localized loss of membrane and clumped fiber contents. Note elaborate system of ridges on fiber surfaces. (5000X, Bar = 5um) e. Selenite: Peripheral posterior cortex showing remnants of vacuoles (straight arrows), distorted fibers with ridged surfaces (curved arrows) and small spherical bodies. (2000X, Bar = 10um)



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Current Eye Research nucleus which correlated with biomicroscopic

Possible loss of membrane at the site of missing


interlocking devices suggested that these devices are

In selenite injected rats, the earliest lens change observed with the slit lamp was a posterior

Ridges on the fiber cell surface were seen in

subcapsular opacity which appeared within the first

control fibers (Fig. 3b), but they seemed t o be

day after injection and later extended over the whole

exaggerated in selenite lenses (Fig. 3d). Patches of

back of the lens except the posterior Y suture. By

ridged membranes also were found in the cortex at

SEM, this opacity was correlated with vacuoles

the site of the regressing posterior superficial opacity

which appeared to be intracellular within swollen

(Fig. 3e).

superficial fibers (Fig. 2b and 2c). However TEM Curr Eye Res Downloaded from by University of Auckland on 11/30/14 For personal use only.

especially susceptible to selenite induced damage.

Ridges have been associated with maturation and

studies would be necessary to confirm this. In

aging of fibers by others (9-13). In selenite

previous studies, lens epithelium showed damage

cataracts, ridges were observed near cataractous

within a few hours after selenite injection (4).

damage in peripheral young fibers (Fig.4j).

Possibly selenite induced damage to the epithelial

they were always found in a damaged area and

pump mechanism led to the accumulation of water at

included young fibers, ridges probably represented

the back of the lens where no epithelium is present.

part of the degenerative process.

During the second day after selenite injection, a


In preliminary studies of early secondary cortical

decrease in the extent of the posterior subcapsular

cataract (which develops after the nuclear cataract),

cataract and a refractile ring around the lens nucleus

we have observed increased amounts of similar

were observed with the slit lamp.

structures and also microvilli, another characteristic

This biomicroscopic refractile ring was correlated to

of aging (12).near cataractous damage in relatively

damage in the perinuclear region shown by SEM (Fig.

young fibers. Thus, selenite cataractous changes

3c and 3d).

appear to mimic aging changes in lens fibers. Similar

Figure 4. In selenite lenses 5 days post injection, biomicroscopy showed an opaque central nucleus, clear peripheral nucleus and clear cortex except for multiple concentric refractile rings. a. Selenite: Perinuclear level anterior Y suture containing masses of spherical bodies (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) b. Selenite: Perinuclear level, equator. No normal fiber structure, apparent fusion of membranes and numerous spherical bodies. (2000X, Bar = 10um) c. Control: Perinuclear fibers uniform in size and shape except for minor artifactual changes (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) d. Control: Peripheral nucleus near posterior Y suture. Fractures show solid fiber contents (arrows). Textured appearance of fibers is due to masses of small mounds which cover the surface of these older fibers. (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) e. Control: Central nucleus showing uniform solid fiber contents (arrows) and intact surfaces. Irregular conformation is associated with normal aging changes. (2000X, Bar = 1Oum)

f. Selenite: Peripheral nucleus near posterior Y suture. Note apparent loss of cytosol (arrows). (2000X, Bar = IOum) g. Selenite: Central nucleus showing some loss of membrane and particulate appearance of fiber contents. (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) h. Control: Mid-cortical fibers, unfractured fiber membrane is smooth except for characteristic numerous interlocking devices. (2000X, Bar = 10um) i. Selenite: Localized damage in mid-cortical fibers. Note fractured membranes with loss of cytosol and clumping of contents. (2000X, Bar = 1Oum) j. Selenite: Outer cortical fibers. Note ridges (arrowheads) and numerous small mounds (arrows) on surface of fibers. (5000X, Bar = 5um) k. Selenite: Superficial cortical vacuoles near equator containing clumps (arrows). Wide arrow points to edge of lens near equator (capsule lost), crack in vacuole is artifact. (IOOOX, Bar= 10um) I. Higher magnification of structure at upper arrow in Fig. 3k. Note threadlike appearance. (10,000 X, Bar = 1um)


Current Eye Research selenite lenses (Fig. 2b, 2c, 2e, 3c, 3d, 4f, 49, 4i, 4j). This indicates that the membranes were more '





fragile in selenite lenses. TEM might reveal structural membrane damage in the sites indicated by SEM.

97 66

Loss of main intrinsic membrane protein (MIP 26) has been shown in selenite nuclear cataract (17). It is


interesting that early membrane damage, as seen by


SEM, occurred in the perinuclear region which was separated from the site of future opacity.

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When the perinuclear refractile ring became visible




C Se C Se

C Se C Se

with the slit lamp (2-3 days post injection), perinuclear fibers were irregular in shape and size,

Figure 5. SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis by SDS-PAGE of proteins from lens cortex and nucleus of control (C) and cataractous selenite (Se) lenses from rats at 5 days after injection. S = molecular weight standards (kilodaltons). "Sol" = water soluble fraction, and "Insol" = water insoluble fraction. Bands at arrow and below are crystallins and asterisk indicates cytoskeletal region in controls. Note loss of bands from both regions together with new low molecular weight bands in selenite lenses.

possibly due to uneven uptake of water. Rapid changes in dry mass concentration, probably caused by rapid shifts in water distribution within the lens have been described in selenite cataract (18). By the time the nuclear opacity had developed (5 days post injection), extensive fracture of membranes together with apparent loss of cytosol was found in the peripheral part of the nucleus (Fig. 4f) and in the cortex (Fig. 4i) although these regions were

ridges were observed in the microphthalmic

essentially clear biomicroscopically. Fracture of

(Browman strain) rat (13) and the Emory mouse

membranes during preparation suggested increased

cataract (14).

fragility, probably due to loss of protein. Fracture of

In human lens fibers, square arrays (non-

membranes revealed fiber contents and indicated that

communicating junctions) were found in ridges (15)

there was loss of cytosol within affected fibers

and in fine globular elements ( 1 6) similar to the small

where the remaining contents were clumped and

mounds found near selenite cataract (Fig. 4j).

irregular. This contrasted sharply with fibers of

Vrensen et al. ( 1 6) suggested that square arrays

control lenses in which the membranes remained

associated with the fine globular elements were part

intact and cross fractures showed uniform solidly

of a protective mechanism which separated diseased

packed cytosol.

and healthy fibers, thus conserving transparency.

Loss of cytosol in selenite lenses was also

Ridges and small mounds adjacent to damaged areas

suggested by electrophoresis. Electrophoresis of

in selenite cataract should be investigated with

nuclear and cortical proteins by SDS-PAGE showed

freeze-fracture techniques to determine whether

breakdown or loss of crystallins and cytoskeletal

square arrays are present.

proteins with accumulation of lower molecular weight

Membranes of control lenses remained intact after

polypeptides (Fig.5). Similar results were obtained in

preparation for SEM (Fig. 2d., 3a, 3d, 4c, 4d, 4e and

earlier studies which showed that the above

4h), but localized membrane losses occurred in

proteolytic changes were progressive during selenite


Current Eye Research nuclear cataractogenesis. Increased proteolysis in

Calpain proteolysis is important in selenite

the cortex was a new finding and probably reflects

cataractogenesis (8) and may be part of the

the beginning of the secondary cortical cataract in

mechanism which produces spherical bodies in

which cortical opacity is first observed with the slit

cataractous lenses.

lamp 15--20 days after selenite injection in this strain of rats (unpublished data).

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Calcium concentration was elevated in both the

Threadlike structures observed in vacuoles of newly damaged fibers (Fig. 41) may have been cytoskeleton detached from the membrane, but not yet destroyed.

cortex and nucleus (data not shown) of selenite

Possibly, breakdown and loss of soluble lens protein

lenses from the strain of rats used in this study. High

(8) during selenite cataractogenesis exposed these

calcium concentration in the nucleus, but not the

structures and made them visible with SEM. Both

cortex in other strains also was shown previously (7,

ankyrin and spectrin, involved in attachment of other

8, 19) and is compatible with the hypothesis that

cytoskeletal elements to the plasma membrane (361,

calpain II, a calcium activated protease, plays an

have been found in lens (37,381. Both are substrates

important role in the observed degenerative changes.

for calpain (39, 40) and loss of cytoskeletal elements

It was surprising that the central nucleus, which was

has been described in human cataracts (41, 42).

totally opaque by slit lamp examination, showed

Further study of the cytoskeleton in the selenite

relatively high amounts of cytoplasmic content (Fig.

cataract model seems warranted. Studies should

49). This may have been related to the high

include light microscope and SEM observations on

concentration of g crystallins in the nucleus which

lenses which have been treated to remove soluble

are not degraded in selenite cataract (20).

proteins. TEM studies with antibody labelled

Spherical bodies similar to those found in the perinuclear region have been reported in several human cataracts (21, 22) as well as experimental

cytoskeletal elements at different stages and locations also would be useful. The present SEM investigation has shown that

sugar (231, radiation (24, 25) and genetic (14, 26)

biomicroscopically clear areas in the lens had already

cataracts. Mousa e t al. (27) induced formation of

sustained severe damage including loss of cytosol

similar spherical bodies by incubation of rat lenses

and membrane defects. SEM observations were

with agents which caused microfilament and tubulin

supported by biochemical data in this and earlier

disorganization. Spherical bodies resembling those in

studies. These findings are compatible with the

lenses also have been observed in other types of

hypothesis that early selenite-induced damage to the

cells. These "blebs" could be induced to form by

lens epithelium allows a net influx of calcium causing

high calcium levels (28-30) and were associated with

activation of calpain resulting in partial proteolysis

increased membrane permeability (31) and

and opacity.

disturbances of the cytoskeleton (32-34). Nicotera et

al. (35) reported that leupeptin, a calpain inhibitor, protected hepatocytes from blebbing (and loss of viability) and the authors suggested that calcium

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Partially supported by NIH Grant #EY03600 to

activated protease attack on cytoskeleton was part

T.R.S. The authors thank Mr. Mitsuoshi Azuma and

of the mechanism which caused certain blebs.

Mr. Jay Wright for expert technical assistance.




R.S. Anderson, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry,


Oregon Health Sciences University, 61 1 S.W. Campus Dr., Portland, OR 97201

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Selenite nuclear cataractogenesis: a scanning electron microscope study.

The sequential changes during selenite nuclear cataractogenesis were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and correlated with slit lamp ...
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