Hattrow, a spare old shikaree from the Soonderbuns, admitted on 2nd December, 1864, with several extensive and deep lacerated wouads, in a sloughy condition, upon portions of left abdominal and lumbar regions, with considerable amount of pain and swelling. Many of the wounds communicated with each other by sinuses, which were laid open by free incisions. ]jo Infus. cinchonse gij, tinct. opii mx. ft. haust. ter in die sumend. Hab. licp opii sed. mm, ex aqua camphora hora somni. Applic. cerat. resin. 14t/i December.?Wounds continue tc slcugh. Applic. acid nitric, fort. m. xv. Infus. cinchonse 3\j potass chlorat. 3i M. ft. haust ter in die sumend. 19th January, 1865.?Since last report patient continued to improve, and Avas discharged?cured.

Severe Tiger-Bite.-Recovery.

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